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Film Miscegenation

The laws of gods and men

‘The Laws of Gods and Men’ is the sixth episode of the fourth season of HBO’s fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 36th overall. In the image we see Stannis at the beginning of the episode, at the Iron Bank, asking for money for a new attempt to recover the crown. But the absolutely repulsive thing is that, after that scene, in the spas of Braavos, the director of that episode, Alik Sakharov, has filmed naked blacks, mulattos and swarthy men with very white women, also naked.

If in a previous post I said that Game of Thrones fans were the worst dung since prehistory, it’s precisely due to their lack of rebellion against scenes like this. If white males don’t rebel against the ongoing miscegenation, even what we openly see on the street (such as what I saw a few years ago in London) the race is lost. Ultra-feminist scenes follow with Yara wanting to rescue her brother. But the single scene described above is enough to make me disgusted and reluctant to comment on anything about the rest of the episode.

I don’t think I should have spent my money buying the entire seasons of this series on Blu-ray. But maybe it’s time to say something important.

If there is something that irritates me greatly when watching the videos of the fans on YouTube, it is that some among them seem to know by heart each page that Martin has written with all the subplots, stories that precedes what we saw in Game of Thrones (as we also see in the LOTR appendix from the pen of J.R.R. Tolkien), names, geographic locations and much more.

If the worst generation wasn’t the worst, they would instead know in detail the history of the West, and especially what really happened in World War II.

Fiction has the magic of captivating us. In contrast, the harsh and heartless facts of real life, say what can be read in The Gulag Archipelago, are so disturbing that we tend not to go beyond the first pages. That’s why in the only comment on my new sticky post I keep announcing Goodrich’s book as the first of my required readings. In the real world the bad guys win, as opposed to fiction for the masses.

Next time I’m willing to spend what I spent buying the entire series, instead of some other Jewish-produced stupidity for the worst gentile dung in history I’ll buy David Irving’s books, or Wagner’s operas videos with subtitles to English. But at least there’s something good that came out of this purchase: it forced me to criticise every episode, which I will continue to do until I get to the finale in May.

Racial right Tom Sunic

Sleeping nationalists

(David Ryckaert, Old Man Sleeping, ca. 1640-1642, oil on panel.) Two days ago I wrote ‘TOO cucks Johnson’ and today I visited that discussion thread on The Occidental Observer to see if Greg Johnson was defending himself against the author’s mild criticism. But apparently Johnson is in a semi-depressive stage. He used to argue quite a bit in the discussion threads both on his site and at the Observer. Today he hasn’t even responded with an article in his Counter-Currents webzine. However, when reviewing the new responses to the Observer article I came across this gem that commenter Chelsea Zahn posted yesterday:

It isn’t that our people are committing suicide; it’s that the Jews are committing genocide on our people. Whites might be stupid and weak… but the problems originate with Jewish supremacism and the Jews’ irrational hatred and fear of white Christian people.

This commenter’s statement is a gem because it encapsulates the myths of white nationalism. In the first place, the Jews didn’t take the West through a conventional war. If an alien saw Chelsea’s words without any historical context, he would imagine that the Jews were fearsome warriors who raided the white nations and imposed a genocidal Diktat. But it was not like that. The war was fought for the soul of the white man: a war that Judea won from the times of Constantine because of those white traitors who abandoned the Aryan gods in pursuit of the god of the Semites.

Yesterday I added a new sticky post, ‘If this site…’ containing three links in the only comment so that the new visitor becomes familiar with our point of view. One of those required readings for new visitors is the mini-book on how Christianity seized the souls of the citizens of the Roman Empire as revenge for the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem and Jerusalem itself, temporarily turned into Aelia Capitolina: a fully Roman city founded by Emperor Hadrian on what was left of ancient Jerusalem.

What happens throughout the West is suicide insofar as not even secular white nationalists have repudiated Christian ethics, the little gift of that old war between Judea and Rome as explained also in the books Daybreak and On Exterminationism you can download from the sidebar.

Furthermore, Chelsea slanders the Aryan race by calling it weak and stupid. They were not like that until whites started to worship the god of the Jews. No one in the ancient world would dare to call whites ‘weak’ or ‘stupid’—say in the days when Roman emperors ravaged Jerusalem and enslaved its population. They only became weak and stupid by obeying the commands of the gospel.

Notice also how Chelsea does not say ‘Aryan people’ but ‘Christian people’, which makes me think that she is a Christian, that is, an artificial Jewess insofar as she obeys the injunctions written by the Semites who wrote the New Testament for gentile consumption. (The Jews would never follow the universalistic commandments and out-group altruism that is breathed in the words of that fictional character, Jesus.)

In sum, white nationalists are so asleep in the matrix that it controls them as ever. And they will remain asleep until their race becomes extinct. Last month Tom Sunic tried to wake up Observer readers about the dangers of their stupid religion. He lectured them with these words: ‘Eventually Whites will need to make a decision about where to choose the location of their identity, in Athens or in Jerusalem’.

But his words fell on deaf ears. Most white nationalists ignore that it was Christianity that laid the groundwork for Jewish takeover. The vast majority of white nationalists, like all other whites, continue to choose Jerusalem, not Athens.

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Free speech / association

If this site…

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First of his name

‘First of His Name’ is the fifth episode of the fourth season of HBO’s fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 35th overall. Here we see Bran Stark north of the Wall in this episode. In the following seasons the stupid directors cut off his hair very short, robbing him of virtually all of his jovial charm.

The first scene that I disliked from the episode was seeing Arya practicing one morning with her small rapier called ‘Needle’. Many white nationalists have not realised the extraordinary damage that feminism is causing to their race. Perhaps it is pertinent to quote what James Bowery said a couple of days ago in the comments section of The Occidental Observer:

Civilisation’s dissolution of the masculine is a regression to the precambrian more-feminine life pattern. The appearance of multicellular predators thence male intrasexual selection—mano-a-mano—did more than merely select for skeletal remains that give the appearance of an explosion in the fossil record. Male intrasexual selection created boundaries within which speciation could occur more rapidly. Thence, the Cambrian Explosion of life forms.

Throughout evolutionary history, the more successful attempts to extend mano-a-mano violence to group violence have ended in females parasitically castrating their offspring to produce sterile workers as extended body parts—eusocial species: Ants, termites, bees and naked mole rats that engage in perpetual war. Civilised man is clearly heading in that direction and is doing so at the expense of the most individualistic races—especially the heterosexual men of those races.

Any racial appeal to the individuals of an individualistic race must emphasise the moral superiority of their race as an individualistic race—a race that says ‘Yes!’ to that which created not only them, but the diversity of life.

Tonight I’ll watch one more episode to write something tomorrow morning about Game of Thrones.

Free speech / association Wikipedia

Wikipedia’s POV

Wikipedia is a far-left multilingual wiki project, censored by an internal bureaucracy of clans to conform to a largely anti-white point of view. Wikipedia’s administrators claim that they are governed by the NPOV principle, an acronym for ‘Neutral Point Of View’. But that’s hypocrisy, a lie.

As the screenshot captured in the years I was still editing it demonstrates, Wikipedia’s anti-white POV is explicit. See it with the original colours (here) and you’ll understand Andrew Hamilton’s comment on August 10, 2012 at the webzine Counter-Currents: ‘I have never contributed to Wikipedia, a viciously anti-white publication’.

They simply label even mild racialist commentators with ill-defined epithets such as ‘Neo-Nazis’. See, for example, how Wikipedia’s articles grossly distort personalities like Richard Spencer and Kevin MacDonald. Wikipedia’s lead paragraph this day about the former starts with these words:

Richard Bertrand Spencer (born May 1978) is an American neo-Nazi, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, and white supremacist…

And the lead paragraph of Wikipedia’s article about KMD starts thus:

Kevin B. MacDonald (born January 24, 1944) is an American anti-semitic conspiracy theorist, white supremacist, neo-Nazi, and a retired professor…

So it is not surprising that today Wikipedia’s administrators deleted my user page. You can see how my user page looked like before it was deleted: here. The rationale about why Wikipedians deleted my page can be read: here. (Fortunately, I am an administrator of Metapedia: a multilingual wiki project that, unlike Wikipedia, doesn’t hate the white race.)

None of us should ever try to edit Wikipedia. When I used to edit there I noted that what they call ‘reliable sources’ was an editorial trick. I’ve exposed it on this site as it ensures that their editorial system remains rigged against the fair race.

But today the cancel culture has reached Wikipedia big time! They are banning users just for opining on the Wikipedia ‘talk page’ (i.e., not within the articles) that ADL and SPLC might be biased. This month they blocked a user for the sole sin of arguing on the talk page that the words in the lead paragraph about MacDonald were inappropriate. This is what one of the blocking admins responded to this guy:

I’m going to be as blunt as possible why you were blocked, since you haven’t been paying attention: You argued that the two greatest institutional authorities on antisemitism in the US [ADL and SPLC] are invalid in your attempt to defend the honor of someone who’s a member of a white nationalist organization [KMD]…

Wikipedia is really bad. Andrew Hamilton was right. Incidentally, the whole discussion thread of why earlier this month they banned this guy demonstrates that Wikipedians’ POV is truly gigantic. Their encyclopedia should be called POVpedia.



‘Oathkeeper’ is the fourth episode of the fourth season of HBO’s fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 34th overall. After what I said in the entry about the previous episode, I don’t want to continue describing the nonsense of this show (such as the triumphant entrance of the blonde Dany, the chain-breaker, to Meereen while the freed swarthy masses acclaim her).

But since I am focusing on the feminist messages of the series, I must say that the dialogue between Olenna and Margaery, in their precious private corner at the garden of King’s Landing, represents yet another inversion of human sexuality. Olenna tells her granddaughter that in order to marry a powerful nobleman, she gave him a tremendous sexual session one night when she sneaked into his bedroom.

It doesn’t take much experience in sexual matters to realise that this story smells of ink, not of real sexuality in the Middle Ages. But let’s remember that in Game of Thrones this is a fantastic medieval period in which it is the females who ride the males on the bed.

Racial right

TOO cucks Johnson

Left, a 1799 caricature on the consequence of old husbands marrying young wives. Two couples: the young women putting antlers on the heads of the older men, displaying their cuckoldry.

A decade ago I began to distance myself from Greg Johnson. Originally it bothered me that he promoted degenerate music. Then he irritated me that in his film reviews under the penname of Trevor Lynch he failed to criticise the bad messages of Hollywood (say, as the extremely destructive criticism I do these days with Game of Thrones).

It also bothered me that at that time he promoted the degenerate homosexualist views of James O’Meara and even more that Johnson abhorred Nordicism and William Pierce’s exterminationist philosophy, explained both in his most famous novel and his only non-fiction book.

Finally, it pissed me off that even when Johnson was already editor of The Occidental Quarterly and was publishing positive articles about Nietzsche, he was secretly giving pious homilies, talking about Jesus and traditional theology, in his church in San Francisco. Fortunately, the Lutheran Hunter Wallace posted a short article on the subject that, if memory serves, he titled ‘Greg Johnson, the Christian’ although it is more accurate to call him a neochristian, due to his more recent secularism.

Today The Occidental Observer published a feature article by Richard McCulloch on Johnson’s inconsistencies. While McCulloch believes that Jews are the primary aetiology of the West’s darkest hour (I believe it is Christians and neochristians who have empowered Jewry), this is the first time I’ve read a feature article in a racialist forum criticising Johnson’s ideological inconsistencies. McCulloch wrote:

Johnson seems to be trying to attract non-White support at the expense of alienating White support, by accommodating less-than-vital non-White interests at the cost of vital White interests… We cannot save the White race and restore its possession of its homelands and also give non-Whites what they want—possession and control of those same homelands.

What McCulloch ignores is that it was precisely Christian ethics, of which Johnson was a champion in his church, that is determining that white nationalists like Johnson are so lukewarm, so ambivalent, so different from the Nazis or to use a recent neologism in racialist forums, so cucks.


Breaker of chains

‘Breaker of Chains’ is the third episode of the fourth season of HBO’s fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 33rd overall.

A scene from the episode that we see right in the place of the photo above, when Tywin and his grandson Tommen leave it, caused an incredible hysteria among the cretinous fandom of the series.

Right there, on the floor below Joffrey’s corpse, Jaime almost rapes Cersei: a mortal sin for woke people, although the real sin of the siblings Jaime and Cersei had been to engender, incestuously, former king Joffrey and the future king Tommen (something that Tywin ignores). Even more serious is what Cersei said before the lustful Jaime jumped on her. Without any proof, this evil woman said that Tyrion had been the one who poured poison in Joffrey’s cup (in fact, it was Littlefinger in collusion with Olenna Tyrell). But that unfounded accusation didn’t scandalise the cretinous fandom.

I don’t want to focus on the fandom’s hysteria that caused the purported rape scene in this episode, but on the dialogue between grandfather and grandson. Less than a year ago I said that the philosophical problem of who should govern arose from the times of Plato’s The Republic, and that in popular culture only Martin apparently has dealt with the idea of the philosopher-king as we can watch in this scene, transcribed below:

Tywin: ‘Your brother is dead. Do you know what that means?’

Tommen: ‘It means I’ll become King’.

Tywin: ‘Yes, you will become King. What kind of King do you think you’ll be?’

Tommen: ‘A good King?’

Tywin: ‘Huh. I think so as well. You’ve got the right temperament for it. But what makes a good king, hmm? What is a good King’s single most important quality?’

Tommen: Holiness?

Tywin: Hmmm… Baelor the Blessed was holy. And pious. He built this Sept [the cathedral in Martin’s universe seen in the above image]. He also named a six-year-old boy High Septon [a kind of Pope in Martin’s world] because he thought the boy could work miracles. He ended up fasting himself into an early grave because food was of this world and this world was sinful.

Tommen: Justice.

Tywin: Huh. A good king must be just. Orys the First was just. Everyone applauded his reforms. Nobles and commoners alike. But he wasn’t just for long. He was murdered in his sleep after less than a year by his own brother. Was that truly just of him? To abandon his subjects to an evil that he was too gullible to recognise?

Tommen: What about strength?

Tywin: Hmmmm… strength. King Robert was strong. He won the rebellion and crushed the Targaryen dynasty. And he attended [only] three small council meetings in seventeen years. He spent his time whoring and hunting and drinking until the last two killed him.

So, we have a man who starves himself to death; a man who lets his own brother murder him, and a man who thinks that winning and ruling are the same thing. What do they all lack…? [rhetorical pause]

Tommen: Wisdom.

Tywin: Yes! But what is wisdom, Hm?

Last month I mentioned Yezen and below I quote from his video ‘Why Bran Stark will be King’, which was uploaded twenty days before the grand finale. Note that Yezen’s words were uttered in YouTube during the show’s eighth and final season, and that he was the only fan of Game of Thrones who correctly predicted who would become king at the end of the series:

On a fundamental level, Game of Thrones is an exploration of power, and different characters coming to power convey different messages about what it takes to rise up in the world.

The rise of Daenerys [called ‘Dany’ by her lover Jon] emphasises strength and justice and ambition. Jon champions honour and righteousness. Someone like Littlefinger, deception and opportunism, while Cersei emphasises ruthlessness and vanity. Meanwhile, King Brandon would convey a more mysterious meaning that, although strength, lineage, deception and ruthlessness each play a part, all of them are bound up by fate.

This ending would serve as a strange marriage of idealism and cynicism. In many ways, Bran begins the story as the most powerless character, lacking even basic bodily autonomy. And as fate would have it, Bran ends up the most powerful. Yet that power comes at the cost of isolating Bran from his own humanity, and never gives him the thing that he really wanted.

And look, I know you probably still don’t buy it, or you still think it’s gonna be Jon [crowned king in the finale], and you really might be right about that, but hear me out just a little longer, because there is a glimmer of idealism to this ending.

Though many will die, and the wheel [Dany’s metaphor for the feudal system] might not break, Bran just might make a good king after all. Despite having lost so much of himself to the Three-eyed Raven [see my posts about this character: here], Bran, perhaps more than any other character, has grasped one of the most essential lessons of the story, which is the importance of empathy.

Despite their history, Bran is able to look at Jaime Lannister, the man who once shattered his life, and to see good in him, to see Jaime as a man who was protecting the people he loved. And to not only forgive him, but to protect him. This simple act of understanding demonstrates what the war-torn kingdoms of Westeros have been so lacking: not strength, or cunning, or even honour, but real wisdom.

For a world that’s been so damaged by people’s inability to see from one another’s perspective, maybe a broken boy is the right ruler to heal a broken kingdom. Maybe not the one you want, certainly not the one we’d expect, but the one the ending needs.

The only problem is, Martin hasn’t published the last two novels in his series. And while he did tell the producers how his A Song of Ice and Fire saga would end, it would still be better to have Martin’s books if he ever does finish them. As we’ll be seeing in future posts this is the topic I’m passionate about Game of Thrones, not what the cretinous fandom cares about: whether or not Jaime raped Cersei in this episode.

Destruction of Greco-Roman world Human sacrifice Kevin MacDonald

The lion and the rose

‘The Lion and the Rose’ is the second episode of the fourth season of HBO’s fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 32nd overall. The episode was written by George R. R. Martin, and directed by Alex Graves. It focuses on the long-awaited royal wedding between Joffrey Baratheon and Margaery Tyrell and ends with Joffrey’s death after drinking poisoned wine, abruptly killing one of the show’s villains.

Queen Selyse Baratheon, née Florent, is the wife of Stannis Baratheon, the Lord of Dragonstone and claimant to the Iron Throne. Selyse was born into House Florent of Brightwater Keep, a noble house of the Reach and bannermen of House Tyrell.

The imbecile King Stannis, who obeys everything the witch Melisandre tells him, orders several men to be burned at the stake, including Selyse’s brother, Ser Axell Florent, even though they had served him well. Their sin? They secretly had continued to worship the old gods, who had also been the gods of Stannis before the witch from abroad came with a new religion. Melisandre calls ‘pagans’ anyone who doesn’t worship the new god. Worst of all, Selyse is so fanatical of the new religion that she witnesses the burning of her own brother at the stake with great approval, and saying that at last the sins of all those killed at the stake have finally been burned away.

Incredibly, something similar happened throughout the Roman Empire since Constantine came to power, a story told in both The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour and Christianity’s Criminal History, available on this site. This is history that white nationalists who sympathise with Christianity dare not read. For example, what was published by Kevin MacDonald in both the second book of his trilogy and in his preface to Giles Corey’s apologetic book is rubbish, as can be seen in Daybreak’s final essay, also available on this site.

‘You are my sister’, Ser Axell Florent uselessly begs since Selyse is completely under the spell of the new religion. Accounts of the destruction of white culture from the 4th century agree that women were the most fanatical in empowering the Semites and outcasts of the Roman Empire, something similar to what happens today with woke women. If we fail to impregnate the white woman and literally own her at home, they go bananas and begin to transfer all their maternal instincts to the dispossessed, including the dispossessed Semites who in ancient times pushed the gospel to the Aryan world.

But Melisandre or Selyse would have no power were it not for a king, Stannis in this case. Then Melisandre enters the bedroom of Shireen, the little daughter of Stannis and Selyse, whom she had never seen. Melisandre explains to Shireen that the stories of the old gods are lies and fables. In a subsequent season Melisandre would go so far as to convince Stannis to burn Shireen alive at the stake to ask the true god for a favour. When that episode was released I wrote these words.