Painting of a family moving in the 19th century.
I’m moving out of the capital of the country where I’m living, and we’re already packing many boxes. I’m afraid that for quite a while, I won’t be able to upload any more posts until I unpack in a different city from the one I live in now (at the moment, I don’t even know which town I’m moving to!). However, I will keep the comments section of this post open.
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Kind comments from visitors to this site:
The article was worth waiting for, thanks. I haven’t read anyone as disturbing as Chechar [presently I sign my posts with my initials, C.T.—Ed.] since Nietzsche.
—H.H. (November 24, 2009)
Your writing and insights are excellent. The book is enormously enjoyable. It appears Jaynes is required reading.
—D.J. (6 April 2010)
Best of luck for the future, Chechar and thanks for opening my eyes to the horrors of pre-Colombian America.
—AngloAmerikan (29 July 2010)
Thank you Guruji! Your website is refreshingly intelligent and I look forward to exploring the list of stimulating reading you’ve prepared.
—Teutonsuet (25 September 2010)
Chechar, love your blog, keep the faith man! I’m relatively new to the alt-right scene and enjoy your posts over at Mangan’s. If you want a preview of Stockholm in 20 years, come visit me in Chicago sometime. 🙂
—M. J. (14 October 2010)
Your blog [the first, Blogger incarnation of this site—Ed.] is quite literally extraordinary, bravely honest & straightforward, aestetically beautiful, and simply appealing overall.
And especially now, I literally need all of that I can get.
Bring it back.
—S.R. (5 November 2010)
Hello Cesar,
I’m starting to read your book Whispering Leaves and I’m really touched and also very shocked by everything you’ve told. If I can help you in any way, and it’s within my reach, you can count on me. (Original in Spanish: ‘Hola Cesar: Estoy comenzando a leer tu libro “Hojas Susurrantes” y en verdad estoy muy conmovido y tambien muy impactado por todo lo narrado. En verdad si en algo te puedo ayudar, y está a mi alcance, cuenta con ello’.)
—C.V. (1 December 2010)
What you just wrote above [post ‘All is About Valor and Honesty’—Ed.] is a paean to a White Man’s Journey. No other group of people would have this set of interests, curiosities, and drive, to propel an individual soul through a forest of discovery.
Congratulations, Brother!
—Mike (April 5 2011)
[This was posted in the second incarnation
of this site, that of WordPress. (This is the third
incarnation due to cancel culture) —Ed.]
Cesar, you are indeed a ‘geologist of the psyche’. Revilo Oliver had much to say about the riddle of the White mindset, as well as the Jews, and he was rather blunt about it at times.
—Junghans (12 June 2011)
Chechar, I think this is as good a time as any to say that you’ve put an amazing blog together. Regardless of the points on which we disagree (and which I don’t want to discuss in this thread), I’m full of admiration for that. Congratulations.
—Daybreaker (10 July 2011)
Chechar, re “In my middle age I have come to realize that all is about valor and honesty” …in order to do what we must do, as opposed to what we would like to do.
—Sebastian Ronin (27 July 2011)
Chechar offers a very useful and vital counterpoint to the passivity of those whose idea of effectiveness is to wait until we are attacked, and then complain, helplessly, to people who wish to destroy us, the anti-Whites who actively seek the genocide of the White Race.
—Fourmyle of Ceres (4 August 2011)
Chechar, my antipathy towards monkey music is the biggest divide between me and fellow WNs as well.
I sympathize with your feeling of alienation. I live with it and am reminded of it ubiquitously. I think your analogy of Lot in Gomorrah is good.
The monkey music (black and “white”, rap and rock, respectively) that we both loathe has become a manifestation of an inner degenerated state. But to see WNs, the so-called enlightened ones, purvey such excrescences is truly troubling and indicative of a much lowered state.
—Iranian for Aryans (19-20 October 2011)
I am both fascinated and very grateful to be reading all of your various works Chechar.
You really are brilliant. I am very interested in the subject of trauma and will be attending a workshop this week dedicated to “trauma and addiction”, but I am already expecting it to pale in comparison to the subject matter here [cf. the central part of my book Day of Wrath—Ed.].
Thanks again for making all of this available to us English speakers.
—Mary (21 November 2011)
Dear Chechar,
I have been reading your articles with a lot of joy. I recognize many elements in your life, and it is heartening to meet someone who wrestles with these, esp. Alice Miller and abuse. I loved your review of her Hitler nonsense!
I agree totally that your musical tastes define who you are!
I tried to comment on Counter Currents on this piece but somehow it does not get through [note that Greg Johnson apparently deleted a comment by the Iranian in that discussion thread—Ed.]. I wanted to say:
It is with great regret however that I must agree with those WN musicians that use non-white, non-melodic, ugly music to reach out to white young men drowning in the gales of anti-white hatred. Metal music may also fulfill a similar function to Ligeti’s music for Chechar: express their feeling of alienation in this society.
Society is so corrupted that classical music seems for most young men to belong to another planet. The forces of corruption have “promoted” classical music to such an elitist status, that it has no influence whatsoever in society anymore.
Long gone are the days when Verdi was able to stir up a fervent nationalism with his opera music, and when his name itself became a revolutionary acronym for Vittorio Emanuele Re D’Italia. Even the revolution that led to the separation of Belgium from Holland was sparked by an opera.
I still hope though that the great military songs and marches from Germany may play a role. Those marches still have an immediate, manly appeal, but should also have the capacity to be a bridge to one of our race’s most valuable treasures: classical music.
As a professional classical singer I could also write an article about this theme for this website, if there is any interest.
Best regards, or better: Sieg Heil!
Michael Wikander
(not my real name, sorry)
[22 November 2011]
Excellent post!
Totally agree with your conclusion (in biographical post) that ultimately all is about valour and honesty (combination of what I refer to as honour).
Unfortunately I think there are very few who make similar conclusions. There are two forms of unity: by force and coercion, which involves backstabbing, deception and betrayal; one of honour, honesty, valour and brotherhood.
Unfortunately there is nobody in the ‘white wing’ movement (that I have met so far, I hope they exist, and I haven’t met them yet) who is committed to building the latter form of unity. They think that honourable unity can be created by feeding their fragile egos and demanding political correct etiquette niceties, where the horrors of liberalism are exposed, but never their own hypocrisies, their own inability to say what they have to another to their face; preferring to gossip behind peoples backs.
Until they begin to welcome self-criticism, honourable constructive criticism from colleagues, and listening to such, and getting over the disagreement, honourable unity will elude the movement.
I cannot tell you how many ‘white wing’ nationalists have stuck their tail between their legs and run away, after a slight misunderstanding or minor disagreement. They prefer to nurture the grudge than to step to the table and resolve their hurt ego, and build honourable transparent strong relationships.
Nice to know there is someone out there in the white wing world who does value the principles of valour and honesty. Look forward to hearing more of your thoughts on the issues.
—L.Z. (4 December 2011)
[Check out my essay on ‘valour and honesty’
on pages 46-51 of my book Daybreak.]
Your insights into psychiatry hit close to home. A rather important woman in my life has suffered immeasurably at the hands of the “mental-health” industry. I’ve witnessed the drugging you mentioned in a previous post. Institutionalized horrors like these should fill nationalists with more dread than anything an external foe can do.
So to cut my rambling short, thank you again!
—Freedom Cobra (4 March 2012)
Bravo on your insightful essay. Your sense of aesthetics is acute. I think you’re one of those rare birds: a Son of the West. You go beyond the insipid race realism of culturally-violating WNs and espouse a return to European cultural values and concepts.
The majority of WNs are very lowbrow and, unbeknownst to themselves, agent of the Jewish and modernistic culture of decay. Don’t expect anything out of the overwhelming majority of WNs. They are degenerate down to the marrow.
—I.F.A. (17 April 2012)
Most succinct and to-the-point summary of Christianity I’ve ever come across.
Yes. Christianity was made somewhat decent by White efforts—the spirit of the White race made it tolerable and sometimes even beautiful (the great art and music for example).
The White race thrived, for a while at least, in spite of Christianity’s foreign nature to our race, its lack of common sense, its disdain for racial loyalty and unity, its lack of respect for the animal kingdom and for mother nature in general, and the limitations it places on one’s imagination and one’s spirit.
My thanks to the blogger and to you for your time and work. Very thought provoking and compelling website.
—Joe (1 July 2012)
Chechar for president! [regarding the post ‘Lycanthropy’—Ed.]
—Hermanking (14 August 2012)
A truly beautiful post [‘The Ascent of the Soul’—Ed.], thank you. It captures the best of what you are. 🙂
—Mary (19 September 2012)
Great work Chechar [regarding the post ‘On Classic Pederasty’—Ed.].
I am pleased to have refrained from making a donation to CC, which I was on the verge of doing recently. The promulgation of homosexual elitism does nothing positive for the 14 Words, or WN in general, IMHO. My money is best employed elsewhere.
—Arion (6 November 2012)
This condensation of the main points in the March of the Titans has been extremely helpful to my understanding of Western history. The same can be said with what you have done with Hellstorm. I thank you very much. In these modern times many folk—for various reasons—will not even begin to read an entire book (god forbid!). But the way you have ‘parcelled up’ Hellstorm and MotT makes excellent reading and makes an excellent educational tool for the vast majority to get informed. It is an extremely good idea to do this, and as useful propaganda, it is extremely effective. Just what we need! Again, many, many thanks my friend.
—Elvis (21 November 2012)
I like your website a lot, by the way. As a German man born and raised in “Amerika,” I admire those who have the honesty to call out the Rothschild Jewish banking power and their unbelievably evil conduct against people for their great sin of wishing to run their own countries and be free from their tyranny.
In fact, your site is so good, I often forget that English is not your first language because your logic is so clear.
—Lachdenan (21 January 2013)
I wanted to thank you for speaking out for the German victims of the Second World War.
Unspeakable crimes have been committed against the German people in those days, and few people are even aware of it. In Germany we’re constantly being told that our ancestors have been monsters and we’re subjugated to holo-propaganda from an early age on and this is reinforced on an almost daily basis on all channels. Yet the crimes against the Germans are covered up: there’s censorship, they’re not even briefly touched in school history curriculums and people who want to remember German victims as well get harassed.
—Friedrich M. (2 February 2013)
Also [regarding the post ‘A reminder’—Ed.], on this day is the 67th anniversary of the fire-bombing of Dresden during the “greatest” of all internecine wars, “the good war”: World War Two.
One can blame the jew until one is blue in the face, but it’s our own innate Caucasian love of internecine war that is the ultimate crux of the problem.
Thank you, Chechar, for your website. I learn a lot at your site.
—Joe (13 February 2013)
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Editor’s note: I can cite many other kind comments I have received so far from March 2013 to 2025, but the ones I mentioned above, from 2009 to early 2013, give a good idea.