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Aristotle Neanderthalism


Yesterday a commenter emailed me about my previous post and I explained that, given the vision of my project (an audiovisual programme), only a wealthy sponsor could help us.

I explained that, given that my spoken English is too broken (unlike my written English whose syntax I can check calmly), I would need to speak in my native language and a dubbing expert with a British accent would translate my words into English (the person who sent me yesterday’s email is English).

The situation is complicated by the fact that my ambitious project would involve a daily show with another priest of the holy words. And that in turn would involve this other priest emigrating to the third world, where I live, so that the government of his country wouldn’t bother him. On top of that, he would need to be on a pension for life, while living here he would no longer be able to receive income from his home country!

It is hard to believe, but it is not easy to do something as simple as talking to someone, in one’s mother tongue, who thinks like one does.

Detail of the fresco School of Aristotle by Gustav Adolph Spangenberg.

Aristotle said that there are three kinds of friendship. The most elementary is, let’s say, the friendship we have with our cousins. The second would be something like conversing (just what I was doing a few decades ago in a café with some comrades, as I said on Tuesday). On the other hand, the deepest level of friendship is that of two friends whose virtue unites them (e.g., two priests of the four words).

Taking into account the third level, in previous decades I have never, ever in the country where I live had a true friend. As Nietzsche said: ‘There is comradeship: may there be friendship!’

But back to my dream. Two virtuous men talking about an infinite number of subjects, with dubbing so that young Aryans can understand us, is the idea I have. If we weren’t living in the darkest hour of the West, after all the decades I have been living in the most populous city in Latin America, that virtuous Spanish speaker with whom I could talk would have appeared by now. What gets me is that I have cousins who are whiter than me, with more elongated, Nordic-type skulls, and even blue-eyed blonds, but they don’t give a damn about the preservation of their blood.

As far as white nationalists north of the Rio Grande are concerned, in my dream programme I would be daily criticising their contradictions, of which I have already written at length on this site and won’t summarise them now.

A more modest project than having a show whose look—not content—would be as I said yesterday similar to the Peter Boghossian interview by David Rubin, would be to pay a printer so that our PDFs could once again be available as printed books.

But one fights with what one has. Such elementary things as a small publishing house and a daily show, including on Sundays, where two National Socialist virtuosos exchange views, may not happen anywhere in the world until after the convergence of catastrophes exterminates, at least, millions if not billions of Neanderthals!

Martin Kerr


I have edited the featured article ‘The Wall’ originally posted on January 1st. It originally contained this sentence:

How many are legitimate heirs, like Savitri, of the religion bequeathed to us by the avatar of Vishnu? None that I know of, if we take into account Martin Kerr’s definition of National Socialism: a way of life devoted body and soul to the fulfilment of the sacred words!

Emphasis added. I have changed that sentence to this one:

How many are legitimate heirs, like Savitri, of the religion bequeathed to us by the avatar of Vishnu? Apparently there are two of us, if we consider Martin Kerr’s definition of a genuine National Socialist: a way of life dedicated body and soul to the fulfilment of sacred words.

The reason for this change is the recent visit I received from a European, as we saw in the entries ‘Ancient Mexico’ and ‘Teotihuacan’. So I have reposted ‘The Wall’ this August day, with the above modification.

Taking vows before the sacred tree.

If you want to take your vows and become the third priest of the sacred words, you know the price…

Gens alba conservanda est

Eliminemos todo sufrimiento innecesario

Hans F. K. Günther


Some passages and quotes from Hans F.K. Günther in his book The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans reminded me of what we said on March 21 about the impossibility of ‘denazifying the Gods’: what today’s crazy Westerners want most, their new religion:

Si fractus illabatur orbis,
impavidum ferient ruinae.


If the world were broken,
fearless fall will strike.

What will happen to the West in the coming years reminds me of the Tarot card The Tower which symbolizes punishment for the proud. Günther adds a passage from Geibel’s Brünhilde:

If there’s anything more powerful than fate,
Then it’s courage, which bears fate unshaken.

And this reminds me, naturally, of the first chapter of Savitri’s Memoirs: ‘The Religion of the Strong’, that is, National Socialism.

The trick for us priests is knowing how to wait for the lightning bolt to strike the Tower of Pride so that we can be the providers of the story of the next Era.

Might is right (book) Real men


I have decided to suspend, at least for the time being, quotes from Might is Right because of what Ragnar Redbeard says in my last post on the subject, starting with these words (‘Though, the survival of the strongest is the logic of events, yet personal cowardice is the great vice of our demoralized age’) to the end of that post.

While what Redbeard says is true, I detect a big problem: the soft totalitarian world we live in.

In the darkest hour of the West (a euphemism for the darkest hour of the white race) we cannot go out fighting. It is impossible to imitate, say, those tales of Prince Valiant that I read in the Sunday papers as a child.

We live in a world that rather resembles a scene from Paths of Glory when Colonel Dax and his soldiers cannot even get out of the trench because of the machine-gun fire that falls like a downpour on anyone who dares to stick his head above ground.

This is the reality in which we live even with peaceful demonstrations like the one in Charlottesville. The System mercilessly crushes dissent: first with its Antifa, then with police and months or years later using the courts to punish (illegally, as the demonstration was peaceful) those nationalists who went to Charlottesville.

In a totalitarian world, it makes no sense to talk about physical courage, as long as the enemy is so powerful that there is no way to wage an external jihad to weaken him.

But the enemy is not so powerful as to prevent internal jihad… If we cannot wage external jihad at all, it is time for internal jihad: as I said to Jamie a month ago in the context of apostatising from Christianity.

The reason why, at least for the moment, I don’t feel it makes sense to keep quoting Redbeard every other day is because his book was written when external jihad was still possible. For example, when Redbeard published Might is Right Hitler was a child, and when this Austrian grew up he fought both internal and external jihad.

In the darkest hour for the white race, we can only fight internally. The good news is that Muslims consider internal jihad greater, spiritually, than external jihad. To distinguish it from Islam, I call the struggle with oneself the priesthood of the holy words.

Racial right William Pierce

Friendly exchange

Jamie said:

The main reason why I mentioned a video of Jewish Ben Shapiro was that he was openly discussing the Jewish roots of Catholicism and therefore, Judeo-Christianity itself.

This is natural to understand (I am afraid of saying ‘self-evident’). Christianity is Jewish. You worship a Jewish god, therefore, it is logical to realise that Jews and their values are elevated and have a strong grip on the public mindset.

Jews’ racial existence is secured at the expense of the imbecile gentiles. That’s what this spiritual syphilis of a religion ultimately brings.

What surprises me, however, is that those people that I have met and were involved in the so-called ‘movement’ don’t understand this.

They don’t understand, or don’t want to see, the conflict of interest between Aryan racial survival and the worship of a suicidal Jewish cult. Like professional ostriches, they hide their heads under the sand when the Christian Question is brought up.

I have been kicked off of many ‘far right’ groups whenever I questioned Christianity. I must admit, however, that some men in those groups have reached out to me later and said ‘Jamie, you are right. We just keep heading towards disaster.’

But I can do little more than that if I just keep getting banned / silenced by those who organise such gatherings.

Even Dr. Pierce did the same thing to some extent in his weekly podcasts. Egalitarianism is the most harmful idea, he said. Yet, he never brought up that Christianity, the main religion of most Europeans today, has been preaching equality among all races of man since the times of ancient Rome.

So, is it possible to destroy the well-organised Jews while having a Jewish religion as your own? I don’t think so.

I think criticizing Jews before Christianity (and therefore, oneself) is a dead end.

I responded:

That there is self-deception in white nationalism as far as Christianity is concerned, there is no doubt.

What you say about Pierce catches my attention. Although when I came to the movement he had already died, I realised from what I could hear from his old podcasts that he did the same thing that Hitler did: Pierce had an exoteric message for the public, but in Who We Are and in a few internal communications he was anti-Christian.

The difference with me is that I think the time has come to talk openly about Christianity: what I do on this site.

You say that you have been kicked out of the right-wing groups where you speak. They just ignore me. Since you have been in the movement longer than me, what percentage do you think its members are Christians? Even secular leaders of the movement like Kevin Mac and Greg Johnson sometimes seem sympathetic to Christianity. Don’t you think so?

Jamie said:


Yes, Dr. Pierce was anti-Christian and he always condemned it indirectly in his public speeches, even though most of his audience couldn’t piece it together.

About Christian members of the movement?

Those who follow, often, are not really Christian. Like me, they are just tired of seeing roses [i.e., beautiful women—Ed.] paired together with half-apes sub-humans (which is, for all practical purposes, what really matters in the end) and, if properly guided, they will follow you to destroy this nigger loving world.

The leaders, however, those who organise, set up websites and, curiously, have funding to do all of that, are definitely Christian, or neo-Christians.

There is no secularity in this movement. Almost all of them are afraid of criticizing Christianity out of being further alienated by the feminized masses.

But Greg Johnson is a homosexual, isn’t he? He could never feel a genuine, masculine anger at the idea of having white women with negroes.

How about Dr. McDonald? Is he even married?

Can any of them relate to the 14 words like you do? I highly doubt so, but their male audiences can, and they are frustrated, confused and leaderless.

Alexandr Solzhenitsyn Literature

Sifting through a river

It’s amazing how the knowledge I’ve been posting on this site makes me see things very differently than I thought before 2009. Currently, it is difficult for me to read normie authors that I previously loved and, as far as the racialists are concerned, well: as we have seen in my previous entries, they are pretenders of the fourteen words; not true priests of them.

I have also said that I have recently been boxing up some books from my father’s library that will go to a dead archive (inactive files), on a family property. One of the books that I didn’t know about and that I started reading today is a deluxe edition of Arenas Movedizas (Quicksands) by Octavio Paz.

Paz’s work is vast and versatile, but when talking about his literary production, very little is said about the stories that he wrote in 1949 and that he grouped under the name Arenas Movedizas. These are ten short stories that many critics have considered to be fantastic and that expose themes such as absurdity, imagination and the feelings of humans. Two years after writing them, in 1951, they were published in Paz’s ¿Águila o sol? and ten years ago the deluxe edition that we see below appeared, published in Mexico City: the edition I have in front of me.

Today I read the first of the ten stories and I remembered that to the most insightful writer that I have known regarding literature, José Luis Vargas Moreno, who died almost a year ago and whom I nicknamed ‘El Santa’ (he looked like a dark-skinned Santa Claus!), the story bothered him because Paz apparently showed off his blue eyes. Unlike Vargas Moreno, the tale didn’t bother me but rather I was fascinated by a passage from that story, ‘El Ramo Azul’ (The Blue Bouquet):

I raised my face: the stars had also set up camp above. I thought the universe was a vast system of signals, a conversation between immense beings. My actions, the saw of the cricket, the blinking of the star, were nothing but pauses and syllables, scattered phrases of that dialogue. What would be that word of which I was a syllable? [1]

It is curious how the poet sometimes comes to intuit what cosmologists who dabble in metaphysics now say, especially those who begin to intuit that consciousness plays a hidden role in the very structure of the universe.

But I couldn’t bear to read the rest of the Pacian stories. Although there was a poetic phrase from the second story that I identified with, “nuestro pequeño sistema de vida, hecho de erizadas negaciones, muralla circular que defiende dos o tres certidumbres” (our little system of life, made of bristling denials, a circular wall that defends two or three certainties), the rest of the story seemed terribly boring to me.

‘So much for so little’ said Octavio Paz in 1983 in a television program when talking about the poet Góngora of the Spanish golden age, in the sense that it was the best possible use of Spanish (as Shakespeare was of Elizabethan English) but that the message was empty. Of Paz’s second story, I would say ‘so much for nothing’. It was just the vain use of diamond language that pisses me off so much. Why?

Because even before my racial awakening I couldn’t stand those poets who revel in the form of language regardless of the content. Paz wrote his stories when the Hellstorm Holocaust was still being perpetrated in a Europe that Paz loved, but which he never knew about because he was, like every Latin American poet and writer, stuck in the form of language.

Solzhenitsyn had already made fun of this matter in his Archipelago by mentioning Proust. He called Proust’s readers foolish because by reading the famous Frenchman and ignoring reality, they failed to see the holocaust perpetrated in Russia by the communists. I cannot agree more with Solzhenitsyn (those who haven’t watched Gonzalo Lira’s video about the Russian writer should watch it now).

Despite the wise quotes above, I will put Arenas Movedizas in the boxes that will go to the dead files. Most of the book lacks these types of phrases. It’s not worth reading it. It’s like sifting through a river of mud to find a few nuggets of gold.


[1] Alcé la cara: arriba también habían establecido campamento las estrellas. Pensé que el universo era un vasto sistema de señales, una conversación entre seres inmensos. Mis actos, el serrucho del grillo, el parpadeo de la estrella, no eran sino pausas y sílabas, frases dispersas de aquel diálogo. ¿Cuál sería esa palabra de la cual yo era una sílaba?

On Exterminationism (book) Welfare of animals

Sociopathy or empathy?

by Gaedhal

As Aron Ra puts it: sociopathy and empathy are competing evolutionary strategies. Hence why we observe both in nature, and especially in man. My essay in César’s anthology, On Exterminationism, was about the problem of evil. I want to see a day when empathy reigns upon this planet…

However, in my view, empathy can only reign on this planet after we win the race war. The Chinese and the Japanese, for one thing, have no empathy for wildlife. The Chinese starve tigers to death for tiger meat, and the Japanese eat live octopuses and kill cetaceans for fun. Jews swing chickens and engage in Kosher slaughter. Halal slaughter is likewise barbaric and an affront to decency and empathy. A world that is empathetic to wildlife has to be a white world.


Idiot chess players

2023 Postscript

When I wrote the above book I was asleep in the womb of the System as far as the most elementary historical and socio-political realities were concerned. It was only in 2021 that I modified my old text by inserting, here and there, some disconcerting phrases on Jewish and racial issues. While these additions do some violence to the original text, in this postscript I will be unashamed to spit out the naked truth.

Perhaps in 2004, when I circulated the rough draft of the above-linked book among friends, I was the first to recount the chess player’s agonies in confessing what we feel in tournaments. But now some fans of the game, like Stjepan Tomic who blogs on his site Hanging Pawns and other YouTubers, have begun to talk about their agonies. I welcome this small breakthrough in chess psychology, but it is only a baby step. In the other areas mentioned I still see wasted talent, or idiot chess players in the etymological sense of the word.

Idiot is a word derived from ἰδιώτης, idiōtēs from ἴδιος, idios (private, self). It began to be used in ancient Greece when there was direct democracy (not the so-called representative democracy of our days: deception of the people by those in power). But even in such healthy times as ancient Greece one or the other citizen was too private or selfish: he didn’t care about public affairs. He was an ‘idiot’. Now, people, in general, persist in their bourgeois and private attitude without, let’s say, inquiring into the real causes of mental disorders [there’s a chapter on disorders among chess players in the above-liked book]. And chess continues to be a refuge for idiots or apathetic people who are not interested in the real world but in intellectual autism.

Worse, when some renowned chess players deign to engage in political activism, their pronouncements are beyond idiotic: they are toxic. The most popular pair of world champions of our time, the ethnic Jew Kasparov (1985-2000 champion) and the Gentile Carlsen (2013 champion to date) exemplify this. However, in this postscript [to the above-linked book—note of 2023] I shall call Kasparov by his real Jewish surname: Weinstein, even if it is worse what gentile traitors like Carlsen do because the traitor is worse than the subversive Jew.

In a recent interview, Weinstein said: ‘Tucker Carlson has become a mouthpiece of Russian propaganda. That’s the gift from heaven for Putin’s propaganda machine’. The Baku-raised Jew, who emigrated to New York, thus repeats the lies of the US television networks at the hands of his fellow Jews. I confess that on the days I wrote this paragraph I was reading the chapter on Korchnoi in translation of the fifth volume of Weinstein’s My Great Predecessors (I own the whole collection). I am impressed that he who wrote such didactic treatises on chess is the same person from whom we could quote veritable nonsense, but I will confine myself to a couple of absurdities. Weinstein tweeted: ‘Le Pen is a weapon, part of Putin’s larger war, a second front in attacking Europe and democracy. I am often critical of Macron’s dealings with Russia, but he is an essential bulwark in France today’. And Weinstein endorsed in a news broadcast what, for us, is the paranoia of CNN and other TV channels: ‘I think Russia is behind…’ Trump’s 2016 election victory.

Weinstein’s pronouncements are infinitely worse than Fischer’s paranoia [recounted in the above-linked book], who saw his abusive mother’s Jewish cronies everywhere.

I won’t go into detail about the war in Ukraine. Anyone interested can read my posts on Russia on this site. Suffice it to say that Russia has become a healthy barrier to the sexual degeneracy of the West and, thanks to the newly formed bloc with China, there is finally an alternative power to stand up to the LGBT flag of crazy Uncle Sam: one provides the economic muscle and the other the nuclear umbrella. The typical subversive Jew, like Weinstein doesn’t like it when someone stands up to degeneracy even though, thanks to his mother Russia, he became world champion. But the attitude of an idiot like Magnus Carlsen, as I said, is even worse as he comes from a Scandinavian country where the majority are pure Nordic. Shortly after Putin’s invasion, Carlsen organised an online tournament supposedly to help Ukrainian children. Once again, this is worse than being a mere idiot as the current world champion, who has accepted invitations to George Soros’ mansion, is thus supporting the propaganda of the Establishment.

Carlsen has lunch and plays chess
with Soros at his summer home.

The cretinism of the apolitical chess player is also evident in all other chess players. No master or GM, as far as I know, complained about Sergey Kariakin’s punishment for political incorrectness regarding the invasion of Ukraine. Unlike his Russian compatriot Yan Nepomniashchi (‘Nepo’)—a bien-pensant player—Kariakin spoke out in favour of Putin’s special operation. Although with enormous efforts Kariakin had earned the right to participate in the most important tournament of all—the Candidates Tournament for the world crown—in 2022, for that political pronouncement he was disqualified by FIDE, which put a Chinese player in his place.

I finish writing this postscript when the Chinese, Ding Liren, and the Russian Nepo, have just two games left to define who will be the next world champion (the Norwegian Carlsen refused to defend his crown). If the Chinese wins, it will be the first time in history that an East Asian has won the chess laurel.

Back to the subject. Given the current war against the white man, we must see white-skinned people in love with Caissa [the goddess of chess] as idiots. If nature made us intelligent, burying talents like that is a crime deserving of the lord’s wrath. That said, chess need not be inherently alienating. I am reminded of a film in which a 19th-century Russian in traditional dress played with wooden—not plastic—pieces with one of his compatriots in the open air. So, taken lightly and without the agony of tournaments, the game could become a healthy recreation as long as we only spend a little time on it.

But what is real chess [the new title of the above-linked book, once I add this postscript]?

Chess of ideas involves more than a fierce critique of the egalitarian dogma of our age; more than a complete and utter refutation of that worldview to replace it with another. This is what I am engaged in in The West’s Darkest Hour. The new white religion of alleged race equality, what Newspeakers call ‘gender’ equality and sexual identity, must be destroyed.

In this little book, I would just like to confess that this last year I have suffered from a moral hangover for having used my talents to buy a score of books on chess openings. I read and studied them because I was planning to play a couple of more tournaments. Finally, I decided not to do so for reasons confessed in my intimate chess diaries. Let me just say here that the only thing that matters is real chess: to checkmate the Christian ethics that white atheists currently suffer.

Only in this way, by playing real chess and abandoning the other chess for good, would I cease to be an apprentice of the sacred words and become a true priest of those words. And only by reading my books would the reader know what I meant in this last paragraph.

Heinrich Himmler Individualism Marriage Videos

On silly Joe Rogan

This discussion between Joe Rogan and Matt Walsh shows how infinitely rotten today’s typical Westerner (Rogan) is, completely incapable of understanding the institution of marriage.

Walsh tried to refute him, but as a Christian, he failed to say that the ultimate goal of Western marriage is the 14 words. Compare Walsh’s lukewarm answers with the philosophy of Himmler, who wanted Aryan Germans to breed to 200 millions.

If I had been arguing with Rogan I would have crushed him with my NS reasoning. Just compare Rogan’s individualist POV with what we say in the article ‘Lebensraum’ in the forthcoming edition of On Exterminationism.

David Irving Heinrich Himmler

True Himmler, chapter 2

Editor’s Note: Below are excerpts from the second chapter, ‘Flawed’, of David Irving’s book on Heinrich Himmler (available through Irving’s bookstore here).

Like water splashes, the relics of Himmler’s life lie splattered around the globe. His household papers and some diaries are in Russia, his childhood epistles to his parents are stolen property in Israel, and his photo albums in Stanford, California – taken illegally by American Red Cross girls billeted in his lakeside villa in Gmund; the scores of letters to his mistress ‘Hedwig’ are owned by a soldier’s son who lived in Chestnut Street, Chicago, where we read them. Each tells us something about Himmler’s character: The Nordic runes he used to sign those letters… the manner in which he wrote a neat caption for each photo in ink using a Gothic script that is all but illegible now to his countrymen…

His interests were manifold. In early years he set aside time to immerse himself in archeology, in the occult, and the religions of the Far East. For Christmas 1938, he sent over to Hitler a book entitled Death and Immortality in the World View of Indo-Germanic Thinkers. He hoped it would mark a high point in the festivities, and signed it personally for his ‘Fuhrer’… In May 1938 Himmler despatched a year-long expedition to Tibet, headed by German zoologist Ernst Schäfer, to explore the story of a primaeval Germanic race which had inhabited the region.

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Editor’s Note: With the benefit of hindsight, and taking into account what I said yesterday about Robert Morgan’s interpretation of the American Civil War, it seems clear to me that the German expedition shouldn’t have been directed at distant Tibet, but at the United States of America, home of the Jewish golden calf in NY, Hollywood and media that would so influence the war, and of the Anglo-Saxon traitors who, led by Lincoln, had already waged a fierce anti-white war on the other side of the Atlantic.

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The British lies about Himmler, and his unseemly end, would outlast many who believed them. We shall find a different picture of Himmler emerging from the pages which follow…

SS Standartenführer (Colonel) Hans Lingner, commander of the 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division was heard to remark months before the end in 1945: ‘It is generally said that Himmler is hated by the people. But that isn’t the case at all.’ He had heard of a speech Himmler once made with great applause to armament workers. ‘Afterwards even the most plain-spoken fellows went up and asked him to shake hands with them, it really came straight from their hearts. He’d be the right man for post-war. I believe, too, that he’d be able to make the change­ over. He would be able to see that everything has gone to the devil anyway, that our first duty now is to maintain the bare existence of the people…’

Carl Jacob Burckhardt remarked at the League of Nations to Roger Makins, Britain’s man in Geneva, a few weeks later that Himmler was ‘disgusted by the anti-Semitic outrages.’ Makins learned that Hitler too was ‘not pleased’ by the Kristallnacht… Himmler’s chief of staff Karl Wolff would say years later that he had become harder only as the Second World War progressed. He was an amiable human being who became what he was only as a result of the war’s rising climate of barbarism and brutality, said Wolff. His concern for his men was genuine, but carefully calculated. He knew how to ingratiate by a display of compassion and understanding…

There was one aspect on which all the sources agree. Himmler acquired no personal wealth. Even army officers admitted that he was incorruptible, and stood out from others in that respect. ‘He is the only man about whom you don’t hear anything bad,’ Major-General Bock von Wülfingen was heard admitting, to nods of approval from his fellow generals late in 1944. ‘He has neither lived in luxury, nor in great style.’ Himmler regarded financial wrong-doers as the worst, and punished them ‘mercilessly’ (as his bodyguard Josef Kiermaier put it). ‘Money spoils the character,’ he was heard to scoff. It was a paradox that Himmler, whose Operation Reinhardt from 1942 to 1943 would involve robbery on an unparalleled scale, should display anger at the petty thieving of others…

Himmler had bought a small lakeside villa at Gmund after the National Socialists came to power, on the shores of the Tegernsee lake in Bavaria; it cost around 65,000 Reichsmarks, not an impossibly large sum, but his income was only modest and it took him six years to clear the debt. Visiting him in 1938, his Ordonnanzoffizier Diether Lönholdt found the villa set some way back from the road, on the southern exit from Gmund; it was a two-storey building, with Himmler’s office on the ground floor. Josef Kiermaier, the police bodyguard who joined his staff in June 1934, often saw him there – usually in the summer or at Christmas. ‘Staying down at Gmund the Reichsführer lived with his wife and daughter, whom he adored,’ recalled Kiermaier. The Himmlers were popular with their neighbours: ‘His modesty and simplicity in dealing with the locals helped him gain their respect’…

In peacetime Berlin, Himmler’s routine had hardened. He was at his desk at ten, and his adjutant began showing in visitors – a late visitor would find his appointment cancelled – not just postponed. At two p.m. he and his circle ate in the canteen, a simple repast after which he worked on until eight p.m.; after supper he carried on until one or two in the morning. He recorded his punishing routine remorselessly in his diary, and once even repeated it to his mistress. ‘He’s a glutton for work,’ grumbled an army major, ‘and expects the same from others. They don’t have any private life.’ Asked where Himmler lived, the major revealed: ‘In Berlin, only he’s always rushing around elsewhere, he is totally driven, he works almost more than the Fuhrer.’ (The awed almost is to be remarked upon)…

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Editor’s Note: A true ‘priest of the fourteen words’!


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‘Foreign countries,’ said Meyer, with a trace of pride in his voice, ‘have realised that Himmler is top dog in the Reich. Goring is just a child.’ Kurt Meyer is now seen as one of the finest division commanders that Germany produced; when he died in 1961 fifteen thousand people attended his funeral in Hagen.

Barely noticed amongst his major sins, Himmler had a minor flaw. He displayed not even a passing interest in the arts. Risking disfavour at the highest level, he made no secret of his view that two hours could be spent more profitably than in the concert hall or theatre. This did not escape Hitler’s notice, and in 1945 he dismissed Himmler’s ambitions with one crushing remark: He is totally unmusikalisch – unmusical (or perhaps, ‘tone-deaf’). Albert Speer shared this judgment, saying, ‘He was unable to appreciate art.’

As a full-grown man, Himmler did have some friends – they came to visit, went hunting with him, or succumbed to his passion for fishing. His family albums have pictures of punting parties on their local lake – Himmler clad in felt hat and Lederhosen; Himmler seated on a flower-decked meadow at a picnic surrounded by family and friends, days before the ruinous attack on the Soviet Union. Shown the caricatures appearing in enemy propaganda, of Himmler the hangman, he just chuckled.

In fact he was not devoid of a certain grim sense of humour. At the end of November 1940, he joined a shooting Party in the Sudetenland, including Alexis Aminoff of the Swedish foreign ministry. On the first day, as they set out from Berlin in the customary large limousines, he stressed to Aminoff, seated next to him, the common Nordic bonds linking Germans and Swedes, and the many successful intermarriages including that of Goring for example. Unaware of Himmler’s identity, Aminoff countered that the Swedish press was free, and not in the grip of a secret police, whereupon Himmler identified himself with that jovial grin. The Swede weaseled his way out – he found this hard to believe, surely the real Himmler was always attended by a large bodyguard? ‘Inside Germany,’ the Reichsführer assured him, ‘I have no need of any bodyguard.’

The Party proceeded to wreak due slaughter on some three hundred cock pheasants on an estate formerly belonging to Archduke Frederick of Austria, and then at a shoot near Magdeburg, where one hundred boar(s) and sixty deer were no less sportingly put to death.

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Editor’s Note: Hitler was astonished to learn of these hunting escapades of Himmler and others. The Reichsführer may have been a priest of the 14 words, but Hitler was the priest of the 4 words as well (‘Eliminate all unnecessary suffering’).