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After the second editions of Day of Wrath and The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour I’m writing From St Francis to Himmler which I hope will influence childrearing in the ethnostate. Any contribution is useful, whether large or small (donate button has been relocated at the bottom of this page).

Don’t forget that while I’m writing From St Francis, if I have something to say I will say it in the Addenda to this site.

Friedrich Nietzsche Literature St Francis

William Gayley Simpson


Last year a friend recommended me the great work of William Gayley Simpson, Which Way Western Man? that can be read online. Simpson lived 99 years and wrote that huge work, of 775 pages, throughout most of his life.

I have read some chapters of Which Way Western Man? and was impressed that, before the internet age, Simpson managed to move from an altruistic Christianity to a stance in which he defended Hitler. I will not read the whole book. It is a mixture of disparate writings. One of the earliest dates from 1930, the chapter dedicated to Jesus; another, his already racist view on life, of 1977.

Simpson could have become a B-type bicausalist, blaming Christianity even more than Jewry, since after his Franciscan stage he became a fanatical reader of Nietzsche. For example, on page 18 of Which Way he says about his Franciscan venture: “It was full of Christian pity. It is no less than a crime against life when the superior is sacrificed to the inferior… the kind of thing the great scholar and musical authority Schweitzer did for years in the jungles of Africa”.

This seems to vindicate what I have said about Albert Schweitzer. In another confession, hundreds of pages later (on page 499), we see how Simpson’s Christianity was involved in what Nietzsche calls the inversion of values:

In fairness to myself and to my reader, I must remind him that I approached this question, forty years ago, very definitely from the equalitarian side. In my student days, and for the nine years of my Franciscan venture that followed, with a belief in “universal love” and an outlook on life very like that of St. Francis of Assisi, I quite ignored race, and discounted it. Wherever I went, in our South as in our North, in the Orient as in my own country and among my own kind, I met men as I found them, and valued them for the worth that I sensed in them as individuals, without regard to their race, their nation, their family, class, or any other feature having to do with their origin or their associations. Provided that there was health of body and mind on both sides, I even openly declared my readiness to sanction racial intermarriage.

But it was my Christian tradition and my ignorance that spoke thus.

Let’s jump other hundreds of pages forward. On page 708 Which Way contains a passage summarizing the English Revolution in a couple of paragraphs:

In the reign of Charles I, King of England from 1625 until he was beheaded in 1649, the Jews had already been outlawed from English shores for about 350 years. Driven out of Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492, many of them swarmed into Holland, where they soon made Amsterdam the financial capital of the world. Meanwhile England, without any Jews, had prospered mightily, had come to be known as “Merrie England,” had produced Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Age, and had destroyed the Spanish Armada; and by the time of Charles the First was showing signs of that expanding vitality that was to make her the greatest empire-builder in all history. This caused the Dutch Jews to lust for readmission to English soil, inasmuch as no animal makes so desirable a host for parasites as one that is healthy and growing. Cromwell came into a collision with the king that developed into a civil war.

He required money and all things needful for his army. The Jews agreed to be the suppliers on condition that, should he come out on top, he would have the ban against them lifted. In a few years the king’s head rolled, and Jews, mostly from Holland, swarmed in. Within two generations, they became the dominant financial power in the land and, as we have already seen, the Bank “of England” was set up, which, with its acknowledged privilege of enjoying “the interest on all moneys which it creates out of nothing,” became the model for all the central banking systems with which the Western world was gradually saddled.

On pages 755-6 Simpson responds to a liberal in such way that he should be cited today:

The very men of whom you have been at such pains to make mock, even in our universities —Gobineau, Chamberlain, Spengler, Madison Grant, Lothrop Stoddard, H.F.K. Guenther—yes, and Adolf Hitler and Lincoln Rockwell, too— we will gather up from the scrap heap where you have thrown them and done your best to bury them, and we will wash them clean that they may be seen in a true light for what they were, and will set them up before us as our exemplars, our teachers, our heroes and our inspirers.

Although Simpson never surpassed his bicausalism type-A, it is worth reading, in 762, how he portrays the Jew:

But in any case, so long as we retain control over our own society, we must establish it as our undeviating and relentless aim to make and to keep our people homogeneous. The Jews, of course, to their last gasp, will resort to their utmost cunning and marshall all their strength to bring any such effort to naught. For they know full well, as already observed more than once, that it has been only by maintaining an attitude of abhorrence toward all mixing with aliens that they have survived the centuries and have come to be the power in the world that they are today. And they are no less aware that the only means by which they can keep a creature of our size in leading strings to them is to get us to swallow the poison that they themselves keep so far away from, until we become a race of enfeebled, fawning, mixed-breed curs.

In that same page Simpson even vindicates nordicism: a taboo subject for the white nationalists of today:

Also, with homogeneity as our goal, we must sternly shut our doors against all immigrants who are not White. Indeed, in my own judgment, we should be wise to reject even those White people who do not stem from the countries of northwestern Europe.

It is a disgrace that books like this one, published in 1978, have not been reedited, translated and found in the bookstores of the West.

Alfred Rosenberg Nordicism

Today I received this mail:

Hi Cesar,

I saw your message on Twitter in response to Our German Ancestry’s tweet and was going to reply but decided I’d email you instead as I had too much to say for the Twitter space.

I’ve been thinking about how Nordic blood is really the most precious treasure this planet possesses at this point in time. Certainly of all creatures on earth, the Nordic is the natural aristocrat, but I emphasize Nordic blood rather than Nordic Man because men are born and die but the bloodline that gave them their greatness existed before them and will continue after them. Plus, you need Nordic women to continue the bloodline as well, not just Nordic Men.

Alfred_RosenbergI understand better now Alfred Rosenberg’s ‘Religion of the Blood’. It is not a religion in the conventional sense of faith in a god/gods, but rather a rational religion that recognizes ‘only in pure blood does God abide’. Nordic blood is truly holy and as Rosenberg himself said ‘Nordic blood represents the mystery which has replaced and overcome the old Sacraments’.

Biology precedes truth, and science even because without his inheritance of good blood, Nordic Man would never have evolved away from primitive superstition and developed Science (which was then learnt/copied by the East Asians, Jews etc.). So in order to preserve Science and Technology, mankind needs to recognize the importance of preserving Nordic blood which precedes everything. The Jews seem to have realized all this before Aryan Man because Judaism is very much their own ‘religion of the blood’ though Jews are of course of impure mongrelized blood and they strive to maintain their impurity in opposition to the Aryan who strives to keep his blood pure.

The bottom line is, survival of pure Nordic blood is the most important task at this moment in time. That is more important than any meta-physical ‘God’. Nordic blood will save the world, not Jesus.


Suicidal nationalists

Note of October 3, 2017: This is a shorter version of my January 1, 2016 “Ethnosuicidal nationalists”:
In “Ethnosuicidal nationalists,” an entry in my blog that I left hanging for a long time, I had come to the conclusion that liberals, conservatives and white nationalists are heading for the abyss. A friend whom I talked in London told me that even the pro-white movement seems to be carried away by the irresistible death wish suffered by contemporary whites. The metaphor I used in the blog entry is that the liberals are driving the train into the abyss; the conservatives are simply trying to slow it down, lightly stepping on the brake here and there to hinder the liberals’ ways. Although off the train, white nationalists are headed in the same direction, but at a much slower pace: they go on foot.

For the sake of clarity, let us compare the values of the white nationalists with the true defenders of the Aryan race:

• Hitler and the National Socialists organized a political party: the first step to make a difference in the real world. The cyber-based movement of white nationalism, on the other hand, refuses to leave the homely comfort zone. (Speeches and confronting the antifa are not enough: we need a party.)

• The Germans clearly defined their ethnicity as Germanic, including Austria, the Scandinavian and Low Countries, Switzerland and even parts of the old Soviet Union; Hitler even dreamt of sharing the world with the Anglo-Saxons. Those who advocate white nationalism, on the other hand, are either openly anti-eugenicists and anti-nordicists, or do not care about nordicism at all. Like the conservatives of the Republican Party who treat mestizos as equals, in order not to offend Mediterranean sensibilities they refuse to recognize that the standard of whiteness is the Nordic type. Many have no objection to granting the amnesty to the whitish population in Europe who have dirty blood, even if that means the eventual mongrelization of the true whites. This is why I say that nationalists are going on foot toward the abyss.

• Hitler and his closest friends abandoned Christianity, a religion of Levantine inspiration that only weakens the Germanic peoples. Many white nationalists, unable to apostatize from the religion of our parents, proclaim their religion candidly and have been blinded about the toxicity of the Galilean cult.

• National Socialists, including Catholics and Protestants, renounced Christian ethics and became pragmatic Nietzscheans. White nationalists, on the other hand, are frightened by history, for example the legitimate will of the Germans to conquer those Slavs who had handed over their country to the Bolshevik Jews. (If a Reich existed today, the same could be said about the legitimacy of conquering the Judaized United States by this hypothetical German empire.)

• Hitler and the National Socialists took sexual polarity as something to be taken for granted. Like all militarist cultures, the Germans subscribed to patriarchy and no woman was admitted to the leadership class. The men of white nationalism, on the other hand, have become unrecognizably feminized. Many have no problem with either the feminism that has been wreaking havoc on their race or the sexual degeneration that originated in the 1960s. For example, the National Socialists had an absolute will of biological fertility. The feminized nationalists have no problem accepting that women make careers; that they enter their conferences, or that they practice an ethnosuicidal natal control.

• The National Socialists simply and directly pursued the fulfillment of their duty to the point of dying heroically for the fate of their race. Like the Republican Romans their ethos was severe, stoic and brutal. Some white nationalists, on the other hand, live under the illusion of the American dream and the childlike pursuit of universal happiness. Like the imperial Romans of the time of Nero and Caligula, the nationalists are hedonists. They lack the Teutonic spirit of tribal sacrifice. The saying “We don’t stand a chance unless our men become killing machines and our women birthing machines” sounds like anti-music to their ears. Very few want to sacrifice themselves for the 14/88 words. Who wants to become a bloodthirsty soldier or literally force our spoiled women to become birthing machines? With the exception of the late David Lane, who keeps in his heart the legend of the rape of the Sabine women who gave birth to the virile republican Rome?

• From time immemorial, the number-one enemy of the Aryans has been materialism, the inexorable thirst for riches without looking after their race. Keep in mind, once again, the history of the white race by William Pierce published in The Fair Race. Because of that corrupting power of the “One Ring” Hitler and the National Socialists subscribed collectivism, honor, hierarchy and militarism always in harmony with the aesthetic impulse of the Aryan soul. In the forums of white nationalism, on the other hand, one does not read much criticism of the greatest factors of white decline: capitalism and Christianity. They mention the Jews a lot, but not the mercantile societies that degenerated into consumerist materialism: the most corrupting thing for the Aryan soul for any honest reader of history.

• The National Socialists pointed to fascism, war and conquest. Just read the Führer’s various pronouncements about his projected empire or my quotes of what Francis Parker Yockey tells us. Many white nationalists, on the other hand, seem to sympathize with the human rights proclaimed by the French revolutionaries, and with pacifism.

• In his table talks, Hitler constantly spoke of the most beautiful European architecture, painting and classical music. All of this was omnipresent in the plans of what the Reich was to be after the consolidation of his conquests. At the same time, the Nazis recognized the problem of cultural degeneration in general and degenerate music in particular. Many white nationalists, on the other hand, are amused by the negro-American phenomenon of rock and the filth that the Jews make us see on the big screen.

Having pointed out the nine points above, let us remember that in Exterminio I said that George Lincoln Rockwell and William Pierce were not white nationalists, but that they followed the Hitlerian spirit. For example, they had no Christian scruples about people of color and Jews.

Rockwell was killed in 1967 and Pierce died a natural death. At present, in white nationalism there is no real resistance against the massive migration of non-whites and the forced fraternization with them, resulting in Aryan genocide by miscegenation. As even Pierce did not dare to form a party, his torch went out after his death in 2002. And although Rockwell was the last true National Socialist of the West, due to his premature death by murder he did not leave a legitimate heir either.

The biggest problem with WNsts is that they have not realized that their race is their nation. Had they realized it, they would have repudiated the founding ideology of their “nation” and would do something similar to what Jews have been doing for decades: denouncing the Hellstorm Holocaust that claimed more lives of innocent Germans than the alleged Jewish holocaust.

Eisenhower, Stalin and Churchill, who ordered that Holocaust after the war was over, ought to be considered the greatest Satans not only of the twentieth century but of Western history. If white nationalists knew that their race is their nation they would have sympathized with the true martyrs, their German cousins, and would have been reporting the Hellstorm Holocaust every morning, midday and evening until the West wakes up.

They don’t do that, even remotely!

I would go even further. Since the Germany of the Third Reich represented the great awakening of the Aryan consciousness, every nation that declared war on Her must be destroyed. And indeed: after the Second World War the white and mestizo countries that had entered combat against the Axis are sinking demographically: the United States, the Soviet Union (now Russia), the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Australia, New Zealand , South Africa (the punishment for the whites of that nation cannot be clearer), Brazil, Mexico (the Indians who declared war on the Reich), Colombia, the Philippines and Cuba.

My hatred for these and the other countries that have been swallowing the propaganda of the Lügenpresse and the Judaized United States, is immeasurable.

Where’s your fucking hate, white nationalists?