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Michael O'Meara Racial right

Eat crow

Let’s expand a little on my post last Thursday, ‘Walsh’, in which I said that mental health matters (it was the subject of my books before I discovered white nationalism). I have already spoken on this site about so-called narcissism; Richard Grannon, who studies it, and yesterday I saw this ‘short’ by Grannon on YouTube.

The short reminds me not only of my parents’ folie à deux when they started scapegoating us because of the unprocessed traumas they carried from childhood, but also of the denial of data that the American racial right suffers from. What are they denying? Let’s compare the US and Canada with Latin America. On Sunday I told Gaedhal in the comments section:

These days I’ve been watching videos of Spanish and Latin American historians (all Iberian whites) trying to refute the Black Legend against Spain. I was very impressed that, despite these noble attempts, they all subscribe to the Christian commandment that we should love all races. They take this for granted even though they are on a crusade against leftists who hate the European conquest of the Americas.

It is becoming increasingly clear to me that Spanish speakers are completely addicted to the blue pill—even Pedro Varela, recently incarcerated in Spain because of WW2 revisionism!

The common denominator between North and South America is religion. The entire continent was conquered by Christianity. Just as the videos of intellectual Spanish speakers I’ve been watching reveal that they are all plugged into the matrix that controls them, we can say the same of the WASPs north of the Rio Grande. Because of their narcissism, they are incapable of seeing, say, the data we have been translating about the criminal history of Christianity. And not only that. Yesterday I reviewed the books that Counter-Currents publishes. I was disturbed that the first one they published, Michael O’Meara’s essays, no longer appears. Unlike the racial right in his country, O’Meara did not suffer from a jingoistic narcissism. He did see the flaws of the US (e.g. that capitalism is very toxic for whites).

Young Michael O’Meara

White nationalism is a new image of Rockwell’s National Socialism and Pierce’s racist avant-garde. Spencer’s Alt-Right was a new image of white nationalism. The America First movement is a new image of the far right. The dissident right, now that the term ‘Christian nationalism’ is fashionable in the US, is a new image of the extreme right. Why does this plant has to be renamed every few years and never bear fruit?

Because, just as Latin American narcissists have been unable to think in racial terms, so, similarly, because of Christian or ‘cultural Christian’ narcissism racialist Americans continue to deny data.

What we seek in The West’s Darkest Hour is that, through eating humble pie (i.e., our civilisation erred since Constantine) we swallow the pride that prevents the Aryan from healing.

Conspiracy theories

The failed Oswald

Before I continue with the normal topics of this site I would like to say a word about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on the 13th of this month and Thomas Matthew Crooks, who lived with his parents in Bethel Park in Pennsylvania, about an hour’s drive from Butler, the site of the attack, about whom the schoolmates who knew him said ‘He was bullied so much…’

According to the FBI director’s testimony last week, Crooks had searched online for information: ‘How far away was Oswald from Kennedy?’ Crooks had apparently plotted to escape with the distraction of remote-controlled detonation of explosives in his car, but a Secret Service sniper spoiled his plans big time!

Failed shooter (July 13, 2024).

The day after his death I said that I wouldn’t write about the event because to me it wasn’t that big a deal. I still believe that. But what prompts me to post this entry is an issue related to it: the conspiracy theories that inevitably arise after such events.

Judge Napolitano’s most recent interviewee believes there was a conspiracy in this month’s event. Even Chris Martenson, an American whose videos I have publicised extensively on this site regarding peak oil, is now promoting the theory of a second shooter. Likewise, the racial right is rife with such theories (consider The Unz Review for example). Since it is the 14 words that interest me, this aspect of the urban myths that affect racialists do concern me.

In my view it is premature to believe that Crooks didn’t act alone. We must wait for the official report to see how convincing the lone wolf hypothesis is. But it is possible to shed some light beforehand on that future report through another case. I am referring to an assassination which, unlike Crooks’ attempted assassination, was successful. Although I was a five-year-old boy, I remember very well that November 1963 when Sandra, my little schoolmate at Arnold Gesell Elementary School, told me at recess that the American president had just been assassinated (I felt very bad)!

I have already spoken on this site about Vincent Bugliosi’s book which refutes the conspiracy theories and proves that Oswald acted alone. Bugliosi’s book is so voluminous that it is accompanied by a DVD with secondary information (the publishers didn’t want to add hundreds more pages to a volume that was already too thick). Keep in mind that most Americans believe there was a conspiracy in the JFK assassination. But as I said recently, I lean towards the minority reports because I think that the prolefeed with which the System feeds the proles is unreliable (remember that in a market society it is sensationalism that sells best, not the most prosaic explanations).

Those who don’t want to read Bugliosi’s book can now educate themselves about the hypothesis that Oswald acted alone with a couple of clever videos that can be viewed on YouTube, whose subjects are listed here:

Part 1 Chapters:

00:0011:221 – Intro & Road Map

11:2220:512 – The Most Unpopular Opinion in America

20:5126:413 – The Other Assassinations (& Attempts)

26:4134:414 – The Bank Robbery Analogy

34:4139:565 – Back and To The Left

39:5642:586 – Three Shots–No More, No Less

42:5847:227 – Five Point Six Seconds

47:2253:058 – The Bullet Didn’t Do Anything “Magic”

53:0557:329 – The Rifle

57:321:01:5610 – There Wasn’t a Gunman on the Grassy Knoll

1:01:561:06:2311 – The Attempt on General Walker

1:06:231:09:0012 – The Killing of J.D. Tippit

1:09:001:10:0813 – How to Support the YouTubber’s Work

1:10:081:18:2514 – Foreknowledge & Opportunity

1:18:251:27:0315 – Oswald Wasn’t a “Patsy”

1:27:031:33:2016 – Jack Ruby Didn’t Work for the Mafia

1:33:201:39:3717 – Oswald Was Unreliable

1:39:371:42:4218 – Oswald Was Broke

1:42:421:43:5619 – Outro to First Video

Part 2 Chapters:

00:0002:5020 – Intro to Second Video

02:5013:0321 – The Warren Commission Got it Right

13:0324:5122 – The Autopsy Got it (Mostly) Right

24:5130:1423 – The Mafia Didn’t Do It

30:1438:2724 – The Military (and the CIA) Didn’t Do It

38:2743:3925 – The Secret Service Didn’t Do It

43:3953:0126 – Clay Shaw & David Ferrie Didn’t Do It

53:0158:3527 – “Material Witnesses” Didn’t Die Mysteriously

58:351:04:5728 – The “Clown Witnesses” (Obviously) Got it Wrong

1:04:571:14:4029 – The H.S.C.A. Got it Wrong (And Right)

1:14:401:19:3530 – “The Men Who Killed Kennedy” Got it Wrong

1:19:351:25:4931 – The Warren Commission Didn’t Seal Documents for 75 Years

1:25:491:27:0532 – How to Support the YouTubber’s work

1:27:051:32:0933 – Lee Harvey Oswald Did It

1:32:091:38:1334 – “But What About (Insert Theory Here)?”

1:38:131:43:3435 – Why People Want it to Be a Conspiracy

1:43:341:46:1736 – Accepting the Warren Commission’s Conclusion Doesn’t Mean You Trust the Government

1:46:171:49:0637 – Conclusion

The YouTuber refutes JFK conspiracy theories but anyone who wants to delve deeper into why even intelligent people forge these theories might want to read Michael Shermer’s The Believing Brain, and pay attention to what Shermer says about ‘pattern perception’ and ‘agency detection’.

Agency detection is also a feature of conspiracy theories by assuming that an act was carried out on purpose. Conspiracy theories rarely assume incompetence among the alleged culprits (e.g., the Secret Service, which until recently was run by a woman who only wanted to escalate feminist quotas!). Keep in mind what in my Day of Wrath we call ‘paleologic thought’. Our gullible brain sometimes makes us see agency where none exists.

Ancient Rome

Imperial Rome

The following is my response to Robert Morgan at The Unz Review:

______ 卐 ______

Ditto your last paragraph.

Since white nationalists are incapable of questioning the foundations of their nation (capitalism, Christian morality and secularised Xian ethics), they are incapable of good historical perspective. For example, in chapter 1, ‘The Romans’ of The Law of Civilization and Decay: An Essay on History, Brooks Adams illustrates how capitalism ruined Rome (Adams was an historian, political scientist and a critic of capitalism):

[Imperial] Rome was never really a people, never a nation. It was merely a system, a machine. From the very beginning, Rome populated itself by opening its gates to refugees from other cities. The Roman machine liquidated this founding stock [the farmers] and replenished itself with foreign blood until it became too weak to assimilate new peoples.

In ancient Rome, as in modern America, the economic system and its imperatives are treated as absolute and fixed, whereas the people are treated as liquid and fungible.

My emphasis! This was the main aetiology of white decline, which was further aggravated by what Constantine did. The Jews simply took advantage of this ethnocidal stain of whites on their own ethnicity.

By the way, Adams was a great-grandson of Founding Father John Adams.

'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms) George Washington

Hitler, 42

In mid April 1923, a massive joint paramilitary exercise was held at the Fröttmaninger Heide near Freimann, followed by a march to the government quarter in Munich. A fortnight later, on May Day, there was a serious confrontation with organized labour at the Oberwiesenfeld. Hitler encouraged this escalation. He personally ordered the Sturmabteilungen not merely to defend their own assemblies, by beating up hecklers, but also to disrupt those of their enemies. Hitler further instructed them to abuse Jews on the streets and in cafes. Rumours abounded that the NSDAP and the nationalist organizations would ‘march on Berlin’, clean out the stables there and establish a government capable of facing down the Entente.

This paragraph from Simms’ book deserves a comment.

Compare this freedom of the nationalists of Weimar Germany with the cancellation of American white supremacists of the 21st century. Stormtroopers—the Antifa—are used in the US to disrupt their peaceful gatherings. Why?

One of the problems I see with the American racial right is that they don’t seem to realise that Germany, for centuries before the Diktat imposed after WW2, was a nobler society than America, perhaps because Lutheranism in its origins was anti-Semitic.

Fritz Hirschfeld was a Jew executed at Auschwitz on 11 October 1944. He wrote the book George Washington and the Jews, which explores the historical relationship between the first American president and the Jews. Washington was the first head of a modern nation to openly recognise Jews as full citizens of the land in which they had chosen to settle. Hirschfeld writes about Washington’s philosophy, which can be summed up in a 1790 speech to the Hebrew Congregation of Newport, Rhode Island, where he said:

May the Children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants, while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.

As we have said many times on this site, one must study the enablers of Jewry’s power rather than the Jews themselves. The latter is done by white nationalist sites whose spearhead on the JQ is The Occidental Observer, but it seems obvious to me that without the silly enablers there would be no ZOG.

Autobiography Kali Yuga

Dark Era!

Not long ago I noticed that there are YouTube channels showing videos of criminal investigations into serial killers of children (!) in the United States. Below we see two of the victims of one of these killers, image taken from this video.

Two months ago I posted an entry about a comic book I read as a child, Little Lulu. It was the age of innocence when I imagined that childhood in the neighbouring country to the north was as wholesome as the children in my favourite comic: Lulu, Tubby, Annie, Iggy, Willie, Wilbur and the beautiful little girl Gloria (whom I compared to Lorena: the girl I had a crush on in primary school). We even shot a super-8 film at home about one of these stories—a magazine that I still own after so many decades! My cousin Octavio played the role of Tubby, who sneaked into the house to eat the lunch that Lulu and Annie (played by my sisters) had prepared for them…

It would take time for me to realise the dark side of the society I lived in. But I never imagined the horrendous levels of evil to which not only the US but the entire West has fallen. Cases like the child abductor whose victims are pictured above are legion if those YouTube channels are to be believed. Is it any wonder that in January I fantasised about the movie The Village, filmed in the US by an Indian from India, which opens with a group of Aryans creating a town far from the iniquitous ways of Kali Yuga?

Francis Parker Yockey

4th of July

In 2015 I posted another entry with the same title where I quote Francis Parker Yockey. Along with another American racialist, Michael O’Meara, Yockey realised what his country was all about—unlike those on the contemporary racial right who still wave the American flag and feel safe to spout the words ‘Jew, Jew, Jew!’ as if that explained everything.

Given that Joseph Walsh is now in a London jail because of thoughtcrime (remember: Yockey died in prison!), I would like to quote below what he said nine years ago in the comments section of the post linked above:

How appropriate that America will be the first white country where whites will become a minority (if you don’t count Rhodesia and South Africa). Whites are about 55% of America’s population now. They will eventually be 49%.

Even if the whole of white America became racially aware and every white voted for an open National Socialist political party they would still not be able to beat the Democratic party which takes votes in the three crucial states of New York, California and Texas. So a political solution to the survival of white America is out of the question. As William Pierce used to say ‘White revolution is the only solution’. Even if a white revolution leads to a World War, it is the only way to secure white survival: Racial Holy Wars or extinction.

There are about 600 million whites worldwide, yet I would say that not even 1% of the white race is racially conscious. Only about 2 million whites worldwide are. We are in trouble. What we do not have in quantity we must make up for in ruthlessness.

But the blonde beast won’t rise until the collapse comes. Therefore— When will you throw your nukes at Hezbollah, Bibi?

Jared Taylor Quotable quotes

Sam, again

‘As far gone as it is, I think that it would be easier to save Britain than the United States’.

—Jared Taylor (1:23:40, cf. his video
in yesterday’s Counter-Currents article).

Taylor is right. For those who doubt it, see Michael O’Meara’s Counter-Currents articles (abridged in our site here).

Michael O'Meara

Uncle Sam

‘Our present malaise, I would argue, stems less from these ideological influences [JQ, capitalism, etc.] than from a more recent development—the Second World War—whose world-transforming effects were responsible for distorting and inverting our already tenuous relationship to Europe’. —Michael O’Meara

Friedrich Nietzsche


against the Cross, 17

Nietzsche was already forty years old when, in May 1885, his sister Elisabeth (pictured above) married Dr Ludwig Bernhard Förster, a man wise on the Jewish problem. The newlyweds moved to Paraguay to found a Jew-free New Germania. The quixotic enterprise would obviously fail because the only way to achieve such an ideal would have been to conquer the country militarily.

Nietzsche, for his part, finding himself isolated (‘in my most dreadful times of loneliness’) and without social recognition, began to use his soliloquies, missives and philosophy to boost his self-esteem and increasingly overvalue himself: dangerous medicine, for it can lead to a delirium of grandeur. An unpublished draft for a four-part work, which was to be called Noon and Eternity, and which opens with a great hubbub of heralds’ trumpets, announces: ‘The Earth now appears as a marble workshop: a ruling race of indispensable violence is needed’.

In May 1886, when Nietzsche was living in Nice, he published Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future. But the futurist philosopher had, as he put it, a ‘dog’s life’ and never understood the rustic, though healthy, flourishing anti-Semitism of the time; or why his sister had become involved with Dr Förster.

After his dreadful experience with Lou, Nietzsche didn’t dare to make any further advances towards women. Nevertheless, he composed music for a poem by Lou, which was later adapted for choir and orchestra by Peter Gast, and then recorded and published. Nietzsche always hoped that his friend Gustav Krug would perform this work in Cologne.

In Monte Carlo, Nietzsche heard the overture to Parsifal for the first time and was rapt. To Gast, he wrote in January 1887: ‘Has Wagner ever composed anything better?’ The following month Nietzsche read, for the first time, Dostoevsky and in July he published On the Genealogy of Morals, written in Sils-Maria, where he makes mention of a term that would become famous in the next century, ‘the blond beast’.

When confronted with the contents of this book we see that, although Nietzsche had lost all his social faculties, he had reached the peak of his intellectual maturity: for the first time in Christendom someone had detected how the Judaic infection had corrupted our souls through the magic of the New Testament! The book is divided into three parts. The first part is a treatise on the psychology of Christianity: a movement that rebelled against the dominance of the aristocratic values of the Greco-Roman world (see the quotations from On the Genealogy of Morals on pages 116-118 of The Fair Race).

A digression is in order here. One of the older commenters on this site never understood why I reject the US as a project of nationhood. I reject it precisely because that country was founded from this inversion of aristocratic values, something that is noticeable even from the time of the American Revolutionary War of Independence, led by Washington (one hundred years before the publication of On the Genealogy of Morals, the Constitution of the US was signed in 1787 in Philadelphia).

In his 1887 book Nietzsche realised that the motive of the early Judeo-Christians was the thirst for revenge of the priestly people par excellence: the Jews. I would add that it shouldn’t surprise us that creating a new nation by the founding cucks, who never rejected the Bible, will end up in New Zion (consider how now the government wants to use the law to equate criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism!). This inversion, Nietzsche tells us, calls evil what was once good, and today’s neo-Christianity (‘liberalism’) is heir to this inversion of the values. Everything inspired by the Bible is not a religion of love, Nietzsche discovered: it is a religion of the deepest hatred of what is good and noble.

No wonder that a powerful nation under the sky of this inversion ended up not only assassinating the Third Reich, but defaming it after its death and, with it, condemning the Aryan race to eventual extinction. I write these paragraphs shortly after Putin and the Russians celebrated, in grand style, Stalin’s victory over Hitler; and on this day they launched a major military assault against enemy forces in Ukraine. This is what prompted my digression. Had it not been for Christian and neo-Christian Anglo-Americans, this May we might be celebrating the defeat of Stalin by the Nazis in a transvalued world: something that the American racial right is still unable to see. But let us return to our German philosopher.

In the autumn of 1887 Nietzsche’s old friend Paul Deussen decided to visit him at Sils-Maria with his wife. His report is worth reading because it paints a very good picture of the hermit:

With a beating heart I rushed to meet my friend and, deeply moved, embraced him after fourteen years of separation. But what changes had taken place in him during that time! The proud attitude, the elastic step, and the flowing words of another time were no longer there. He seemed to be slurring and leaning a little to one side: quite often his speech became clumsy and clipped. Perhaps he wasn’t having a good day either.

‘Dear friend,’ he said gloomily, as he pointed to some passing clouds, ‘to be able to concentrate my thoughts I must have a blue sky above me’. Then he took us to his favourite places. I especially remember a grassy spot, situated next to a chasm, above a mountain stream that roared past in the depths. ‘Here,’ he said, ‘is where I like to lie and where I have my best thoughts’…

The next morning he took me to his dwelling, or as he put it, to his cave…

We left in the afternoon, and Nietzsche accompanied us to the next village, an hour down the valley. Here he spoke once more of the gloomy omens which, alas, were so soon to be fulfilled. When we parted he had tears in his eyes, which I had never noticed in him before. I would never see him again in his right mind.

On the day spring broke out in 1888, Nietzsche asked Gast where he should now go, always in search of the ideal sky: ‘Zurich? Never! The Italian lakes—suffocating, depressing! Switzerland? Still too wintry, cloudy, misty’. In his reply, Gast, his best correspondent who didn’t like to leave Venice, recommended Turin as an intermediate station.

At the beginning of April 1888, Nietzsche left for Turin. This was the year when Van Gogh, who used to paint with as much frenzy as Nietzsche would write that year, would paint his most famous self-portrait and Vase with Fourteen Sunflowers.

Nietzsche felt very much at home in the Italian city—he didn’t even seem much affected by the clouds. Not long afterwards a Danish newspaper reached him with the wonderful news that a professor, Georg Brandes, had started a series of lectures on his books.

'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms)

Hitler, 32

Hitler was also increasingly interested in the United States, which he came to regard as the repository of (in his view) all the best European racial elements, including the supposedly better sort of Germans. He remarked that, unlike Germany, which admitted swarms of eastern Jews, ‘yellow people are not allowed to settle in America’. In August 1922 he was introduced to Kurt Lüdecke, who had spent some time on business in the United States and whom Hitler would later send as an emissary across the Atlantic. In the middle of that month, Rudolf Hess wrote on Hitler’s behalf to the legendary automobile manufacturer, and fervent anti-Semite, Henry Ford for support. Moreover, Anglo-America was also becoming interested in Hitler. He had appeared on the radar of the British Foreign Office as early as 1920, and by later 1922 he was firmly established in their minds as a figure to be reckoned with, but there was no attempt to make contact with him.

By contrast, the United States embassy, probably influenced by Mussolini’s coup in Italy, decided to take a closer look at this rising politician. In November 1922, the US assistant military attaché to Germany, Captain Truman Smith, came down from Berlin and met with Hitler on 20 November. Hitler argued that he was America’s best chance of keeping the Bolsheviks out of Germany, condemned monarchy as ‘an absurdity’, claimed that ‘dictatorship’ was the only answer, denied any plans for a war against France and railed against ‘the present abuse of capital’. To be sure, these were all things that the American wanted to hear—apart from the remarks on capitalism—but they also represented Hitler’s genuine views. One way or the other, the two men—both Wagnerians—seem to have hit it off. A ‘marvelous demagogue’, Smith wrote a few days later. ‘I have rarely listened to such a logical and fanatical man. His powers over the mob must be immense.’

It was Smith who put Hitler in touch with Ernst ‘Putzi’ Hanfstaengl immediately after their meeting. Hanfstaengl epitomized the relationship between Germany and the United States, which was to play such a central role in Hitler’s thinking and policy over the next twenty years or so. Hanfstaengl’s maternal grandfather, Wilhelm Heine, had emigrated to America as a liberal refugee from the failed 1848 revolution. He reached the rank of brigadier-general in the Union Army and served as a pallbearer at Lincoln’s funeral. Hanfstaengl’s father owned a large art business in Munich. Hanfstaengl himself was partly brought up in the United States, where he attended Harvard University and was personally acquainted with the young Franklin Delano Roosevelt. From 1912, he had run the New York branch of his father’s business. Hanfstaengl spent the war—which killed a brother fighting on the German side—in America. The business was ruined by the American entry into the conflict and the associated ‘Trading with the Enemy Act’. Hanfstaengl became an enemy alien: the insider had become an outsider.

Over the next year, Hanfstaengl and Hitler were in almost daily contact. Hanfstaengl impressed upon Hitler not only the immense industrial and demographic power of the United States, but the fact that every German had a close relative there or in some other part of the world, something of which Hitler was already well aware. He argued that the party needed to reach out to the world through a coordinated foreign press policy. Hanfstaengl now became effectively the NSDAP’s external media liaison officer. He also entertained Hitler with his piano, playing from a repertoire which included not only Wagner but Harvard football marches. Captain Mayr later recalled the ‘American methods of salesmanship’ used to push out the Nazi message. The United States thus increasingly became a model as well as a rival.