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Autobiography Kali Yuga Kalki

A confession

Yesterday, on the day of the attempt on Donald Trump, I went to talk to the woman to whom I referred in my article a week ago about my desire to adopt a child.

I don’t write about news like the attempt because I don’t consider it important. To use my favourite metaphor, the one in the featured post, by looking at human reality from a retrocognitive meta-perspective I only value relevant events.

From this angle, I would like to confess that I have long since been able to fall asleep only by imagining nuclear mushroom clouds over the major capitals of the West due to a strategic war with Russia. Mixing the symbols of Martin’s novels with Tolkien, if Washington is Mordor, the capitals of the major Western countries are like various Isengards. What nobler thing could there be than to wish that these centres of ethnocidal power against the Aryan, along with Mordor, be incinerated?

A skirmish like yesterday’s means nothing from the point of view of the old man holed up in a cave far from the Wall contemplating the historical past. True, in reconciling sleep I am thinking with my emotions. Someone might tell me that in a nuclear conflagration, the Aryan baby could thus be thrown out with the dirty water and that although it is healthy to want eight billion Untermenschen to die in the nuclear winter, perhaps the same number should die better gradually, through energy devolution, so that the surviving Aryan has the chance, through our forums, to realise that only the religion that Uncle Adolf bequeathed us saves.

But that is not what emotions tell me, especially when trying to sleep or waking up in the night. In those moments only wishing that those mushroom clouds were already over the enemy cities calms me down. Following Jung’s vocabulary, what the Self already wants is an immediate cataclysm: an apocalypse that wipes out those billions of Orcs and the traitor kings turned into Sauron’s nine horsemen. In other words, let those on the American and European right discuss events like yesterday’s among themselves. Those of us who have been touched by the Self and have a blue mark on our arm see things differently.

The only thing that calms me, and I speak of that César now fully awake, clear-headed and out of bed, is that thanks to a slow apocalypse (due to peak oil) billions of obsolete versions of humans will be wiped out in the next hundred years. It reminds me of what Eduardo Velasco wrote from page 162 to the end of On Exterminationism when we read about an Aryan couple who, after the end of the world, will thirst to live to repopulate the Earth.

Autobiography Kali Yuga

Dark Era!

Not long ago I noticed that there are YouTube channels showing videos of criminal investigations into serial killers of children (!) in the United States. Below we see two of the victims of one of these killers, image taken from this video.

Two months ago I posted an entry about a comic book I read as a child, Little Lulu. It was the age of innocence when I imagined that childhood in the neighbouring country to the north was as wholesome as the children in my favourite comic: Lulu, Tubby, Annie, Iggy, Willie, Wilbur and the beautiful little girl Gloria (whom I compared to Lorena: the girl I had a crush on in primary school). We even shot a super-8 film at home about one of these stories—a magazine that I still own after so many decades! My cousin Octavio played the role of Tubby, who sneaked into the house to eat the lunch that Lulu and Annie (played by my sisters) had prepared for them…

It would take time for me to realise the dark side of the society I lived in. But I never imagined the horrendous levels of evil to which not only the US but the entire West has fallen. Cases like the child abductor whose victims are pictured above are legion if those YouTube channels are to be believed. Is it any wonder that in January I fantasised about the movie The Village, filmed in the US by an Indian from India, which opens with a group of Aryans creating a town far from the iniquitous ways of Kali Yuga?

Exterminationism God Kali Yuga

Moloch = Yahweh

In the seminal essay ‘The Red Giant’ a Swede said:

Secular Christianity has thrown out god and Christ, but keeps the Christian ethics (inversion of values etc.). And the Christian ethics actually gets heightened and unfettered in Secular Christianity (I have written much about that in my blog). With Christ as part of the equation, the Christian ethics of the Gospels became balanced. Humans were seen as imperfect and it was Christ who covered for us with his self-sacrifice. In Secular Christianity each person has to be like Jesus himself, doing self-sacrifice, since there’s no other way to realize Christian ethics. On top of that, with the Industrial Revolution and the surplus it created in our societies, we came to the point where all the good deeds of Christian ethics could finally be executed by giving off our surplus to all the poor and weak foreign people around the world: food, Western medicine, and other aid.

And on pages 131ff of my Day of Wrath I introduced my readers to psychohistory, which includes this paragraph:

The culture that the Europeans brought included family violence. But unlike them, in the conquered people the anxieties that the children arose, based in turn on the abuses the natives had suffered as children, were enough to kill the source that triggered the anxiety. Children have been in the garbage bin where the adults dump the unrecognised parts of their psyches. It is expected that the child bin will absorb the ill moods of his custodians to prevent the adult feels overwhelmed by her anxieties. If I murder the soul of my son I thus kill the naughty child that once inhabited me.

The Aryan neo-Christian, after WW2, always prefers self-sacrifice to his race. That is the defence mechanism that kills the source that triggered his anxiety after WW2 propaganda took hold of his psyche. He always chooses this new Moloch who used to make self-sacrifice by roasting his firstborn alive rather than perpetuating his race openly (perpetuating as the Germans of the Third Reich did).

Why do they make this sacrifice? Because their false self was structured with the new foundational myth after that war. But why this dominance of the false self if the white man before WW2 had a reasonable self-image? Why today’s zeitgeist always throws away the Aryan, sacrifices, annihilates and denies him and chooses the anti-Nazi fiction that covers the collective unconscious today?

Because the false self that virtually every Aryan has installed today is a Semitic malware, a parental deity in the collective unconscious since Constantine but only now fully triumphed. It is a Moloch that demands a tribute of Aryan blood, and the Aryans, including the white nationalists who continue to worship the god of the Jews, offer this blood constantly. (Remember that these nationalists are completely unable to distinguish between mudblood and Aryan precisely because of the Semitic malware that has taken hold of them.) And this Semitic Moloch demands not just one but an infinity of sacrifices, and won’t be satiated until the extinction of the white man is accomplished.

It all originated with our stupid Christian parents installing this Semitic malware in our psyches from our early childhoods. Secular liberalism in its Wokist phase is a missionary religion, like that of the Jew Saul (St Paul). Both Jewry and white Wokery try to convert others to sacrifice Aryan blood to this new Moloch and even the followers, once they fall into this cult, are sacrificed as they will leave no white offspring. Everything is done to fulfil the unquenchable, voracious thirst of this new Moloch whose strength is none other than the post-WW2 foundational myth.

This false self is the new God of the white man. It is the religion of the second part of the 20th century and the first part of the 21st century. It is a new divinity. The Aryan has to sacrifice himself to this new voracious God: sacrifice his true self. It is a human sacrifice: the false self (Wokism) replaces the true self (Nazism), and a new covenant is sealed between the Aryan and the Semitic god who wants to exterminate him. That covenant is perfectly antithetical to the covenant between the Semitic god and Abraham, who promised him and his descendants that their offspring would be as abundant as the stars (the old covenant). From the moment of the new covenant a religion was created: the religion of exterminating the Aryan on the initiative of the Aryan himself who always obeys the god of the Jews, including white nationalists.

Wokism (i.e. atheistic hyper-Christianity), I said, is a missionary religion. They try to convince you, Aryan man, that it is your duty to disappear from the face of the earth. Like the Muslims during their first conquests, they give you two choices: submit to the new religion or die.

When I first entered the forums supposedly defending the West from the invasion of migrants, I encountered a non-Jew counter-jihadist Christian who believed that Jewish tradition was the antidote to this Moloch claimant. False. As I wrote in Day of Wrath:

In the past, the shadow of infanticide covered the world, but the Phoenicians and their biblical ancestors, the Canaanites, performed sacrifices that turn pale the Mesoamerican sacrifices of children.

The Tophet, located in the valley of Gehenna, was a place near Jerusalem where it is believed that children were burned alive to the god Moloch Baal. Later it became synonymous with hell, and the generic name ‘tophet’ would be transferred to the sacrificial site of the cemetery at Carthage and other Mediterranean cities like Motya, Tharros and Hadrumetum, where bones have been found of Carthaginian and Phoenician children.

According to a traditional reading of the Bible, stories of sacrifice by the Hebrews were relapses of the chosen people to pagan customs. Recent studies, such as Jon Levenson’s The Death and Resurrection of the Beloved Son: The Transformation of Child Sacrifice in Judaism and Christianity have suggested that the ancient Hebrews did not differ much from the neighbouring towns but that they were typical examples of the Semitic peoples of Canaan. The cult of Yahweh was only gradually imposed in a group while the cult of Baal was still part of the fabric of the Hebrew-Canaanite culture. Such religion had not been a syncretistic custom that the most purist Hebrews rejected from their ‘neighbour’ Canaanites: it was part of their roots.

The god of the Jews, the god of the Carthaginians and Phoenicians, the god who sacrificed Jesus, is ultimately the same odious thing. What we really need is an infinite hatred of all things Semitic, starting with Judeo-Christianity: the Trojan horse that brought this infection into our collective unconscious.

Christian art Kali Yuga

Mudblood Jesus

A mudblood Jesus cannot be born to Nordic parents.

Today I was about to read a few more pages of Simms’ book on Hitler. But on my way to the greengrocer to buy fruit this morning, on the corner of my house I was surprised by a Jehovah’s Witness lady with her young children to invite me to an event tomorrow commemorating the death of Jesus, and she gave me the slip of paper you see me holding in the image above. The other image is a well-known Annunciation from the Prado Museum in Madrid that my father had planned to frame before his death.

If we compare the two images, we see that a few centuries ago there was at least an attempt to nordicize biblical characters. When on my last trip to England the historian Arthur Kemp, author of a well-known history of the white race, gave me a tour inside Chester Cathedral, he told me that in the mosaics, which depicted various scenes from the Old Testament, there was an attempt to pictorially nordicize the Semitic characters.

This practice continued into the last century. In the above image we see a memory from more than ninety years ago, in the city of Puebla, of my father’s first communion. Although in the old New Spain days Puebla was the quintessential Criollo city, fanatically Catholic, at least the Novo-Spaniards conceived of the deity in a hyper-Nordic way.

Times have changed! Now Jesus is represented as a vulgar mudblood, as we see in the little piece of paper I was given this morning and which I am holding in my left hand above, next to the copy of Fra Angelico’s Annunciation, done in gold and tempera on panel, and painted around 1425-1426: the main scene, with the theme of the Annunciation of a hyper-Nordic angel to a blonde Virgin Mary.

For the typical Christian mentality, this metamorphosis from Nordic characters to mudbloods causes no stress, since, they argue, ‘we are all equal in the eyes of God’ (the notorious god of the Jews). But for us priests of the fourteen words this change can only mean that we are already in Kali Yuga. Most seriously, it is no longer possible to reverse the art as the white man has only recently realised that the biblical characters were indeed Semitic, not Aryan as the Renaissance artists imagined them.

Correspondence Kali Yuga

Island of slaves

In his most recent e-mail, Benjamin Power said:

There is no one—no one, not a soul!—left in this country whom I can legitimately converse with in a sensible manner. I know of absolutely no one. This island of slaves [the UK] is a gulag of pain. What are their books if they cannot be read, ringed ornaments for their coffee tables; stepping stones for the muddy road to their work?

Remember that I have renamed the category “West’s Darkest Hour” to “Kali Yuga”, which means the same thing, but I did it in honour of Savitri Devi.

Kali Yuga

The Village

In this second post of 2024, I respond to Jamie.

The wisest person after 1945 was Savitri Devi. These days I have been watching videos on cosmogony and the vastness of the universe. Among the Aryan religions, the only one that had a broad meta-perspective of the universe was Hindu. Savitri lived in India, learned languages and instead of committing suicide when Hitler lost the war she tried to understand what happened based on her knowledge of the ancient Aryan religion.

We live in Kali Yuga, the dark hour, the title of this blog. In Kali Yuga, says the millenary tradition, everything will be upside down. But in our century that applies even more to the West, as whites are behaving in a directly treacherous manner against their ethnicity.

A year ago I left a post about who wanted to educate his child in National Socialism and no one replied. Like the present featured post, ‘The Wall’, I left it up for several days but no one said anything to me. I concluded that since we are in Kali Yuga there are practically no more, as Savitri said in her book, true ‘aristocrats’.

It is hard to admit it but even the racialists are part of the Kali Yuga zeitgeist to the extent that they aren’t consistent as, say, Hitler was consistent with his principles. That’s why they love degenerate music. The inconsistency of these so-called anti-Semites is so egregious that the vast majority has stayed on the south side of the Wall, living under the mandates of Christian ethics (and we already know who wrote the New Testament!). The degenerate music they listen to is simply one of the symptoms of their corrupt spirit.

If you want to educate a child who isn’t yet contaminated by degenerate music, you have to isolate him or her from the environment and take your child out of Gomorrah as if you were Lot.

If you review Hitler’s life you will see, as Savitri saw, that since he was a teenager he felt a great attraction for the beautiful European art (something we also saw in Simms’ book, when referring to the books he read as a young man). That is virtually absent in today’s racialists. They live in Kali Yuga, which includes degenerate music. I see it with my nephew. While both of my parents were musicians by profession (classical music), and founded a music school for children, my nephew who attended there is an absolute degenerate in musical matters. In other words, my parents’ school was a complete failure. Only cutting him off from Gomorrah from the age of six, founding a Village far from the madding crowd would have worked.

That would have to be done in the Third World because in the West the treacherous governments wouldn’t allow such an educational enterprise. But that can’t be done unless we have enough funds for several families to buy real estate abroad, found a village and try to educate our children there.

So, unless a sponsor comes along who wants to do something similar to what the Aryan Mennonites do here in Mexico but without their Christianity, there is no choice but to live as isolated individuals and navigate Kali Yuga. The good news is that, as Eduardo Velasco said in the appendix to On Exterminationism, this Age was considered by the ancient Aryans a great opportunity to purify oneself, like the lotus in the mud, which is what I attempt in The West’s Darkest Hour.

Kali Yuga

Humble site

A couple of days ago Ron Unz wrote for his The Unz Review a ridiculous article boasting about the millions of hits alternative websites to the MSM receive. Unz thought the results were quite encouraging. However, from the list he puts up, I get the impression that few of the sites are overtly racialist. And anyway, even the racialist sites subscribe to the Judeo-Christian morality that is killing the white man. I prefer a thousand times my humble site, that in hits cannot compete with those on Unz’s list, but which is a site that puts the transvaluation of Judeo-Christian values to Aryan values as the top priority.

The reactionary ideology of the other sites, which includes the racial right, doesn’t break with the paradigm that has held the white man in thrall to an ethno-suicidal vision since Constantine ordered the Romans to worship the god of the Jews. Not to begin your discourse with a Nietzschean vision that starts from here (see Velasco’s essays in The Fair Race) is intellectual charlatanism.

In my previous article, I spoke of being alone under the redwoods. In the language of Cervantes, there is a saying that I translate as follows: ‘Solitude is better than accompanied solitude’. Indeed: I prefer the solitude of the redwood forest, in the hope of meeting someone else who has crossed the river, to travelling to the US, say, to attend the recent American Renaissance conference and talk to one of the participants.

How to give an idea of what transvaluation is in a single image? Consider this one: Constantine was the worst man in Western history. And Hitler, the best. (We cannot say that Jesus of Nazareth was the worst because he didn’t even exist: he was a fictional character from the pen of subversive Jews that Constantine would use to tame the blond beast.)

Film Kali Yuga

Sherlock Holmes

In my previous post I mentioned My Fair Lady, in which the actor Jeremy Brett sings ‘On the Street Where You Live’ which made waves among female boomers. But I was unaware that, in later years, Brett had starred in an English television series that takes up the Sherlock Holmes stories from the pen of Arthur Conan Doyle. In these times, when the ethno-treason and ethno-suicidal psychosis of white people has reached its final metastasis, it is refreshing to have a little escapism with a series of programmes that transport us back to 19th-century England, before the treachery that the West is currently suffering.

I must say that the movies that have recently come out about Sherlock Holmes have nothing to do with Doyle’s stories. They are films whose screenplays were made already in the darkest hour of the West. Even a 1979 film like Murder by Decree with stars like Christopher Plummer and James Mason already contains subtle messages of cultural self-loathing.

When I was twelve I bought Doyle’s complete works on the most famous detective of all time but never read them; just an illustrated Sherlock Holmes story for children my age. But nowadays children no longer have access to such illustrated stories; only to the most recent ‘Sherlock Holmes’ movies, which are not even loosely based on Doyle’s prose: they are inventions of our dark age. I don’t even want to mention the titles of those recent movies that betray Doyle’s stories.

I am attracted to the figure of Holmes because I have become a sort of detective looking for psycho-historical clues to understand the dark hour. Or rather: I have taken advice from the best historical detectives to understand the present, and I am referring to the literature I recommend in the featured post. From this angle, I would rather be a Dr Watson who took the trouble to narrate the adventures of his mentor. Although Dr Watson’s work is not original (Holmes is the original investigator) in the featured post it is more than clear why whites, contemporary Englishmen included, are hating themselves in our century to the point of wanting to commit ethnic suicide.

I have been to England several times in my life, in the 1980s and 1990s, but it was only in 2014 that I spoke to a group of racialists, at the London Forum. At a round table at The Victory Service Club, located at 79 Seymour Street, near Edgware Road, one of the members of that forum remarked to me that he had liked my excerpts from Pierce’s Who We Are and that he had sent the links to another of the London Forum members. What a strange thing that, having been born in an underdeveloped country whose majority is so inferior to the stock of the native English, I have more detective insight than these educated London racialists…

A perfectly legal way to start rebelling against the ethnocidal System is to repudiate the degenerate clothing that has become fashionable in recent decades and start dressing as the English dressed before they began to hate themselves. For the time being, I’ll finish watching the rest of the episodes of the series featuring Jeremy Brett. Now that my mother has died I’ve cancelled my Cable subscription, which was in my name but only she watched it. From the point of view of the fourteen words, everything that can now be seen on TV is ethno-treason, and only by watching old films from the previous century that recreate the 19th-century West is it possible to detect something of the pre-Kali Yuga zeitgeist.

Kali Yuga Kalki

Savitri & Eduardo


To whom this site is dedicated

As promised in this comment when I announced the PDF of Savitri Devi’s book, the entry below this post translates, from Spanish into English, an essay that Eduardo Velasco published on his now-defunct webzine Evropa Soberana. The subject is Hinduism: a fundamental topic to understanding Savitri’s point of view.

I don’t know exactly what to say about these Hinduist predictions in Eduardo Velasco’s blog post ‘The Fate of the World According to the Indo-Aryans’ (original in Spanish: here). In general, I tend to be more sceptical than Savitri and Eduardo when it comes to paranormal precognition. But since Eduardo alluded to dream symbols I could say that, from that viewpoint, there could be real gold in the oldest Aryan religion that has left sacred scriptures.


What the word ‘Kalki’ means under my pen

Consider the Kalki archetype for example. In Savitri’s prose and Eduardo’s quotations we are told that he will be a personal entity that will destroy the wicked. Since over the decades I have given much thought to exterminationism, it is only natural that the finding that this apocalyptic figure is invoked precisely in the oldest Aryan religion caught my attention. Before discovering Savitri’s philosophy it was something I was unaware of!

Kalki and his white horse. In Hindu traditions, Kalki is the last incarnation (avatara) of the god Viṣṇú. In the above copperplate engraving we see an illustration of an English translation of Zaaken van den Godsdienst by the Dutch writer François Valentijn (1666-1727).

I believed in the paranormal from the middle 1970s to the middle 90s. Nowadays, because of my rationalist mind, it seems to me that we could interpret the figure of Kalki not personally, but as the apocalypse for mankind that energy devolution will represent. Let us remember that, among contemporary racialists, only the retired blogger Sebastian E. Ronin made peak oil his pivot for understanding how Aryans will have one more chance to save themselves when energy devolution wipes off several billion humans. (If there is anything we could call human personnel in the Kalki archetype, it will be the leader and his henchmen who will be in charge of eliminating the surviving scum after billions have already died when the oil runs out. It is to this future apprentice of our ideas, or leader who will achieve what Hitler failed to achieve, that I dedicate this site.)

Originally, after reading Arthur Clarke’s Childhood’s End in 1984 I became a sort of parapsychologist. I obviously failed. Now that I understand science much better than when I was a young man, I dare not say dogmatically that the paranormal, which includes the precognition we read in both Savitri and Eduardo’s prose about Hinduism, doesn’t exist. What I am saying, after delving deeply into the parapsychological and sceptical literature from 1985 to 1997 is that, despite their claims, parapsychologists have no real evidence for what they call ‘Psi’. That doesn’t mean that extrasensory perception (which includes precognition) and psychokinesis (another term invented by parapsychologists) don’t exist. It means that we have no real scientific evidence that they do exist. Above I mentioned 1997 because that year I read Nicholas Humphrey’s Leaps of Faith which corroborated what I already knew from a couple of years earlier: that parapsychologists haven’t demonstrated the existence of the putative phenomenon they study. (Likewise, Christian theologians haven’t demonstrated, and obviously won’t demonstrate, the historicity of Christ or even the existence of the god of the Jews.)

That said, my rationalist scepticism doesn’t rob the first Aryan religion of its numinousness, or even profound truth. From a symbolic point of view, Hinduism may be telling us great truths. Any reader of Jung will understand what we are saying. But regardless of a psychologistic interpretation of religion, my motivation for translating Eduardo’s article has to do with my purpose to elucidate and round up what Savitri told us in the book we translated and abridged. (Incidentally, I will be translating other articles by Eduardo in the future, although, as they are very long, unlike the one published below I will divide them into several entries.)


How I would interpret the term ‘Kali Yuga’

The other issue is Kali Yuga, also explained in Savitri’s and Eduardo’s texts. Taking into account my book Day of Wrath (see ‘Our books’) it is clear that I don’t believe in such a thing as a previous Golden Age. But I do believe that our age is the darkest for the survival of the white race since prehistory, a dark age that those versed in Hinduism call Kali Yuga.

In my view, the dark hour for the Aryans began when Hannibal’s armies decimated the Romans. After the Punic Wars the Republic was no longer as it had been before. The process of miscegenation and eventual intermarriage and blood-mixing that would culminate, a few centuries later, with the Christians coming to power, already started after that pyrrhic victory over Carthage. After Constantinople was funded, the new capital of the Roman Empire became a melting pot for all races and a bye-bye to Nordicism throughout the Mediterranean.

In short, from my point of view the Christian era is the dark age, the Kali Yuga. This way of interpreting Aryan religion is closer to Friedreich Nietzsche, a fan of the Law of Manu, than to Savitri or Eduardo who wanted to rescue what they call the esoteric side of Christianity. I, on the other hand, believe that the whole of Christendom is cursed and that we should strive to transvalue Judeo-Christian values back to Aryan values. Hitler’s pantheism, as described by a friend, Savitri Devi, and a foe, Richard Weikart, is very close to this ideal; and for this reason Savitri’s book is a kind of manifesto for The West’s Darkest Hour.

Kali Yuga Miscegenation

Astronomical self-hatred

The last time I visited England I saw loads of advertisements, everywhere: photos of mixed couples, English roses with Orcs.

When I first visited England, in the early 1980s, there was none of that on the streets or in the subway. It is obvious that the English of today suffers from a self-hatred without precedent in history: a self-hatred that reaches, indeed, astronomical levels.

(This was a response to what an Englishman commented this morning on this site.)