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Mental regression!

In his most recent statement, Gaedhal says the following:

I mentioned Thucydides, because, as Otto English points out in Fake History a distinction is drawn—although largely artificially—between Herodotus and Thucydides.

In my view, the Old Testament takes a Herodotian method. In Genesis, there are three competing and contradictory accounts regarding who pimped his wife to whom. Did Abraham pimp his wife to Pharaoh, or Abimelech or was it his son, Isaac?

Two competing and contradictory accounts of the creation and the flood are given. Two contradictory versions of the binding of Isaac, the Flood, and the Joseph story are poorly woven together and given.

In the main, Herodotus would recount everything he heard, whereas, in the main, Thucydides would critique his sources, and only give the version of events that he found most probable. In the main, Thucydides was willing to throw unreliable stories into the waste-paper basket.

However, as English points out: Herodotus often acts in a Thucydidean way, and Thucydides often acts in a Herodotian way.

Thucydides was an excellent Ancient Historian… however, even the best ancient historian is woefully bad when compared to modern standards. One could not publish Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War as a scholarly monograph and have it pass peer review.

I also agree with Pine Creek Doug that if God is the ultimate author of the Gospels, then we should hold him to the same standards that we would hold a modern PhD historian to. We should be able to publish the four gospels as scholarly monographs and have them pass peer review. We are not able to do this. Thus, God is a poorer historian than any modern human historian who can pass peer review. Do not lower your standards for God!

The first thing that is scraped away by Thucydides’ razor into the waste-paper can is accounts of miracles.

As I said before: Christianity was never in date. The Bible is Herodotian in what it relates, and not Thucydidean. Thucydides essentially discovered how to do modern history in the 400s BCE. One of the things that the Christian Dark Ages reversed was Thucydidean historiography. A continent that had known Thucydides, thanks to Christianity, was soon swamped with Herodotian martyr tales, i.e. unevidenced religious fantasies.

I was listening to Book 1 of History of the Peloponnesian War, last night, by Thucydides. Homer says that an impossible number of Achaeans—essentially the entire population of Ancient Achaia—went off to fight in Troy. Thucydides therefore rejects Homer’s legendary number of Achaean fighters. Similarly, in the Pentateuch, an impossible number of Israelites—essentially the entire population of Ancient Egypt—left Egypt during the Exodus.

If Europe had still been in a Thucydidean mindset, then the stupid Jewish fairytale that is the Exodus would never have been accepted by this continent’s people. Lamentably, it has really only been in relatively modern times that Thucydidean criticism has been applied to the Bible. Spinoza, Valla, Thomas Paine et al. got the ball rolling. However, the Thucydidean ball should never have been stopped. What stopped it? Christianity.

This is why I am of the opinion that the Conflict Thesis—‘systematised academic knowledge’ (i.e. ‘science’ sensu lato) and revealed religion are diametrically opposed to one another—is correct, and also that the Dark Ages were real.

In ancient times, Homer was no less divine than Moses. Indeed, like Jesus Christ, in some legends Homer was born of a virgin. And yet Thucydides contradicted this divine oracle. Lamentably, nobody contradicted Moses until the Renaissance.

The staggering regression that the white man suffered with the imposition of Christianity in the Middle Ages reminds me of what I was saying this year about the friend I knew when I was a teenager and, after decades of not treating him, found him in a state of psychosis: a regression like treating an eighteen-month-old infant! (cf. my series on malignant narcissism: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and #6).

A sage from ancient India might say something similar if he had been long enough to see Rome before and after the imposition of Christianity by Constantine. What Gaedhal says seems to me very true, and we could even illustrate it with the subject that is my forte: the analysis of my family.

Unlike Protestantism, in Catholicism the Church of Rome claims to have proof of divine intervention through miracles. Psychically, I grew up under my father’s sky where the miracles of the Virgin of Lourdes—the French virgin of the 19th-century Tort family—were taken as absolute fact. The same can be said of my late father’s claims about the 20th-century miracles attributed to the Virgin of Fatima in Portugal. Although after two years of my life studying the Shroud of Turin I ended up sceptical of the supernatural hypothesis, my father continued to believe up to the present century that this Catholic relic proved the resurrection of Jesus. (I studied the literature on the shroud from 1988 to 1990 because I was still struggling with parental introjects—cf. my autobiography.)

When at Easter some of the American white nationalist sites post entries commemorating the day, they have no idea that believing this Jewish fairytale is as dramatic a psychogenic regression as that of the friend whom I knew sane and, after a few decades, I found him with a psychic structure reminiscent of that of a small infant.

11 replies on “Mental regression!”

The main reason why I mentioned a video of jewish Ben Saphiro was that he was openly discussing the Jewish roots of Catholicism and therefore, Judeo Christianity itself.

This is natural to understand ( I am afraid of saying “self evident”). Christianity is jewish. You worship a jewish god, therefore, it is logical to realize that jews and their values are elevated and have a strong grip on public mindset.

Jews racial existence is secured at the expense of the imbecile gentiles. That’s what this spiritual syphilis of a religion ultimately brings.

What surprises me, however, is that those people that I have met and were involved in the so called “movement” don’t understand this.

They don’t understand, or don’t want to see, the conflict of interest between aryan racial survival and the worship of a suicidal jewish cult. Like professional ostriches, they hide their heads under the sand when the christian question is brought up.

I have been kicked off of many “far right” groups whenever I questioned christianity. I must admit, however, that some men in those groups have reached out to me later and said “Jamie, you are right. We just keep heading towards disaster.”

But I can do little more than that if I will just keep getting banned/silence by those who organize such gatherings.

Even Dr. Pierce did the same thing at some extent in his weekly podcasts. Egalitarianism is the most harmful idea, he said. Yet, he never brought up that christianity, the main religion of most Europeans today, has been preaching equality among all races of man since the times of ancient Rome.

So, is it possible to destroy the well organized jews while having a jewish religion as your own? I don’t think so.

I think criticizing jews before christianity (and therefore, one self) is a dead end.

That there is self-deception in white nationalism as far as Christianity is concerned, there is no doubt.

What you say about Pierce catches my attention. Although when I came to the movement he had already died, I realised from what I could hear from his old podcasts that he did the same thing that Hitler did: Pierce had an exoteric message for the public, but in Who We Are and in a few internal communications he was anti-Christian.

The difference with me is that I think the time has come to talk openly about Christianity: what I do on this site.

You say that you have been kicked out of the right-wing groups where you speak. They just ignore me. Since you have been in the movement longer than me, what percentage do you think its members are Christians? Even secular leaders of the movement like Kevin Mac and Greg Johnson sometimes seem sympathetic to Christianity. Don’t you think so?


Yes, Dr. Pierce was anti-Christian and he always condemn it indirectly on his public speeches, even thought most of his audience couldn’t piece it together.

About Christian members of the movement?

Those who follow, often, are not really Christian. Like me, they are just tired of seeing roses paired together with half-apes sub humans (which is, for all practical purposes, what really matters in the end), and, if properly guided, they will follow you to destroy this nigger loving world.

The leaders, however, those who organize, set up websites and, curiously, have funding to do all of that, are definitely Christian, or neo Christians.

There is no secularity on this movement. Almost all of them are afraid of criticizing Christianity out of being further alienated by the feminized masses.

But Greg Johnson is an homosexual, isn’t he? He could never feel a genuine, masculine anger at the idea of having white women with negroes.

How about Dr. McDonald? Is he even married?

Can any of them relate to the 14 words like you do? I highly doubt so, but their male audiences can, and they are frustrated, confused and leaderless.

It’s a good answer.

If the American government would allow me a visa, it would be easier to talk directly to these people who you say would follow us to destroy this crazy world.

Do you have dealings with them? One of the problems I have here in the south is that I have no one to talk to.

Herr Caesar, I am on the same boat as you.

I merely had online contact with them on the phone, but after the covid lockdowns, alienation raised drastically and almost everybody lost their will to keep contact.

There is a nasty monopoly of social interaction and engagement here. Conventional online ways (facebook, twitter) are highly regulated, and it has been made like this by design.

The system doesn’t want you to go to rh

Living here is like living in a deserted island but instead of salty water, you are surrounded by people who makes you feel alone; the normies.

How to separate them from revolutionaries? It is hard to say.The will and anger is there, we are just too spread and atomized within the normie masses to do something about it.

I apologies for that mistake that left a unfinished statement

I was just going to say that, the system doesn’t want us to gather and talk about real issues.

If we could spread your blog as wide as any of the ball games here, you will be like a beacon for the anger of those who are truly tired of the system.

I note that you knocked of the second ‘s’ in ‘Thucydides’s’. However, if one should consult the Society of Biblical Literature’s Manual of Style (2nd edition 2014), then he would discover that this method of forming the possessive with proper nouns ending with ‘s’ is now standard. They even recommend ‘Jesus’s’ rather than ‘Jesus’’.

Yes, I followed the Grammarly software and it knocked that “s” when it was syntax-correcting my own text.

Oh, another thing: could you correct: ‘sensu latu’ to: ‘sensu lato’, which is Latin for: ‘in the broad sense.’

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