It is always a pleasure to listen to Mark Weber, whom I mention in the most important article of this site, ‘The Wall’.
Weber is a revisionist about the official story of the Second World War, Hitler and the Holocaust.
It is always a pleasure to listen to Mark Weber, whom I mention in the most important article of this site, ‘The Wall’.
Weber is a revisionist about the official story of the Second World War, Hitler and the Holocaust.
and after
When a couple filmed a walking tour of Palisades Village and Pacific Palisades in March last year, they captured the sunny, relaxed atmosphere of the upscale shopping centre and surrounding neighbourhood. Ten months later, all that remains are building structures, twisted metal, ash, and debris after the Palisades fire swept through the area this month. Watch recreation of walking tour that shows destruction of Pacific Palisades here.
We are not meant to display stupid American or Ukrainian flags in our yards—as can be seen on the tour before the fire—, but to display swastika flags in an American Reich where it would be impossible for Woke governors, or lesbian firefighters without proper water supplies, to contribute to these fires.
This ‘Before and After’ could have happened recently across the US when Biden and his ilk launched rockets at Russia, using the Ukrainians as proxies. Savitri Devi saw it clearly: Hitler or hell, and a thoroughly Americanised West, Europe included of course, has chosen the latter.
In the excellent Russian film I saw based on this Dostoevsky novel, what stuck with me most was the slap given to the idiot prince (watch it here).
Seven years ago, John Mearsheimer predicted what would happen in the Israel-Palestine conflict.
When I first got into white nationalism, this kind of stuff was only said on our forums. Now, this video uploaded today on YouTube is no longer being cancelled! (as countless accounts have been cancelled in the past).
It’s a shame that it has pop-up ads, but the content is essential to understanding The West’s Darkest Hour’s sticky post.
Artificial Intelligence reconstruction!
As a YouTube commenter said: ‘An actual worthwhile use of AI to help people better understand history. Similar to reading a dry book and then visiting the actual place in person, this helps make the past more real’.
Indeed. Hearing uncle Adolf in English really hits harder than reading a translation. Alas, I wouldn’t be surprised if this video is removed from YouTube. With luck, these English-Hitler speeches are going to make a difference among TikTok users, where they are proliferating right now.
Update: A short clip including footage of Hitler speaking while being translated (for twenty-something seconds) can be seen here.
You might get a headache after watching this video but the Christian proves our point!
Bob’s main argument was that throughout the Middle Ages Christians didn’t try to expel the Jews from their kingdoms permanently (e.g., Edward I / Oliver Cromwell). It’s fascinating that the red-headed Jew, after the 16th minute, tried to give an example to try to refute Bob the Christian. The Jew said that they were expelled from Jerusalem after the wars against Rome. But that was before Constantine! Those who prohibited the Jews from entering Jerusalem were the so-called ‘pagan’ emperors after the Rome vs Judea wars!
The Christian is right: the medieval kingdoms, before the Enlightenment, were comparatively tolerant of the Jews because they always expected that they would convert. In other words: without Constantine and the subsequent Christian emperors, intolerance against the Jews would have taken its natural course.
Let’s imagine the opposite case: that the Church had eradicated Judaism and, conversely, had tolerated what they called ‘paganism’. What would the world be like today? There would certainly be no Jewish problem! The way this Christian preacher, Bob, proves our point is impressive.
Even more fascinating is that after the 22-minute mark, Bob admits that the whole argument started (earlier) when he was arguing with a white nationalist. Unlike him, Bob sees nothing wrong with black people in the West cohabiting with us. The preacher yelled to the multitudes: ‘The Christian worldview has always been multi-racial, multi-ethnic and multi-national’ (exact moment: here).
Wow! What a way to expose Christianity!
Do you understand my claim now as to why the Christian Problem encompasses the Jewish Problem? Later Bob, when discussing with the other Jew said, ‘Do you know that the first Christians were all Jews?’ And then he says that the first edict of tolerance for the Jews was issued by Constantine in the year 315 (those who worshipped the true Gods wouldn’t have done such a thing)! But a few seconds later he says something that is not true: that there was always a place for pagans in Christianity. (Like the racial right folk, Bob ignores what Constantine, his successors—except Julian—and the bishops with Semitic blood did with those who worshipped Aryan Gods.)
Do you finally understand the concept of the transvaluation of Christian values (what Heydrich attempted)? When we think like him and not like Xtian nationalists, the Jewish problem will be solved—and the black problem, and the Hispanic problem, etc.
Yesterday I spent most of the day watching videos interviewing Ed Calderón. In the intellectual bubble in which I find myself (I live in a large house overlooking a garden), I have tended to despise everything about the country outside my bubble insofar as it is not an Aryan country. But recently a person very close to me had a problem with one of the drug cartels.
I thought they hadn’t yet arrived in the Mexican capital to try to extort money from civilians, but the anecdote disabused me and made me do some research. This long interview with Ed Calderón, a former Mexican police officer who speaks perfect English, portrays the situation magnificently.
Incredible as it may seem, it is less risky for someone like me to live in a cartel country than in Europe, if we remember what happened earlier this year with two commenters on this site who were jailed in the UK basically for thoughtcrime (just as others who more recently posted racist comments on Facebook were jailed even though their protest at the murder of English girls was legitimate).
So, for the moment, I am safer in the country of the drug cartels, which are already beginning to exert their influence in the great Mexican capital, than in cuck island!
As far as sociology is concerned, we must either abandon our reason, or abandon Christ.
He is pre-eminently, the prophet of unreason — the preacher of rabble-rabies. All that is enervating and destructive of manhood, he glorifies, — all that is self-reliant and heroic, he denounces. Lazarus, the filthy and diseased vagrant, is his hero of heroes; and Dives, the sane, energetic citizen, is his ‘awful’ example of baseness and criminality. He praises “the humble” and he curses the proud. He blesses the failures, and damns the successful. All that is noble, he perverts — all that is atrocious he upholds. He inverts all the natural instincts of mankind, and urges us to live artificial lives. He commands the demonetization of virtues that aggrandize a people, and advises his admirers to submit in quietness to every insult, contumely, indignity; to be slaves, de-facto. Indeed, there is scarce one thought in the whole of his Dicta that is practically true.
O, Christ! O, Christ! Thou artful fiend! Thou Great Subverter! What an amazing Eblis-glamour, thou hast cast over the world? Thou mean insignificant-minded Jew!
Why is it that our modern philosophers are so mortally afraid to boldly challenge the ‘inspired’ utopianism of this poor self-deluded Galilean mountaineer, — this preacher of all eunuch-virtues — of self-abasement, of passive suffering?
The sickly humanitarian ethics, so eloquently rayed forth by Jesus Christ and his superstitious successors, in ancient Judea, and throughout the moribund Roman empire, are generally accepted in Anglo-Saxondom as the very elixir of immortal wisdom, the purest, wisest, grandest, most incontrovertible of all ‘divine revelations,’ or occult thaumaturgies. And yet when closely examined, they are found to be neither divine, occult, reasonable, nor even honest; but composed, almost exclusively of the stuff that nightmares are made of; together with a strong dash of oriental legerdemain.
Through a thousand different channels, current politico-economic belief is dominated by the base communistic cabala of the ‘man of many sorrows;’ yet as a practical theorem, it is hardly ever critically examined. Why is it that the suggested social solutions promulgated by Jesus, Peter, Paul, James, and other Asiatic cataleptics, are accepted so meekly by us, upon trust? If these men were anything, they were crude socialist reformers with misshapen souls, preachers of ‘a new heaven, and a new earth,’ that is to say, demagogues — politicians-of-the-slums; and out of the slums, nothing that is noble can ever be born.
As agitators, Jesus and his modern continuators shall be exclusively considered in these pages. However, it must be distinctly understood that the spiritual and temporal in all cosmogonies, are so intricately interwoven, that it is almost impossible to completely divorce them. Like the Siamese twins, Gods and Governments are inextricably bound together; so much so indeed, that if you kill one, the other cannot live. Hence the open or secret alliance, that has always existed between the politician and the priest.
Whatever their primitive purity (or impurity), all operative creedal philosophies are essentially civil and military codes, police regulations. ‘Religion is a power, a political engine, and if there was no God, I would have to invent one,’ said the great Napoleon. In letter and in spirit, Christianity is above all things a political theory, and a theory that often takes the form of raging hysterics.
Religions are the matrix in which public institutions are generally moulded. This has ever been well understood by the dominant leaders of mankind, from Numa to Brigham Young, from Solon to Loyola, from Constantine to the lowest Levite hireling, who gets paid in dimes and cents for his unctuous mock — dithyrambs.