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Correspondence Miscellany


Painting of a family moving in the 19th century.

I’m moving out of the capital of the country where I’m living, and we’re already packing many boxes. I’m afraid that for quite a while, I won’t be able to upload any more posts until I unpack in a different city from the one I live in now (at the moment, I don’t even know which town I’m moving to!). However, I will keep the comments section of this post open.


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Kind comments from visitors to this site:

The article was worth waiting for, thanks. I haven’t read anyone as disturbing as Chechar [presently I sign my posts with my initials, C.T.—Ed.] since Nietzsche.

—H.H. (November 24, 2009)


Your writing and insights are excellent. The book is enormously enjoyable. It appears Jaynes is required reading.

—D.J. (6 April 2010)


Best of luck for the future, Chechar and thanks for opening my eyes to the horrors of pre-Colombian America.

—AngloAmerikan (29 July 2010)

Thank you Guruji! Your website is refreshingly intelligent and I look forward to exploring the list of stimulating reading you’ve prepared.

—Teutonsuet (25 September 2010)

Chechar, love your blog, keep the faith man! I’m relatively new to the alt-right scene and enjoy your posts over at Mangan’s. If you want a preview of Stockholm in 20 years, come visit me in Chicago sometime. 🙂

—M. J. (14 October 2010)

Your blog [the first, Blogger incarnation of this site—Ed.] is quite literally extraordinary, bravely honest & straightforward, aestetically beautiful, and simply appealing overall.


And especially now, I literally need all of that I can get.

Bring it back.

—S.R. (5 November 2010)

Hello Cesar,

I’m starting to read your book Whispering Leaves and I’m really touched and also very shocked by everything you’ve told. If I can help you in any way, and it’s within my reach, you can count on me. (Original in Spanish: ‘Hola Cesar: Estoy comenzando a leer tu libro “Hojas Susurrantes” y en verdad estoy muy conmovido y tambien muy impactado por todo lo narrado. En verdad si en algo te puedo ayudar, y está a mi alcance, cuenta con ello’.)

—C.V. (1 December 2010)


What you just wrote above [post ‘All is About Valor and Honesty’—Ed.] is a paean to a White Man’s Journey. No other group of people would have this set of interests, curiosities, and drive, to propel an individual soul through a forest of discovery.

Congratulations, Brother!

—Mike (April 5 2011)
[This was posted in the second incarnation
of this site, that of WordPress. (This is the third
incarnation due to cancel culture) —Ed.]

Cesar, you are indeed a ‘geologist of the psyche’. Revilo Oliver had much to say about the riddle of the White mindset, as well as the Jews, and he was rather blunt about it at times.

—Junghans (12 June 2011)


Chechar, I think this is as good a time as any to say that you’ve put an amazing blog together. Regardless of the points on which we disagree (and which I don’t want to discuss in this thread), I’m full of admiration for that. Congratulations.

—Daybreaker (10 July 2011)


Chechar, re “In my middle age I have come to realize that all is about valor and honesty” …in order to do what we must do, as opposed to what we would like to do.

—Sebastian Ronin (27 July 2011)

Chechar offers a very useful and vital counterpoint to the passivity of those whose idea of effectiveness is to wait until we are attacked, and then complain, helplessly, to people who wish to destroy us, the anti-Whites who actively seek the genocide of the White Race.

—Fourmyle of Ceres (4 August 2011)


Chechar, my antipathy towards monkey music is the biggest divide between me and fellow WNs as well.

I sympathize with your feeling of alienation. I live with it and am reminded of it ubiquitously. I think your analogy of Lot in Gomorrah is good.

The monkey music (black and “white”, rap and rock, respectively) that we both loathe has become a manifestation of an inner degenerated state. But to see WNs, the so-called enlightened ones, purvey such excrescences is truly troubling and indicative of a much lowered state.

—Iranian for Aryans (19-20 October 2011)


I am both fascinated and very grateful to be reading all of your various works Chechar.

You really are brilliant. I am very interested in the subject of trauma and will be attending a workshop this week dedicated to “trauma and addiction”, but I am already expecting it to pale in comparison to the subject matter here [cf. the central part of my book Day of Wrath—Ed.].

Thanks again for making all of this available to us English speakers.

—Mary (21 November 2011)

Dear Chechar,

I have been reading your articles with a lot of joy. I recognize many elements in your life, and it is heartening to meet someone who wrestles with these, esp. Alice Miller and abuse. I loved your review of her Hitler nonsense!

I agree totally that your musical tastes define who you are!

I tried to comment on Counter Currents on this piece but somehow it does not get through [note that Greg Johnson apparently deleted a comment by the Iranian in that discussion thread—Ed.]. I wanted to say:

It is with great regret however that I must agree with those WN musicians that use non-white, non-melodic, ugly music to reach out to white young men drowning in the gales of anti-white hatred. Metal music may also fulfill a similar function to Ligeti’s music for Chechar: express their feeling of alienation in this society.

Society is so corrupted that classical music seems for most young men to belong to another planet. The forces of corruption have “promoted” classical music to such an elitist status, that it has no influence whatsoever in society anymore.

Long gone are the days when Verdi was able to stir up a fervent nationalism with his opera music, and when his name itself became a revolutionary acronym for Vittorio Emanuele Re D’Italia. Even the revolution that led to the separation of Belgium from Holland was sparked by an opera.

I still hope though that the great military songs and marches from Germany may play a role. Those marches still have an immediate, manly appeal, but should also have the capacity to be a bridge to one of our race’s most valuable treasures: classical music.

As a professional classical singer I could also write an article about this theme for this website, if there is any interest.

Best regards, or better: Sieg Heil!

Michael Wikander
(not my real name, sorry)
[22 November 2011]

Excellent post!

Totally agree with your conclusion (in biographical post) that ultimately all is about valour and honesty (combination of what I refer to as honour).

Unfortunately I think there are very few who make similar conclusions. There are two forms of unity: by force and coercion, which involves backstabbing, deception and betrayal; one of honour, honesty, valour and brotherhood.

Unfortunately there is nobody in the ‘white wing’ movement (that I have met so far, I hope they exist, and I haven’t met them yet) who is committed to building the latter form of unity. They think that honourable unity can be created by feeding their fragile egos and demanding political correct etiquette niceties, where the horrors of liberalism are exposed, but never their own hypocrisies, their own inability to say what they have to another to their face; preferring to gossip behind peoples backs.

Until they begin to welcome self-criticism, honourable constructive criticism from colleagues, and listening to such, and getting over the disagreement, honourable unity will elude the movement.

I cannot tell you how many ‘white wing’ nationalists have stuck their tail between their legs and run away, after a slight misunderstanding or minor disagreement. They prefer to nurture the grudge than to step to the table and resolve their hurt ego, and build honourable transparent strong relationships.

Nice to know there is someone out there in the white wing world who does value the principles of valour and honesty. Look forward to hearing more of your thoughts on the issues.

—L.Z. (4 December 2011)
[Check out my essay on ‘valour and honesty’
on pages 46-51 of my book


Your insights into psychiatry hit close to home. A rather important woman in my life has suffered immeasurably at the hands of the “mental-health” industry. I’ve witnessed the drugging you mentioned in a previous post. Institutionalized horrors like these should fill nationalists with more dread than anything an external foe can do.

So to cut my rambling short, thank you again!

—Freedom Cobra (4 March 2012)


Bravo on your insightful essay. Your sense of aesthetics is acute. I think you’re one of those rare birds: a Son of the West. You go beyond the insipid race realism of culturally-violating WNs and espouse a return to European cultural values and concepts.

The majority of WNs are very lowbrow and, unbeknownst to themselves, agent of the Jewish and modernistic culture of decay. Don’t expect anything out of the overwhelming majority of WNs. They are degenerate down to the marrow.

—I.F.A. (17 April 2012)


Most succinct and to-the-point summary of Christianity I’ve ever come across.

Yes. Christianity was made somewhat decent by White efforts—the spirit of the White race made it tolerable and sometimes even beautiful (the great art and music for example).

The White race thrived, for a while at least, in spite of Christianity’s foreign nature to our race, its lack of common sense, its disdain for racial loyalty and unity, its lack of respect for the animal kingdom and for mother nature in general, and the limitations it places on one’s imagination and one’s spirit.

My thanks to the blogger and to you for your time and work. Very thought provoking and compelling website.

—Joe (1 July 2012)


Chechar for president! [regarding the post ‘Lycanthropy’—Ed.]

—Hermanking (14 August 2012)


A truly beautiful post [‘The Ascent of the Soul’—Ed.], thank you. It captures the best of what you are. 🙂

—Mary (19 September 2012)

Great work Chechar [regarding the post ‘On Classic Pederasty’—Ed.].

I am pleased to have refrained from making a donation to CC, which I was on the verge of doing recently. The promulgation of homosexual elitism does nothing positive for the 14 Words, or WN in general, IMHO. My money is best employed elsewhere.

—Arion (6 November 2012)

This condensation of the main points in the March of the Titans has been extremely helpful to my understanding of Western history. The same can be said with what you have done with Hellstorm. I thank you very much. In these modern times many folk—for various reasons—will not even begin to read an entire book (god forbid!). But the way you have ‘parcelled up’ Hellstorm and MotT makes excellent reading and makes an excellent educational tool for the vast majority to get informed. It is an extremely good idea to do this, and as useful propaganda, it is extremely effective. Just what we need! Again, many, many thanks my friend.

—Elvis (21 November 2012)

I like your website a lot, by the way. As a German man born and raised in “Amerika,” I admire those who have the honesty to call out the Rothschild Jewish banking power and their unbelievably evil conduct against people for their great sin of wishing to run their own countries and be free from their tyranny.

In fact, your site is so good, I often forget that English is not your first language because your logic is so clear.

Lachdenan (21 January 2013)


I wanted to thank you for speaking out for the German victims of the Second World War.

Unspeakable crimes have been committed against the German people in those days, and few people are even aware of it. In Germany we’re constantly being told that our ancestors have been monsters and we’re subjugated to holo-propaganda from an early age on and this is reinforced on an almost daily basis on all channels. Yet the crimes against the Germans are covered up: there’s censorship, they’re not even briefly touched in school history curriculums and people who want to remember German victims as well get harassed.

—Friedrich M. (2 February 2013)


Also [regarding the post ‘A reminder’—Ed.], on this day is the 67th anniversary of the fire-bombing of Dresden during the “greatest” of all internecine wars, “the good war”: World War Two.

One can blame the jew until one is blue in the face, but it’s our own innate Caucasian love of internecine war that is the ultimate crux of the problem.

Thank you, Chechar, for your website. I learn a lot at your site.

—Joe (13 February 2013)


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Editor’s note: I can cite many other kind comments I have received so far from March 2013 to 2025, but the ones I mentioned above, from 2009 to early 2013, give a good idea.


Dear César,

Your recent article reminded me of the time I had used to proudly display a National Socialist flag above my desk (on my paintings wall). It was quite contained and discreet, but I found it inspired me, and brought a certain character to my tiny corner ‘office’ area.

Unfortunately, the [United Kingdom—Editor] Police confiscated it as evidence when they broke in, making a beeline for it, disrupting my oil paintings, and breaking my old violin in the process of removing that 12-inch pennant from the inner wall. A few of my books were also damaged (as was my vegetable garden later, in the hunt for ‘offensive weapons’ like a pickaxe and shovel). That’s these brutish neochristians—rushing headlong into their own annihilation, taking their culture with them, in a mad quest to negate themselves (and all around them they can lump in).

In a better world, I’d have it flying outside my house. Now the only relic of National Socialism in my house (bar some of my books) is a small shell-box I store on my shelf, for tiny photographs and the like. The Police missed it in their search. I’ll show it to you by attachment.

I’d appreciate it if California in its entirety succumbed to the flames, if not the entire States. I don’t know more about the story though—I don’t read the news day to day, and don’t engage with current affairs online.

Best regards,


Correspondence Kali Yuga


‘No country survives the death of their aristocracy’, they say. I could expand it by saying, the West won’t survive the death of Germany, which was the aristocracy of the Aryan—courtesy of the Allies and their neochristian denazification project (see today’s previous post about this word).

By the way, except for the first one, I have replaced the other ‘kind comments from visitors to this site’ with quotable quotes from Uncle Adolf. It will be better to collect them all in a single entry, as I have collected them from 2010 to date.



comment from a visitor to this site

‘Thank you, and have a great new year. You have brought me a very long way crossing the Rubicon’. —W. R. (January 1st, 2025)

Correspondence Welfare of animals

More letters

We have received two other communications that are worth quoting. Benjamin for his part asks me (bold emphasis added):

Dear César,

Good evening. When I was doing some research for the second edition of my TLTJH book recently I came across a statistic, gathered by Oxford University Global Change Data Lab, and extrapolated from it. I’m sad to say, as best I can work out, in a single year alone, at least 80.9 billion animals are killed worldwide for human food, averaging out at 221.8 million each day (the first figure is approximately 10 times the global human population). I didn’t count the game meats, and exotic animals shot, and had to underestimate fish and crustaceans as no one really knows (the latter is in the hundreds of millions). I also didn’t include the animals fed to other animals by us, or indeed the cows kept for milk who are slaughtered at the end of their shortened lives, or the cruel sports ‘entertainment’ industry. I am appalled to know this. What I found more disquieting is that I couldn’t get my head around the figure. It was too much. I just sat back from my keyboard, and wanted to feel… but I couldn’t. I shivered, thinking of that horrible phrase attributed to Stalin: If millions die, that’s only statistics.

I had meant to ask, do you know any specific NS literature on (or about) Hitler’s proposed society wide ban on slaughterhouses and the enforced vegetarianism policy? I was daydreaming there about a future fascist society being implemented in Britain where meat and dairy products were 100% banned, and just what the pushback to that would be, how many of the population would flaunt this anyway, and have to be imprisoned, or shot. It would be most of the population, I estimate. I think of Charlton Heston’s line ‘from my cold, dead hands!’ In this country, their meats are their firearms (and easier to take). A pathetic nation. The most backward, and cruel in all Europe. A copy of Engels’ The Condition of the Working Class in England arrived and I’ve been reading it. I see nothing has ever changed here, among these ignorant farmer yokels, and their provincial minds, despite the urban hellhole that covers most of the country. And so what for their ‘way of life’? It is barbaric. In their financial attitudes as much as in their frivolity, there’s nothing to distinguish them from Jews. Also, I didn’t realise until quite recently that they had used to put animals on trial in this country, and award capital punishment for perceived ‘crimes’ on their parts. I don’t know if I’m in shock or just disgusted, but I wish I felt more…

Best regards,


P.S. I was pleased to listen to the 25 points [by Hitler—Ed.]. I realised to myself: “that is a nation/people that feels love for itself and is proud of its citizens”. It was so surprising to me, and almost alien—not in a bad sense—I just found myself wishing there was one modern leader who had that love and that willpower, that optimism.

I don’t know whether a specific book on this extremely important subject was published during the Third Reich, but after 1945 Savitri Devi wrote Impeachment of Man, which I read in 2017 in hard copy (though I haven’t obtained a copy of the book whose image appears above).

Gaedhal also wrote to us:

Boomer Christian, James White, doing his bestest to get Calvinist extremists who are experiencing a racial awakening, and are beginning to get tuned in to the Jewish Problem, back onto the Con-servative reservation.

Part of why the times are so interesting is because the boomers are dying off… and with them, much of Christendom and con-servatism.

I was reading, somewhere [later Gaedhal links to this video—Ed.], that Sieg, or Victory, could also be the god of victory: Wotan. Sieg Heil has become one of my favourite mantras to “pray without ceasing” as Saul of Tarsus might put it.

Is é an buaidh an t-sláinte!
Sieg Heil!
Victory is Salvation!
Victoria Salus!

Incidentally, the video Gaedhal links is from a white man who, though moderately informed about National Socialism with normie sources, is ultimately anti-Nazi (like every westerner during the Kali Yuga).


Dear César,

I thought you might like to see some new paintings I’ve acquired over the last year. Two were at discount due to scuffs, scratches and dents on the canvas, and one due to a chipped frame (and the fourth frame missing altogether). I’m particularly pleased with the riverside scene, from a lesser known Barbizon School artist I enjoy, although I think the waves and sky on the fishing boat picture are particularly well-wrought, in subtle use of colour.

Yes, [responding to my previous mail — Editor] I really don’t know where the other good commenters have got to on your website. At least Berk and Robiul semi-regularly comment…

The Americans really did (and do) behave appallingly. They always have. They should never had have the arrogant fundamentalist disloyalty to leave England at all in my estimation, and consequently found a traitor nation, corrupted to the very stated core of its egalitarian constitution. I too don’t think one can merely place the decay in the 19th Century. Much as there is nothing to be patriotic about in my own country, I do not extend any strange, knee-jerk admiration overseas either. Thomas Goodrich’s paragraphs never fail to shock and distress me, no matter how many times I read them. The abject sadness of them is worthy only of a terrible focussed anger. I cannot imagine, had the Jews been their legitimate official enemy in this war, that the American armies would have treated their prisoners with such barbarity. And that goes back to the morals instilled in them from at least the founding of their country.

It upsets me to know that our race is so effortlessly suicidal, so lacking in racial loyalty. There are no ‘George Floyds’ among our own citizens, so regularly knifed to death, raped to bloody ruin, and, as of recently, torched in their sleep. Just flowers and condolences, and prayers for forgiveness and ‘peace’, if that even, forgotten by the day after so more signs can be held up for the cameras, ‘refugees welcome’, ‘say no to racism!’ and these febrile idiot golems can feel good about themselves, as they empty their nations out in inverted charity and misplaced love. I struggle to see how bad it will have to get for them to ‘wake up’. Part of me still fears even then that they will capitulate. Filing reverently into oblivion, cautious to be decent and welcoming and polite.

Hence why in my opinion most people do not deserve life – they can’t even protect their children. As I said to Abby not so long ago, “why are you a slave? When they’re lining you up next to me, ready to machine gun us into the flaming pit, will you be as you are now, telling me to keep my voice down in case I offend the authorities and turning to them with a meek apologetic smile, with their weapons drawn and pointed at you? When it is too late to do otherwise?” (again I was told to ‘stop being silly’ – I take it she took me in full imminent literality, missing my point).

Best regards,


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Editor’s 2 ¢

They should never had have the arrogant fundamentalist disloyalty to leave England at all in my estimation, and consequently found a traitor nation, corrupted to the very stated core of its egalitarian constitution.

Indeed, in fact, as you will see in my forthcoming post on uncle Adolf’s 1920 speech, Americans should invite the ghost of King George III to come back and resume the throne.

George’s ghost would dissolve the Union, arrest the pretender in the White House—whether Biden or Trump—, and round up the philo-Semitic ‘representatives’ in Congress.

In exchange for an apology and a promise to never misbehave again, Americans would get lower taxes, a less intrusive government, secure they borders with cartel-controlled Mexico, and above all end the madness that has flowed from the ‘self-evident’ Christian / neochristian idea that ‘all men are created equal’!

Axiology Correspondence Kali Yuga

A concerned reader

Three recent comments by a commenter motivate me to quote, in a single post, all his comments since last year, including recent ones:

Eradicating non-Aryan elements from the planet is a legitimate, sensible and practical strategy for continued existence for Aryankind. People captured by Neo-Christian morality condemn such actions as evil. But what greater evil is the complete extinction of Aryankind and degeneration into an Untermenschen cesspool.

posted last year in the thread ‘Black Bread’.

In any given future Aryan Ethno-state, societies or communities, Christian-related materials will be only be available to those who are extremely racially sound and immune to the Christian poison. Such materials are only to be used for historical or academic research or evaluation. Individuals who are able to access such materials should be as ruthless as Heinrich Himmler and fiercely racially loyal or unpolluted as SS members.

posted in the thread ‘On John Milton’.

In Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar by Miguel Serrano, (Miguel Serrano was one of Savitri Devi’s companions and compatriots), it reveals that Yahweh and its supposed son Jesus are the demiurge. Yahweh is the evil “god” of the world and it is demonic. Whether this hypothesis is true or not, Aryans are the true stepping stone for the next stage in human evolution. As time and the Kali Yuga advances, the forces of decay and disintegration at work as described by Savitri will accelerate their actions against the true divine spark and chosen race of humanity which is the Aryan. The ultimate endgame is the devolution of humanity back to the ape and Neanderthals.

posted in the thread ‘Moloch = Yahweh’.

Yes, the Serpent, Molech, Baal, Satan and Yahweh are one and the same, this is true of all Semitic entities. Yahweh symbolizes the entirety of the forces of decay in our present age that bring Aryans to their final doom, it is the prime mover of the Kali Yuga. The day of salvation will finally arrive for the Aryan once Christian ethics are extirpated from the world forever. I am shocked that there are no rigorous and supportive reactions from Aryans to this post. [emphasis added by Ed.]

—posted in Ibid.

I just hope the seed planted will blossom into an even mightier tree than the poisonous weeds that are Christianity and Neo-Christianity. Racially healthy Aryans in any future Aryan civilization or society will look back on Christians and Christianity as abhorrent and ridiculous as dunking your face or body into a pool of pig swill. If all Aryans in the entire world start burning bibles in bonfires and smashing the last stones of these very last churches into the ground, we knew that we had finally won.

posted in the thread ‘Crusade’.

The near perfect comtemporary antithesis of the Christian poison are Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, and members of the SS. The relentless and pathetic slander on Heinrich Himmler and the SS shows how afraid the racial enemies of the Aryan man are. It shows us a glimpse when Christian “values” and “ethics” (I would call that poison) are completely repudiated. Once the Christian poison is totally expunged from the soul of Aryan man, he is completely healthy again and it will be gameover for racial enemies, traitors and the world we known today.

posted in the thread ‘Might is Right, 8’.

This is the precise reason it requires a systemic collapse of such unprecedented severity to weed out unworthy Aryans that are still entrapped in the snare of Christian ethics. The present status quo and the “world” as we knew it not only reinforce Christian ethics, it rewards and incentivizes them. The entire ludicrous and ridiculous notion of “last shall be first, the first shall be the last” will be proven false and illusory once the iron law of racial survival is the only way.

posted today in the thread ‘Christian nationalism’.

I would like to say that the Christian “god”, which is a virulent mental virus [emphasis added by Ed.], is solely responsible for the population explosion of the racially and genetically inferior in the past few hundred years. It paves the way for Aryan extinction and it requires Kalki or an exterminationist solution to remedy it.

—posted in Ibid.

You might have a better chance of convincing a clumsy bull to climb or fly up a high wall than convincing Christian nationalists the error of their ways.

A racially-sound Aryan child or youth raised in a racially-healthy Aryan collective can easily understand the obvious contradiction of trying to preserve the biological existence of the entire Aryan collective and embracing a foreign Semitic god created from the foul sands of Judea.

Useless to state it again, many Christian nationalists are suffering from psychotic and schizophrenic ambiguity.

—posted in Ibid.

Correspondence Miscegenation Racial right

Ersatz Christians

Today I received an email from Benjamin containing this paragraph:

By the way, I made the fool error of checking The Unz Review this morning (I can’t sleep in following nightmares) and see that Edward Dutton idiot has an article on miscegenation where he goes on and on about psychological instability in mixed-race couples and pins it on r-selection and the psychology of the parents (the latter not untrue, ironically, but his position is on genetic transmission, another one evidently unaware of the flaws in twin studies and ‘equal environments’). I read all the comments too. I was waiting to hear someone mention Mendelian inheritance and the law of dominance and uniformity, or the breeding out of white racial traits, never to return in the long run, or about the sheer anti-natural criminality of it, or something like the opening pages of Who We Are, but no, all Dutton cared about when it comes to miscegenation is, basically, will the offspring be higher in mental illness/mutational load? I left in annoyance. Trust conservative white nationalists to make a mess of understanding the topic, with their bio-psychiatry/sub-optimal genetics/IQ obsessions.

Later he said:

The context for it was that I was frustrated that people pay money for Dutton’s tripe and promote it in the dissident realm, as opposed to something worthwhile. There’s literally nothing now white nationalists haven’t got wrong! It frustrates me so much. They just crib each other relentlessly and understand nothing. And yet they have (relatively) huge donations coming in.

Benjamin hits the nail on the head as to why the American racial right has been making us nauseous. Basically, they are neochristians. They virtually all live under the Ersatz-Christianity sky Oliver was talking about and would find it inconceivable to take the steps Himmler took in implementing the Master Plan East in what is now Russia; or to burn at the stake those who mongrelised, as the ancient Visigoths did in Hispania before the Christians brainwashed them (the converts continued the practice but… burned the heretics instead of the miscegenators!).

When is the racial right going to understand that their entire movement is charlatanism and that only the ideology that spawned Uncle Adolf isn’t (or what Pierce wrote in Who We Are)? It’s these kinds of issues that I’d love to say in the daily podcasts: a way of presenting last century’s National Socialism by debunking today’s white nationalism.



Both in the comments section and by email a commenter has informed me that, from his browser, the comments section of this site is randomly activated or deactivated.

I would like to know if other commenters have had the same problem, as I do not turn off the comments section, which only closes automatically on a post over a week old. Within the week, the post should be open for comments.

If it has been closed without my knowledge (from my browser, for example, I can see the comments section of this post open), let me know by the email that appears on the ‘Donate & contact’ page.

Thank you.

P.S. With the exception of trolls or those commenters who have been banned, this forum is open to all who believe that Gens alba conservanda est (‘The white race must be preserved’).



Hello Herr Ceasar,

With this [my recent article ‘Internal Jihad’], you mean to live an honorable, respectful life free of degeneracy is greater than a life of only looking for immediate violence?

My response:

Not exactly. What I mean is what I have referred to elsewhere as ‘the struggle against the introjects’.

Introject, as we know, is the program that our parents installed in our minds, aggravated by what we hear at school.

Internal jihad means something like running an antivirus throughout our minds that aims to combat these introjects.

That is something that the racial right doesn’t dare to do, since it would mean (1) questioning the religion of their parents from the sacred words, and (2) questioning the very project of their nation.

See this entry from 2018 to clarify what I mean by a mind infected with bad introjects to which an internal jihad must be applied. The explanation of why I chose the image above for this post comes from what I wrote in that year.