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Miscegenation Trolls


The man who pretends to be César Tort

This post has been updated on June 5th.

In 2022 Kevin MacDonald published a review I wrote about a book by a Mexican Jew. In the comments section of that article, I wrote:

I would like to take this opportunity to let TOO visitors know that for some time now a troll has been impersonating me on the racial right forums. Generally, when I comment on a forum I do so with my initials, ‘C.T.’ (I make the exception here because I have signed the above article with my full name). To avoid confusion I have decided to only comment on my website and occasionally on The Unz Review, always with my initials ‘C.T.’ So I ask TOO visitors that if, with the exception of this thread, you see a comment on a racialist forum with my full name, consider that comment suspicious as it may have been posted by the troll who impersonates me.

This year I said when talking about another webzine, Occidental Dissent, that this racialist forum (OD, not TOO) kept posting comments from the troll-stalker who has been saying silly things, for years, using my full name.

I assumed that the racialists on other forums had gotten the memo, but no! I just noticed that there is a thread where the troll-stalker posted, on Counter-Currents, several comments under my full name and the commenters on that thread replied to him thinking it was me!

I know I’m not going to get this troll-stalker, Dr Morales, off my back because this Brazilian doesn’t like what I’ve been saying about miscegenation in Latin America. But I would like to say that, if you see a ‘Cesar Tort’ posting on any racialist forum, it’s not me.

Fortunately, Greg Johnson approved a comment by me, the real César Tort, in the thread where I am mentioned several times. But some sections of the thread are somewhat surreal, in that commenters were interacting with this impersonator believing it was me.

The photo that Dr Morales used as his avatar in his trollish comments.

I call Morales a stalker because he has followed me around this site for years and has tried to post trolling comments under countless sockpuppets.

His obsession with me is almost absolute. The visitor can click on the ‘Trolls’ category at the top of this post to see the tip of the iceberg of what Morales has done over the years. One of my posts under that category was titled ‘Troll army’, before I realised that the entire ‘army’ (of sockpuppets) was a single person: a Brazilian who abhors what I’ve been saying about mestizaje committed south of the Rio Grande.

The IP below Morales’ e-mail is from Brazil (that email is legitimate by the way, as Morales sent me a couple of insulting messages via that email).

Racial right Trolls

On Brad Griffin

Bradley Dean Griffin (nom de plume ‘Hunter Wallace’) from Alabama, the head of the website Occidental Dissent, continues to accept comments from the troll posing as me even after, yesterday, a commenter named Ster informed Griffin of the following, after quoting me:

“A pen pal overseas has informed me that someone, who surely hates me for what I write here, has been impersonating me in the comments section of Occidental Dissent (OD) writing nonsense and using my full name. I haven’t been able to locate the specific threads because the admin of that site has been unwilling to respond to my emails. I guess the admin also hates me for my criticism of his site!” [link to The West’s Darkest Hour’s previous article] seems like a jew trick. Why haven’t you fixed this? [bold emphasis added]

I don’t know this Ster nor have I had contact with him (unless he has commented on this site under another name).

The Jewish troll (or whoever he or she might be) is irrelevant. What matters is the fact that Griffin didn’t want to fix the problem, as Ster advised him. Such behaviour shows the level of his moral calibre.

Miscegenation Trolls

Troll infestation

According to Wikipedia (actually, WikiPravda), ‘a concern troll is a false-flag pseudonym created by a user whose actual point of view is opposed to the one that the troll claims to hold. The concern troll posts in web forums devoted to its declared point of view and attempts to sway the group’s actions or opinions while claiming to share their goals, but with professed “concerns”. The goal is to sow fear, uncertainty, and doubt within the group often by appealing to outrage culture. This is a particular case of sockpuppeting and safe-baiting’.

There is a possibility that what was said in my previous post by the ‘second Brazilian’ is a tale spined by one of the many trolls that have been infesting this site. But whoever pointed that out to me that possibility is himself a troll!

I’ve never really thought seriously about what commenters say, unless those are comments that are perfectly in line with my National Socialist point of view.

But considering that Adunai fooled me for so long under the sockpuppet of ‘Anti-Natalist’, and now this story of the death of the Brazilian ‘John Martinez’ (the other Brazilian who told us this story hasn’t responded to my emails), I think I must put an end to this.

The case of the Brazilian troll using the pen name of ‘Dr Morales’ is quite interesting. He is obviously a ‘concern troll’ according to the wiki definition above. Both in Adunai’s forum and here he has begged us to dedicate our time to ‘our people’ (as if I were or feel Mexican!). It bothers this Latin American greatly that the focus of our discourse is the Aryan Man.

If I call Latin America the subcontinent of the blue pill, it is precisely because the inferiority complex of the mestizo (or harnizo, or castizo, i.e. guys with some or little Indian blood) is so overwhelming that there are no ‘Neos’ willing to swallow the red pill here. None.

In my Spanish blog we see that even many Spaniards don’t want to swallow it and for the same reasons: having mixed so many centuries with the Carthaginians, Arabs and Jews, the vast majority are now mudbloods.

But back to the subject of this post. Remember that, to avoid such a mess, last December I warned that I was going to close the comments section—which I did, but only for a month and a half.

This time I won’t close it. But for the first time since I started blogging at the end of 2008, I will pay close attention to each comment. Before approving any comment I will check and see if it strictly complies with the sentence that, in dark red, I added yesterday to the sticky post: ‘Only these men will be allowed to comment on this site’.


Internet hoaxer

Update of December 13: I just changed the title of this post from ‘João Almeriz de Lima (1978-2019)’ to ‘Internet hoaxer’. It has been confirmed that John Martínez (the name ‘João’ is the invention of a hoaxer) is alive. It means that a week ago I wrote the following post under the illusion that Martínez was dead; which is why I din’t intend to dox him (dead persons cannot be ‘doxxed’):

______ 卐 ______


A Brazilian who sinned against the holy ghost?

This article is a postscript to ‘Extermination I’: a piece from 17 September 2014 that received 76 comments (incidentally, I have since renamed my book from Exterminio to ¿Me Ayudarás?). This postscript will only be understandable to those who have read that long 2014 post or are familiar with the intense debate it ensued. I write the present postscript for those who are interested in an update on that surreal anecdote.

* * *

On the London bus, those red double-deckers, very crowded and full of non-whites I remarked to the Brazilian that I had seen several bi-racial couples in the great British city that day of my arrival: something that shocked me. Smiling, he told me that it was punishment for what the British had done to the Germans in the Second World War. More than once, and on one occasion rather vehemently, the Brazilian who claimed to fight for the fourteen words told me that he was the last in his biological line; that he would never, ever father a child.

But oh surprise: the recent German translation in the German section of this site, of an old article by the Brazilian, prompted another Brazilian to comment on this site (see the discussion threads here and here). Originally, the first Brazilian introduced himself as ‘John Martinez’, the name used in the recent German translation. But according to the second Brazilian, his real name was João Augusto Almeriz de Lima, who was born on April 24, 1978 in the city of Niterói (near Rio de Janeiro) and died in the same city on November 22, 2019. He only discovered his real name after João passed away two years ago due to pancreatic cancer.

I have no way of corroborating the story of this second Brazilian, who says he met João at least eight times in Brazil, which is why I put a question mark in the subtitle of this post. If true, João (I’ll call him that from now on) was a liar.

As we saw in my 2014 post ‘Extermination I’, what annoyed me the most about João was that for more than half an hour he left me on a subway station without any warning whatsoever, even though I hadn’t slept on the plane. The bastard went to buy beers and even drank them while I was obfuscated, confused and sleepless in a hostile environment. No Aryan would have treated a comrade like that but João was a pardo (product of the three Brazilian races), phenotypically almost a mulatto I’d say. As I confessed in the comments section seven years ago (syntax revised):

The fatal mistake I made before the trip, and this is a lesson for everyone who meets people online, is that I completely ignored that he belonged to another social class. A mistake, of course: because I had to meet him personally to disabuse myself of this idealised vision. Later in my trip I met real gentlemen at the BNP and the London Forum, real old-fashioned gentlemen, as well as Arthur Kemp, the young commenter Joseph Walsh and Jez Turner. My mistake was precisely confusing the Brazilian with someone like any of them. It’s not about money. My family can live comfortably but since I rebelled decades ago I was left penniless. It’s about kindness, courtesy, chivalry—virtues that genocidal Nazis had towards other Germans even in the grimmest jobs. In other words, as I’m perfectly aware of the type of lumpen to which the Brazilian belongs, if I had known him before I’d have treated him quite differently.

Incredibly, writing under the pen name John Martínez, João himself was perfectly aware of it!:

But the thing is: as an over 80% White guy who knows both the White and the non-White psyches, I can assure you that I for one have many inherited personality traits which are clearly non-White and which demand constant surveillance on my part to keep them under control… My point is: do you guys really want to run the risk of injecting some Black and other non-White genomes into the White gene pool of a future White Homeland without knowing exactly how it will play out in the long run in terms of behaviour, intelligence, etc., from those affected by it? As I said before, I don’ have a dog in this fight for the reasons I mentioned above. But looking at this question from a purely objective and cold perspective, I don’t think it’s a good idea having in mind what is at stake. Remember, once you miscegenate your blood, there’s no turning away from what you did.

So true. And later in that very thread João added:

I’m an honest believer in the one-drop rule, albeit to my own personal detriment. The fact is that I’m too racially aware not to notice, much to my chagrin, disturbing Black / Indian / Mestizo personality traits in myself: traits that demand, from my part, eternal surveillance in order to be properly suppressed or controlled. Believe me, guys, a partially non-White person will always and inevitably have some (literally) dark corners in his soul. For this reason, I think it would be desirable for a future White Homeland to make it mandatory that would-be citizens are required to produce a DNA test attesting his / her 100% purely White genome. A verifiable White DNA must be the only acceptable passport for such a nation. And in the case of any possible non-White pioneers like me being admitted into its borders, they should have a different, non-citizen legal status and, above all, sterilization should be made absolutely mandatory.

Indeed. But according to what his compatriot said recently in the comments section of this site, João impregnated a white woman and now his mongrel kid lives in London. João wasn’t sterilized in Cuckold Island precisely because of the British sins during and after WW2!

Just for visitors to see the dark corner (*) of the mongrel soul, take a look at a brilliant post on Portuguese miscegenation with blacks about which João commented on in 2013 that I included in the 1st edition of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour.


(*) ‘Dark corner’ not in the sense of what he wrote in that year, which is incredibly insightful, but what he did next: father a son.


A note to trolls

A recent comment from a European commenter who likes the American movie Fight Club makes me think: hasn’t he grasped the spirit of this site, or what a priest of the new religion is?

If I have been saying for over a decade now that Hollywood, pop music and the media are absolute excrement that is what I believe. Some people come here to comment without realising that I mean it!

Anyone who likes any manifestation of pop culture isn’t, by definition, a novice to the priesthood of the 14 words, and shouldn’t try to comment here.

There are no good messages in almost any film of the last few decades, although I have said that a couple of interpretations of Jane Austen’s novels could do the apprentice priest a lot of good. Almost everything else is utter excrement: and it’s bothering that some who comment think my stance is disingenuous: that I actually like, or tolerate, some pop culture.

Not only does it make me absolutely nauseous, but my intolerance is absolute. Recall a recent post in which Savitri said that television should be aired for only half an hour a day, and then only for the propaganda purposes of something like a Fourth Reich.

(Lot and his Daughters escaping from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, a painting by Juan de la Corte: 1585-1662.) Anyone who likes even a single degenerate film shouldn’t dare to comment here. My purism is more than extreme: it is exterminationist hatred and trying to engage with trolls only wastes my time translating the priestess’ book.

Update of November 27:

As this post continues, in a way, in the comments section, I have included this screenshot of it where they can be seen in case WP takes down this site and only the PDFs can be seen in the backup (blank spaces mean that the converter could not convert the images of YouTube clips).

Bible Racial right Trolls

Troll army

My last comment has given me an idea. Compared to the white nationalist forums this site has very few followers. It would be ideal to have at least a hundred young fans, even teenagers, to troll those forums with the arguments and historical facts of this site.

For example, to each christcuck that we meet in those forums we could call him names: ‘Jew-obeyer Joe Doe has said such and such, to which I respond like this and that’. But the term Jew-obeyer also refers to secular racialists who haven’t broken with the morals left to us by the gospel author.

As I have said countless times, Christianity in general and the Bible in particular is a recipe for exterminating the white race. Have you already read Kevin MacDonald’s first volume of his trilogy on Jewry? While the Old Testament commands strict ethnocentrism for the Hebrew people (MacDonald’s first book), the New Testament written for the Gentiles commands a loving universalism for everyone else.

Unlike the Nazis of the previous century, the vast majority of American racialists have undertaken the quixotic task of saving their race without violating the moral commandments of the fictional Jesus. And since both the Old and New Testaments were written by Semitic authors, nationalists who haven’t transvalued their values to how the values stood before Constantine are literally Jew obeyers. The term is not even an insult: it’s a simple definition of what they are.

I wish, as I said, that enough followers trolled the main sites of white nationalism every time their admins publish articles in which these so-called anti-Semites unconsciously obey the Jew. And if your comments are blocked or not allowed to pass, shake the dust off your sandals and preach my gospel at The Unz Review, which tolerates all points of view and republishes the articles of those other forums.

Child abuse Trolls

Who will comment on this site?

The day after tomorrow I could pay for the post office box (now the offices are closed) but I still don’t know if I’ll actually rent that box to receive mail. Before I come to a conclusion, I would like to explain again why the way of commenting in this forum should be different from how I allowed it for a decade.

The fact is that we live in the darkest hour for the white race since prehistory. The founding story that westerners created after World War II is a story that makes whites feel so guilty that they can only atone for their purported sins through racial self-immolation. I believe that even so-called white nationalists share, in some way, this suicidal passion: as we saw from my entry on January 1st a few years ago, which I later chose in my collection of essays Daybreak.

If today’s whites are insane, the only way to save them is for at least some Aryan males to wake up and find out what’s happening. This is very difficult, since doing so requires to transvalue Christian values to National Socialist values: something that, as we have seen, normies and even white nationalists simply won’t do.

But since salvation depends on the chain reaction I was talking about in my post yesterday, it is essential that these Aryan men are perfectly in line with what we are talking about. Otherwise, the chain reaction won’t ever happen.

In other words: I cannot allow anyone, no matter how intelligent, to comment because handing the microphone to those who don’t believe in Hitler’s ideals would only demoralise the candidates for the priesthood of the fourteen words. It’s as simple as that, and I could illustrate it with the antinatalism we’ve been discussing the last few days.

In my Christmas present I said that I have practically not interacted with Jews in my life. It’s true, but I was referring to the people I met personally, not those I’ve met on the internet. Before discovering pro-white forums I only interacted on forums that address the issue of parental abuse of their children.

When I was living in Gran Canaria in January 2009, I wrote one of my first posts for The West’s Darkest Hour (WDH) while it was still on Blogspot. The entry was about one of the most prominent figures among the readers of Alice Miller, the psychologist and former therapist Daniel Mackler, and the post can still be read: here (the brief hatnote of that article is of 2010). Mackler disappointed me, and I didn’t understand why: as he is very smart and knows a lot about the subject of child abuse. Mackler was then, and I suppose he still is, a consummate antinatalist and although I never met him personally we argued a lot in his bulletin board that, in time, Mackler himself took down.

A year after my disappointment with Mackler I learned about the Jewish question, which revolutionised the way I saw the West. Although in the above video Mackler is right that Jordan Peterson sides with the perpetrators (the parents), in the past I never fully understood why I hated Mackler, who never treated me badly in his forum.

It was only until I understood the Jewish question that I realised that Mackler’s antinatalism might also have a more sinister motive, though probably an unconscious drive in his mind. The point is, Mackler is ethnically Jewish and we already know what Jews do: try to convince whites to become extinct. Mackler, as far as I know, was not preaching his antinatalist philosophy to the Orthodox Jewish community of New York, where he lived when we met online. He used to preach antinatalism to the Gentiles, although he himself won’t have children.

I broke all contact with Mackler since I wrote my article on him linked above. Nowadays I wouldn’t even try to argue with a Jew about Aryan preservation. But I’ve been arguing with a couple of antinatalists in the present incarnation of WDH. Their antinatalism cannot contrast more with what can be read by the end of On Exterminationism where we saw how the SS treasured the purely Aryan birth-rate.

Do you see where we go from here? I am not accusing that pair of antinatalists with whom I recently argued of being Jews. They are simply subscribing to an ethnically suicidal ideology that has no place on this site. As what I wish is for WDH to become a kind of nuclear reactor so that the force of the first neutrons will hit other neutrons I cannot allow a single voice of dissent. The fourteen words are not on the table of negotiation: we must secure the existence of Aryan people and a future for white children and that means natalism, not antinatalism.

By Monday I will have concluded how I will solve this problem: whether or not to rent a postal box for non-SS commenters, or if it will be enough to receive emails. At the moment you can write to me by email but let it be clear: if you send me an email, that doesn’t automatically mean that I will upload it in the comments section.

3-eyed crow I.N. (commenter) Trolls

Dear Mr. Cesar,

Excuse me for the lengthy text.

I understand how crucial it is for you to move towards this direction [basically close the comments section] given how much you have pondered about it for years now and I applaud you for it. The fact that you tolerated this insufferable situation for so long is a testament to your patience. However, by doing so you remove an indispensable aspect that should define discourse between us National Socialists so as to exchange viewpoints and answer questions.

This has been an integral feature of your site as apart from your entries, the comments too did aid me in acquiring a perfected exterminationist worldview. You must cultivate a climate for dialogue and encourage your viewers to engage in conversation among them. If you shun it your page might lose much needed traction and visitors and we need to assist you in amassing a wider audience of Whites willing to arrive at the truth.

If you wish to attract a larger audience and maybe even ‘steal’ followers from ‘mainstream’ WN sites like Counter Currents and American Renaissance you might want to think again about resorting to such strict censorship. That way you can redirect their focus to your revolutionary site and maybe witness a steady shift in their mentality as they begin to reject their old digital hangouts and dedicate their attention to you if your teachings take hold. Additionally, this radical approach of yours might make it impossible for people living on the other side of the Atlantic to opine on your entries.

Indeed, most commenters were unable to cross the psychological Rubicon to gain a higher understanding of the root causes that have culminated in the West’s ongoing downfall and it started to become frustrating but you can’t let this indignation get the better of you. Let them stagnate in the middle of the river and drown.

It will be a pity to have the rest of us who are of sound judgement and servants of the 14 words be lumped in with impudent buffoons like Adunaii or depressed defectives like Simon Elliot / Autisticus Spasticus. I admit that some of their comments may seem smart and sophisticated from a purely neutral standpoint, and I am not neutral but intrinsically bound to the ground of the radiant bucolic landscape that enchants and permanently captivates everyone who disembarks on the riverfront lying on the opposite side of the Rubicon. (It appears the journey across happens amidst intense fog/Christian ethics, that’s why most lose track of the destination and end up at the riverbed, never managing to even glance at the promised Utopia achievable only through the axiology of National Socialism.)

Said process of ‘conversion’ happened pretty much instantaneously thanks to stumbling upon your work and due to my own life experiences, research and conclusions. But commie sympathisers like Adunaii and abject, puerile defeatists like Elliot have to be expelled for reasons of adamant ideological consistency and devotion to the sacred cause summed up in the 4 and 14 Words.

Only through the Religion of Hate will we be able to exact holy racial vengeance and purify the flora and fauna of this planet by disposing of the sadistic vermin (dimwitted, dark skinned and two-legged mostly) that stains and defiles it once and for all and thus establishing a truly just, fair and beautiful Earth encompassing New Order in the biological sense. A world filled with staggeringly gorgeous Aryan nymphets and youths to roam it gracefully with kindness, respect, modesty and empathy and meant only for those worthy of living.

Anyway, I digress. Though this tactic relieves you from the burden of putting up with the absurdly preposterous (as in not sharing your justified hatred yet) content in the posts of some annoying slowpokes, some commenters could provide very informative insights and it would be a loss to miss out on that.

Some (extremely few in fact) deserve to be granted permission to keep commenting on this site. At least allow a very select number of them like Mauricio, Joseph Walsh (I have been keeping up with your site since April 2019 and I haven’t seen his profile in the comments for a while and I cannot remember if he has made an appearance in the last two years so I don’t know if he is still active), [Anti]natalist44 (thankfully he changed his idiotic surname, he might be a bit pessimistic but he is also necessarily cynical which can enlighten the Aryan about how hypocritical they are) or Apollokult among others like him who surprisingly fully align with your principles which, in all honesty, should be common knowledge and even maxims embedded into our culture.

Or at least slightly alter this policy you have adopted. You could enable the option to post comments that are sent exclusively by e-mail instead. The absence of a comment thread will automatically dissuade dummies, normies and white nationalists from bothering to leave their undesirable opinions on this gem of a site. Or efilists for that matter.

Could you not appoint some voluntary admins to filter the comment section and dispatch the outcasts that would dare trespass on your webpage? I am not cognizant of the intricacies involved in operating a site or the terms of use/service of WordPress by the way. I do not disagree with you per se, I actually partially welcome this initiative. I still I urge you to reconsider though.

Your site encapsulates the very essence of what the White Man must do in order to survive which is admittedly to ‘think more ruthlessly than Himmler’. That is quite a demanding task to undertake and assuming the only stimuli they receive that leads them down this path is your site then you can be sure it is going to take a while before they cross over to Level 9. Though as betrayed by your disappointment, few people appreciate the effort you put into awakening them.

At best it happens instantly (like with me) and at worst it needs an incessant bombardment of Nordicist literature for a couple of years. Let us be confident that the continuous reading of all that your site has to offer will be the catalyst that drives them to shatter their flawed and indulgent worldview which derives from the allegiance to a false, self-abasing and ultimately suicidal morality.

The prerequisite is to shake off the persistent indoctrination that has been passed down from generation to generation and has become so ingrained into our psyche (not mine, I have always been an atheist and a staunch critic of the afterlife paranoia) that it has developed such resilient antibodies to ensure its firm grip over the Aryans’ responses and actions. Tough job but something as unlikely as this can transpire. You remember what Tikhar said earlier this month.

Anyway, I have never seen a Priest of the 14 Words (you coined this term) devote his life so holistically to the materialisation of Aryan resurgence and domination despite being tainted by foreign blood. You are truly much more Aryan than the overwhelming majority of Aryans. You are a prophet and a benefactor to our run down race. Frankly, pretty much no one else articulates the harsh truth in such a precise, crystal clear and no holds barred manner.

Keep struggling and sending out three-eyed ravens to educate prospective broken Brans by imbuing them with retrocognition so that they endeavour to uplift the ever dissipating Whites from their demoralising and self-destructive state.

I merely wanted to leave my contribution for the second and last time apparently (unless another e-mail of mine impresses you so as to warrant its own entry). I think of you as an underrated and obscure (not recognised enough) hero of these end times (unless the White Revolution takes place and is successful), Mr. C. T.

Thank you for changing my life. Heil to you! I hope the Whites of the future that emerge victorious from this ordeal build a statue in dedication to your memory. I will keep being a faithful follower of yours.

Again, sorry for my brazenly long testimony. Happy New Year with loads of success in adequately conveying your ‘heretic’ message.

By the way, I am eagerly anticipating the day the subtitle of this site will finally read something along the lines of: ‘The Time For Armed Revolution Is Here! Nietzschean Transvaluation for a Hitlerian Civilisation!’



Troll comment

Someone who wants to sign his comments under the name of David Corner, with I.P. of apparently from Cincinnati in Ohio, and with the purported email of [email protected], has tried to post a couple of comments about which I will only reproduce the latter:

Are you not printing my comments because they flummox you? You like to think. Think about my comments. Answer me why White men should live when they are so weak and inferior? Why should they live when they are abdicated every country they have lived in to the herds? The herds are more savvy and better able to survive than the poor, weak, insipid White man.

So, why should the White man be allowed to continue on, when he is CLEARLY the inferior race. And, along those lines in a few decades he will almost be gone from the earth as his children marry into the herds. The only thing that could keep the White man going is the charity of the Jews and the herds for the poor bungling White man who can’t even keep his own race alive.

I don’t feed the trolls. But if anyone wants to do it, be my guest 🙂


WN trolls

In his most recent article, “Mens arya in corpore arya” Manu Rodríguez writes (my translation):

We should consider Aryan blog contents as sacred spaces; as places for consensus and not for dissent. Let’s say you come here for addition and multiplication, not to subtract and divide. The comments to the posts must be constructive or positive; they should increase, supplement, enrich the text or proposal.

But in the next paragraph he adds:

There should therefore be excluded all comments not specifically Aryan: be them pro-Jewish, pro-Christian, pro-Muslim, pro-Hindu or pro-Buddhist (or any other religious tradition or non-Aryan culture), and also the destructive or demoralizing critiques. They only foster division and sterile discussions in our ranks, and are the joy of the enemy.

There’s the rub. The second paragraph contradicts the first one, because in the American scene most white nationalists are also Christians. In such blogsites it is simply impossible to “exclude all Christian comments” and at the same time demand that “comments must be constructive.”

I am not quoting Manu to criticize him. Rather, I would like to say that nowadays it is impossible to pursue comradeship when the factions do not agree, and won’t agree, on pivotal subjects. For example:

• These days Greg Johnson has been entertaining his readers with homo apologetics, and apparently his blog does not let pass serious criticism on the subject. Since I consider the promotion of homosexualism as both culturally and racially destructive, does it mean that I must shut my mouth up?

• These days some well-known voices in the white movement have been labeling as “crank” the peak oil studies that, in my opinion, will represent the most important data later in the century—insofar as the death of billions in the Third World due to energy devolution will open a big window of opportunity for white racialists. Does it mean that when I listen the word “crank” to refer to serious scientific studies I must shut my mouth up?

Those are just a couple of subjects of what I have been discussing in the last week. But I could fill a page with other subjects that awake similar emotions among white nationalists, like the extent to which Jews are responsible for our darkest hour; whether or not Christianity is involved in the etiology of that hour; whether Hitler should be a figure of admiration or vituperation; whether or not 9/11 was orchestrated by Mossad; whether popular music, TV sports or Hollywood are toxic, etc.

Recently in one of those Aryan blogs, to use Manu’s term, a commenter stated that in other times I would have been burned at the stake for blasphemer (even though I did not blaspheme against Christianity in that blog), and another nationalist assented cheerfully.

Trolls… And I am afraid that we will have to wait until the balloon goes up to see under which banner survivors will start to organize.

Meanwhile the “white nationalist” scene will continue to be a trolling arena beyond belief, and we can do nothing about it except continue to write down the reasons for our differences.