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Kalki Racial right

Part of the System

Apparently, Robert Morgan is the only commenter who consistently speaks the truth to the conservatives at The Unz Review, who sometimes strike me as such dunces that I’ve quoted many times what, over the years, Morgan has said in various threads. But in the thread on a Matt Parrott article posted yesterday at Counter-Currents, the commenters aren’t far behind:

Commenter X said: Nazi fetishism is cancer.

Commenter Y said: There’s obviously problems in America, but there’s a difference between going after the state… and just needlessly hating your own country.

Commenter Z said: Prior to the 1960s, the overwhelming majority of white Christians understood race, and they upheld a moral version of Capitalism that…

Here’s what I replied to Morgan the day before yesterday:

Not even white nationalists can handle the truth. I have told them a million times that when Christianity was healthy in the Americas, the Spanish and Portuguese stained their blood to the point that their descendants became mestizos, and these Iberians did so throughout the continent.

The Catholicism of the Counter-Reformation was responsible for this loss of the genotype of the Iberian whites at a continental level. But since then the Jews were controlled by the Spanish Inquisition (we are talking about the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries when miscegenation was consummated), the racial right doesn’t pay attention to these historical facts simply because they break their cherished paradigm: that Christianity was recently corrupted by the Jews.

The truth is that since Constantine founded his so-called Second Rome, universalist Christianity has been a machinery of miscegenation.

I increasingly have contempt, if not hatred, for a racial right that is capable of comments such as those we read in The Unz Review or those quoted above. My response to Vlad Tepes on Saturday explains why I loathe them so much. But my response that same day to Mauricio gives me some calm, because I know that Kalki’s time is coming, and he will sweep away all these lukewarm whites who claim to defend their race but in reality are part of the System.

18 replies on “Part of the System”

Do you believe literally in all this Kalki talk? I don’t believe in anything supernatural, but you have been talking about this quite a lot. I assumed that we all knew deep down that it was gobbledegook. I don’t believe in the eternal recurrence that Nietzsche described either. I take the sensible parts and dispense with all the silliness. Well, it seems silly to me, at least.

As usual, you didn’t read what I linked. I have never claimed that Kalki will be a person (as Savitri believed). In the link to my response to Mauricio, I told him that I agree with Ronin that ‘Kalki’ will be the energy devolution that is coming. I would suggest you watch everything Martenson told us a couple of days ago in that video.

I have tried, but his videos are just so long and tedious. I was bored to tears.

If you want to know why energy devolution will be apocalyptic you have to see them.

I was not asked, but just so you know, not believing in the supernatural is a heresy, plain and simple.

The ancients believed their myths literally. They believed, or rather knew, that their gods were real. Their poets were inspired by the Muses and the Gods. Woden was flesh and blood. In Homer’s Iliad (as well as other texts) Gods are individuals. They have personal traits (even negative ones), they can interact with the world of men.

There’s nothing wrong with interpreting the myths allegorically. But there is something wrong with interpreting them only allegorically. If you don’t believe in the literal interpretation, you don’t believe in the Gods, you just believe in the morality that these non-existent characters are there to communicate. This is heresy.

So I believe that Kalki will be both a real person (as was the case with Baron Ungern von Sternberg) and a collective unconscious.

Anything else is atheism, which is Christianity.

Widespread atheism emerged with Christianity. Early Christians were branded “heretics” and “atheists” by the pagan Romans.

Atheism and any form of it should not be accepted in NS circles.

We need to bring back that raw spirit and communion with our European Gods in a similar manner of seriousness, dedication, and spiritual ecstacy and Tantric like rituals.

Once we combine treating our faith and heritage as sacred and worthy of defense like Abrahamics do, with a raw esoteric spiritual approach similar to the Tantrika, we will be on a direct path to full revival.

Yes, we have a more open and free expression of faith than an Abrahamic, but insults & blasphemy are obvious & should be treated as serious.

Yes, not everyone is a priest, nor should they be doing rituals willy-nilly. But we have documented methods, and living tradition is action.

He who controls not only ones own history, but who writes a shared and global history of the entire world, controls its future. The Christian and Muslim alike embraces, validates and defines themselves within the Jewish history of the world, their god and their laws. Truly they are grafted onto the tree of Israel.

Myth is an important structure of universally recurrent themes, ideas and powers, which engage man with the world around him. It connects him to symbols and actions that stretch beyond his individual self. With this in mind, myth plays the greatest role in the overall structure of modern politics.

With all that said, our European myths and racial stories must be of the utmost importance and seriousness for a NS man to navigate through the Age of Heresy.

In The Fair Race I published a brief letter from a Spaniard where he says that we must have ecclesias in the sense of centers where these priests connect us with our Indo-European past through learning languages, ancient texts and their culture. Himmler tried to do something similar with the SS and its castles. In ‘The Wall’ I linked to The Fair Race page where another Spaniard tells us that a Roman emperor prohibited worshiping any Aryan god and only allowed Christianity while Judaism was tolerated. That was the origin of the tragedy, and the fact that American racialists ignore such an elementary fact of history turns their entire movement into charlatanism.

Sorry if I sound like an Imperium Inquisitor from Warhammer, but this needs to be called out.

One of the reasons why Christians can say things like “Christianity built the West, we can’t build anything comparable to Christianity” in racialist forums is because there is no counterbalance.

Saying “Christianity is the reason of the decline” will only go so far. We also need spiritual teachers who deeply know about European paganism and can defend their belief systems with facts and logic so that Christians cannot frame Christianity as “the only authentic Western religion” and European paganism as “a loose set of values and Marvel gods” etc.

The Anglo-Saxons called their Priests Ǽweweard(as), which translates as Guardian(s) of the divine law – literally Law-Guard(s). Another name was Þingere (Þingeras), which essentially means a priest of the Þing, who in his office, intercedes for the folk. A Þing is an assembly, meeting, or court held to settle disputes and or discuss matters of importance.

Our ancient religious leaders were the law-keepers of the folk. They knew the secular & religious law, the religious lore & history of the folk, & protected the folk customs & traditions. Our religious leaders were, in essence, the authority when knowledge was to be dispensed and answers to be given – they were our judges & protectors.

Our ancestors had a law, and held that law above everything, modeled after the Gods themselves, as fate decreed.

You either have not read or did not understand what Nietzsche wrote about the “priests” and their moral machinations (“will of the gods”) to hedge against free spirits, i.e., individuals becoming strong enough to free themselves of their imposed morality and transvaluing the priestly values to their own.

The druids were the ruling class of the Celts, not the Germans. In the days of yore the herd instinct in the latter must have been much weaker, hence the long-standing tradition of the Germanic tribes to elect outstanding warriors as their leaders and kings.

Frankly, wishing for a “pagan” clergy, as you seem to do, means simply to substitute the old one (Christian church) with a pseudo-new one (Woden’s church, or whatever): from a Nietzschean perspective this would most probably not make the cut as it betrays the attachment to the ecclesiastical forms handed down to us by our parents (see C.T.’s “parental introjects”) and the willingness to bend the knee to religious “authority,” hence becoming a slave to the “priests” and their morality once again.

Besides that, neopaganism is basically LARPing, and LARPing is living the lie, but the transvaluation of all values means overcoming the lie! As Nietzsche clarifies in aphorism 116 of “The Will to Power”: “Those pious counterfeiters—the priests—are becoming Chandala in our midst:—they occupy the position of the charlatan, of the quack, of the counterfeiter, of the sorcerer: we regard them as corrupters of the will, as the great slanderers and vindictive enemies of Life, and as the r e b e l s among the bungled and the botched. . . . We are proud of being no longer obliged to be liars, slanderers, and detractors of Life . . . .” (translation by Anthony M. Ludovici)

You seem to be extremely ignorant of what you are talking about to even label European Folkish Paganism with Christian talk and call it “LARPing”.

If what I’m talking about is LARPing, then the Nazis were LARPing too because they were LARPing as an extinct race who literally race mixed themselves to death, and in that case Cesar and all of us here are LARPing as the Nazis. Hell, you might even call working out “LARPing” because when you work out, you LARP as Arnold for example. Is that what you’re saying? See where it goes?

Then I say we learn by LARPing.

Plus I’d just point out that ‘Nietzsche says ___’ isn’t proof in itself. He said plenty, some wrong as an honest mistake, some overcorrection from understandable passion, some simply to piss people off. He explicitly wanted his readers to pick their paths through the peaks of his works and not follow what was apparent, and his great fear was being taken at face value as a kind of prophet.

Besides, he grew up in an explicitly Christian social sphere and could only have learned so much about the native European faiths. Despite all this, he did his best to detach himself from Christianity. But he is by no means the final authority.

If you somehow think that Germans had no priestly class and that this is why their traditions have survived, then I say educate yourself on the antiquity.

One absolute certainty we have in regards to our revered ancestors tradition is that every European folk had a Priesthood. This Priesthood was very powerful. Tacitus states (in Germania);

“But to reprimand, to imprison, even to flog, is permitted to the priests alone, and that not as a punishment, or at the general’s bidding, but, as it were, by the mandate of the god whom they believe to inspire the warrior.”

They were deeply respected by our Germanic ancestors, to the point where in the Þing:

“Silence is proclaimed by the priests, who have on these occasions the right of keeping order.”

“The chief city in that land was called Ōsġeard. In that city was a chief called Wōden, and it was a great place for sacrifice. It was the custom there that twelve temple priests should both direct the sacrifices, and also judge the people. They were called Dryhtnas, and all the people served and obeyed them.”

“Wōden placed Nyord and Seaxnēat-Frēa as priests of the sacrifices, and they became Dryhtnas of the Ōsland people. Nyord’s daughter Frōwe was priestess of the sacrifices, and first taught the Ōsland people the magic art, as it was in use and fashion among the Wanaland people.”
~ Ynglinga Saga

Our ancestors took insults against the Gods very seriously. An Old Norse term for blasphemy in Njál’s Saga was goðgá, and in the Kjalnesinga Saga, rangan átrúnað; false worship/religion.

In Njál’s Saga, Hjalti Skeggison openly mocks Freyja and Odin, for which he is sentenced to outlawry.
“Ever will I Gods blaspheme,
Freyja methinks a dog does seem,
Freyja a dog? Aye, let them be,
Both dogs together, Odin and she.”

In the Kjalnesinga Saga, Búi said it was ergi to give blót, presumably because you’d prostrate yourself. The goði Þórgrím accuses Búi of false worship, and he’s sentenced to outlawry.

Perhaps one of the biggest reasons why the Germans did not suffer the same fate as the Celts is that the Romans did not settle across the Rhine as they did in the Gaul. The Celts were all over Europe in high numbers, from Éire to Galatia, and were targeted by the Romans. The Germans did not even go as far as southern Germany until the Völkerwanderung.

Saying that we’ll be once again a slave to the priests and religious authority in a folkish European paganism is funny and shows your lack of knowledge on the matter.

Again, living tradition is action.

Christians LARPed as the Jews, look at the result.

If there is to be a serious resistance against Christianity and its’ golems, then it will be through action and reviving ancestral traditions. If action is LARPing, then LARPing is what I will do.


Why do you think the Gauls were defeated in the battle of Alesia? Simply because of Caesar’s military genius? Nope, it was primarily the druids’ doing as the night before the final day of the battle there was a lunar eclipse, and the druids agured that this was a bad omen and fighting should be refrained from. Thus, on the next day, the vast majority of the Celtic relief armies’ warriors did not take part in the decisive attack on the northern line of the Roman outer fortifications around Alesia (only 60,000 of the total 250,000-300,000 Celtic relief armies’ warriors), thus hindering their kin from mounting the necessary force to eventually break down the Roman defense and allowing Titus Labienus’ to undertake his victorious cavalry sortie in the first place (as the Romans still had enough troops not engaged in battle elsewhere). And secondly it were the German auxiliaries—unhindered by any priestly intervention; exalting entirely in the glory of their own strength—who withstood the ferocious opening attack of the Gauls on the first day of the battle and thereafter fought from noon to sunset and drove them back!

If you are of Celtic descent, I fully understand your sympathy for the priestly tradition of your folk. Still, that is no reason—at least nor for a free spirit (in the Nietzschean sense)—to turn a blind eye to the bane which is the will of the priests!

The author of the sources of your apparent belief in an almighty European priesthood is no other than Snorri Sturluson—a Christian! The same Snorri Sturluson who demonized Loki, invented the whole Ragnarǫk myth, and turned Heimdall into a Christ-like figure of this remodeled “Apocalypse for Vikings,” even going so far as to have a man and a woman repopulate the world after the end of the world… All sheer coincidence, right? To take him, of all people, at face value and adopt his fudged retellings of pagan past and religion for one’s own is, as Nietzsche would probably say, a “niaiserie par excellence!” (To start grasping the magnitude of the brazen and blatant manipulations and subversions of the Christians, see Cathrine Nixey’s “The Darkening Age” and, even translated and excerpted on this very web page, Karlheinz Deschner’s “Christianity’s Criminal History”.)

If you take LARPing to be “Christian talk,” then you are—by founding your neopaganism on a Christian subverter and acting according to his precepts (issued at a time when Iceland had already been fully Christianized for over 200 years)—not only talking their talk but, indeed, walking their walk!


Sad to see another uninformed comment.

Obviously you haven’t read the Eddas, the Sagas and the other heathen sources such as the Vedas, you don’t know how to approach them, you don’t know about Snorri, and also haven’t read what I’ve written.

I would like to see one piece of credible evidence that Snorri Sturluson was Christian.

We know Christianity can be traced back to exactly 795 CE when hermits first arrived in Iceland, Scandinavian settlers overwhelmed them in the 870s, Paganism strengthened in 930 with the establishment of Alþingi in Iceland, and Chieftains had a leading role in pagan cults.

Both the Sturlungar family clan and the MAN WHO RAISED SNORRI were a part of these chiefdoms. Specifically Jón Loftsson who was a mentor to Snorri and was his grandfather by paternity and BTFO the churches when there was a dispute over Chuch lands called Staðarmál.

I quote it:

“Jóni Loftssyni í Odda sem var helsti höfðingi landsins. Jón neitaði að gefa eftir kirkjueign sem hann hafði forræði yfir og þar með lauk baráttu biskups.”

“Jón Loftsson in Odda, who was the country’s chief ruler. Jon refused to give up his church property had control over and thus ended the bishop’s struggle.”

The churches in question were the ones built by pagan farmers who REFUSED to give them up to the Christian bishops headed by a man named Þorláki Þórhallssyni and Jón Loftsson DEFENDED THE PAGAN FARMERS AS HIS RIGHT OF BEING A CHIEF OF THE LAND.

All this was going on in 1179, the year Snorri was born, to be raised by the absolute chad of a grandfather.

Snorri wrote Prose Edda primarily to explain old myth and poetry of his people.

And in the Poetic Edda I don’t know of any instance of Christian influence which is present in one manuscript only, at the end of Völuspá. And that’s it.

We can see if something is tainted with Christian influence by simply comparing; the most overlapping things must contain the most universal and unaltered truths.

The sources are complicated, but it’s not hard to understand what is pagan and what is christian once you understand the context.

The Poetic Edda is purely pagan. Konungsbok is the primary source of the Poetic Edda. This text was discovered in 1642 and is believed to be written down around 1270. However, the language used in the poems are in Dansk Tunga or Norrœnt Mál, the universal language spoken by the northern people from 500-900 AD. Meaning this text predates conversion and is probably older than the Qur’an.

Looking at the mountain of comparisons between these texts and ones found in the Rigveda, the oldest religious text in the world, it is without question that this is absolutely an authentic and ancient Indo-European text who’s actual date of origin stretches back into the mists of our ancient history.

“Dansk Tunga” or “Danish tongue” hails from a fascinating region. This text comes from a land the ancient Romans referred to as “the womb of the world”.

The Prose Edda has a christian prologue with euhemerized intro, but then switches right back to pagan myths. In it only Gylfaginning, Skaldskaparmal, and the Appendices and Genealogy Trees that matter.

The Sagas, namely written by Snorri Sturlusson, do not describe myths that much but on the other hand describe religious practices, namely the animal sacrifice, which if you compare with the Greek or Roman ones are almost identical.

The sources are plentiful, and just because they were preserved by monks doesn’t mean they are christian fanfiction, the Iliad and the Odyssey were preserved by monks too. Should we discard the Lord of the Rings and the whole work of Tolkien too because he was a devout Christian? No.

It is important to employ critical thinking when reading some of the sources to pick apart what seems truthful and what doesn’t seem truthful.

Our Fathers have left us names and symbols for the Gods aplenty. We have to rebuild a bridge, having partial knowledge of the original: we’ll try to be as faithful to the original design as we can, but we’ll also have to experiment with new solutions to actually have a full working bridge.

Thankfully, some folk traditions can help with that. Like in Italy, a divination method consists of melting lead and interpreting the shapes it forms; thus is nominally done in the name of Saint John, but this Saint is often a stand-in for the Roman Jānus on Italian folklore.

Besides, you don’t seem to know that Hitler quoted from the Poetic Edda, that Himmler carried Bhagavad Gita with him and tried to create a priestly Nordic caste.

I should make it clear: I’m in no ways advocating for a dogmatic pagan clergy.

I agree that the biggest flaw in Indo European paganism was the powerlessness it instilled within the individual spiritually.

These limiting beliefs are not true and they are not necessary.

The role of the priestly caste should for the most part be one of educators and advanced practitioners, nothing should be kept only for them especially if a commoner shows the capacity for understanding the deeper principles.

Nazi leadership wanted to de-emphasize belief in mysticism, focusing instead on being connected to the soil. Life was all about struggle. (As the many Germans who settled Kansas and struggled to survive farming their 160 acre plots showed the rest of us so well. )

(Vlad, you’d do well to sever your tether to priests of the mystical and instead by a farm in west central Kansas and pour your life into the soil.)

That kind of thinking is why we’re losing. You don’t take your history serious. Then why should anyone?

Thank you for your suggestion, but I already have land, livestock and unlike some of you, I am a member of a community that takes what they do seriously.

By the way, apparently you two are strawmanning. The kind of priests I am talking about and advocate is no different than the kind of priests that César and Manu Rodríguez talk about in the Fair Race’s Darkest Hour and the kind of priests that Himmler sought to create.


I don’t disagree with what you are saying, but do you have a plan at how to do it?

Christianity gained the upper hand because its influence reached the state and used it to forcefully imposed itself to the rest.

What do you propose we do first?

Believe what you will, Vlad, but I am sorry to say that you are most likely mistaken in your “vision” of a kind of super-pagan 12th century Icelandic chiefdom, for both Snorri’s foster-father, Jón Loftsson, as well as his own brother, Þórðr, were Christian deacons or subdeacons, respectively, i.e., they had been inducted into Holy Orders (see Kevin Wanner: J. Snorri Sturluson and the Edda: The Conversion of Cultural Capital in Medieval Scandinavia. University Of Toronto Press, Toronto, 2008, p. 67; and also Haki Antonsson: “Salvation and Early Saga Writing in Iceland: Aspects of the Works of the Pingeyrar Monks and Their Associates.” Viking and Medieval Scandinavia, vol. 8, 2012, pp. 71–140).

Also, if Snorri was not Christian, as you seem to claim, how then do you reconcile this with the fact that, for example, Snorri’s “Edda” begins with none other than the Abrahamic God creating “heaven and earth” and, literally, “Adam and Eve?” What kind of personal need could bring one to such a point of denial?

The difference between Snorri’s Christianized retellings and the “Iliad” and “Odyssey” is precisely that the latter had been written down long before the establishment of even the first Christian sect, deep in Europe’s pagan past, and thereafter were indeed preserved by myriad pagan hands (see the many “Homeric papyri”), which is why we really can discern the degree of Christian corruption of the text. One of the oldest fragments of the “Odyssey,” for example, an inscription on a potsherd from the Greek colony of Olbia, dates back to the 5th century BCE. Snorri’s “Edda” has not been “preserved,” as you claim, in this way at all, but, in point of fact, was first written down by himself in the Christian context of his time!

As to Tolkien: Yes, we should “discard” the “Lord of the Rings” and “the whole work” of this “devout Christian,” for it is basically ‘Feindpropaganda,’ i.e., ideologically and axiologically opposed to anything and everything in pursuit of the transvaluation of all values!

See, if you do not want to take my word for it, what Tom Holland, the author of “Dominion” (the central text of C.T.’s “Neo-Christianity”), has to say about Tolkien: “Every story, he believed, was ultimately about the fall. No less than Augustine had done, he interpreted all of history as the record of human iniquity. The world, which in the Anglo-Saxon writings he so loved had been named ‘Middle-earth’, was still what had it ever been: the great battlefield between good and evil. In 1937, two years before the outbreak of war, Tolkien had embarked on a work of fiction which sought to hold up a mirror to this abiding Christian theme. The Lord of the Rings was deeply embedded in the culture to which he had devoted an entire lifetime of scholarship: that of early medieval Christendom. . . . Tolkien, when he wrote of demons riding great featherless birds, or marshalling lethal engines of war, did so as a man who had witnessed dog-fights in the skies above the trenches and tanks churning across no man’s land. Sauron, the Dark Lord whose ambitions threatened all Middle-earth with darkness, ruled in the land of Mordor: at once both a vision of hell such as Gregory the Great might have recognised, and an immense military-industrial complex, black with furnaces, munitions factories and slag-heaps. Unfailingly, throughout The Lord of the Rings, it was the blasted desecration of tree and flower that had run like a scar across France and Belgium during the Great War that featured as the marker of his rule. . . . That the Nazis’ racism lacked any scientific basis he took for granted; but his truest objection to it was as a Christian. Of course, steeped in the literature of the Middle Ages as he was, he knew full well the role played by his own Church in the stereotyping and persecution of the Jews. In his imaginings, however, he saw them not as the hook-nosed vampires of medieval calumny, but rather as ‘a holy race of valiant men, the people of Israel the lawful children of God’. . . . Central to the plot was the return of a king: an heir to a long-abandoned throne named Aragorn. If the armies of Mordor were satanic like those of Pharaoh, then Aragorn – emerging from exile to deliver his people from slavery – had more than a touch of Moses. As in Bede’s monastery, so in Tolkien’s study: a hero might be imagined as simultaneously Christian and Jewish. . . . True strength manifested itself not in the exercise of power, but in the willingness to give it up. So Tolkien, as a Christian, believed. It was why, in the last year of the war against Hitler, he had lamented it as an ultimately evil job. ‘For we are attempting to conquer Sauron with the Ring. And we shall (it seems) succeed. But the penalty is, as you will know, to breed new Saurons.’ Tolkien, although he gruffly dismissed any notion that he might have modelled The Lord of the Rings on the events of his own century, certainly viewed them through the prism of his own creation. . . . The fall of Mordor, so Tolkien specified, occurred on 25 March: the very date on which, since at least the third century, Christ was believed to have become incarnate in the womb of Mary, and then to have been crucified.” (from the chapter “In the Darkness Bind Them”)

As you can see, your cherished “Lord of the Rings” is nothing less than pure and unadulterated Christian postwar anti-Nazi, anti-German, anti-industrial, anti-racist, pro-Jewish propaganda!

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