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Conspiracy theories George Orwell


I want to add to what I said on Sunday: that a priest of holy words doesn’t spend time thinking about the recent attack on Trump. The reasons are clear and could be summed up by what Orwell called prolefeed (the mental food with which the System alienates commoners). To overthink the recent attack is to be part of the System, regardless of whether it was a conspiracy or a lone gunman’s attack.

Incidentally, before violating Occam’s principle we should always consider the more parsimonious lone-wolf hypothesis. The fact that, decades later, most Americans doubt that a single gunman killed JFK shows the sheer power that sensationalist films such as the one shot by the Jew Oliver Stone exert over the American collective unconscious.

Those who consume Hollywood prolefeed and call themselves dissidents should face the fact that if the majority of the proles believe something because of prolefeed, that is what the System wants them to believe. (No one reads the Warren Report, but everyone watches the prolefeed that Hollywood has been offering us for decades.) And the same goes for the books about the JFK assassination. For every thousand books that promote conspiracy theories, there is only one that proves that Oswald acted alone. Many years ago I bought one of the latter because, following what John Stuart Mill says in On Liberty, the opinion of the isolated investigator should be taken into consideration because there is a chance that he could be right (and the rest of society wrong).

Remember 1984. The totalitarian state printed pornography for the proles, making them believe it was literature banned by the government. But it was controlled opposition even though the proles believed they were reading forbidden literature. Porn was part of the Machiavellian system of social control.

Quite independently of swallowing the conspiracy prolefeed that the System allows on the internet, the priest of the sacred words sees things from his meta-perspective. And from this perspective, what would be the real dissident thought?

Something we said on Thursday in instalment #42 of the Hitler series. Instead of saying, as liberals (part of the Establishment) do, that they wish the bullet had hit Trump, the real dissenter would like that a British soldier’s bullet had hit George Washington, who empowered the Jews, and that the US would never have gained independence from the British crown. The priest would say that it is time to forget not only Washington but all the so-called founding fathers and replace, within himself, all those founding cucks with the founders of the Third Reich.

That is good dissent!, not the conspiracy theories—prolefeed for the proles—that are now beginning to brew in the wake of Saturday’s events. But it is obvious that white nationalists, neo-normies after all, don’t think in these terms. They haven’t realised that as the Aryan race comes first, if there is a conflict of interest between race and the religion of our parents or the political system of the country we were born into, we must sacrifice the latter.

In my case, for example, I despise Hernán Cortés and the 16th-century Spaniards because they sinned against the holy spirit: they soiled their blood, a sin that cannot be forgiven. And I can say the same about the religion of my parents—Catholicism—because in the 1530s a pope sanctioned marriage between Spaniards and Amerindian women. But this endless contempt for the country of my birth, which includes contempt for the Criollos who continue to blend to the extent that I don’t have a single male friend in the country where I live, is absent in racialists north of the Rio Grande. Except for retired Canadian blogger Sebastian E. Ronin, they don’t look down the founding ideologies of the US and Canada.

Racking one’s brains over conspiracies, or blaming the Jews for all the ills of the West, doesn’t advance the Aryan cause. It is seeing the mote in another’s eye and not the beam in one’s own. What the priest must do is to repudiate his nation’s project with all his might, with all his mind, with all his spirit and all his heart; and begin to create a new religion based on the ideals of Uncle Adolf.

Conservatism Conspiracy theories Racial right

UR conservatives

by Robert Morgan

They [Unz Review conservatives] continue to whine endlessly about “brainwashing”, globalist or Jewish “agendas”, and most ludicrously of all, the decline of “real” Christianity. According to conservatives here at UR and elsewhere, those are the causes, not the logical consequence of the Bible’s racial egalitarianism working out in politics and civic life. These conservatives… will spin a thousand intricate conspiracy theories rather than face the truth. That the answer could be as prosaic as America’s culture of anti-racism developing inevitably from their own Christian beliefs is something they can’t comprehend.

Conspiracy theories

The psychology

behind conspiracy theories

by Sam Francis

Whatever… conspiracy theories prove, their prevalence at certain periods of history invariably shows the impending collapse of public trust in the way things are, a readiness to ascribe to the occupants of a society’s most visible and respected positions of leadership the most villainous purposes and the most ruthless means of attaining them…

Once Middle Americans begin to grasp the truth that it is the power structure rather than a man, a woman, or a small gang of swindlers and sex fiends that lies behind the dispossession of their country and their cultural and economic destruction, then they will begin to understand that what really goes on behind the scenes.


Read it all on American Renaissance (here).

Conspiracy theories

A WN take on 9/11

by James Dunphy

Conspiracy theorists believe that since many Jews have profited from 9/11, they were behind it. While Jews may have played leading roles in getting the US to simultaneously invade and invite the world, which resulted in part in 9/11, this doesn’t mean they played a direct role in it. Jews often pursue their own tribal goals to the detriment of the white majority.

They also disproportionately occupy the upper echelons of many white societies. This results in an uncomfortable relationship between them and their white host population, so they seek to make alliances with other minority groups, such as Africans, but also with those who don’t even yet live in the nation by opening the borders. This is what Jews on the American Jewish Committee did when they supported Emanuel Celler’s lifelong mission of opening America’s borders to non-whites, which culminated in the 1965 Immigration Act.

For their part, Zionist Jews use the US as Israel’s muscle in the Middle East. This angers Muslims, whom their Leftist brethren have been inviting into the US. This in turn leads to mass murder and chaos. By pursuing their own sectarian agendas, Jews bring about this chaos. Worst of all, they capitalize on the fear terrorist attacks elicit by using the FBI and Homeland Security to target peaceful Trump supporters and white advocates. Jews always seem to thrive in an environment of low-level chaos where they can manipulate the unsuspecting white public in a direction favorable to Jews. This doesn’t mean, however, that they play a direct role in events such as 9/11.

Ultimately, Osama bin Laden, KSM, Ramzi Yousef, and their followers failed to accomplish the three points of Yousef’s manifesto. America’s diplomatic ties with Israel remain strong. Following 9/11, evangelicals became even more pro-Zionist, viewing Ashkenazi Jews as racially and religiously closer to them than their Palestinian neighbors. This seems to have waned in the past decade, though, as the Internet is red-pilling a lot of Christians about the dubious theology and history of Christian Zionism.


Read it all at Counter-Currents (here).

Conspiracy theories

One honest truther

That the Truthers movement is a religion based on blind faith can be corroborated by an interview that the young Briton, mentioned in my previous posts, did with Charlie Veitch. Okay: Charlie is an archetypical liberal. But these fragments of the interview (starting here and here) are worth watching.

For the full documentary on how Andrew Maxwell took five typical young British conspiracy believers on a road trip from New York to Washington to tackle the truth about the events of 9/11, see: here.

Conspiracy theories

Mistakes corrected

In the video that I embedded in my previous comment, this young Brit says that out of the thousands who watched his miniseries about the 9/11 attacks, only one stopped believing in conspiracy theories. That is precisely the experience I have had with people I met in a New Age cult and parapsychology: the vast majority are impervious to the evidence.

The pathology of belief is a topic that goes beyond the limits of this site, although I have talked about it in my books written in my mother tongue. Simply put, the astronomical delusions represented by religions, paranormal pseudo-sciences, and even secular ideologies (feminism, anti-racism, idealising sexual deviants, etc.) have nothing to do with reason and good judgment. It has to do with self-esteem, self-image, groupthink, and the defence mechanisms we develop in the face of a cruel world.

The subject is huge, and just as Oliver Sacks used the biographical narratives to illustrate the symptoms of right-brain injuries, only an autobiographer who has rid himself of one such false paradigm could illustrate how the psychology of self-deception works.

By the way, in my post yesterday about truthers I made a couple of minor mistakes that I just corrected. One of them was a link to the wrong article about Ron Unz. It is worth rereading the right article, including the discussion thread.

Conspiracy theories Racial right

On Ron Unz & 911 truthers

The intelligence of Jews is merely verbal, as Stefan Moly says in this video with another Jew, Dave Rubin. A Jew can have a very high verbal IQ; an Asian or an Aryan may have a very high IQ in spatial intelligence, and at the same time both, Jew and gentile, may be mentally retarded in an area of intelligence that is not evaluated by psychometric tests.

Those who have read the late neurologist Oliver Sacks (I read two or three books by him) will know what I am talking about. In his books, a literary treat (unusual for a neurologist), Sacks talks about judgment: an area of the brain ignored by neurologists because to study it requires the biographical narrative of those with a disease in some area of the right hemisphere of the brain.

I don’t want to delve too deeply into what Sacks is trying to tell us. In a nutshell, we can use his legacy as an analogy to also talk about those with high IQ and who are literally insane regarding judgement. Remember what I said about world champion Bobby Fischer in my recently published The Human Side of Chess? His case exemplifies it: extremely high IQ in computational matters (chess is ultimately a computing game) and a true mental infant, and madman, regarding the most elementary aspects of life.

I can say something similar about all those who believe in conspiracy theories, be the best known—such as the JFK assassination or the September 11 attacks—or the lesser-known, such as that the US government has been misleading the public since the 1940s by hiding alien ships in their hangars, that the moon landings were staged, and so on. (By the way, I have only studied in-depth one of these conspiracy theories, the so-called Satanic Ritual Abuse, as can be seen in my critique of Lloyd de Mause, and in 1996 I saw Buzz Aldrin at the Hyatt Regency Houston downtown.)

I’m not going to repeat what I’ve already said about Unz on this site, who just posted another of his crazy articles about one of these theories (9/11): an ethnic Jew who also believes the insanity that millions upon millions believe about JFK.

If I write this post it’s because I’m shocked that so many racialists believe in such nonsense. They are obviously like Fischer: very good at understanding JQ (J of Jew) but insane about the more mundane aspects of life.

Sacks has a point: true intelligence is not only IQ but judgment. And many contemporary Westerners have lost their minds.

The lie of Unz and the beardless racialists is that the ‘official’ story about JFK and 911 is not that of the government but that the masses believe. What matters is what the masses believe. If someone believes what the masses believe he is a normie, not a dissident of the system. Simple as that!

Those who have never heard a truly sceptical voice about 911 should watch this video about Building 7, supposedly the strongest argument of the ‘truthers’ (his other videos on 911 are linked: here). Likewise, those who believe that Oswald didn’t act alone, let them see what I have written about Unz: here.

There are a ton of ‘truthers’ in white nationalism, a movement (WN) to which I don’t belong. As visitors know, I rather call myself a priest of the 14 words. I still have a lot to translate from Savitri’s book, and I don’t want to waste time by discussing the subject with those nationalists who haven’t read Vincent Bugliosi’s book. So this entry will not receive comments. Read Bugliosi and then we talk…

Conspiracy theories Racial right

A response to Wolfrein

In this discussion thread today I was told the following:

Yes, Cesar, I am from Germany and as a regular reader of your blog I am familiar with your critique of WN.

I am not overestimating the Jews but I am also not underestimating them. If the Jews (and their goyim accomplices) are behind the virus and the vaccination agenda—with the goal of gene-altering and/or extermination of the great amount [of] the world’s population (mainly whites, of course)—then why on Earth would they use this mass destruction weapon against themselves? It seems obvious to me that there are at least two kinds of vaccines—the one for the goyims and the other for the Jews. Of course I don’t have any proofs. It just seems logical to me.

That sounds pretty paranoid, and it’s the first time I’ve heard it. If true, Kevin MacDonald, the specialist on Jewry, and his webzine writers, other experts on Jewry from the Aryan point of view, would have already published a lot of articles on such a tremendous conspiracy.

If you were really familiar with the criticism I make on this site of white nationalism, you would have noticed that I don’t subscribe to paranoid views so common in the discussion threads of nationalists (9/11 attacks, JFK assassination, and now covid-19).

I’m going to put it very directly:

To the extent that contemporary racialists embrace paranoid ideas, the race is on the way to extinction, since they aren’t addressing the cause that’s killing them. (The central theme of this site is the proper diagnosis—not paranoid diagnoses—of the darkest hour in the West.)

Conspiracy theories, by the way, haven’t been promulgated in the most serious sites of white nationalism. And I’m not just talking about The Occidental Observer, but also Counter-Currents, American Renaissance and Occidental Dissent. The problem with those theories is that they suck in great energies that lead us to dead-ends, instead of cruising down the main avenue that could potentially save the race (the stuff linked in my sticky post).

If you are German, instead of the crazy comment threads on white nationalist blogs, you should be reading the SS booklets, whose English translation I’ve been reading (and of which I’ll add more entries shortly, until I finish reading the fifteen booklets I acquired).

Conspiracy theories are a vampire sucking the mental health of the Aryan man with good feelings. The System loves that these Aryans find themselves trapped in ideological alleys instead of seeing what is really happening.

I have a long history of readings that debunk the pseudosciences because in the past I was in a dead-end, mentally trapped in a couple of pseudosciences. The younger people I interact with on the internet cannot imagine the decades of suffering and spiritual odyssey I underwent not only in them, but in investigating other extraordinary allegations that have nothing to do with reality.

I repeat, if instead of reading what contemporary racialists write you read what the Nazi leadership wrote, you would realise that the latter didn’t suffer from any paranoia but saw reality as it was. For example, soon I will start uploading entries in the German section of this site where I will be reproducing every table talk of the Führer before the damned allies killed him in his bunker.

I confess that although I recently studied, for months, a book on German grammar, I don’t know German. When I publish translations from German here, for example Karlheinz Deschner’s book, another translator does them. (Both, the books in the original German and the Spanish translations of Deschner’s books by the publishing house Martínez Roca are in my bookshelf.) But I am infinitely sorry that Germans today listen to Americans instead of Uncle Adolf, or the SS booklets I’m reading.

Changing the subject, yesterday Jared Taylor published a featured article (when he does it, he puts it in red letters on the main page) of a mulatto woman. We can already imagine the SS authors doing something similar!

I say it once again, and not only to the Germans: Stop reading the sites of American white nationalism and become familiar with the real thing…

Conspiracy theories New Testament Richard Carrier

Atwill’s cranked-up Jesus

by Richard Carrier

Joseph Atwill is one of those crank mythers I often get conflated with. Mythicists like him make the job of serious scholars like me so much harder because people see, hear, or read them and think their nonsense is what mythicism is. They make mythicism look ridiculous. So I have to waste time (oh by the gods, so much time) explaining how I am not arguing anything like their theories or using anything like their terrible methods, and unlike them I actually know what I am talking about, and have an actual Ph.D. in a relevant subject from a real university.

Note that I have divided this article into two parts, the second (titled ‘Our Long Conversation’) is something you can easily skip (see the intro there for whether reading it will be of any interest to you). So although this post looks extraordinarily long, it’s really that second part that gives it such length. You can just read up to the beginning of that section though. You don’t have to continue beyond that to get the overall point.

Atwill who?

Atwill is the one dude I get asked about most often. And now apparently even Dawkins is tweeting about Atwill, thanks to his upcoming venture into England later this month to sell his weird Roman Conspiracy variety of Jesus mythicism. To get the gist you can check out his PR puff piece. Thomas Verenna has already written a deconstruction of that. Notably even D.M. Murdock doesn’t buy Atwill’s thesis, declaring that she does not concur with Atwill’s Josephus/Flavian thesis and that ‘the Flavians, including Josephus, did not compose the canonical gospels as we have them’. Robert Price has similarly soundly debunked his book, even after strongly wanting to like it.

Atwill is best known as the author of Caesar’s Messiah (subtitle: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus, Roman meaning the Roman imperial family… yeah). In this Atwill argues ‘Jesus [is] the invention of a Roman emperor’ and that the entire New Testament was written by ‘the first-century historian Flavius Josephus’ who left clues to his scheme by littering secret hidden coded ‘parallels’ in his book The Jewish War. Atwill claims to prove ‘the Romans directed the writing of both’ the JW and the NT, in order ‘to offer a vision of a “peaceful Messiah” who would serve as an alternative to the revolutionary leaders who were rocking first-century Israel and threatening Rome’…

Notice his theory entails a massive and weirdly erudite conspiracy of truly bizarre scope and pedigree, to achieve a truly Quixotic aim that hardly makes sense coming from any half-intelligent elite of the era (even after adjusting for the Flynn effect), all to posit that the entire Christian religion was created by the Romans (and then immediately opposed by them?), who somehow got hundreds of Jews to abandon their religion and join a cult that simply appeared suddenly without explanation on the Palestinian book market without endorsement.

I honestly shouldn’t have to explain why this is absurd. But I’ll hit some highlights. Then I’ll reveal the reasons why I think Atwill is a total crank, and his work should be ignored—indeed everywhere warned against as among the worst of mythicism, not representative of any serious argument that Jesus didn’t exist. And that’s coming from me, someone who believes Jesus didn’t exist.


The rest of Carrier’s long piece with hundreds of comments in the comments section of his website can be read: here. It is a pity that quite a few commenters in the racialist right promote Atwill’s conspiracy theory.

Conspiracy theories Racial right Real men

Spartan nostalgia

In his latest comments, Robert Morgan made a few remarks about why conspiracy theories, so popular in the comment sections of racially conscious whites, bother me so much:

Linh Dinh: ‘When your tyrants can’t even be identified, much less found, no coup, uprising or revolution is possible…’

Exactly. Preventing revolutions is the purpose of conspiracy theories. People who imagine they are being controlled by nameless others have the perfect excuse to continue doing what they are doing, which is making up conspiracy theories, or in other words, nothing.

You can score cheap moral points by denouncing vague conspiracies, attributing to them anything you don’t like. You avoid blaming the people themselves, because they’re only puppets! That’s the attraction of conspiracy theories.

I, on the other hand, do blame the people themselves. As I see it, America is just suffering the painful consequences for centuries of Christian delusions. They themselves imported negroes to their shores, and then fought a war to set them free and make them fellow citizens. Thinking this is the result of a conspiracy is ridiculous. To do so is just a transparent attempt to evade responsibility.

At another site, Counter-Currents, also in one of the comments sections a woman just recommended The Turner Diaries.

It is very positive that at least in the comments section, someone mentions Pierce’s novel. In one of the passages of that novel, blacks took a white woman in front of the police to rape her and when a white man complained, the policemen fled embarrassed by the complaint, since defending the white woman would be ‘racist’. As the negrolatric religion grows, it won’t take too long to reach that neo-Orwellian level. But I wanted to say something else about that comments sections.

A couple of CC commenters have just complained that it was useless to talk (for example, about the recent murder of a white woman by BLM) with their wives, that wives don’t get what’s happening.

Since I was liberal in the past, I treated women as if they were regular blokes. Over the decades, in my family I could only talk about the family tragedy with the direct victims of the perps: a couple of women (who, incidentally, have already died). But when speaking brutally with one of them, as we blokes do, my female cousin freaked out and for a few years we weren’t on speaking terms. Only after discovering the manosphere did I realise that I had done something wrong. If I had known what I know today, I would have refrained from talking about little red riding hoods and wolves in my dealings with my poor cousin, who had been a victim of molestation.

I don’t blame myself for that way of speaking because I was brainwashed. Twenty years ago, when I corresponded with my cousin, I had internalised the ethno-suicidal propaganda that guys and gals are all the same. Now I see more than ever that the first guideline I devised for the priest of fourteen words is really adequate: let’s try to talk about transcendental issues only with white males. For example, there is absolutely no point in trying to convey to a woman the fact that we have about ten times more sexual drive than they feel. Since they have never felt such a thing, we can’t create a bridge of true communication.

There are exceptions of course. In this site I’ve mentioned a female friend with whom I can communicate. But she is the exception that confirms the rule. Although as a woman she doesn’t have the impulse I have, her empathy is such that she once told me an anecdote. Apparently, a woman experimented with some male hormones and she felt, for a few days, a tremendous sex drive. As my friend confessed to me when assimilating the anecdote, she finally felt respect for men because we repress our sexual drive not only a few days, but throughout the years. It doesn’t matter that my friend hasn’t done such a hormonal experiment. Just by telling me that anecdote she transmitted that thanks to it she could finally understand men. But as I said, she’s the exception.

Commenters complaining on CC about their wives don’t follow the priest’s guideline. They try the impossible: to communicate with them. The ideal would be to have such guilds only for males as the Spartans had, in which all young men were forced to eat together, even after marriage in order to create the necessary mannerbund. This, in spite of the fact that eventually all Spartans had to marry.

Today’s feminised men, including many racialists, don’t even realise that, in some matters, it’s impossible to build communication bridges with the fair sex. Yes: women could be serving at the table of the Spartan warriors, but not get into discussions or camaraderie.