2023 Postscript
When I wrote the above book I was asleep in the womb of the System as far as the most elementary historical and socio-political realities were concerned. It was only in 2021 that I modified my old text by inserting, here and there, some disconcerting phrases on Jewish and racial issues. While these additions do some violence to the original text, in this postscript I will be unashamed to spit out the naked truth.
Perhaps in 2004, when I circulated the rough draft of the above-linked book among friends, I was the first to recount the chess player’s agonies in confessing what we feel in tournaments. But now some fans of the game, like Stjepan Tomic who blogs on his site Hanging Pawns and other YouTubers, have begun to talk about their agonies. I welcome this small breakthrough in chess psychology, but it is only a baby step. In the other areas mentioned I still see wasted talent, or idiot chess players in the etymological sense of the word.
Idiot is a word derived from ἰδιώτης, idiōtēs from ἴδιος, idios (private, self). It began to be used in ancient Greece when there was direct democracy (not the so-called representative democracy of our days: deception of the people by those in power). But even in such healthy times as ancient Greece one or the other citizen was too private or selfish: he didn’t care about public affairs. He was an ‘idiot’. Now, people, in general, persist in their bourgeois and private attitude without, let’s say, inquiring into the real causes of mental disorders [there’s a chapter on disorders among chess players in the above-liked book]. And chess continues to be a refuge for idiots or apathetic people who are not interested in the real world but in intellectual autism.
Worse, when some renowned chess players deign to engage in political activism, their pronouncements are beyond idiotic: they are toxic. The most popular pair of world champions of our time, the ethnic Jew Kasparov (1985-2000 champion) and the Gentile Carlsen (2013 champion to date) exemplify this. However, in this postscript [to the above-linked book—note of 2023] I shall call Kasparov by his real Jewish surname: Weinstein, even if it is worse what gentile traitors like Carlsen do because the traitor is worse than the subversive Jew.
In a recent interview, Weinstein said: ‘Tucker Carlson has become a mouthpiece of Russian propaganda. That’s the gift from heaven for Putin’s propaganda machine’. The Baku-raised Jew, who emigrated to New York, thus repeats the lies of the US television networks at the hands of his fellow Jews. I confess that on the days I wrote this paragraph I was reading the chapter on Korchnoi in translation of the fifth volume of Weinstein’s My Great Predecessors (I own the whole collection). I am impressed that he who wrote such didactic treatises on chess is the same person from whom we could quote veritable nonsense, but I will confine myself to a couple of absurdities. Weinstein tweeted: ‘Le Pen is a weapon, part of Putin’s larger war, a second front in attacking Europe and democracy. I am often critical of Macron’s dealings with Russia, but he is an essential bulwark in France today’. And Weinstein endorsed in a news broadcast what, for us, is the paranoia of CNN and other TV channels: ‘I think Russia is behind…’ Trump’s 2016 election victory.
Weinstein’s pronouncements are infinitely worse than Fischer’s paranoia [recounted in the above-linked book], who saw his abusive mother’s Jewish cronies everywhere.
I won’t go into detail about the war in Ukraine. Anyone interested can read my posts on Russia on this site. Suffice it to say that Russia has become a healthy barrier to the sexual degeneracy of the West and, thanks to the newly formed bloc with China, there is finally an alternative power to stand up to the LGBT flag of crazy Uncle Sam: one provides the economic muscle and the other the nuclear umbrella. The typical subversive Jew, like Weinstein doesn’t like it when someone stands up to degeneracy even though, thanks to his mother Russia, he became world champion. But the attitude of an idiot like Magnus Carlsen, as I said, is even worse as he comes from a Scandinavian country where the majority are pure Nordic. Shortly after Putin’s invasion, Carlsen organised an online tournament supposedly to help Ukrainian children. Once again, this is worse than being a mere idiot as the current world champion, who has accepted invitations to George Soros’ mansion, is thus supporting the propaganda of the Establishment.

Carlsen has lunch and plays chess
with Soros at his summer home.
The cretinism of the apolitical chess player is also evident in all other chess players. No master or GM, as far as I know, complained about Sergey Kariakin’s punishment for political incorrectness regarding the invasion of Ukraine. Unlike his Russian compatriot Yan Nepomniashchi (‘Nepo’)—a bien-pensant player—Kariakin spoke out in favour of Putin’s special operation. Although with enormous efforts Kariakin had earned the right to participate in the most important tournament of all—the Candidates Tournament for the world crown—in 2022, for that political pronouncement he was disqualified by FIDE, which put a Chinese player in his place.
I finish writing this postscript when the Chinese, Ding Liren, and the Russian Nepo, have just two games left to define who will be the next world champion (the Norwegian Carlsen refused to defend his crown). If the Chinese wins, it will be the first time in history that an East Asian has won the chess laurel.
Back to the subject. Given the current war against the white man, we must see white-skinned people in love with Caissa [the goddess of chess] as idiots. If nature made us intelligent, burying talents like that is a crime deserving of the lord’s wrath. That said, chess need not be inherently alienating. I am reminded of a film in which a 19th-century Russian in traditional dress played with wooden—not plastic—pieces with one of his compatriots in the open air. So, taken lightly and without the agony of tournaments, the game could become a healthy recreation as long as we only spend a little time on it.
But what is real chess [the new title of the above-linked book, once I add this postscript]?
Chess of ideas involves more than a fierce critique of the egalitarian dogma of our age; more than a complete and utter refutation of that worldview to replace it with another. This is what I am engaged in in The West’s Darkest Hour. The new white religion of alleged race equality, what Newspeakers call ‘gender’ equality and sexual identity, must be destroyed.
In this little book, I would just like to confess that this last year I have suffered from a moral hangover for having used my talents to buy a score of books on chess openings. I read and studied them because I was planning to play a couple of more tournaments. Finally, I decided not to do so for reasons confessed in my intimate chess diaries. Let me just say here that the only thing that matters is real chess: to checkmate the Christian ethics that white atheists currently suffer.
Only in this way, by playing real chess and abandoning the other chess for good, would I cease to be an apprentice of the sacred words and become a true priest of those words. And only by reading my books would the reader know what I meant in this last paragraph.