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Tomorrow, 1 January 2024, a new featured post will appear, ‘The Wall’ that replaces ‘The River Nymph’.

As I usually do, the featured posts are closed to comments; but here, visitors, old and new, can leave their comments about ‘The Wall’ or any other topic. It’s an open thread for discussion.

14 replies on “Discuss here”

Hi, Herr Caesar I have two points. what is your opinion about being completely woke with non-white associates (promoting lgbt, trans, slave morals, etc to them). I meanwhile keep my attention on the white community, and it’s quite interesting, it’s like being something akin to a Jew, in fact this is what the kikes have been doing to us for two millennia. Maybe the short term future is larpear, gaining woke points as we acquire power and money.

About Hitler’s posts, Hitler would never have gotten the atomic bomb. On youtube there are good videos about this, especially one with a Spanish youtuber and physicist, Quantumfracture. Heisenberg was a traitor to the Volk without any serious goal. They lost at least 4 years of development thanks to him.

Finally, thanks for posting and keeping your blog alive (it’s one of the few things on the internet that keeps my sanity), I like how you filter commenters and keep a healthy environment for us readers. I hope we get to see more posts on the ancient Roman republic and its values or on psychology and abuse where you have a lot to share. Thanks for your work and happy new year!.

Thank you.

what is your opinion about being completely woke with non-white associates (promoting lgbt, trans, slave morals, etc to them)?

I once saw a video of a couple of Orthodox Jews in NY, one asking the other if he wasn’t shocked by a street poster promoting ‘gay’ stuff (I hate that word). The Jew who was typically dressed in black with his hat, one of those that Jews wear, replied ‘It is for the goyim!’

Indeed: if you want to destroy your enemy, it is best to preach Wokism.

For that reason it doesn’t bother me so much that Wokism is conquering Latin American elites. That’s weakening them and it will make them easier to conquer if the Anglo-Germans in the north would come to their senses and start thinking like the characters of The Turner Diaries.

Hello and Happy New Year, Herr Tort. Given that I only found this blog recently, and that I’m not a NatSoc, I suppose there are quite a few questions I would ask if I got the chance. But for now, I’ll limit it a couple of semi-personal questions if you’re fine with that:

1. Since you live in Mexico (or so I think), do you interact with non-whites particularly often? If you do, are you troubled by that? Do you dislike them personally? Do you even know any personally?

2. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that you’re fairly old but only got into dissident right-wing politics circa 2010. What did you believe before then? I heard that you were once Catholic, but what about politically?

Hello Nik, happy new year.

There is a category on this site, ‘autobiography’, which if you click on it contains some autobiographical information about me. There are also articles in the German, English and Spanish Metapedia about ‘César Tort’, which I have barely edited (of the German one, which was the one that originated the other two, I didn’t edit a single comma: the Germans wrote it).

There are also my autobiographical books. All your questions are answered there but only one of them has been translated into English.

In short, it is very annoying for me to live in the southern neighborhood of the Mexican capital where I live. There are hardly any white people but my quixotic father (I live in the house he left) came here because it reminded him of traditional architecture.

“Why were you so ungrateful to our Gods as to desert them for the Jews?”

“Because they promised us justice and a good future.”

………“Why were you so ungrateful to our Gods as to desert them for the Jews?”………“Because they promised us justice and a good future.”…….

Years ago the term “boiling the frog/crab” was popular in WN to describe the slow creeping of multi-culturalism and how it begins a rot that societies ignore until they become dependent on foreigners and then overcome by them.

Only Western nations have this insane anti-nature self-murderous christian impulse, it was brought by christianity and boosted into a hyper-morality to absolve the crimes of the allies against Europe in WW2.

Since I already closed the comment thread on ‘The Wall’, here I must say, regarding the anti-Christian nature of that post, that I was surprised by what a columnist also wrote today in Counter-Currents:

Shortly before Christmas 2023, one of its leaders [of Xtian Nationalism], Nicholas Fuentes, called for the execution of non-Christians and declared that stemming the tide of illegal immigration at our Southern border is less important than ensuring that the United States is populated only by Christians… He then said he was “more concerned about such people [non-Xtians] than he was about non-whites and mass migration… This is God’s country. This is Jesus’ country. ”

Unfortunately, the same author who criticises crazy Fuentes is unaware of the real history of Christianity. He parrots the accepted ‘wisdom’ among racialised Xtians:

For centuries, the great defenders of Western civilization were Christians defending Europe against Muslim invaders. Legendary warriors such as Vlad the Impaler of Wallachia in modern-day Romania and the Frankish military leader Charles Martel fought off invasions that might very well have brought the West to an end long before its time.

Later this self-styled agnostic says: ‘as Jesus Christ, the God of my kin for as far back as I can trace’.

In the racial right so-called Christian Nationalism has become ascendant in recent years; Hunter Wallace of Occidental Dissent is one of its fans. But later the same author adds: ‘There is something deeply personal and subversive about the European peoples being forced to accept a foreign Semitic religion’!

Despite his obvious flaws, this Counter-Currents author isn’t as bad as more traditional Christians.

P.S. of January 3rd

Hunter Wallace has dishonestly reacted against the C-C article quoted above:

White countries didn’t have a problem with mass Third World immigration for over a thousand years of Christendom. It is only when Christianity began to ebb in the 20th century that the borders were flung open.

This is an extremely misleading way of framing the matter (focusing on immigration), as Wallace omits that it was during the ‘healthy’ period of Christendom that white Iberians ruined their blood throughout the American continent by intermarrying with Amerindian women: facts that the American racial right hasn’t been able to confront because they are as dishonest as Wallace.

The blog post you link is no match to the erudite writings of Weber and Irving. It is typical of white nationalists to ignore scholarship, and the frivolity of believing that a mere blog post can balance the more academic texts of these sympathisers of Hitler’s Germany.

P.S. After 1:22 of the interview linked in a footnote of ‘The Wall’, Rizoli acknowledged that he comes from a fundamentalist family as far as his POV of Jewry (‘synagogue of Satan’) is concerned.

Hello Herr Caesar,

I have some questions related to music.

What do you think is the best way to fight back against the influence of degenerate/american music?

Also, why do you think most racialist whites (and normies) tend to be such lovers of rock and its derivatives?

Cesar, I have a question.

You said that you believe that the Jewish Holocaust happened. Why is that? Don’t you think that one of the greatest lies ever told needs to be dismantled in order to weaken Jewish spell on the European psyche? Even if some thousand Jews were holocausted by the SS, the figure of 6 million is certainly a myth. And it is a myth that forces Europeans to be suicidally altruistic towards Jews, even to accept them as one of our folk. It’s like Grima Wormtongue and Saruman controlling Theoden King.

“The fact of the matter is that the narrative surrounding the Second World War and the 1930s Germans and Italians is used as a cudgel to beat all Europeans into submission, self-doubt, and self-punishment. The official narrative and cartoonish Nazi villains are used as a blockade to prevent all of us from protecting our nations and taking our own side. That’s why we can’t move on from it until we have dismantled it.”
~ Pox Populi, from his Substack essay “What To Do About World War II”

Hello Vlad Tapes,

I don’t know if you missed my comment, but last month I said: ‘It is true that the figure of 6 million is a vile Jewish myth…’

I would suggest you read ‘Why I am not a Neo-Nazi’ (pages 81-84 of On Exterminationism).

As I said in ‘The Wall’, what we need are holocaust affirmers, not holocaust deniers. These tweets by Young White Family hit the nail:

The WN meme that the Nazis dindu nuffin and dindu mass grave killings is ridiculous and goes against the violent attitude we need to have.

• 100 Dylan Roofs and the JewSA would crumble. 100,000 peaceful whiners and enemies are still laughing at us.

• Nearly every White Nationalist info source is cleverly scripted towards re-pacifying Whites into the Christian, pro “justice system” fold.

• So sick of the whining and aggrandizement of Jews like they’re supermen. It’s White traitors and our own weakness that’s the main problem.

• There’s enough WNs right now to take down the system if they had balls, not blogs.

• White people won’t be saved by YouTube videos. It’s going to take White men who kill enemies and cause more ppl to fear them than the gov’t.

• If WNs operated more like ISIS instead of complaining about them, we’d be noteworthy, and not a pathetic bunch of politicking wannabes.

“Wahhh, you support genocide, you’re anti-White and bad” – said the WN fag pussy. Whites won’t survive if they don’t genocide non-Whites.

Emphasis added!

I see, thank you for your quick reply. I will hold my further questions until I have read each of your books thoroughly. I have read most of them, and probably also the contents of On Exterminationism on your previous website, but unfortunately I forgot a lot of them. Thanks again.

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