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Category: Peter Schiff
Schiff again
In the comfort of his own home, Peter looks better than in his regular podcasts and at around minute 45 he returns to the possibility of the dollar hyperinflating. Sometime later he touches on a topic on which the pseudo-dissidents in the System have been very foolish: not realising that Bitcoin and other non-gold-backed cryptocurrencies are going to crash.
Schiff tonight
‘Massive inflation is going to be created to pay these bailouts’ (minute 17:07), and because of the coming inflation ‘The worst thing you could do is to leave your money in the bank’.
I do not recommend anyone without a basic knowledge of economics to listen to Peter Schiff’s monologues. But even if you don’t have that economic knowledge, you can understand the above quote. It’s time to take your money out of the bank, which later this decade could turn into confetti—i.e. hyperinflation, watch Peter right after the 46th minute—, and put your silver coins in safety deposit boxes in banks (as I have done with my very meagre savings).
The Megyn Kelly Show
Perhaps few Americans believe the words of the Canadian I quoted yesterday: ‘Murka is done, it is finished…’ Perhaps it is worth mentioning yesterday’s exchange on Megyn Kelly’s Show with Peter Schiff about what will happen to the economy when inflation skyrockets in the US (what Americans are suffering now is inflation, not hyperinflation).
Peter Schiff: But when the dollar loses its status, then the rest of the world isn’t going to want dollars anymore… So, what would have to happen if the dollar is no longer the reserve currency, is: American spending would implode, consumption would collapse because we will have nothing to buy, and so our entire GDP would implode. We’ll have a massive recession because Americans wouldn’t be buying anything because we couldn’t afford anything and all the shelves would be empty because foreigners wouldn’t be sending us the stuff that they produce and we don’t have the capacity to produce it for ourselves.
Megyn Kelly: What is the likelihood that that will happen?
Peter Schiff: Oh, a hundred percent.
Biden’s recent sanctions only prompted Russia and other countries to dump the dollar and start trading in gold, or fiat currencies such as the rouble, the Chinese yuan or the Indian rupee. If you are rich, brace yourself by buying gold. If you are poor, buy silver (Bitcoin will collapse even before the dollar crashes).
said Peter chatting informally with a Swiss and a Gerrman in Zürich, Switzerland.
Last chance
These times represent the last chance for racially conscious white men to get some silver (or gold if you can afford it). The inflation we see is going to degenerate into hyperinflation until the US dollar turns confetti. Above I link to Peter Schiff’s podcast today. But those new to this topic should check out this documentary that the producer Tim Delmastro kindly sent me several years before it became freely available on YouTube.
Austrian school
Virtually no racialist knows the trauma model of mental disorders. One of the problems I see in the white nationalist movement is that there are serious blind spots from their POV. Not only do they ignore that psychiatry (which promotes the medical model of mental disorders) is false science. Nor do they know that Keynesian economics taught in universities is another ‘science’ similar to astrology.
The only one who got to talk about these two topics, pseudo-scientific psychiatry and pseudoscientific economics, before YouTube deleted his channel was Stefan Molyneux. And it is a pity that no racialist whose mother tongue is English says what Molyneux knew about the real state of the economy and the true cause of mental disorders (child abuse).
Today’s article on Counter-Currents by Robert Hampton, ‘Are We Really Heading To A Civil War?’ exemplifies blindness as to the state of the American economy.
Like the vast majority of racialists, Hampton doesn’t seem to have the remotest notion that the truly scientific school of economy is the Austrian school, which has been predicting, since Nixon unpegged the dollar from gold, that this would lend itself to abusively print fiat currency ad infinitum to the degree of currency collapse.
Now, Hampton is right that his bourgeois compatriots are not going to rebel. As I have said on this site, the One Ring has corrupted the Aryan psyche, as Richard Wagner saw in his most ambitious work. Hampton is correct in saying that his compatriots are comfortable in what I call ‘happy mode’ and that, in that mode, revolution is unthinkable. But Hampton is unaware that the precious currency of the Americans is going to tank.
Above I mentioned Molyneux whose mother was Jewish and I was sorry that a racialist Gentile did not say the same. The same could be said of Peter Schiff, whose father was Jewish, but among those who explain Austrian economics Schiff is the one who does it best on YouTube, as we see in his most recent podcast.
Those reluctant to listen to him can watch the crash curses of the non-Jews Chris Martenson or Mike Maloney, who say more or less the same as Schiff. In this matter it’s irrelevant who is Gentile or Jew. What matters is that the dollar is short on time, and that once it collapses Americans will transition from happy mode to angry mode.
True, an angry mode among whites is still insufficient for the armed revolution, but the fall of the American empire (no more pro-Israel wars after the dollar loses its purchasing power) will mark the end of the interregnum that began in 1945, when Europe lost the power they held for centuries.
The end of the interregnum doesn’t mean automatic salvation, as Americanised Europeans are as bananas as those who live on this continent. However, the end of American hegemony will start to open a window of opportunity for our cause.
Peter’s birthday
The coronavirus does not compare to the
looming economic crisis (you’ve seen nothing
yet; it’s going to get a whole lot worse in the US).
In my previous post today I linked to a Robert Whitaker lecture in which Whitaker said that the profession called psychiatry works like a guild, in the sense that its purpose is to protect the financial interests of Big Pharma, not the mental health of its patients, and that it completely silences the medical dissidents. Now I would like to say something similar.
These days not a single sane voice is heard in the American mainstream media regarding the economic crisis that is coming upon us. The airwaves are full of nonsense. Even the billionaires are speaking nonsense. On the other hand, Peter Schiff is not even allowed to speak on Fox News, due to what he says about the financial situation that the United States is going through: a monetary crisis; a sovereign debt crisis; an American economy that will completely implode not because the coronavirus (the pin), but because of the bubble that the Federal Reserve and Congress are now inflating.
The Fed is destroying the dollar; it will be completely slaughtered. Other countries with fiat currencies won’t fare so bad as the coming American hyperinflation (their phony currencies are not the default currency in international transactions). It is Americans, including nationalists, who are unready for a pretty, pretty rude awakening.
To educate my visitors, what better than to embed Peter’s video today, which is his birthday, to know the point of view of a ‘prosecutor’ before whom everyone covers his ears on the mainstream media:
It is irrelevant that his father Irwin Schiff was the son of Jewish immigrants from Poland. The white nationalist who doesn’t want to hear Peter listen instead to what the gentiles Martenson and Maloney are saying these days, also recently linked on this site (tip: they say the same thing).
Listen to these Jews!
In previous posts I linked videoconferences between two non-Jews, Chris Martenson and Mike Maloney. Now listen to what Peter Schiff and Stefan Molyneux say about the coronavirus and the coming currency crisis (they say about the same as Martenson and Maloney).