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WDH – pdf 435

THIS is the last PDF I’m uploading to this new incarnation of WDH, thanks to a comment from Concerned Lurker who informed me that someone had been saving, also in PDFs, some of the content of my site.

As I don’t know how to crunch PDFs in half in Photoshop, above I linked a PDF containing five entries that already appeared in the previous PDF (see WDH – pdf 434): ‘Hitler’s Religion: Chapter 3’, ‘The shadow of Amara’, ‘Hitler’s Religion: Chapter 2’, ‘Mantra post’ and ‘Hitler’s Religion: Chapter 1’.

Of the 435 PDFs uploaded here—the first PDF reproduces 2011 articles—, this is the only one that has repeated entries, although the upper five entries of #435 don’t appear in #434.

It is already midnight. Tomorrow I will upload the last two entries that, by June 8th, appeared in the now-censored incarnation of WDH (but which I had fortunately saved in Word).

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WDH – pdf 434

This is the penultimate PDF I’m posting that reproduces ten entries from the old incarnation of The West’s Darkest Hour, and the first one I’m posting after what happened on June 8th.

Fortunately, I had made this PDF before the axe fell on us.

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WDH – pdf 433

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WDH – pdf 432

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WDH – pdf 431

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WDH – pdf 430

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WDH – pdf 429

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WDH – pdf 428

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WDH – pdf 427

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The software converter was unable to add the YouTube embedded image in the article “On music education” but it’s embedded below:

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WDH – pdf 426

Click: here

The software converter was unable to add the YouTube embedded image in the article “Dissenting voices” but it’s embedded below: