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Hard covers!

Today I got the hardcover proof copy of my book The Human Side of Chess. Previously, all the books in my Daybreak Press had been published in paperback, on Lulu or Amazon. Seeing the immense quality of this hardcover proof copy, which only raises the cost slightly, I concluded that subsequent editions of the Daybreak Press books will be only available as hardcovers. I can even lower the price so that they will be at the same price as (still for now) the paperback editions. As I publish these new hardcover editions step by step, I will be announcing them on this site.

Changing the subject, today I saw this video about Wikipedia on Odysee. Since not long ago I learned that Wikipedia’s administrators were banning editors who criticised the ADL on the talk page (not even in the articles themselves!), I knew that this encyclopedia had reached its nadir. The only objection I would make to this Odysee vlogger is his faith in Christianity. But what he says is revealing, although I already knew it from my previous experience editing in (((Wikipedia))).

By the way, in the photo above we see Alexander Alekhine, the champion whom I admired so much as a teenager. As regular visitors to this site know, by temperament I’m a polemicist: in the chess of ideas I feel like a champion! Anyway, now that I have reviewed the proof copy, the book above is available to the general public (or if you want to print it for free click: here).


To my PayPal donors:

On the last day of this month, the old number of my debit card expires (donate button appears at the very bottom of this site). Tomorrow, I will pick up the new card at my bank.

In theory, this shouldn’t cause a problem for a donor: my bank account is the same; it is only the number of the new card that changes.

However, if when trying to donate you get a temporary message (something like the transfer of funds is not complete but ‘pending’, etc.), it is only because I will find myself changing the number in my PayPal account.

When the process is finished (I hope that tomorrow the card will be waiting for me in the bank), I will turn these words into grey letters and I’ll write, in black letters, an update in this post.

Thanks again to everyone who has contributed to The West’s Darkest Hour!

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Update of August 31: All right! I have now updated my PayPal account with my new debit card.

Incidentally, in addition to PayPal, Bitcoin and Monero, there is another way of making donations. My email is on the sidebar (or just post a comment with a legit email in the comments section of any post).

2nd World War

Today’s Germans ‘allow this effigy of national humiliation’


The story we have heard about the Second World war is an absolute lie. What Black Pigeon Speaks says above is only a half-truth. He has yet to speak out about the Holocaust committed in Germany by the allied forces.

But he’s right about one issue: contemporary Germans suffer from a complete lack of masculinity. They don’t want to see what really happened in WW2.

Racial right

Intelligent Christians unconsciously know

As we saw recently in one of Savitri Devi’s texts, it was precisely the Jews and intelligent Christians who understood that National Socialism was the paradigm that would replace the old one, which is why Jews and Christians (the latter are artificial Jews) feared it so much.

In my own journey, it was a discussion thread in Occidental Dissent that woke me up to the question of the historical Hitler, as opposed to the Hitler of the dogma of our times. (I had previously believed the ubiquitous propaganda about the Nazis in the media, TV documentaries and movies.)

Ten years ago I wrote:

Last year I received my first lesson on the “H man” in a blog that does not promote him at all (Occidental Dissent: here). On the contrary, most OD-ers believe that any mention of NS Germany in WN circles is a non-starter. Like most OD-ers, for decades I had swallowed too the accepted, post-1945 wisdom about the NS state and purchased books on the subject only with the PC imprimatur. But in that Occidental Dissent discussion I witnessed for the first time in my life a vigorous exchange that would be unthinkable in other blogs, let alone in the MSM.

The discussion ended in a sort of draw or stalemate when a Jewess intervened with silly posts, but I learnt more in a couple of days than what I had previously learned about NS by reading books, or watching the History Channel.

Alas, the editor of Occidental Dissent, Brad Griffin, deleted that article, published on the Führer’s anniversary in 2010 by one of his close associates: an article titled ‘Open thread – Adolf Hitler’.

I mention this because the redpill that began to wake me up to the real world regarding Uncle Adolf was deleted by the same editor of one of the most popular sites of American white nationalism. For example, it was in that discussion thread that Greg Johnson posted a long quote from Irmin Vinson demystifying almost all the negative claims about Uncle Adolf that the media has sold us.

As Thomas Khun said, paradigms are not destroyed: they are replaced. Intelligent Christians know that National Socialism can potentially replace Christianity as the Weltanschauung of the white race, and along with the Jews in the MSM they, even today’s racialists, strive so that this won’t happen.

Deranged altruism Kevin MacDonald

The iceberg

The Aryan problem is similar to what we cannot see from a ship when we spot an iceberg. That’s why racialists focus only on what they can see: the JQ, what is on the surface of the sea.

Kevin MacDonald’s recent article is splendid to understand my point of view: the Aryan problem is much more massive than the Jewish problem.

MacDonald quotes a recent Twitter thread of a young, blue-eyed blonde whose face might as well appear on this site’s sidebar, but who relishes that white people like her are becoming a minority in her country.

The serious thing is not so much this Tweet of a woman who hates her beautiful race. The worst part is that, as MacDonald points out, her Tweet garnered thousands of approvals from many other whites who hate themselves and yearn for them to become a minority. (I had already become aware of this phenomenon with the gigantic numbers of whites marching, on behalf of blacks, in various western cities in the wake of the BLM destructions.)

Neither in the comments section of The Occidental Observer nor in The Unz Review, where Ron reposted MacDonald’s article, is the professor’s diagnosis of what he calls ‘altruistic punishment’ questioned. MacDonald alleges in his diagnosis that such a phenomenon of self-hatred is related to individualism, and puts whites as genetical individualists.

If there is one thing that others and I have complained about MacDonald, it is that he analyses the West from the start of Christendom. Ancient Sparta and Republican Rome were not individualistic societies, and neither were the Vikings and Goths (and let’s not talk about Nazi Germany). MacDonald’s hypothesis collapses when we introduce the history before Christianity, and even more so when we see that open and shameless self-hatred began in 1945, as I haven’t tired of reiterating with the links in the article that the sticky post leads to.

Although MacDonald’s article is worth reading, there is universal blindness in racialists who comment on his article’s thread, both on his forum and Ron Unz’s site. Neither wants to see the havoc Christianity wreaked on the psyche of the Aryans.

When I lived in California in the 1980s, I was extremely surprised to discover the televangelists. One of them, Charles Stanley, said something before an audience of well-to-do white worshipers that I will never forget: ‘… because I deserve hell’. Obviously only his faith in Jesus could save him from everlasting torture, but the conviction with which he said that, and the expression of the faithful Aryans who listened to him, I have not been able to get out of my head.

Now that the Aryans are without their Jesus, insofar Christianity is in crisis, what remains has been malware of infinite guilt albeit in secular form. Several times I have pointed out that this is what Tom Sunic said, with milder words, in Hungary during that dinner at which the government (supposedly the most nationalist in Europe) put Richard Spencer in jail.

I don’t know how to reiterate it anymore, but the links in the sticky post contain the key to understanding this suicidal passion of the white man. It is unfortunate that very few are following me on this site. Let’s just compare the number of my followers, those fully aware of the CQ, with the number of neo-Christian whites who were fascinated by the Tweet of the pretty ethno-traitor.

What can save the white man from this suicidal drive which dwarfs the Jewish problem as in the image above? As I reiterated recently in one of the discussion threads: only an apocalyptic convergence of catastrophes! At the moment the only thing a desperate reader can do is trolling other racialist sites with, say, the essay on Judea versus Rome also linked in ‘The Iron Throne’.

Hate Savitri Devi

Only for hatred’s sake…

Savitri was devastated by the defeat of Germany in World War II. In June of 1945, near Varkala on the Malabar Coast, she resolved to kill herself by walking into the ocean.

But when the water was up to her shoulders, suddenly the Life Force stirred within her. A thought flashed through her mind like lightning. It was a command: live! Live to bear witness to the truth. Live to see the day of vengeance, when the victors of 1945 are hurled into pits. Live to say, ‘I told you so!’

As Savitri put it in a letter to George Lincoln Rockwell dated 28 August 1965, ‘I walked out of the sea for the sake of that future possible enjoyment, and for that alone, and started living without hope, only for hatred’s sake’.

Source: here.

Chris Martenson Covid 19 Free speech / Free press

Scientist censored

In my opinion, the best scientist on YouTube has been Chris Martenson. Thanks to him I realised that racialist Sebastian E. Ronin was right: energy devolution (peak oil) will make, later in the century, the forthcoming crash of the dollar look like a picnic. But last December YouTube censored Martenson’s video about the best Covid treatment by far, Ivermectin (a video that now can be seen in his webpage: here).

Yesterday, YouTube censored Martenson’s latest video, ‘Vaccine mandates are here’, and now it can be watched at Odysee (scroll down: here).

Since the end of the last century, when I was researching psychiatry full-time (I even took a mental health course at Manchester’s Open University), I learned that Big Pharma dominates medical science to such an extent that much of what passes as medicine is bad science (e.g., these vaccines) or even pseudoscience (psychiatric drugs).

The System’s game is obvious. They want to do big business and that’s why they censure Ivermectin, insofar as it is a generic drug proven for forty years as an antiviral drug but… it can no longer make anyone a millionaire (unlike the new Pfizer vaccines not duly tested, whose side effects are sometimes serious).

Yes: it is a question of money. And I suggest to those with a good sense of what real science is to watch at least these two Martenson videos linked above.

The System generally censures those who tell the truth, such as racialists for example. Yesterday I was talking about the great class that Jared Taylor gave on race realism while debating a Catholic. Let’s not forget that the guy who began to have millions of hits on YouTube on the subject of IQ, Stefan Molyneux, was censored on YouTube— vaporized, I would dare to say, as now there is not a single surviving video from Moly’s channel on that audiovisual platform.

NS booklets

Sieg der Waffen – Sieg des Kindes, 11

Nichts ist unsinniger als die Meinung, viele Kinder brachten eine Verschlechterung des Lebensstandards mit sich. Im Gegenteil: Kinder sind zunächst zwar Nut-Verzehrer, Auftraggeber für die Wirtschaft, später aber die künftigen Werterzeuger.

PDF backup

WDH – pdf 397

Click: here

NS booklets

Sieg der Waffen – Sieg des Kindes, 10

Bedarf es bei dem Anblick dieser Bilder noch eines Beweises, daß Rassereinheit und Erbgesundheit die Voraussetzungen für ein schönes, starkes und ewiges deutsches Geschlecht sind?