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Free speech / association

Fuck Spain!

Pedro Varela, a Spaniard who published books sympathetic to Uncle Adolf, was sentenced the day before yesterday in Spain to a year and a half in prison. This is how the System of ‘freedom and pluralism’ works in a Europe that must die already.

At The West’s Darkest Hour we support Pedro Varela and vehemently condemn this unjust sentence. Publishing books shouldn’t be a crime!

The sentence includes the destruction of the books that Varela published. Although in the past I lived in Spain for more than a year, I won’t visit it again. What a difference from Franco’s time when my father found copies of Mein Kampf in Spanish hotels instead of the Bibles that can now be read on the nightstands next to the beds in those hotels!

New Testament Racial right

So fundamental…

Uncle Adolf and his ilk thought that Jesus had been a non-divine Aryan who fought against the Jews in the Temple in Jerusalem—see this recent video interview with Hitler scholar Richard Weikart.

But now, in the darkest hour for the fair race, the only thing that can save them from the extinction facing them is a sort of improved National Socialism: a NS in which, unlike the top Nazis of the Third Reich, those of the 21st century no longer believe in the existence of Jesus.

And as Benjamin said yesterday, the biggest problem we 14-word priests (i.e., ‘improved Nazis’) have is the fact that American white nationalists are acting as gatekeepers to keep any Aryan racialists from moving into the NS camp (and let’s not talk about the improved NS).

Although very brief, on Saturday I posted the entry ‘Literary Theft’ which links to a video demonstrating that the writers of the New Testament plagiarised a story from Homer’s Odyssey. Now I would like to add something. Anyone who has read Gospel Fictions by Randel Helms will find that that was the method the Jews used in many other New Testament stories!

So the conversation between Dennis MacDonald and Richard Miller is so fundamental to understanding the POV of this site, that I can’t resist the temptation to copy and paste some of the first comments of that YouTube video:

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Commenter 1 said: Great to have these two scholars converse and share not only an application of mimetic analysis, but also to reflect on the way the study of religion is conducted in academia. Many thanks for these episodes!

Commenter 2 said: Blasphemy law and tradition against blasphemy is what kept people from saying and talking about the parallels. People are afraid of hell.

Commenter 3 said: And… you’ve unlocked the key to ‘blasphemy of the Holy Spirit’. To say the gospels and Acts were patterned after Greek mythological stories, the tragedians, etc., is to say that they were written by evil plagiarists… instead of by holy and devout men who wrote down the truth as guided by the Holy Ghost.

Commenter 4 said: This is traditionally what happens when New Testament scholars aren’t versed in ancient languages and cultures. Once a biblical and ancient Near Eastern scholar understands these aspects, their entire worldview of the New Testament as well as Homer changes them in a way they can’t unsee.

Free speech / association


In March 1959, when I wasn’t yet one year old, George Lincoln Rockwell founded a National Socialist organisation in the US (see William Pierce’s splendid article on Rockwell).

Rockwell was assassinated when I was already nine years old. Tomorrow is the anniversary of his assassination, 25 August 1967.

Matt Koehl (right) at a commemoration in Arlington, Virginia, in 1997 for the 30th anniversary of Rockwell’s assassination.

Matt Koehl (1935-2014), Rockwell’s successor, moved the NS party to Wisconsin and subsequently founded the New Order.

Today I received the following statement from the current headperson of New Order:

Comrades –

I have just received word from our webmaster that our website has been deplatformed. As of 7:30 pm (Eastern time) August 22, 2024 it has been offline.

Specifically, the company that registers domain names has suspended our address. They gave a vague reason why, basically accusing us of extremism.

We are working to get the site back up. We do not know why our enemies have chosen this moment to attack us. All other NEW ORDER operations are unaffected.

More details to follow.

The System doesn’t tolerate Uncle Adolf’s followers, even in the First Amendment country! What the System does tolerate is a couple of normies, say Peter Boghossian and David Rubin, criticising the Woke Monster, as in this audio-visual interview I watched today.

When a European commenter visited me this month, we were planning what those of us who still carry the torch that Uncle Adolf left could do. I told him that the ideal would be to have an audiovisual show (say like Rubin’s) where two NS men comment on current affairs.

The problem, as always, is that such an enterprise requires huge funding, as well as emigrating to the third world (we saw what recently happened to the Englishmen who protested on the internet—Big Brother simply jailed them!). We would have to have a generous sponsor as we couldn’t have a job in Europe and at the same time be Nazis let’s say, on an Odysee channel. Otherwise… just consider Europe’s thoughtpolice or the egregious First Amendment violations in the US, like what happened to New Order yesterday!

Since we don’t have that funding, my dream of having a show hosted in the Third World (where the thoughtpolice cannot molest us) in the format of Rubin’s but with two Nazis talking about a thousand subjects will remain a dream. In an ideal world young Aryans, who are so demoralised by the System, should see that when two Nazis talk to each other what they say is reasonable.

The propaganda against Nazism is so ubiquitous that a normie couldn’t believe that this is possible: that hearing two Nazis talking to each other would be like listening to two normal guys.

For visitors who haven’t heard it, I invite you to listen to no more and no less than what Hitler’s normal voice sounded like, talking to other Nazis, in a covert recording made of them which was subtitled on YouTube here.

Savitri Devi

The Lightning

and the Sun, 2



Whether alive or dead in the flesh, the predestined Child of Braunau — Adolf Hitler, — lives forever in National Socialism, his creation and integral expression. To understand the latter is to understand him: to see him in the proper light and to place him — whether one be, personally, attracted to him or not, — on the proper level and in the proper class among the galaxy of exceptionally great men. And that is precisely what most National Socialists, even those who remained after 1945, irreproachable in their profession of faith — even ‘fanatical’ ones — (let alone our enemies, and the world at large, which lies for the last ten years under their influence), apparently fail to do, out of lack off, feeling for cosmic realities and, in particular, out of lack of awareness of the rhythm of Time which explains all laws of history, when not also all great happenings.

One should carefully distinguish the ephemeral N.S.D.A.P., — the National Socialist German Workers Party;[1] an organisation in view of precise aims, which have their place in German and European history, — from the everlasting National Socialist Idea.

The Party came (officially) into existence on the 24th of February 1920; in fact, already in 1919. It was a revolutionary body determined to win power for its Leader — and for its members, — to rid Germany of the enslavement and shame resulting from the Versailles Treaty, and — for the first time in the history of the West, — to apply, on a broad scale, solid — eternal — biological principles to social and to political life. It had, however, the characteristics of even the very best organisations of our Dark Age: their inherent clumsiness; their all-too-human short-comings. There were all sorts of people — fearless idealists and time-servers; heroes, nay, demi-gods, and an immense majority of irresponsible, sheep-like creatures, and a few influential traitors — among the thirteen million members it had at the height of its glory. It achieved a lot, and yet it failed. It has, since 1945, ceased to exist as a body, and even if it be, one day, destined to rise again under its old name and everlasting Sign, will never be restored exactly as before. Cannot be; for it belongs to Time, and in Time nothing is ever restored. Should not be; for restoration would mean stagnation, whence incapacity to face new circumstances and overcome new dangers.

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Editor’s interpolated note: We shouldn’t take texts like Mein Kamp or Alfred Rosenberg’s The Myth of the Twentieth Century as an infallible New Testament as fundamentalists take the Bible; rather, NS is continually developing and refining its basic and fundamental principles (for example, what we say in ‘The Wall’ about the historical non-existence of Jesus of Nazareth).

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The National Socialist Idea is not the Party. Not only was it in existence — ‘in the air’ — more or less in its present-day garb, before the Party (the Proclamation of Friedrich Lange’s ‘Deutsches Bund,’ in Heidelberg, on the 9th of May 1894 — when Adolf Hitler was five years old — has all the traits of a National Socialist Manifesto; and so have Hans Krebs’ declarations in 1904), but it is, in its essence, as old as the oldest contact and first clash between the Germanic race and the outer world. Fundamentally, it is nothing else but the expression of the collective will of the race to survive and to rule; of its readiness to combat and eradicate all that which, from without or from within, stands in the way of its survival and expansion; of its healthy consciousness of itself — of its strength; of its youth; — and of Godhead within itself: a biological reality stressed in political and in social life, rather than a ‘political’ idea. One could say that Theodoric the Great acted in the true National Socialist spirit when, fourteen hundred years before the famous ‘Nüremberg Laws,’ he did all he possibly could to prevent marriages between his Goths and the racially less pure — less Aryan — people of conquered Italy, let alone people of altogether non-Aryan stock.

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Editor’s interpolated note: Old time Nordicism! Those who haven’t read William Pierce’s book Who We Are should read it now.

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And I have many times and in different writings pointed out that there is no difference in purpose and in standpoint between the National Socialist attitude to life and that of the ancient, warrior-like Aryans, worshippers of Light, who were conquering North-West India, setting the caste-system, conceived on a racial basis, between themselves and the conquered people, and praying the Vedic Gods for ‘many sons,’ prosperous flocks, and ‘victory over the dark-skinned Dasyus’ — for Lebensraum — several thousands of years before 1919, 1933, or 1935.

One could go a step further and state that, in its essence, the National Socialist Idea exceeds not only Germany and our times, but the Aryan race and mankind itself and any epoch; that it ultimately expresses that mysterious and unfailing Wisdom according to which Nature lives and creates: the impersonal Wisdom of the primaeval forest and of the ocean-depth, and of the spheres in the dark fields of Space; and that it is Adolf Hitler’s glory not merely to have gone back to that divine Wisdom, — stigmatising man’s silly infatuation for ‘intellect,’ his childish pride in ‘progress’ and his criminal attempt to enslave Nature, — but to have made it the basis of a practical regeneration-policy of world-wide scope, precisely now, in our over-crowded, over-civilised, and technically over-evolved world, at the very end of the Dark Age.

In other words, it is impossible to understand National Socialism unless one integrates it into the cyclic conception of history as suggested by Tradition, i.e., unless one sees in it not a political system among many others, — not an ephemeral ‘ism,’ product of ephemeral circumstances, — but the last, (or, as we shall see, the one before the last) effort of the permanent and more-than-human Forces of Life within this Time-cycle, against the accelerated current of degeneracy characteristic of any advanced development in Time, or, in one sentence, unless one sees in it the effort ‘against Time’ at the very end of the last Age of our present Cycle.

Seen in this light, the whole well-known struggle to free Germany from the enslavement to which the Versailles Treaty had reduced her, — the National Socialist struggle for ‘freedom and bread’ (and far space); for the German people’s right to thrive in healthy creative activity, — is the last (or, rather, as we shall see, the one before the last) phase of the perennial Struggle for Truth within the present Time-cycle the form which that perennial Struggle was bound to take at our epoch, i.e., at the end of the Dark Age. And Adolf Hitler is the most heroic of the heroes who, in the course of history, stood in the way of the world’s fated downward rush towards its doom; the One Who comes back, in His last desperate attempt to save that which is still worth saving, before it is too late, — the typical Man ‘against Time.’ He embodies that eternal Nature-wisdom to which I have alluded in the former paragraph — the only wisdom that deserves the name of divine, and opposed it, — not human arguments, — to the false science, and false religion and false morality and, of course, also false political conceptions of our decadent Age, and made Germany’s struggle for freedom the occasion of a broader systematic struggle for the liberation of higher mankind from the chains of the Dark Age. And made the Sign of the Sun — the Sign of Health[2] — the Symbol of both German and Aryan regeneration, and Germany, the holy Land of the West — the Stronghold of regenerate Aryandom.

Considered as the twentieth century expression of the age-old yearning of Aryan mankind to free itself, here and at once, from the appalling determinism of decay, National Socialism begins before Adolf Hitler’s political career. Its unrecorded but real evolution as an incarnate Idea, — its true history — starts with the future German Führer’s gradual awakening to the consciousness of his own scale of values, of his fundamental aspirations and repulsions, and of his mission: the awakening of the Man ‘against Time,’ as such.


[1] Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei.

[2] The Swastika, ‘Swasthi,’ Sanskrit, meaning: ‘health,’ ‘well-being.’

Hans F. K. Günther


Some passages and quotes from Hans F.K. Günther in his book The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans reminded me of what we said on March 21 about the impossibility of ‘denazifying the Gods’: what today’s crazy Westerners want most, their new religion:

Si fractus illabatur orbis,
impavidum ferient ruinae.


If the world were broken,
fearless fall will strike.

What will happen to the West in the coming years reminds me of the Tarot card The Tower which symbolizes punishment for the proud. Günther adds a passage from Geibel’s Brünhilde:

If there’s anything more powerful than fate,
Then it’s courage, which bears fate unshaken.

And this reminds me, naturally, of the first chapter of Savitri’s Memoirs: ‘The Religion of the Strong’, that is, National Socialism.

The trick for us priests is knowing how to wait for the lightning bolt to strike the Tower of Pride so that we can be the providers of the story of the next Era.

'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms) Free speech / association

Hitler, 39

Hitler’s position at this time was complicated. He was still virtually unknown in most of Germany. The main Berlin newspapers ignored him and his party. They didn’t even report on the riotous Deutscher Tag at Coburg, whose resonance was confined to south Germany. Hitler had very few funders outside of Bavaria, with the notable exception of the Ruhr industrial baron Fritz Thyssen, who contributed substantially in the course of 1923. That said, within the non-particularist Bavarian right­ wing nationalist milieu, Hitler now enjoyed a commanding position. He was well known in Munich, which Thomas Mann described in a 1923 letter to the American journal The Dial as ‘the city of Hitler’. His speeches drew large and ecstatic crowds. Karl Alexander von Müller, who heard him speak for the first time at the Löwenbräukeller in late January 1923, describes the ‘burning core of hypnotic mass excitement’ created by the flags, the relentless marching music and the short warm-up speeches by lesser party figures before the man himself appeared amid a flurry of salutes. Hitler would then be interrupted at almost every sentence by tempestuous applause, before departing for his next engagement.

Over the next few months, the tempo of Nazi events and activities increased. There were in excess of 20,000 NSDAP members at the start of 1923, and that figure more than doubled over the next ten months to 55,000; the SA nearly quadrupled from around 1,000 men to almost 4,000 during the same period. Hitler himself was so prominent that the NSDAP was widely known as the ‘Hitler-Movement’, the term under which his activities were now recorded by the Bavarian police. He had become a cult figure. The Völkischer Beobachter became a daily paper in February 1923, giving preferential treatment to the printing of Hitler’s speeches. Two months later, it began marking the Führer’s birthday, an honour not accorded any other Nazi leader. He had long given up the humble role of drummer. Hitler spoke once again of the need for a dictator. The German people, he claimed, ‘are waiting today for the man who calls out to them: Germany, rise up [and] march’. There was no doubt from the context and rhetoric that he planned to play that role himself. His followers styled him not merely the leader of the national movement but Germany’s saviour and future leader. The Oberführer of the SA, Hermann Goring, acclaimed him at his birthday rally on 20 April 1923 as the ‘beloved Fuhrer of the German freedom movement’. Alfred Rosenberg described him simply as ‘Germany’s leader [Führer]’.

Conscious of his tenuous position within the Catholic Bavarian mainstream, Hitler continued to try to build bridges to the Church, or at least to its adherents. ‘We want,’ Hitler pledged, ‘to see a state based on true Christianity. To be a Christian does not mean a cowardly turning of the cheek, but to be a struggler for justice and a fighter against all forms of injustice.’ The NSDAP did succeed in making some inroads among Catholic students at the university and the peasantry and in winning over quite a few clerics, including for a while Cardinal Faulhaber, but for the most part Hitler made little headway.

There are two things we might comment on in this passage.

First, we are living in a world of soft totalitarianism. We can already imagine a National Socialist party in Europe today that could recruit thousands of members! That would not even be possible in the US, despite its hypocrisy in claiming that its amendments allow citizens both free speech and freedom of association (in reality, Uncle Sam allows neither, as we saw a few years ago in Charlottesville).

The other issue is this saying that true Christianity doesn’t turn the other cheek but fights injustice. While a hundred years ago it was possible to use this kind of rhetoric in the more conservative sectors of Bavarian society, today it is impossible. The mainstream Christian churches follow the zeitgeist of our century, without exception. I am not criticising Hitler’s use of this rhetoric. But under the circumstances, post-1945 National Socialism must reinvent itself.

Aryan beauty Hans F. K. Günther Nordicism

The Nordic ideal

Editor’s note: A correspondent sent me these translations of Hans F. K. Günther’s Der Nordische Gedanke unter den Deutschen with a note: ‘This will put white nationalists in their place and perhaps grant more moral and social legitimacy to the Nordic movement’. Those who want to delve deeper into the matter can use Google translator to read this article that Eduardo Velasco wrote on his webzine Evropa Soberana.


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Complaints against the Nordic idea

The Nordic idea is a consequence of the recognition of the importance of the Nordic race for the life of the Germanic-speaking peoples and therefore presents the image of the healthy Nordic person as the model for the selection of the German people. The Nordic idea thus aims at the birth victory of the Nordic person within all German tribes: at the higher number of children that can be achieved by the predominantly Nordic people of all German tribes after appropriate choice of spouse…

The opponents of the racial idea are now less concerned about the alleged incitement of people than about the ‘destroying intention’ of the racial idea. One would like to accuse the Nordic idea of causing a rift in the German people: on this side the Nordics, on the other the non-Nordics.

This accusation cannot apply to the Nordic idea, simply because the reality is quite different: the racial rift does not run through the German people but through almost every single German. It is a rift that brings every single German the unease of having to decide: for or against the select model of the Nordic people. By pointing to a rift in the German people that must separate Nordic Germans from non-Nordic Germans, the opponents of the Nordic idea were unable to arouse any effective resistance to the emphasis on the importance of the Nordic race, because just as the number of purely Nordic people in Germany is relatively small, the number of people without a Nordic influence is also relatively small. Moreover, it would not be possible to ‘organize’ a unity of all non-Nordic Germans because these non-Nordic people would have to be gathered from the most hostile circles and camps of the German religious denominations, classes, parties and tribes: an impossible undertaking…

It is difficult to understand how the Nordic idea can have a ‘completely disruptive’ effect if it praises the importance of a race that has proven itself to be the creative one among all German tribes. The Nordic-minded Germans will not be able to become ‘destroyers of the people’, as they have been accused because they emphasize the unity of the German tribes through the common Nordic blood, the creative blood in the German national body. They will not divide the German people as the political parties do, which emphasize class differences – the high number of children of a found Nordic working-class couple will be more important to them than the high number of children of a non-Nordic noble or rich person.

The Nordic movement will not divide the German people as the religious denominations do, which erect barriers between Germans and Germans that go beyond their matters. The Nordic movement does not want to achieve its goal through the means used by churches or parties, but through the higher birth rates of the predominantly Nordic Germans—a means that will not harm any of our fellow countrymen in any way. Just as the non-Nordic Germans are not blamed for having a higher number of descendants than the predominantly Nordic ones, we German Protestants do not blame the German Catholics for having a higher number of children (birth rate in Prussia per marriage in 1912: 47 for Catholics, 2.9 for Protestants)—neither can the predominantly Nordic people be blamed for having a higher number of children.

The ‘butterfly victory’ of the Catholic Church will serve as an example for the Nordic movement. All the arguments against the Nordic idea reveal again and again that the fact that this idea is new has a downright confusing effect on most observers. It is confirmed once again: most people who consider a new idea try to fit it into the traditional set of ideas of the time. But here we must once again demand that the idea of a re-Nordization can hardly be fitted into any one place; from its perspective, it will have to demand a completely new order, a thorough relearning…

While the theory of hereditary health (racial hygiene) shows the means to increase the higher-value genetic makeup in general and thus aims to benefit all peoples and all races represented in the nations, the Nordic idea is primarily aimed at increasing the higher-value genetic makeup of a race represented in the German people, in fact in all its tribes: the Nordic. It therefore wants to first stop the ongoing counter-selection of the Nordic blood component of all German tribes and then help this Nordic component to have higher numbers of children…

The promotion of the reproduction of hereditarily capable people regardless of racial affiliation will not meet with resistance in the long run. But the special promotion of the reproduction of hereditarily capable people of a certain race—this goal, which is precisely what makes the Nordic movement unique—will still bring this movement a lot of opposition… The promotion of the Nordic race, so that it achieves not only the same but higher numbers of children than the other races, will only ever be taken up as a task by a fraction of the people. But a fraction is enough to fulfil the task. If only he achieves the higher number of children from his circles, this fraction will always be proportionally satisfied. That is the nature of the birth rate.

Once that has been achieved, the Nordic movement has the task of monitoring the selection and number of children in its circles, supporting economically weakened, capable clans so that they can have a large number of children, etc.

Ultimately, the Nordic idea seeks to convince people through the fact of its existence and through the way of life of its adherents…

The knowledge of the value of the Nordic race for the German people will never be directed against an individual, but it will have to clearly distinguish between desirable and less desirable childbearing—this distinction seems indispensable. Everything must be done to increase the birth rate of Nordic and more Nordic people in Germany.

Audios Savitri Devi

After Carolyn…

In the penultimate podcast of the Manifest Destiny Series in Volkish site, ‘Show 101: She’s Back’ (I already said something about Show #100 and have yet to listen to #102) the participants talk, once again, about my favourite author: Savitri Devi. I was pleased that they mentioned Counter-Currents (CC) in a derogatory way because only Hitler saves, not the bourgeois racialists on this side of the Atlantic.

After Carolyn Yeager fell ill and discontinued her National Socialist sympathetic podcasts, Manifest Destiny is the only NS podcast I know of. It is curious that the bourgeois Greg Johnson, the editor-in-chief of CC who is also the custodian of the Savitri archive, has published Savitri Devi’s Gold in the Furnace. Curious, I say, because his ‘racialist’ ideology is at the very antipodes of Savitri’s.

In podcast 101, I was surprised that a few seconds before the 28th minute Jake (was it him?) mentioned my ‘four words’ in the sense of avoiding unnecessary suffering of the victims executed in the so-called holocaust. I didn’t expect that! (Himmler himself forbade unnecessary cruelty in his ethnic cleansing campaigns). Also, unlike Carolyn and the commenters who used to comment on her website, those at Manifest Destiny are aware of the Christian Problem and what we have called here the Christian inversion of Aryan values.

Incidentally, I just modified a couple of tags: Jewish Question (JQ) is now called Jewish Problem (JP), and Christian Question (CQ) is now called Christian Problem (CP).

There was something that pleased me after the first hour of discussion: the beautiful is the good and true, an idea that dates back to Socrates. Like David Lane, I cannot conceive of how to save the Aryan race without the cult of the beauty of their physiques, which is why I have insisted so much on images of English roses on this site.

At around 1:35 the participants spoke about something I consider fundamental. They used the word ‘duty’ as a quality of overmen. Savitri had already spoken of this in the first chapter of her Memoirs when she coined the phrase ‘the religion of the strong’. Duty is something that naturally radiates from a personality that, to use Jungian language, has already touched the ‘Self’ with its ego. There is hardly anyone like this in the world today, true National Socialists; it seems that in the Second World War they were all killed.

Before 1:40 one of the participants mentioned that Savitri said that National Socialism would eventually be reborn in Germany. When I see the resounding failure of American white nationalism, so incapable of breaking away from bourgeois and Christian values, it seems to me that this woman might be right.

We shall see what happens now that European leaders, including the German Chancellor, are beating the war drums to start a hotter war against Russia. To continue relentlessly with such strident rhetoric will only end with Berlin, Paris and London under well-deserved nuclear mushrooms. One thing is certain: with or without nuclear war it is a win-win situation for us! A territorial bite at eastern Ukraine when Russia wins, even without a nuclear exchange, will destroy NATO and the European Union…

Alfred Rosenberg Friedrich Nietzsche


Editor’s Note: Below I quote excerpts from a speech by Alfred Rosenberg at a commemorative event on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Friedrich Nietzsche on October 15, 1944, in Weimar (the full speech can be read here):

Nietzsche also knew this very well when he wrote: ‘The discipline of suffering, of great suffering, do you not know that only this discipline has created all enhancements of man so far?’ Only such common suffering heightens the tension of the soul, only the sight of a great and general fate strengthens the spirit of invention and bravery in the struggle. Only such suffering can call upon human beings, i.e., an entire community that feels suffering in common, to great achievements. And this prerequisite for the transformation of his prophecy into a people reflecting upon itself had to be denied to Friedrich Nietzsche…

That is in line with what we have recently been saying: that the white man must suffer once again to cleanse himself of all the mental infection he suffers from, even if that means the suffering resulting from a Third World War.

‘But may it [the German spirit] never believe’, Nietzsche added at that time, anticipating almost everything, ‘that it can fight similar battles without its household Gods, without its mythical homeland, without a “return” of all German things!’ ‘Let no one believe that the German spirit has forever lost its mythical homeland, for so clearly it still understands the birdsongs that tell tales of that homeland. One day it will awaken, in all the morning freshness of a monstrous sleep: then it will slay dragons, annihilate treacherous dwarves, and awaken Brünnhilde, and Wotan’s spear itself will not be able to bar its way!’

See what I said in January of last year about The Mastersingers of Nuremberg. With the honourable exception of Carolyn Yeager, who never played degenerate music on her podcasts, this is something that contemporary neo-Nazis will never understand.

Here a hope was expressed that literally went to everything, demanded not only a cleansing from all overgrowing foreign plants and their juices but confidently expected it, a true inner rebirth leading back to the ultimate roots from which it longed for the supply of power for a great future…

‘The time for small politics is past: the next century already brings the struggle for domination of the earth, the compulsion to great politics’.

Given this overall evaluation as well he still hopes once more for a rigorous German heart, for the German form of scepticism, for a ‘spiritualized Fridericianism’, and he expresses it more than once that today, where in Europe only the herd animal comes to honour and bestows honours, an entirely different human type would have to assume rule to reverse this destiny.

Thus a profound criticism of the entire social structure sets in, a criticism of the Marxist, even then already falsely termed socialist movement, as it cannot be thought out more consistently and annihilatingly even today. For him Marxism is the thoroughly thought-out tyranny of the lowliest and dumbest, that is of the superficial, envious and three-quarters actors; it is indeed the conclusion of ‘modern ideas’ and their latent anarchism. Nietzsche turns above all against the attempt to abolish the concept of property because abolishing this concept of property had to breed a destructive struggle for existence; for man has no providence or self-sacrifice towards anything that he possesses only temporarily; he deals with it exploitatively, as robber or as dissolute squanderer. And amidst this criticism already arises the indication of a way out:

Keep all paths to small fortunes open, but prevent effortless, sudden enrichment; withdraw all branches of transport and trade that favour the accumulation of large fortunes, which is to say, especially money trading, from the hands of private individuals and companies, and regard both those who own too much and those who own nothing as dangerous creatures to the community…

With that, the presentiment of the Marxist dictatorship which we see marching against us as a mortal enemy from Moscow is clearly predicted. It has allied itself with that force which Nietzsche presented as particularly dangerous, without our wanting to assert that he was then able to survey the whole structure and psychology of the East in every detail.

But Nietzsche knows that probably, despite all cognition, the development once initiated cannot be reversed in a short time, and therefore he predicts that from this mixture of liberalism, plutocracy and anarchy the great crisis of Germany and the whole European continent would have to emerge. He is profoundly convinced that from this hodgepodge initiated by the entire liberal movement, meanwhile expressing an untiring hatred against Rousseau as the intellectual originator of these currents, Europe would someday have to arrive at the most terrible all-encompassing confrontations, but then perhaps also at severe tyrannical phenomena. He writes: ‘The democratization of Europe is at the same time an involuntary event for breeding tyrants, understanding the word in every sense, including the most spiritual’…

He was looking for this voice of wanting to understand and friendship. He also made some friends, but gradually, with an ever-sharper realization of an impending spiritual and political fate, his former companions also stepped back. The companions of his scholarly years sink into the bourgeois world. Richard Wagner also does not seem to want to go the way forward, and in this painful yet to the end still distant reverence, the greatest inner crisis in Nietzsche’s life comes to light, when he declares that Wagner, as an artist, to whom he now believes he must spiritually oppose, also alienates those people in Germany who are worth working on…

While this or that of those prophets of our time may be particularly close to us in some areas, Friedrich Nietzsche was probably the greatest figure in the German and European intellectual world of his day as an overall personality and as an unswerving recognizer of an entire epoch that was about to perish! One thing must be considered with all his later confessions and criticisms: if in his remarks he only suffered wounds and therefore took a fighting stance against the immediate causes of these wounds, the same would have happened if he had lived in France or England or another state for a long time. Because everywhere the same phenomena of decline were at work to decompose old grown traditions without thereby creating new ties and setting up new ideals. The whole world paid homage to base values.

This evokes what I recently said about internal jihad: that one must repudiate one’s nation project to save the Aryan, referring to a ‘nation’ that has been founded on the worship of Mammon (and this even refers to post-WWII Germany).

The revaluation of the values of passing liberal humanity into an ideal of the noble, hard personality, making greatness possible, is essentially Nietzsche’s doctrine that runs through all his works. If in recent times his ‘will to power’ has been particularly emphasized, this core has been rightly highlighted as that character resistance centre from which both the well-founded treatises and the ecstatic proclamations of ‘Zarathustra’ and the harsh attacks of his last writings can be explained…

In truth, there have been no power institutions that have had as hyenas of life an effect like the heartless capitalists of the international stock exchanges, never such a chloroformization of entire peoples as has happened through the all-Jewish press, and never has a power attack on the great culture of a continent been prepared more insidiously than after these influences through the Marxist dictatorship movement. What Nietzsche prophesied, European anarchism, was on the way…

So the forces that are now struggling with each other have not newly emerged; they are prefigured by the liberal movements of the 19th century, by the over-technicization of a new era, by the unbridled rule of money and gold, by the monopolization of the entire news system in Europe by racially alien hands. The European cultural citizens, tired of the sedation of their resistance forces, are now overwhelmed by a long-dammed destructive passion from the East, which, in a strange alliance with Jewish-West-leaning Marxism, has shaken not only Germany but the whole European continent to its foundations. When we proudly declare that National Socialist Germany alone still defends this old Europe today, when we can perhaps say in a slightly different sense than Nietzsche in the 19th century, but still from an even greater depth, that we are the ‘good Europeans’ today, that is a historically honestly won right…

But despite this realization, we still feel in our experience the great train of a new era and know that what has carried us and gives the German nation the inner will to inflexible resistance today is also based on that deep shock of the lonely Nietzsche, which carried him through a painful life, which often led to despair and accusations in solitude, but was always at the same time driven forward by the unconditional necessity of such an avowal to the future…

This is how we, National Socialists, see the workings of those powers today which, coming from the past, began to become a dangerous force of disintegration in the 19th century and today lead to the most terrible disease of the European essence in a large, suppurating process, and at the same time we see some prophets demandingly raise their voices amidst this fateful currents to break these creation-hostile values to help realize a new order of life.

Among them, we honour the lonely Friedrich Nietzsche today. After stripping away all that is tied to the times and all too human, this figure stands spiritually beside us today, and we greet him across the times as a close relative, as a spiritual brother in the struggle for the rebirth of great German spirituality, for the shaping of generous and spacious thinking and as a proclaimer of European unity as a necessity for the creative life of our old continent, rejuvenating itself today in a great revolution.

If a new visitor is not familiar with our recent psychobiography on Nietzsche, he could do so now.



by Vlad Petre

Salutations once again Mr. Tort,

I hope you are doing well and I congratulate you for your recent articles regarding Nietzsche and his anti-Christianity. For too long mainstream culture has misrepresented and misunderstood the aforementioned German philosopher, using his works to promote nihilism and decadence. Nietzsche’s ideas represent a revolt against modernity and Abrahamism (and its offsprings: liberalism, communism, feminism, etc.), urging the reader to return to a heroic, politically-incorrect Pagan worldview.

There’s been something on my mind recently that I believe only followers of the fourteen words can truly understand. This e-mail handles the topic of animal and child’s rights…

I am no expert in anthropology, but there seems to be a natural predisposition, especially for individuals belonging to southern/oriental races for cruelty, Machiavellianism, deception and backstabbing. If that is the case, it should not come as a big surprise that the Nordic Aryans, as well as some Asians such as practitioners of Buddhism, are among the few human groups who have shown signs of true altruism towards kids and animals. The Scandinavian countries were the first to adopt laws which prohibited corporal punishment of younglings and when the National Socialists came to power in Germany, some of their first political actions revolved around the banning of vivisection and the protection of animals from abuse and cruelty… And yes, I agree, that slaughterhouses ought to be abolished.

The Nordic god-like Übermensch promoted by the Third Reich embodied not just traits like the desire to attain glory, to conquer and to destroy the evil and the inferior but also to show compassion and kindness towards fellow Aryans and Mother Nature. When I was watching the movie Triumph of the Will on the internet, what I enjoyed most were the scenes with the boys from the Hitlerjugend camping outside, close to Nature, exercising, training and overall having fun. No obnoxious teachers to bore and berate them, no abusive parents, no sick Christian priests to terrorise them with doctrines of eternal hellfire, and no fat ugly blue-haired feminists telling them that their masculinity is toxic. A heaven on earth I would say.

Why can’t today’s white nationalist movements and conservative right-wing groups be like that? Many of them are jokes, poisoned by bourgeoisie Christian culture. A true white nationalist, for example, would want to exterminate the mudbloods of North Africa and the Middle East, with the intent of restoring the Macedonian Empire and turning the Mediterranean Sea into a Roman lake again.

Eastern Europe isn’t doing better either.

It is not the conservative traditionalist utopia many naïve Westerners think it is. There are many groups here who advocate the traditional Orthodox Christian family ideal but never have I heard them talk about parental abuse or how Christianity’s toxic doctrines mentally scar children. These are of course taboo subjects that would completely destroy the image of the traditional Christian family…

To conclude, the salvation of the White race will come not from the bourgeoisie liberal democratic neo-Christian West, nor the post-Soviet Orthodox Christian Conservative East. As Buddha said, a middle path must be taken. That middle path is the creation of a National Socialist Nietzschean pagan nordic Imperium which strongly emphasises the well-being of Aryan children as well as Mother Gaia’s four-legged children. Only then we can make the world a better place and atone for the sins we have committed throughout time against Nature.

Thank you again Mr. Tort for your time and patience and I wish you good luck with your next projects for The West’s Darkest Hour. May Nietzsche’s blonde beast carry the banner of Kalki and lead us to a new Satya Yuga.