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UR conservatives

by Robert Morgan

They [Unz Review conservatives] continue to whine endlessly about “brainwashing”, globalist or Jewish “agendas”, and most ludicrously of all, the decline of “real” Christianity. According to conservatives here at UR and elsewhere, those are the causes, not the logical consequence of the Bible’s racial egalitarianism working out in politics and civic life. These conservatives… will spin a thousand intricate conspiracy theories rather than face the truth. That the answer could be as prosaic as America’s culture of anti-racism developing inevitably from their own Christian beliefs is something they can’t comprehend.

11 replies on “UR conservatives”

The hardest to swallow redpills aren’t complex, convoluted or hard to understand at an intellectual level. They’re all relatively simple and empirically verifiable statements like: “blacks are criminals”, “Arabs are violent and deceitful”, “Jews are nepotistic, deceitful and subversive”, “Indians are disgusting.”

The problem with swallowing them is that white people have been conditioned to reject them as both morally reprehensible and “too easy,” hence the eternal libtard and conservatard search for “root causes”.

A good example of this is Marxism. Marxism is more complex and convoluted than understanding that blacks are blacks. This doesn’t make it true or even useful. However, lots of people will reject the simple truths about race because they’re too simple, rejecting them in favour of more complex ideas like Marxism.

This is common among school-smart people who are used to things being complex the more difficult they are, but in real world scenarios, complexity does not always correlate with difficulty, nor is difficulty causally linked to complexity. Sometimes simple things are hard and sometimes things are hard precisely because they’re simple.

Hence; Christianity is Jewish and if you want an ethnostate, you need an ethnoreligion. Simple as that.

Because there is literally no difference between:

“Your ancestors were racists who were born into sin, believed outdated ideas and needed to be cleansed of their evil. You should be grateful that we fixed them from their erroneous ways.”


“Your ancestors were heathens who were born into sin, believed outdated ideas and needed to be cleansed of their evil. You should be grateful that we fixed them from their erroneous ways.”

You can’t fight against the former while praising a cult that teaches the latter.

This is the thing: Christianity divides, and first it parsed up Europe and destroyed its traditions, demonizing all that came before.

It is insane, therefore, for Christians to bemoan the destruction of tradition or the installation of progress by new definitions.

We are here because both Christianity and Islam displaced and demonized tradition and created worldwide iconoclastic regimes whose ultimate aim they don’t underhanded because their holy book is neither European nor non Semitic.

It is playing with fire.

Rabbis think Christians will be tricked with a Jewish turn to Christ and I agree; and good Christian friends of mine have admitted as much. The noahide laws are not bad, and that if another encyclical to destroy non believers was given they would take it.

This cannot be a right wing or traditional position.

The sooner we admit that Christianity was the tool which brought the Jewish god, Jewish history, Jewish laws, Jewish morals, Jewish ideals, and the entire Jewish worldview and reality into Europe, making their desert our “Holy Land,” strengthening them at the expense of our native peoples, the sooner we can admit where we have gone wrong in history. We have been living in their reality, their shadow, for two thousand years, trapped in their dream.

Instead we just get stale excuses about how Jews were ackchually apostates to their own religion, but that they still brought us “truth,” and how Christians have the “real” version.

I cannot fathom this level of cuckoldry and with the growth of pagan revivals in the West, it seems many others cannot either.

Indeed: and this is where G.L. Rockwell failed. Remember what Savitri wrote about him in the book we translated, and also a passage from the commander’s books in which he stated that one shouldn’t mess with the Christian beliefs of a guy he knew.

Precisely for this reason the PDF in which I chose some excerpts from Rickard Weikart’s book on Hitler’s anti-Christian pantheism seemed important to me. On January 1st, I will publish a new featured post where it will be easier for you to use the links (for example, to that PDF) when you argue with the naive kids on Telegram.

As to the older generation, it is the same mistake we see with Carolyn Yeager and those who orbit her forum. She promotes an exoteric NS, like Mien Kampf for the masses, where the Führer’s anti-Christianity is not obvious. But the esoteric NS, which Weikart captures so well in his book, disturbs this woman because of its anti-Christian tones.

And also for that reason the naive kids you mention believe that Hitler’s after-dinner talks are fake, because of the talks’ anti-Christianity. Curiously, even in the second volume of Mein Kampf Hitler speaks badly of Christianity in a couple of sentences. One of the UR conservatives once challenged me to quote an anti-Christian passage from Hitler in Mein Kampf and I linked a screenshot. But still, these UR conservatives find ways to rationalise their pious beliefs.

We need a new generation of racialists willing to give up their parents’ religion.

Happy yule Caesar.

I would also add that I have had the same kind of discussions online were youngsters mostly talk, especially on Telegram.

There are groups spreading the “alternative” news, where they can openly talk about most taboos.

But if there is one taboo you are not allowed to question, is your faith on Christianity. Any defamation, (or even worst, speaking positively of other gods) will get you banned right away.

This is supposed to be a group of people within the age range of… Nick Fuentes, if not younger.

The type that don’t go to church at all, that won’t worship the jew directly… the type that will openly say “nigger” and talk positively about Hitler, but they also identified themselves as Christians and still follow judeo Christians teachings. Pretty much neo Christians, and neo conservatives.

This is kind of sad. The alternative to the mainstream anti white narrative is deluded and still doomed to failure, at least in America.

What it boils down to is that the American racial right, including UR conservatives, doesn’t know how to distinguish between cause and effect.

The cause, as Morgan rightly said, is Christian morality. It is on that fertile ground that all the filth grows: Jewish subversion, the globalist agenda, Wokism, etc. But without Christianity even with the worst capitalism and international economy (for example China) they don’t betray their people through Wokism or the immigration of blacks.

That’s a neo-Christian phenomenon. And Jared Taylor is lying to himself when it comes to the founders of his country as any reader of Tom Holland’s Dominion knows (it was Christian ethics that caused the American Civil War).

The incredible thing about the matter is that liberal historians are capable of a more honest reading of American history than the history that racialist intellectuals want to tell us (and I think Gregory Hood is close to Taylor on this point)!

There are several NS channels on Telegram that share anti-Christian National Socialist material with legitimate sources. One of them is @NSHeathenry. They always come in handy when debating with “Christian Nationalist” types. Though, these types always make a U-turn from their arguments and start spewing anti-German stuff when faced with the truth. It’s really not worth arguing with them. Because they are not even Christians. They are something between Christianity and Heathenry and they don’t even know it. They are neo-Christians as Cesar calls it. The real Christians are the ones who show up on Adam Green’s podcast and admit that it was Christians who let the Jews live all this time and that they need the Jews to fulfill the God’s plan. Christians expelled the Jews from their countries but no Christian leader did what Hadrian did in Judea.

I never go on Telegram. I tried to subscribe once and couldn’t. But if those NS channels on Telegram that you mention criticise the Germans of the last century, they aren’t really NS. I guess older people like Robert Morgan have a better understanding of the world than them, right?

C.T., out of curiosity, would you consider Neo-Christianity (liberalism, communism, etc.) to be a more immediately baleful force than “old” Christianity (the pre-modern church) was? Obviously you’d argue that the latter created the former, but that’s why I said “immedately.”

Curiously, a Christianity not processed by the Renaissance and the Reformation doesn’t result in neo-Christianity (e.g., Russia).

Paradoxically, as I have lived 60 years in a Latin American country, where blood mixing ruined Iberian blood since the 16th century, I believe that this old Christianity is worse.

Why? Because the frog that is being burned in NorthAm begins to wake up. Instead, at a slow fire the frog has already burned throughout most of the continent, including big chunks of North America (remember that several states that now belong to the US used to belong to Spain).

Of course, Wokism is much more perfidious than old time Xtianity, but at least a backlash has started because the frog/West is burning with its intense Woke fires.

This is interesting CT. Then the implication is that the Slavic world with its older Christianity might suffer a worse fate because it won’t feel the need to reconsider Christianity itself. I am inclined to believe that but it seems so long as Eastern Europe and Russia don’t import non-Whites especially blacks into their country they won’t face a civilizational or racial threat. As long as they remain White (or vastly majority White) they might end up believing that Christianity is protective.


I’m not Caesar but I believe that, when talking about Christianity, you are talking about some sort of cancer with different stages within its host.

Old Christianity was not as insidious, but it was just as destructive if you count how many holy wars, mass murder and suppression of knowledge it has caused (more than 90% of written knowledge from classical antiquity alone was lost due to Christian take over).

Have not been for that, it would probably have never morphed any of its atheistic stages since, ultimately, they are a reaction of the host trying to get rid of it; to expel the alien jewish myths.

Because it was only through the use of force, then coping mechanisms and rationalization, that people were able to worship an alien god as theirs.

here in essence we are the living words of this quote from Heidegger.

I hope you go read Hitler’s book; the first few autobiographical chapters are weak. This man has a sure and remarkable political instinct, and he had it even when the rest of us were still in a fog, there is no way to deny it. The National Socialist movement will soon gain a completely different strength. This is not about mere partisan politics, it is about the redemption or fall of Europe and Western civilization. Anyone who doesn’t understand this deserves to be crushed by chaos.

Martin Heidegger

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