In the middle of the year I added a post in which I was alarmed about the existence of serial child killers in the US. These last few days, however, I have seen a lot of videos of horrific murders committed by American adults on other adults.
I won’t mention the names of the perpetrators, which you can easily find out by looking them up on YouTube. Still, I am now thinking of a young Aryan lad in whose room his mother found a bag containing a human head (in police interrogation the lad gloated that he had destroyed the corpse’s eyes with a knife); a woman who had killed her mother and hid her body in the garage until the cops found her; another woman who killed seven of her newborn babies and collected their corpses in boxes that began to smell bad; a man who suffered from the same disease that depressed Robin Williams but, unlike the famous actor, butchered his wife with a small but sharp knife (the video reveals that the policeman who entered the crime scene had to get out and throw up the turkey because of what he had seen, as the day before had been Thanksgiving Day), etcetera.
There is no doubt that American society is sick. But the serious thing is that practically no one, not even white nationalists, realises the causes of the spiritual sickness that has befallen their society. Only Americans like Francis Parker Yockey began to sense the cause, but his best-known work, Imperium, was written in prose so opaque that, in my opinion, it is no longer of any use to us in this century.
Writing in prose so clear and transparent that the essentials can be said in a short blog post, the darkest hour (Kali Yuga) not only of the US but of the West began in 1945. Two of the featured posts that can be read on the menu of this site, ‘Founding Myth’ and ‘The Iron Throne’ deal with the matter and I need not repeat myself. What I would like to clarify today is something else.
I have recently said some very harsh things about the ‘Founding Father’ of the Americans, George Washington, because of his philo-Semitism. But I, born south of the Rio Grande, could say the same about the Founding Father of Mexico: Hernán Cortés.

Cortés and La Malinche is a mural by José Clemente Orozco frescoed in 1926. It is preserved on the main staircase of the Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso, located in the centre of Mexico City.
Cortés not only conquered Mexico-Tenochtitlan in 1519-1521, the seat of the Aztec empire, but also initiated the interbreeding of Iberian White and American Indian. One need only travel to contemporary Mexico to see the ravages of this miscegenation sanctioned by both the Catholic Church and the Spanish Crown.
Now, as I have also said recently, the pre-Christian Visigoths of ancient Hispania burned at the stake any couple who dared to procreate a mongrel baby. What a reversal of values between this taboo of the pagan Goths and the 16th-century mixing perpetrated throughout the American continent! (remember that a large part of what is now the US belonged to New Spain).
This miscegenation on a scale never seen before was, in my opinion, worse than Washington’s philo-Semitism because it condemned the newly discovered continent to perennial underdevelopment, at least in the part that was colonised by the Spaniards and the Portuguese.
By expressing myself in this way about the country of my birth, I have become such an outcast that I have not a single friend, so I never carry with me my cellphone (which I only use for my bank account). But what I want to get at is that, if I express myself in this way about Cortés and the Iberian conquistadors who mixed their blood, why shouldn’t I also express myself harshly about the Founding Father of the neighbouring country to the north and his philo-Semitic epigones?
4 replies on “2 founding fathers”
Interestingly, unlike Washington, Cortés was an anti-Semite. He had a couple of Jews killed in the newly founded New Spain even before the Inquisition arrived in these lands. But what good did it do him to be Jew-wise if he and other Spaniards committed the unforgivable sin against the holy spirit of life?
I just just reading your article, thinking of an example of societal sickness I read about in the last year, when I turned around to my partner behind me. She was watching a show on Netflix titled Bridgerton. I am afraid to say that as I was watching, for just the split second that I turned for, I was unfortunate in that I observed a dramatized example of miscegenation, a graphic coupling between a black man and a white woman – I don’t know the characters so I can’t comment further. This unwholesome message is pushed in almost every major show now, I gather (I don’t watch TV). That it is considered so openly, and is so accepted by (mindless) TV audiences, shows that we are indeed in that final age (as if any more examples were needed to prove this point). I was told by my partner – a definite normie – describing the program when I raised my disgust, “to be fair, most of the characters in this are married to the opposite race.” I noticed she chose the term ‘opposite’, as if that were not just the simple way to discern an enemy. It annoys me that these programmes are everywhere, and so disarming to the unwary.
I criticise my own society and national project any chance I get – not gratuitously, as much as calling a spade a spade. Curiously, it hasn’t lost me everyone I know, but it has made my more conservative acquaintances fall out with me on more than one occasion, and alienated me totally from being able to interact with a resoundingly blinkered and naively optimistic ‘patriotic’ group over here. I told a few of them “our idiot country deserves to be destroyed, what on earth are you celebrating for?” or words to that effect, and was told in response “hey, don’t worry, it’s all under control, we’ve won already!”.
The example I’d wanted to share was of an article I’d read in which a six-year-old American child (I hope I get the details correct – correct me later if not) took a pair of craft scissors and cut his teacher hard on the leg with them. When asked what he was doing he said only ‘sharing love’ and ‘my mother does it to me all the time’. That tragic example haunted me. In this case, as in the case of the child killers and abysmal adult murderers, I think back to the criminology work of Lonnie H. Athens – all psychopathy and criminally violent behaviour stems from childhood neglect and abuse. As our societies continue to fall, in this toxic atmosphere of kali yuga, I think these crimes will only increase. With this real-life race-mixing becoming ever more prevalent, the chances of any children born being abused are likely to rise also. It’s like Edward Dutton commented on a few times recently, regarding Sara Sharif most recently (although he was right for the wrong reasons).
Just to add something:
Watching too much crime and murder content has the potential of raising your levels of anxiety, stress and feeling of paranoia.
It also makes you less sensible to violence happening around you or to yourself. It is mentally unhealthy.
This reminds me of what Knut Hamsun said more than a 100 years ago about the American obsession with crime and sensationalism in the news.
In my particular case, I don’t think it affects me. I see it with the detachment of a Bran the Broken in a cave seeing the distant past, or present of other cultures. If I have developed an ideology in which I see the majority of humans as exterminable Neanderthals, it is precisely thanks to that visual window to their horrible world.