To whom this site is dedicated
As promised in this comment when I announced the PDF of Savitri Devi’s book, the entry below this post translates, from Spanish into English, an essay that Eduardo Velasco published on his now-defunct webzine Evropa Soberana. The subject is Hinduism: a fundamental topic to understanding Savitri’s point of view.
I don’t know exactly what to say about these Hinduist predictions in Eduardo Velasco’s blog post ‘The Fate of the World According to the Indo-Aryans’ (original in Spanish: here). In general, I tend to be more sceptical than Savitri and Eduardo when it comes to paranormal precognition. But since Eduardo alluded to dream symbols I could say that, from that viewpoint, there could be real gold in the oldest Aryan religion that has left sacred scriptures.
What the word ‘Kalki’ means under my pen
Consider the Kalki archetype for example. In Savitri’s prose and Eduardo’s quotations we are told that he will be a personal entity that will destroy the wicked. Since over the decades I have given much thought to exterminationism, it is only natural that the finding that this apocalyptic figure is invoked precisely in the oldest Aryan religion caught my attention. Before discovering Savitri’s philosophy it was something I was unaware of!
Kalki and his white horse. In Hindu traditions, Kalki is the last incarnation (avatara) of the god Viṣṇú. In the above copperplate engraving we see an illustration of an English translation of Zaaken van den Godsdienst by the Dutch writer François Valentijn (1666-1727).
I believed in the paranormal from the middle 1970s to the middle 90s. Nowadays, because of my rationalist mind, it seems to me that we could interpret the figure of Kalki not personally, but as the apocalypse for mankind that energy devolution will represent. Let us remember that, among contemporary racialists, only the retired blogger Sebastian E. Ronin made peak oil his pivot for understanding how Aryans will have one more chance to save themselves when energy devolution wipes off several billion humans. (If there is anything we could call human personnel in the Kalki archetype, it will be the leader and his henchmen who will be in charge of eliminating the surviving scum after billions have already died when the oil runs out. It is to this future apprentice of our ideas, or leader who will achieve what Hitler failed to achieve, that I dedicate this site.)
Originally, after reading Arthur Clarke’s Childhood’s End in 1984 I became a sort of parapsychologist. I obviously failed. Now that I understand science much better than when I was a young man, I dare not say dogmatically that the paranormal, which includes the precognition we read in both Savitri and Eduardo’s prose about Hinduism, doesn’t exist. What I am saying, after delving deeply into the parapsychological and sceptical literature from 1985 to 1997 is that, despite their claims, parapsychologists have no real evidence for what they call ‘Psi’. That doesn’t mean that extrasensory perception (which includes precognition) and psychokinesis (another term invented by parapsychologists) don’t exist. It means that we have no real scientific evidence that they do exist. Above I mentioned 1997 because that year I read Nicholas Humphrey’s Leaps of Faith which corroborated what I already knew from a couple of years earlier: that parapsychologists haven’t demonstrated the existence of the putative phenomenon they study. (Likewise, Christian theologians haven’t demonstrated, and obviously won’t demonstrate, the historicity of Christ or even the existence of the god of the Jews.)
That said, my rationalist scepticism doesn’t rob the first Aryan religion of its numinousness, or even profound truth. From a symbolic point of view, Hinduism may be telling us great truths. Any reader of Jung will understand what we are saying. But regardless of a psychologistic interpretation of religion, my motivation for translating Eduardo’s article has to do with my purpose to elucidate and round up what Savitri told us in the book we translated and abridged. (Incidentally, I will be translating other articles by Eduardo in the future, although, as they are very long, unlike the one published below I will divide them into several entries.)
How I would interpret the term ‘Kali Yuga’
The other issue is Kali Yuga, also explained in Savitri’s and Eduardo’s texts. Taking into account my book Day of Wrath (see ‘Our books’) it is clear that I don’t believe in such a thing as a previous Golden Age. But I do believe that our age is the darkest for the survival of the white race since prehistory, a dark age that those versed in Hinduism call Kali Yuga.
In my view, the dark hour for the Aryans began when Hannibal’s armies decimated the Romans. After the Punic Wars the Republic was no longer as it had been before. The process of miscegenation and eventual intermarriage and blood-mixing that would culminate, a few centuries later, with the Christians coming to power, already started after that pyrrhic victory over Carthage. After Constantinople was funded, the new capital of the Roman Empire became a melting pot for all races and a bye-bye to Nordicism throughout the Mediterranean.
In short, from my point of view the Christian era is the dark age, the Kali Yuga. This way of interpreting Aryan religion is closer to Friedreich Nietzsche, a fan of the Law of Manu, than to Savitri or Eduardo who wanted to rescue what they call the esoteric side of Christianity. I, on the other hand, believe that the whole of Christendom is cursed and that we should strive to transvalue Judeo-Christian values back to Aryan values. Hitler’s pantheism, as described by a friend, Savitri Devi, and a foe, Richard Weikart, is very close to this ideal; and for this reason Savitri’s book is a kind of manifesto for The West’s Darkest Hour.