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Autobiography Kali Yuga Kalki

A confession

Yesterday, on the day of the attempt on Donald Trump, I went to talk to the woman to whom I referred in my article a week ago about my desire to adopt a child.

I don’t write about news like the attempt because I don’t consider it important. To use my favourite metaphor, the one in the featured post, by looking at human reality from a retrocognitive meta-perspective I only value relevant events.

From this angle, I would like to confess that I have long since been able to fall asleep only by imagining nuclear mushroom clouds over the major capitals of the West due to a strategic war with Russia. Mixing the symbols of Martin’s novels with Tolkien, if Washington is Mordor, the capitals of the major Western countries are like various Isengards. What nobler thing could there be than to wish that these centres of ethnocidal power against the Aryan, along with Mordor, be incinerated?

A skirmish like yesterday’s means nothing from the point of view of the old man holed up in a cave far from the Wall contemplating the historical past. True, in reconciling sleep I am thinking with my emotions. Someone might tell me that in a nuclear conflagration, the Aryan baby could thus be thrown out with the dirty water and that although it is healthy to want eight billion Untermenschen to die in the nuclear winter, perhaps the same number should die better gradually, through energy devolution, so that the surviving Aryan has the chance, through our forums, to realise that only the religion that Uncle Adolf bequeathed us saves.

But that is not what emotions tell me, especially when trying to sleep or waking up in the night. In those moments only wishing that those mushroom clouds were already over the enemy cities calms me down. Following Jung’s vocabulary, what the Self already wants is an immediate cataclysm: an apocalypse that wipes out those billions of Orcs and the traitor kings turned into Sauron’s nine horsemen. In other words, let those on the American and European right discuss events like yesterday’s among themselves. Those of us who have been touched by the Self and have a blue mark on our arm see things differently.

The only thing that calms me, and I speak of that César now fully awake, clear-headed and out of bed, is that thanks to a slow apocalypse (due to peak oil) billions of obsolete versions of humans will be wiped out in the next hundred years. It reminds me of what Eduardo Velasco wrote from page 162 to the end of On Exterminationism when we read about an Aryan couple who, after the end of the world, will thirst to live to repopulate the Earth.

Kalki Racial right

Part of the System

Apparently, Robert Morgan is the only commenter who consistently speaks the truth to the conservatives at The Unz Review, who sometimes strike me as such dunces that I’ve quoted many times what, over the years, Morgan has said in various threads. But in the thread on a Matt Parrott article posted yesterday at Counter-Currents, the commenters aren’t far behind:

Commenter X said: Nazi fetishism is cancer.

Commenter Y said: There’s obviously problems in America, but there’s a difference between going after the state… and just needlessly hating your own country.

Commenter Z said: Prior to the 1960s, the overwhelming majority of white Christians understood race, and they upheld a moral version of Capitalism that…

Here’s what I replied to Morgan the day before yesterday:

Not even white nationalists can handle the truth. I have told them a million times that when Christianity was healthy in the Americas, the Spanish and Portuguese stained their blood to the point that their descendants became mestizos, and these Iberians did so throughout the continent.

The Catholicism of the Counter-Reformation was responsible for this loss of the genotype of the Iberian whites at a continental level. But since then the Jews were controlled by the Spanish Inquisition (we are talking about the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries when miscegenation was consummated), the racial right doesn’t pay attention to these historical facts simply because they break their cherished paradigm: that Christianity was recently corrupted by the Jews.

The truth is that since Constantine founded his so-called Second Rome, universalist Christianity has been a machinery of miscegenation.

I increasingly have contempt, if not hatred, for a racial right that is capable of comments such as those we read in The Unz Review or those quoted above. My response to Vlad Tepes on Saturday explains why I loathe them so much. But my response that same day to Mauricio gives me some calm, because I know that Kalki’s time is coming, and he will sweep away all these lukewarm whites who claim to defend their race but in reality are part of the System.

Israel / Palestine Kalki

Palestine, Israel, etc.

‘I know your little exterminationist game, and you are banned from playing it here. Go back to TRS’. —Greg Johnson to Tracy

In many ways, The West’s Darkest Hour is a critical site of the American racial right. It reminds me a bit of what Alex Linder used to say: that paleoconservatives like Pat Buchanan and racialists like Jared Taylor should be ruthlessly criticised for ignoring the JQ. I do the same but with folks to my immediate left: the white nationalists who ignore the CQ, the Christian question.

Let’s examine two articles published today by the American racial right. Hunter Wallace’s article on the Palestine & Israel war contains a link to this enlightening documentary showing that Gaza is, in fact, a concentration camp. I liked what Wallace had to say in his points numbered 1 to 15, especially his criticism of the crazy American Zionists who, in my opinion, are worse than Nosferatu himself in that they betray their race (Wallace also mentions the latter in his article). Conversely, I don’t like, although it is fashionable in these forums, that they put images from tweets or overwrite their articles with images, as clownishly as Andrew Anglin does, and I am shocked that even Kevin MacDonald sometimes falls into this adolescent practice.

On the other hand, there is an article in Counter-Currents whose editor, Greg Johnson, is not a Christian but a secular neo-Christian. Reading it reminded me of what we have said many times on this site: secular neo-Christians are worse, axiologically speaking than traditional Christians. For example, in that article we read:

I want the [Palestine/Israel] fighting to end as soon as possible, of course. I feel the same way about the Russo-Ukrainian War, which is still going on after a year and a half of bloodshed.

This cannot contrast more with the ontological core of this site, which has the archetype of Kalki—something like being to the right of Himmler—as the saviour of the future. What we want is a civilisational collapse, a punishment for the Aryans who betrayed themselves of such biblical proportions that Christian ethics is completely vaporised among the survivors. We have no love for humanity, only an exterminationist hatred provided, of course, that the extremely few survivors will be pure Aryans to repopulate the Earth after the apocalypse.

A final word. The first comment in the Counter-Currents article is this:

I want Israel to exist, largely because when enough whites wake up to Jewish perfidy once again and do something (hopefully non-violent) about it, the guilty will have a place to go to.

Yes. If Israel is destroyed, which many on the dissident Right seem myopically to hope for, where will all those millions of displaced Jews go? Europe and America. Now that would be a catastrophe on top of a disaster.

I wonder what Linder would say about these Neo-Christians?


Final chapter

Since the core of my trilogy is autobiographical, after my mother’s death I decided to add a final chapter to The Grail. But I think the final pages, which I have not yet finished, will make me decide to change the title of that book to The End of Love. Also, I think I will change the image of a cup on the cover of The Grail to an image of Uncle Adolf, as the book is dedicated to his memory.

I came to white nationalism, and eventually to National Socialism, from an unusual path: the fulfilment of the Delphic oracle’s injunction to know thyself, the profound autobiography. Many will think it is irrelevant to racial issues but it isn’t, insofar as personal biography can be a microcosm of the social macrocosm.

In other words, understanding my family’s tragedy (the last thing I mentioned here is that five years ago my first cousin killed his daughter and then hanged himself) and understanding the suicide of the West is a continuous whole. Understanding History is complex, and let us always keep in mind what we have said of Tom Holland about how Christianity mutated into atheistic hyperchristianity after the founding of the United States. But knowing the inner Self, and the faults of one’s own family provides the elements to understand the faults of Western society in general. This may seem very reductionist, but if one dives deep into the inner Self, one will be able to understand not only family tragedies but also the sick minds of millions of Aryan males who commit ethnosuicide.

I don’t know how long it will take me to add that final chapter. But if I decide to change the title of the book, I will delete the category ‘El Grial (book)’ that appears in red letters at the top of this post, and put the new title in its place. The new title, ‘The End of Love’, would refer to the fact that we must think like Kalki to save the race from future extinction, as Vlad Petre saw in yesterday’s post.

The mention of Kalki, as a figure of a religion created by pure Aryans in India, is important. If I were an orthodox Jungian, based on Jung’s Answer to Job I could use, instead of Kalki, the apocalyptic figure of an immolated lamb transformed into a demonic ram (see pages 196-199 of Day of Wrath). But the author of the Book of Revelation was a Jew angry at the Romans for the destruction of Jerusalem and dreamed of terrible vengeance to the extent of devising, in poetic prose, a New Jerusalem (which came to pass after the fateful 1945, courtesy of the Judeo-Christian Anglo-Americans!). The orthodox Jungian wouldn’t see much difference between the apocalyptic figure of the lamb, which Jung says rather resembles a demonic ram, and Kalki. But for us the difference is obvious: one came from the pen of an Aryan and the other from the pen of a Jew.

The new title, The End of Love, which I may give the book once I add the final chapter I am writing now, refers to this apocalyptic figure but without the need to use Judeo-Christian imagery. This is the eternal error of American white nationalism, unable to break with Judeo-Christianity, which we could sum up with the recent exchange in The Occidental Observer:

Devon said:

‘Christianity and Europeans worked fine together for around 1600 years right up until Jews took over America in the early 20th century via the media and Hollywood etc. The West’s decline directly tracks our increasing irreligiosity. Man will always need religion and with no alternatives Christianity seems the best option.’

Ragnarok responded:

‘Read Karl Heinz [Deschner’s] Criminal History of Christianity for a reappraisal of just how destructive to our Greco-Roman cultural heritage Christianity was. The Christians of the 4th and 5th centuries were engaging in the same cultural destruction as the woke mobs of today.’

Kalki Savitri Devi

Savitri quote

‘I have, in 1971, found in India more echoes than ever of the expression of my passionate expectation of the Kalki avatar and the end of the Dark Age. Others await it as I do, and they too don’t feel that there is anything to deplore at the thought of the end of man—except for those few whom the last divine Incarnation will welcome as collaborators, deeming them worthy to open with him the Golden Age of the next Cycle.’

Kali Yuga Kalki

Savitri & Eduardo


To whom this site is dedicated

As promised in this comment when I announced the PDF of Savitri Devi’s book, the entry below this post translates, from Spanish into English, an essay that Eduardo Velasco published on his now-defunct webzine Evropa Soberana. The subject is Hinduism: a fundamental topic to understanding Savitri’s point of view.

I don’t know exactly what to say about these Hinduist predictions in Eduardo Velasco’s blog post ‘The Fate of the World According to the Indo-Aryans’ (original in Spanish: here). In general, I tend to be more sceptical than Savitri and Eduardo when it comes to paranormal precognition. But since Eduardo alluded to dream symbols I could say that, from that viewpoint, there could be real gold in the oldest Aryan religion that has left sacred scriptures.


What the word ‘Kalki’ means under my pen

Consider the Kalki archetype for example. In Savitri’s prose and Eduardo’s quotations we are told that he will be a personal entity that will destroy the wicked. Since over the decades I have given much thought to exterminationism, it is only natural that the finding that this apocalyptic figure is invoked precisely in the oldest Aryan religion caught my attention. Before discovering Savitri’s philosophy it was something I was unaware of!

Kalki and his white horse. In Hindu traditions, Kalki is the last incarnation (avatara) of the god Viṣṇú. In the above copperplate engraving we see an illustration of an English translation of Zaaken van den Godsdienst by the Dutch writer François Valentijn (1666-1727).

I believed in the paranormal from the middle 1970s to the middle 90s. Nowadays, because of my rationalist mind, it seems to me that we could interpret the figure of Kalki not personally, but as the apocalypse for mankind that energy devolution will represent. Let us remember that, among contemporary racialists, only the retired blogger Sebastian E. Ronin made peak oil his pivot for understanding how Aryans will have one more chance to save themselves when energy devolution wipes off several billion humans. (If there is anything we could call human personnel in the Kalki archetype, it will be the leader and his henchmen who will be in charge of eliminating the surviving scum after billions have already died when the oil runs out. It is to this future apprentice of our ideas, or leader who will achieve what Hitler failed to achieve, that I dedicate this site.)

Originally, after reading Arthur Clarke’s Childhood’s End in 1984 I became a sort of parapsychologist. I obviously failed. Now that I understand science much better than when I was a young man, I dare not say dogmatically that the paranormal, which includes the precognition we read in both Savitri and Eduardo’s prose about Hinduism, doesn’t exist. What I am saying, after delving deeply into the parapsychological and sceptical literature from 1985 to 1997 is that, despite their claims, parapsychologists have no real evidence for what they call ‘Psi’. That doesn’t mean that extrasensory perception (which includes precognition) and psychokinesis (another term invented by parapsychologists) don’t exist. It means that we have no real scientific evidence that they do exist. Above I mentioned 1997 because that year I read Nicholas Humphrey’s Leaps of Faith which corroborated what I already knew from a couple of years earlier: that parapsychologists haven’t demonstrated the existence of the putative phenomenon they study. (Likewise, Christian theologians haven’t demonstrated, and obviously won’t demonstrate, the historicity of Christ or even the existence of the god of the Jews.)

That said, my rationalist scepticism doesn’t rob the first Aryan religion of its numinousness, or even profound truth. From a symbolic point of view, Hinduism may be telling us great truths. Any reader of Jung will understand what we are saying. But regardless of a psychologistic interpretation of religion, my motivation for translating Eduardo’s article has to do with my purpose to elucidate and round up what Savitri told us in the book we translated and abridged. (Incidentally, I will be translating other articles by Eduardo in the future, although, as they are very long, unlike the one published below I will divide them into several entries.)


How I would interpret the term ‘Kali Yuga’

The other issue is Kali Yuga, also explained in Savitri’s and Eduardo’s texts. Taking into account my book Day of Wrath (see ‘Our books’) it is clear that I don’t believe in such a thing as a previous Golden Age. But I do believe that our age is the darkest for the survival of the white race since prehistory, a dark age that those versed in Hinduism call Kali Yuga.

In my view, the dark hour for the Aryans began when Hannibal’s armies decimated the Romans. After the Punic Wars the Republic was no longer as it had been before. The process of miscegenation and eventual intermarriage and blood-mixing that would culminate, a few centuries later, with the Christians coming to power, already started after that pyrrhic victory over Carthage. After Constantinople was funded, the new capital of the Roman Empire became a melting pot for all races and a bye-bye to Nordicism throughout the Mediterranean.

In short, from my point of view the Christian era is the dark age, the Kali Yuga. This way of interpreting Aryan religion is closer to Friedreich Nietzsche, a fan of the Law of Manu, than to Savitri or Eduardo who wanted to rescue what they call the esoteric side of Christianity. I, on the other hand, believe that the whole of Christendom is cursed and that we should strive to transvalue Judeo-Christian values back to Aryan values. Hitler’s pantheism, as described by a friend, Savitri Devi, and a foe, Richard Weikart, is very close to this ideal; and for this reason Savitri’s book is a kind of manifesto for The West’s Darkest Hour.

Kalki Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Savitri quote

The leaders who have led, or will lead, some phase of the eternal struggle ‘against Time’ after the limit point where a last great recovery would still have been possible—after what Virgil Ghéorghiou calls ‘the twenty-fifth hour’—haven’t been able and won’t be able to leave behind them anything in this visible and tangible world, except a handful of clandestine disciples. And these have, and will have, nothing to look forward to—except the coming of Kalki… He who returns for the last time in our cycle has many names. But He is the same under all of them. Now He is known by His action, that is, by His victory over all followed by the dazzling dawn of the next cycle: the new Satya Yuga or Age of Truth. The defeat in this world of a Leader who fought against universal decadence, and therefore against the arrow of Time, is enough to prove that this Leader, however great he may have been, wasn’t Him. He may well have been Him in essence: the eternal Saviour not of man but of Life who returns innumerable times. But he was certainly not Him in the ultimate form in which He must reappear at the end of every cycle.

Adolf Hitler wasn’t Kalki although he was, essentially speaking, the same as the ancient Rama Chandra, Krishna or Siegfried: the Leader of a true ‘holy war’, of a ceaseless struggle against the forces of disintegration, the forces of the abyss. He was, like every great fighter against the current of Time, a forerunner of Kalki.

I think that the grandiose parades to the rhythm of the Horst-Wessel-Lied (the anthem of the NSDAP from 1930 to 1945), under the folds of the red, white and black swastika standard and all that glory that was the Third German Reich, are as irrevocably past as the splendours of prestigious Troy: as past and as immortal because one day Legend will recreate them when epic poetry is again a collective need. He who returns from age to age, both destroyer and preserver, will appear again at the very end of your cycle to initiate the Golden Age of the next cycle. As I have recalled in these pages, Adolf Hitler was waiting for him. He said to Hans Grimm in 1928: ‘I know that I am not the One who is to come,’ that is, the last and only fully victorious Man against Time of our cycle. ‘I only take on the most urgent task of preparation (die dringlichste Vorarbeit) for there is no one to do it.’

One incommensurably harder than he will accomplish the final task—the task of rectification—on the ruins of a humanity that believed all was permitted because it is endowed with a brain capable of calculations: a humanity that largely deserved its fall and loss.

Kalki Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Savitri quote

As I have tried to show in another study,[1] all religious or political leaders whose action is directed against decadence, against the false values inseparable from the childish overestimation of ‘man,’ fail in the long run even when they appear to succeed. This is so because decadence is the true direction of Time against which no one should expect, during that cycle, to remain victorious forever. Despite this, some manage to establish a civilisation that is linked, in its basic principles, to some particular form of Tradition. They do this at the cost of certain necessary compromises on the exoteric level which ensure the permanent enthusiasm of the crowd to them, the consequence of spectacular success. Legislation based on their teaching still governs States, if not continents, centuries after their death. And although their work is crumbling and disintegrating all the more rapidly they have left something visible, something pitifully sclerotic—sometimes even degenerate—but at least historically significant. But there are others whose creation against the guiding trends of their time ends with them. This happens when inspired leaders refuse those compromises which are the indispensable conditions of success in this world. It also happens whenever such leaders live and act in a doomed age, when no rectification of any scope is possible any longer, no matter how worthy and skilful the initiator may be.

Only Kalki, the last of the avatars of Vishnu, can be successful in a battle against the tide of Time. And this success will then be total, consisting of nothing less than that absolute transvaluation of values that characterises the end of one world and the birth of an unknown and unthinkable world. Accompanied by unprecedented destruction, it will signify the end of the present cycle: the end of the Dark Age, from which nothing good could come; the end of this cursed humanity and the appearance of conditions of life and means of expression similar to those of every Golden Age.


[1] The Lightning and the Sun, published in 1958.

Eduardo Velasco Kalki

Evropa Soberana, backup 48

Click here

A Kālacakra Mandala

Translation of a single sentence of the article:

The Kālacakra, a Tibetan Buddhist tantric scripture with strong Hindu influences, states that when the world degenerates into a maelstrom of war and greed, out of Shambhala will emerge Kalki (‘white horse’, or ‘destroyer of filth’): a kind of messiah who will form an army and fight the demonic forces, killing by the millions the barbarians and the ‘thieves who have usurped the royal power’. Gathering all the Brahmins of the world, he would find a new race to populate the golden age to come.

Kalki Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Savitri quote

The Führer had, says André Erissaud, ‘the feeling’—I would say, the certainty—that the Christian religion in particular had little to do with truly transcendent values.[1]

However, the whole of Western civilisation is at the same time ‘recent’ and ‘Christian.’ We must never forget this. That didn’t, however, prevent Hitler from admiring Charlemagne: the Sachsenschlüchter or ‘terminator of the Saxons’ as Alfred Rosenberg, Johann von Leers, Heinrich Himmler and a good number of other great dignitaries saw him.

Instead, Hitler saw in him the conqueror with the immense will to power, and above all the first unifier of the German people: the one who, alone at that time, had the idea of the Reich even if he had used the artificial unity of ‘faith’ to impose it, even if this faith was the Christian faith, a foreign faith. It will be remembered that Adolf Hitler insisted on the dissolving action of Christianity in the Greco-Roman world, and that he called it ‘pre-Bolshevism.’ But it doesn’t matter what this faith was (and still is) if it was the cement of a conquering Germanic Empire and, later, the occasion for the whole flowering of art that we know. Insofar as this art is beautiful it presupposes, in any case, a certain knowledge of what is eternal. The Führer thus accepted with respect, as a German heirloom, a replica of the sword of the Emperor of West.[2]


[1] Brissaud: Hitler et l’Ordre Noir, page 111.

[2] Editor’s note: I have been very critical of American white nationalism on my website, but hardly of German National Socialism. It is time to realise that Hitler and his followers weren’t perfect. To win the war you must know what you are fighting against. Both the most populist National Socialists like Goebbels, and today’s white nationalists, emphasised Jewry. But since the Semitic hydra also includes Christianity, Islam and even what happened to the Romans during the Punic Wars, Nietzsche’s ‘Law against Christianity’ alluded to in footnote #187 must be implemented in what we might start calling Kalki’s Reich.

Rosenberg, von Leers and Himmler were closer to the truth on this point than the Führer himself! But their movement failed because, like Savitri, they didn’t fully understand how infinitely toxic everything related to Judeo-Christianity has been, including its secular offshoots. If they had been genuinely wise they would have seen that the Christians on the other side of the Atlantic were their main foe. This means that all these esoteric and archaeological raids looking for the Aryan Grail, where it was not to be found, were a fool’s errand. The Grail is anti-Christianity or, to put it in more positive terms, the transvaluation of all Judeo-Christian values back to Greco-Roman values.