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Alfred Rosenberg Nordicism

Today I received this mail:

Hi Cesar,

I saw your message on Twitter in response to Our German Ancestry’s tweet and was going to reply but decided I’d email you instead as I had too much to say for the Twitter space.

I’ve been thinking about how Nordic blood is really the most precious treasure this planet possesses at this point in time. Certainly of all creatures on earth, the Nordic is the natural aristocrat, but I emphasize Nordic blood rather than Nordic Man because men are born and die but the bloodline that gave them their greatness existed before them and will continue after them. Plus, you need Nordic women to continue the bloodline as well, not just Nordic Men.

Alfred_RosenbergI understand better now Alfred Rosenberg’s ‘Religion of the Blood’. It is not a religion in the conventional sense of faith in a god/gods, but rather a rational religion that recognizes ‘only in pure blood does God abide’. Nordic blood is truly holy and as Rosenberg himself said ‘Nordic blood represents the mystery which has replaced and overcome the old Sacraments’.

Biology precedes truth, and science even because without his inheritance of good blood, Nordic Man would never have evolved away from primitive superstition and developed Science (which was then learnt/copied by the East Asians, Jews etc.). So in order to preserve Science and Technology, mankind needs to recognize the importance of preserving Nordic blood which precedes everything. The Jews seem to have realized all this before Aryan Man because Judaism is very much their own ‘religion of the blood’ though Jews are of course of impure mongrelized blood and they strive to maintain their impurity in opposition to the Aryan who strives to keep his blood pure.

The bottom line is, survival of pure Nordic blood is the most important task at this moment in time. That is more important than any meta-physical ‘God’. Nordic blood will save the world, not Jesus.


One reply on “Today I received this mail:”

Tell that to those white nationalist charlatans who have granted amnesty to the mudbloods! At 29:40 of this interview for example, Richard Spencer said that, for him, an Italian of Moorish ancestry “is absolutely white.”

And in 34:50 of this other video Spencer, now with a black eye, said: “National Socialism was a disaster,” with emphasis in his voice.

You gonna be called “Nazi” anyway and be punched again, buddy. Better start growing up…

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