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Chess Feminism Mainstream media

Queen’s gambit

This is a postscript to my previous two posts on the TV series that has been a hit worldwide. Above, D.L. Townes playing Beth Harmon in The Queen’s Gambit. But the position we saw on Netflix is actually an old study composed by a man!

In chess there’s a current World Chess Champion, Magnus Carlsen, and in a parallel universe of players there’s a Women’s World Chess Championship (WWCC). Why are there separate tournaments of chess for men and women, if according to current egalitarian doctrine the latter are supposedly as smart as men?

Because women cannot compete with men in chess.

See the names of the top 101 players in the world according to the list of the International Chess Federation. There’s only one woman, Hou Yifan, ranked #88 in that list, which means that there are 87 players with a higher rating than her. *

In a nutshell, the Netflix series The Queen’s Gambit only advances feminist lies about women.


(*) This FIDE list is updated every first of the month, which means that the ratings for Hou and the top 100 male chess players are subject to change (see my comment below, in the comments section).

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WDH – pdf 365

Click: here

Chess Mainstream media

CNN lies

Look how a CNN anchor misleads her viewers regarding the score that I quoted, twice, in my previous post regarding the games between Garry Kasparov and Judit Polgar.

I guess CNN viewers are under the impression that a Netflix TV series was based on a real biography, as even Kasparov himself cucked in his very polite response to the anchor.

Chess Feminism Infanticide Mainstream media Metaphysics of race / sex

On Beth’s cute tits

Beth dancing to a degenerate piece of music
that was a hit when I was pubescent, with trophies
from all the chess tournaments she had won.

As a teenager I was a big fan of chess, and even in my early twenties I played daily in a park visited by middle-class chess players (I recount my adventures in Spanish: here).

The Queen’s Gambit is an American TV miniseries based on the 1983 novel of the same name by Walter Tevis, starring Anya Taylor-Joy in the role of Beth Harmon. It was directed by the Jew Scott Frank and the script was written by a gentile, Allan Scott. The Queen’s Gambit was released on Netflix last month and has now concluded.

The past few days I watched The Queen’s Gambit. From one of the first episodes, when Beth approaches the camera showing the shape of her beautiful boobs under her clothes, I realised the impossible chimera of this series that is causing a sensation in the world. But first of all I must speak a little about female tits in our species.

Decades ago, the biggest surprise I came across when reading The Naked Ape was discovering why men crave women. If we consider the shape of a baby bottle for milk, that is exactly the shape female teats would have if the objective were purely functional for baby sucking. But women’s breasts are completely different. Zoologist Desmond Morris, the author of The Naked Ape, explains the phenomenon of ‘self-mimicry’ in other species of apes. In these species, natural selection favours females to imitate their buttocks with their coloured breasts, in order to shift the aggression of the males to a more erotic channelling.

I was shocked to discover that my own species is a more aesthetic version of the same phenomenon of self-mimicry! But that is exactly what it is when we see the ape we are with a naked eye: the needs of the baby are secondary to the trick that Nature does to us so that we impregnate our females. Nature makes them absolutely irresistible to our instincts in order for the human species to breed.

But our species is also governed by the concept of the trade-off, and I will have no choice but to speak scientifically for a few paragraphs.

Why can’t there be a species that is a mix between a super-poisonous bug and a winged, big, beautiful and highly intelligent creature? In a fantastic world just imagine what power such a creature would have. In my science course at the Open University I learned about the concept of a trade-off between one aspect of an organism’s biology and another. A trade-off is a situation where, to gain some advantage, an organism has to pay a price: to compromise. In our species big brains are a good example. Our huge frontal lobes are certainly nice to have but they are costly in terms of the energy they use up, and make childbirth extremely difficult.

As explained in my Day of Wrath (see sidebar), this is the main cause of massive infanticide of babies in past history. Extremely immature babies are bothersome. A unique feature of the human race—prolonged childhood with consequent long dependence on adults—is the basis for the psychodynamics of mental disorders. The long childhood of Homo sapiens lends itself to parents abusing their young. After all, premature birth was Nature’s solution to the trade-off of bipedalism and the limitations of the pelvis of hominid females in our simian ancestors. (If Homo sapiens weren’t born so immature, we would have to stay within our mothers’ bodies for about 20 months.) The ‘long childhood’ lays a solid foundation for understanding the abuses committed by parents in our species and, therefore, the mental disorders suffered by the progeny. But that’s the price we have paid for our big brains!

Body size is another example of trade-offs. In the animal kingdom being big gives you some advantages against predators but it also means you need more food. Being small means that you don’t need much food but it makes it easier for another animal to hunt you. That species can’t gain an advantage without having to pay a price means that there will be many ways to survive and prosper: and explains why there is so rich diversity in the animal kingdom.

In my Open University course I had to answer this question: Why a bird with a complete set of the five potentially very successful traits (a species of bird whose individuals lived a long time, reproduced repeatedly and at high frequency, and with large clutch sizes) doesn’t exist? The answer is because of trade-offs. A bird that produces large clutches cannot reproduce frequently because the production of each clutch requires a lot of resources. Also, large clutches require more looking after because in due course there are more mouths to feed. Large clutches are therefore likely to suffer higher mortality than small clutches while adults are absent from the nest.

The same applies to the surreal example of the impossible chimera I imagined above. Having assimilated the concept of trade-offs, let’s now remember old Schopenhauer:

at the expense of the whole remainder of her life, so that during these years she may so capture the imagination of a man that he is carried away into undertaking to support her honourably in some form or another for the rest of his life, a step he would seem hardly likely to take for purely rational considerations. Thus nature has equipped women, as it has all its creatures, with the tools and weapons she needs for securing her existence, and at just the time she needs them; in doing which nature has acted with its usual economy [my emphasis—a trade-off].

The media lie is equivalent to ‘filming’ those flying and poisonous bugs which, in turn, are smart as humans: impossible chimeras.

In previous years I insisted a lot on how the most popular series of all time, Game of Thrones, made us see several female characters as brave warriors: something that never existed in the Middle Ages or in old-time chivalric novels (Brienne of Tarth, Yara Greyjoy, the wildling Ygritte, the masculinised female warriors at Dorne) or queens without a king to control them (Daenerys Targaryen and Cersei Lannister). Worst of all was that a girl (Arya Stark) killed the bad guy of the series, the Night King, in what I consider to be the climax of the whole series (Theon Greyjoy should have killed the Night King). In real medieval times, and in chivalric novels, all these women would have been similar to Lady Sansa, the only character who played a feminine role in most of the seasons of Game of Thrones (except for the end of seasons 6 and 8).

The goal of Hollywood and TV is to brainwash us by reversing sex roles to exterminate the white race. And it is a disgrace that even the greatest white nationalist novelist of the 21st century, the late Harold Covington, fell for this feminism in his most voluminous novel (see ‘Freedom’s Daughters’ in my Daybreak).

HBO produced Game of Thrones. Netflix has produced The Queen’s Gambit. HBO wanted us to believe that women can compete with men, and even surpass them, in matters of what used to be called the knight-errant. (Remember how Brienne of Tarth beat the very tough Hound in the last episode of the fourth season of Game of Thrones.) Now Netflix wants us to believe that in matters of the intellect a woman, Beth Harmon, can beat the toughest chess players and even the very world champion (Vasily Borgov in the TV series: Beth’s strongest competitor).

Some people in the media are publishing articles with titles such as ‘Is The Queen’s Gambit a true story?’ They claim that the series was inspired by the woman who has reached the highest when competing in chess tournaments: the Hungarian Judit Polgar, now retired from the competition although she continues to comment on professional chess games. But Polgar’s life was quite different from the fictional Beth Harmon whose photo appears at the top of this entry. It is true that in real life Polgar once beat the world champion of chess, Garry Kasparov. But what the Netflix series omit is the score of all their confrontations. In real life, Kasparov beat Judit Polgar 12 to 1, with 4 draws!

It seems important to me to present the scores of the best female chess player in history, Polgar, in her games against the male world champions (to date, no woman has been crowned world champion of chess). The source for the list below is Chess Life:

Kasparov – Polgar: 12-1
Carlsen – Polgar: 10-1
Anand – Polgar: 28-10
Karpov – Polgar: 20-14
Topalov – Pogar: 16-15
Kramnik – Polgar: 23-1

As we can see, Polgar is at a disadvantage against all of her contemporary world champions. The only world champion with whom she maintained an almost even score was Topalov. Her score against Karpov was not bad, and although her disadvantage against Anand is wide, her results are noteworthy. But against Kasparov, Carlsen and especially against Kramnik, Polgar took real beatings.

These are the pure and hard facts of real life that more HBO or Netflix feminist series won’t change. They want us to believe that women are interchangeable with us in matters of physical activity and, now, intellectual sports!

Nature has endowed the woman with feminine charms so that a man may impregnate her thanks to her inviting tits, and support her for the rest of her life. Nature didn’t give her muscles or brain-power equal to the man. We have more cranial capacity than women. Anyone who hasn’t read pages 99-116 of On Beth’s Cute Tits should read them now. It is the best way to understand not only our sexuality but also the sexuality of the fair sex.

Beautiful tits that enchant us cannot go in the body that houses, at the same time, a superior brain of those whom her tits seduce: an elemental trade-off.

Postscript of 2021: Desmond Morris’ exact quote appears in the first indented paragraph: here.

Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

Christianity’s criminal history, 131

For the context of these translations click here


Odin and Frigg looking out of a window in the heavens…

…and spotting the Lombard women with their long hair tied as to appear as beards.


The Invasion of the Lombards

The Lombards (the men with long, ‘long’ beards, according to the traditional interpretation of the name) belonged to the East Germans more than to the Westerners. They were a demographically small town and probably hailed from Scandinavia, perhaps Gotland. They became sedentary around the time that is indicated as the passage from the Ancient Ages to the Middle Ages, and thus related to the Saxons, in the lower Elbe, where part of their people remained constantly and where still in the 20th century names as Bardengau and Bardewick remember them.

For centuries the Lombards are hardly mentioned in history. Their presence is proven in the manner of geological strata, the emigrants first followed the course of the Elbe to spread from the 4th century, and for two hundred years, through Bohemia, Moravia and a part of present-day Lower Austria, ‘Rugiland’, which they occupied around 488, after the withdrawal of the Rugian: another Germanic people, also a native of Scandinavia and who left the name of their island there, Rugen. Through Hungary they advanced south, creating in the Danube basin a kingdom that extended as far as Belgrade.

Auxiliary Lombards troops had supported Justinian’s wars against the Persians, as well as in 552 under the command of Narses, in the decisive battle against the Ostrogoths. Disillusioned by Byzantium, its leader Alboin allied himself with the misers, in union with whom he annihilated in another decisive battle (567) the kingdom of the Gepids, another East Germanic people. The carnage on both sides was such—there were 60,000 deaths—‘that out of such a large crowd hardly a messenger to announce the destruction survived’ (Paul the Deacon).

Alboin took Rosamund, daughter of Cunimund, the defeated Gepid king, as his wife. The Gepids no longer continued their settlement between the Lombards and the Avars, who broke in immediately. In the spring of 568—according to a contemporary Burgundian chronicler—‘the entire Lombard army, having set fire to their settlement, left Pannonia, followed by the women and the rest of the population’. Under the pressure of greedy expansion and attracted by the south, at the orders of their boss Alboin they stormed through Emona and the gorges of the Julius Alps, entering the generally unprotected north of Italy. It was the same path that Alaric and Theodoric had already travelled.

This was the last great advance of the invasion of the Nordic peoples.

With the Lombards, who together may have formed a people of 130,000 souls, came other tribal groups, populations from Pannonia, the Noricum, numerous Saxons, remnants of Gepids, Thuringians, Swabians, and Slavs. And just as the Lombards were open to the integration of other peoples, they were also open to religious tolerance. Converted to Christianity in good part from about the year 500, the majority of the population was made up of Arians. But among them there were also Catholics—Alboin was first married to Chothsind, daughter of Chlothar I—and there were above all pagans, who for a long time continued their sacrifices and sacrificial banquets, without apparently the change of beliefs of the different kings playing any role.

3-eyed crow Hellstorm Holocaust Judea v. Rome Racial right Real men

Men’s club

Today I read two other articles from Siege, ‘The Numbers Game’ and ‘Twilight of the Idiots’. In the first Mason mentions the four phases that Rockwell envisioned to seize power in the United States, as well as Tommasi’s secret: that all talk, all discussion, was counter-revolutionary; the situation has been talked to death and racialists still go on talking! In other words, what matters is action.

So true, but after Charlottesville it has become increasingly clear that the System won’t allow the slightest action, even if it is perfectly legal, on the part of whites (although it does allow illegal actions as long as they come from BLM or Antifa).

Even so, if there is something that is breathed in these Siege articles it is that a few decades ago the American movement was a club for men, unlike what today we call white nationalism: a club for women. However, upon reviewing the history of the men’s club in Siege, with the benefit of hindsight the three-eyed raven sees things quite differently.

Today I received the second edition of Hellstorm, published this year by Money Tree Publishing and accompanied by Kyle Hunt’s DVD documentary based on Goodrich’s book. Incidentally, I will soon begin to reproduce the translated chapters of a book by a German author who touches on the same subject: Bleeding Germany Dry.

I confess that before the elections I had fantasised about reducing this site to its bare minimum, posting only two articles per month: one from Bleeding Germany Dry and the other from Christianity’s Criminal History.

Seeing the past of ‘Westeros’, the hidden past that most Aryans are unaware of, is what provides the cognitive power to change the paradigm. What happened with the hostile takeover of Europe by a Semitic-inspired cult, as well as the greatest crime in history (the Hellstorm Holocaust), should awaken the Aryan male. Rockwell, Tommasi and Mason never had this retrocognitive vision. None of them knew, especially, what happened in the first centuries of Christendom. None had the ‘third eye’ to see the past or lived entwined with the weirwood.

But it’s not just the past. One of the things I liked about the television adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire is that, the one who inherited the title and powers of the three-eyed crow, couldn’t see the future with the clarity that he could see the past, though even with this limitation isolated glimpses of the future came to him: like the shadow of the dragon that briefly flew over King’s Landing. Similarly, some prophets have glimpsed what is going to happen to the US—Westeros’ King’s Landing!—dollar, as we saw in the video that I embedded at the end of my previous post.

What I want to get to is that those who belonged to the men’s club lacked the powers to see the past and the future (of course: those who now belong to the women’s club also lack such power). They weren’t able, for example, to realise that to change the paradigm it was first necessary to see how the Night King was formed, who now only wants the extinction of the white race. Being aware of this implies an accurate knowledge of the history of Christianity told from the racial point of view. In the English-speaking world, this was not attempted until almost three years ago. On December 4, 2017 I began to translate into English an essay by a Spaniard entitled ‘Roma contra Judea; Judea contra Roma’, which is now the central essay of The West’s Darkest Hour.

Seeing the past is absolutely essential, as well as having at least some fleeting glimpses of the future. It is true that the women’s club that is white nationalism isn’t going anywhere. But the men’s club neither got anywhere! They lacked the insight of the crow who authored that essay. This is why the subtitle of this site now reads ‘metapolitics: not time for armed struggle yet!’

Before killing the Night King we must know what exactly we are dealing with. He is not Jewry but Christianity and its bastard son, secularised Christian ethics. Remember what I said yesterday in the comments section, that I rephrase today:

By the ‘Judeo-Christian’ problem I mean that there is white agency, not only Jewish subversion. For example, Brad Griffin of Occidental Dissent willingly gives himself up to evil by subscribing to Lutheranism. You can choose: apostasy from the Jewish infection but he chooses evil. Likewise, Greg Johnson indulges in evil by subscribing to secularised Christian ethics. (See, for example, his manifesto and his neochristian distinction between ‘Old Right’—men’s club—and ‘New Right’—his women’s club.) Johnson is perfectly aware of the Jewish Question but still obeys, in secularised form, the commands of the New Testament: the Night King.

The fact that Griffin, Johnson, and many, many others in our movement are still entangled in the Semitic tail, shows, in my view, that whites are not helpless victims of Jewry, but active agents in their own destruction. Just see my last essay in Daybreak about Kevin MacDonald (free PDF linked on the sidebar).

In other words: If even the racialist right, which is perfectly aware of the Jewish Problem, maintains ethno-suicidal vestiges, that can only mean that there is something beyond Jewish Question: what I call the Christian Question, the Night King.

Currency crash James Mason Racial right

Siege, 52

Editor’s note: The phrases
within the brackets are mine:

El Stupido

The worst critics of the Armed Struggle are inside the [white nationalist] Movement. If you want to be told how “not to do it”, just consult the “Phony Fuhrers” [e.g., Greg Johnson’s pacifism]. For some very good reasons do they fear and reject the concept of the Armed Struggle. It is because you can be a damned, total fool in the Mass Strategy and still live [in Mason’s time: yes. But now Biden wants to criminalise free speech as ‘hate speech’]. You cannot be thus in the Armed Struggle. You can be a complete incompetent and an abject failure in the Mass Strategy and yet still live to formulate clever and complicated reasons to hide or justify your failure. You can get away with being a faker and a blowhard within the Mass Strategy and no one can tell you apart from those who may be sincere. You can eke out a “living” as a Mass Strategy mail-order fraud [analogous to the ‘found-rising campaigns’ we constantly see in Counter-Currents] but the Armed Struggle holds no reward unless made a total success. It is therefore a decidedly uninviting climate for the fakers and the kooks [like the kooks who use goat and devil symbols, e.g., those who fell into the honey-trap called ‘The Base’!].

I’ve always said that the Mass Strategy could have been made to work under the proper leadership, such as provided by Commander Rockwell, but the sad and sorry types we see today are incapable of anything except amplifying and expounding upon the intricacies of insanity. They can’t even do what they claim to be doing and so no wonder they have no understanding of the Armed Struggle.

Those stupid idiots who, when thinking in terms of the Mass Idea, envision marching columns decked out in German uniforms would naturally also think of a stereo-typed, Hollywood-style “urban guerrilla” scenario in regard to the Armed Struggle. One is as stupid and impossible as the other except that the former will only get you laughed at while the latter one will get you killed. They are constitutionally incapable of getting their minds away from stale, sterile and programmed, obsolete ideas. If this isn’t the description of a professional loser then I don’t know what is.

If there is one kernel, one basic thread that can be used to sum up the NSLF line of thought, it must be: to go for the possible and forget the impossible. The types I’ve just referred to are also unable to recognize or differentiate between these two things. One has to maintain and strive to increase his grip over reality in order to be able to see and to know what is obvious and therefore where the appropriate course is. At this point we are dictated to by circumstances and have no real choices [except meta-politics: read The Fair Race linked on the sidebar!]. The situation is clear. Those who shrink from reality and go off in search of the unreal give away much about themselves.

The situation that is clear is that the deadlock must be broken by any means necessary. The “Phony Fuhrers”, true to form, have it “bass ackwards” when they blurt: “Everything for Power!” In fact there can be no power other than Big Brother’s power as long as Big Brother lives [Uncle Sam and the other western governments] and functions. If we’ve learned anything in twenty years, we have learned that! The revolutionary call is “Death to Big Brother!”, and until that time the only “power” exerted by our side will come from nowhere else but heroes like Fred Cowan, Joseph Franklin, the Men of Greensboro, the .22 Killer of Buffalo, etc. In many, if not most of the cases, the sacrifice is an expensive one. But it means action and only action gains results. The rest is hot air [presently all white nationalism is hot air. Currently there are not even revolutionary intellectuals!]. Let’em come right out and state that this most vicious and animal-level struggle can be won without sacrifices!

Big Brother’s power must be broken by any means necessary. One great man added to that, “by any means we can find or invent”. The key word is “invent”. The stupid ones will always take it to mean something “classic”, something that’s “been tried”, in other words something Big Brother has long ago predicted that may well be tried and therefore is perfectly ready, willing and able to deal with. Another great man has said, “No sense makes sense”, in dealing with the all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful Big Brother System. Big Brother may be watching but is Big Brother comprehending?

[No, he’s not. Uncle Sam is so stupid that under Biden he’ll crash his cherished dollar!]

Vol. X, #4 – April, 1981

Exterminationism James Mason Judeo-reductionism Racial right

Siege, 51

When as it happens

Tricky, introverted and myopic “comparisons” between the sick U.S. and Western societies of today, and the “sick” Weimar society of Germany in the 1920’s have been some of the favorite stand-by’s of the Right Wing in this country since the end of the War. Clearly, something isn’t exactly jelling.

Revolutionaries can see and know the realities of both situations and can’t be kidded, nor do they kid themselves. They haven’t got the patience. The question that remains is whether a revolutionary movement will arise from out of the older, more reactionary movement that we have known, or whether it will arise literally from out of nowhere, from among those who have had no experience with the tired and dreary old ways of the past. Perhaps what follows will provide some of the answer.

Between living in the past—be it either Reconstruction South or Weimar Germany—and harping on a “Jewish Conspiracy”, the traditional Movement has no other leg to stand on, ideologically or strategically. What’s been happening, and what’s still happening as a result, has been the creation of a magnetic force attracting kooks and cranks; producing something that is, and appears for all the world to be ridiculous; thus making sure that no solid and worthwhile types will be recruited or stay for very long; and winds up by scapegoating its failures rather than engaging in serious and intelligent re-evaluation of its overview and position.

Latching onto the past as a profession begs for the System and the media to heap all their many smears and epithets onto us; is an open invitation for the System to pass and enforce such things as “Genocide Treaties”, etc.; and because it pretends to work within the System to change the System, it leaves room for doubt about those vast numbers of “System-entrenched” Whites and opens the way for Movement people to write “Dear Mr. President” letters and tell their members to “write their Congressmen” and to frantically urge “America” to “wake up!”. In reality it’s a dead-end street.

One thing we all received in our years with the old Movement was a thorough education on the Jewish Question. It’s all quite true. There is and always has been a Jewish Conspiracy ever since contact has existed between Jews and Europeans. I will say that no professional revolutionary can hope to be real unless he is fully familiar with each aspect of the Jewish Question. It is only part of his basic education. Again, it is but one factor among many and this is where the Movement has been failing for so long. The fact is that what happened to our people and our culture would probably have happened anyway. Maybe not so soon, maybe not so drastically. But it would have happened.

Going back to the close of the Renaissance period, the Jews never could have gotten their foot in the door of Western Civilization unless something had not already been amiss in the basic structure and outlook of things. One can point an accusing finger at “democracy” as being responsible for aliens entering into our affairs, but never forget that “democracy” in practice, in law, is a most recent development and only came about after the Jews and their allies got the upper hand in government matters. When the Jews made their entrance upon the scene, they were allowed in by the very leaders themselves—the kings and emperors, the upper classes. For who else had the power and decision-making ability to control this back then, before “democracy”?

The Jews are aiders and abetters in this. They are specialists when it comes to alien corruption and they are certainly reaping their share of the profits from it all. And though the number of them directly involved in it condemns them by proportion to their total population, the Beast System is still basically manned and operated by renegade, sold-out Whites. What we are fighting has always been, and will always be, a sickness from within [italics in the original].

Blame? The cause and the well-spring for all of this can be located but it would be a mistake to seek merely to place a blame. It’s been going on for too long now, it is too deeply entrenched in today’s lives to try to isolate things and individuals. But if we were to identify where it all comes from, what sustains it, and who profits most from it at the expense of the race itself, then where else and who else could we look to other than the ruling, upper classes of society? Those that let the Jews in in the first place, those that took them to their bosom, those that always set the newest “trends” for perversion and degeneracy, those that get richer while we get poorer, those who in their vilest, foulest depths of anti-life numbness find their final kicks in drugs and consorting with racial aliens. And with their government in one hand and their Hollywood in the other, seek to reduce the rest of the population to their own level of decadence. I might add that their success in this isn’t far enough away from completion to merit any discussion of just “how far”.

The final word, the last comparison between here and now and there and then with regard to repeating Hitler’s miracle in Germany would involve a statement made by Albert Speer in later years as he sought to further acquit himself, further glorify himself, and further condemn Hitler in his highly lucrative written and televised accounts of life in the Third Reich. Speer said, quite correctly, that the reason Hitler’s rise in Germany was so fast and so certain was because the very BEST in German society were behind him. This explains why the entire German nation had to be incinerated in the course of the War, why their entire government had to be murdered. It wasn’t just a man or a party, it was the whole country, or at least those elements that counted most. And so Hitler’s Movement was not the kooky, funny thing we see here in America today. It was truly representative of the will of the German people.

If you haven’t caught onto the secret yet, then I will spell out for you why any such comparison between then and now is a totally lame one. True, the Weimar society was a sick one. But it was a sickness suddenly and forcibly attached to Germany at the highest levels. The people themselves saw it and hated it and were ready for Hitler when he made his appearance. In all, Weimar lasted fifteen years. Here the sickness has been coming along, unabated, for at least three generations and probably more. It’s their own baby and they love it. They wouldn’t be parted from it. It’s part of “Americanism”. This sickness is home-grown and it is from the inside out.

What sort of Movement would it take to represent the will of the American people today? With some variations, several are already on the scene and, I might add, none of them remotely resemble anything National Socialist. Then too, there is no “American People”, only Whites who, for the most part, have lost all racial pride and identity. But they are only reflections of what their rulers, the upper classes, have made themselves into. In a plutocracy, which this is, the wealthy decide and control the mould of the society, how the future generations will take shape. And, like any god, they can predictably be expected to fashion the people of the future in their own image. Meet the future today as it was envisioned forty and fifty years ago! And tomorrow?

When we speak of the best we have no choice but to speak in very real and very practical terms. Yes, racially best, of course. But best when it comes to profession. Best when it comes to training and education. Best when it actually comes to shouldering and maintaining the country and the economy. Best in practice and performance. These were the people who supported Hitler in Germany. But who are they, where are they, WHAT are they here, today?

In terms of American and Western societies in the present day, what I described in the above paragraph, collectively, can only be referred to as Pigs of the System and Establishment. And there, in a nutshell you have the chances of repeating what Hitler accomplished in the 1920’s and ’30’s. These people went gladly off to kill Germany.

The White upper classes—which, make no mistake, rule this land—have long since been alienated from their own people, their own past; the great struggles and causes of White history are forgotten; today these people are merely managers and custodians, albeit damned well-paid ones at that; the West is no longer in competition against any coloreds; it has become the “White Man’s Burden” run amok there is no longer any “them” or “us” for all are “happy” together in “democracy” (at least in theory); all is liberalism; all is materialism. Jews are only a minority in this but they do manage to swim so very well in this open sewer they have helped to create. But the sick Whites are vying each to out-do the other in order to catch up and be the most “in” of the “in crowd”.

We’re talking about a very large body of people who have sold out, or, perhaps better put, have burnt out. With no vital signs left. Yet, to remove them would be to see the U.S. at an end. Not to remove them will be to see another Africa arise on the North American Continent. It is not so much a conspiracy as it is a head being out of touch with its body but yet striving to make certain that the body becomes as vile and perverse as the head, thus spelling doom for the entire organism. A ruling body with its own, peculiar world view in which they believe, for they are quite sincere. The Whites of this country and indeed most of the West have been betrayed by their own rotten leaders. Yes, their natural leaders, the nation’s elite! That is why no renaissance can be possible here. Only revolution.

It must be DEATH to an entire strata of the population… and a new, fresh ruling elite established from the ranks of the natural peasantry or yeomanry, before that too has been eaten away from the inside out and nothing remains of it.

Volume XV, #3 – March, 1986.


Note of the Ed.: So the good guys were exterminated, not the bad ones!

Instead of the bold-type, Mason’s letters are normal. The link to Hellstorm’s review is mine too.

Chris Martenson Pandemics Pseudoscience Psychiatry

Covid & profits over lives

When the previous century I began an in-depth study of psychiatry, I came across a revealing fact. According to studies by the World Health Organization, poor countries such as Colombia, Nigeria and India had much higher recovery rates in people diagnosed with schizophrenia than in western countries. Reason: those poor countries couldn’t afford neuroleptics (‘antipsychotics’ in western Newspeak). So-called antipsychotics cause akathisia, that is, they are iatrogenic drugs. See what I recently said about Jordan Peterson regarding his akathisia produced even by other psychiatric drugs.

So from the last century I knew that there was a pseudoscientific dimension within conventional medicine. Just for the record, I recently told my female friend that ‘I reject one hundred percent alternative medicine and ninety percent of conventional medicine’, referring to drugs in the latter case; that is, most of what comes from Big Pharma.

Chris Martenson’s most recent video on covid-19 is very revealing, the summary of which tells us:

As many parts of the (so-called) developed world enter second lockdowns, and people line up for miles in their cars seeking food handouts in Texas, the less developed nations are busily discovering Covid-19 treatments that actually work. Really well. They work in an outpatient setting, in mild, moderate and severe cases of Covids-19. They work prophylactically. As always, I present the studies for your thoughtful examination.

The video is worth watching. Just keep in mind Martenson’s use of the code term ‘Dwizibin’ when he refers to hydroxychloroquine!

Although I am not sick with covid (not yet…), I already bought both hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. The doctors where I live are under the influence of pseudoscientific propaganda against these drugs, so I had to pay an informed doctor to give me the prescriptions. About these drugs that do work, in the YouTube discussion thread of Martenson’s video a couple of commenters said: ‘It’s almost like a vaccine is superfluous if we followed these guidelines’. And: ‘It’s because there are expensive vaccines now that must be sold’.

It seems very clear to me that Western capitalism must be destroyed if we ever reach power. The absolute proof that it has corrupted the white man is shown in that there is not a single millionaire or billionaire today who substantially sponsors the racialists; let’s say, as they were sponsored in the previous century by the German businessmen who helped Hitler. Although the present ‘profits over lives’ policy is very noticeable in the covid-19 pandemic, capitalism in general corrupts the Aryan soul as much, or even more, than Christian ethics. Or to be more precise: the effect of both is lethal for the race, which is why the US has become a paradigm of ethno-suicide.

For those who haven’t read the essay on the meaning of the ring in both Wagner and Tolkien, it is time to do it…

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