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Quotable quotes

Nailing WN

“American white nationalism is a giant step backwards from German National Socialism.”

César Tort

Feminism Roger Devlin Sexual degeneracy

On women’s lib

by F. Roger Devlin

SexualUtopiaCoverWhen I began writing and talking about sex in racialist circles a few years ago, even some very intelligent people did not understand the relevance of what I was saying to their concerns. The relevance is, of course, that races reproduce sexually. Feminism in all its aspects is as much an attack on our race as Boasian egalitarian dogma, and the same struggle must be waged against both.

Like the Soviet Union of old, the contemporary West is a regime built upon lies, and cannot survive once those lies are brought into open and general contempt.

Alfred Rosenberg Catholic Church Christendom



Too young was this community to face this millenary Monster. As a young Hero he failed in his first attempt to defeat it. Too old and cunning such monstrosity. He gobbled up the boy, and the young Aryan community, in a few years.

Manu Rodríguez

Alfred Rosenberg argued for a new “religion of the blood” based on the innate promptings of the Nordic soul to defend its noble character against racial and cultural degeneration. He rejected Christianity for its universality, for its doctrine of original sin (at least for Germans whom he declared on one occasion were born noble), and for its teachings on the immortality of the soul. Absorbing Christianity enfeebled a people. Rosenberg stated: “The general ideas of the Roman and of the Protestant churches are negative Christianity and do not, therefore, accord with our [German] soul.”

In January 1934 Hitler appointed Rosenberg as the cultural and educational leader of the Reich. The Sanctum Officium in Rome recommended that Rosenberg’s Myth of the Twentieth Century be put on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum for scorning and rejecting “all dogmas of the Catholic Church, indeed the very fundamentals of the Christian religion.”

During the Second World War Rosenberg outlined the future envisioned by the Hitler government for religion in Germany, with a thirty-point program for the future of the German churches. Among its articles:

• The National Reich Church of Germany would claim exclusive control over all churches

• publication of the Bible would cease

• crucifixes, Bibles and saints were to be removed from altars

Mein Kampf would be placed on altars as “to the German nation and therefore to God the most sacred book”

• the Christian Cross would be removed from all churches and replaced with the swastika.

Many consider Rosenberg the main author of key National Socialist ideological creeds. But after the war the Allies, under the lead of American and English Christians, executed him.

Liberalism Quotable quotes

Merry Christmas

“Liberalism is Christianity in decay.”


Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Friedrich Nietzsche

Foreword to the 2015 edition


After more than a year of publishing the original version of this compilation, and my continuing research on the whys of white decline, I have only modified my views about what I wrote in my interim report about the word “racism” on page 29. Thanks to the input of Hadding Scott, Jack Frost and Vance Stubbs on this issue, and a rereading of Nietzsche, I now believe that “racism” is not necessarily Newspeak in the sense of a “control word for whites”—more or less what the Metapedia definition also says. I now see that it’s our Christian-inspired sense morality what spawned an axiological inversion that is destroying whites around the globe. According to Metapedia:

Racism is a term usually only used by critics. Official definitions of racism often state that the term should only be applied on the belief that some races are superior and on negative actions due to this. In practice it is often applied as a form of ad hominem on anyone believing in the existence of races or even on persons advocating restricting immigration, persons criticizing another culture or multiculturalism, persons supporting their own country/ethnicity, etc.

Metapedia is a Christian-friendly online encyclopedia. However, potentially “racism” could be a term mostly used not by our enemies but by us! Had values not been inverted by Christianity and its bastard son, liberalism, racist attitudes would be considered a virtue, as Nietzsche saw:

Christianity, sprung from Jewish roots and comprehensible only as a growth on this soil, represents the counter-movement to any morality of breeding, of race, privilege: it is the anti-Aryan religion par excellence. Christianity—the revaluation of all Aryan values, the victory of chandala values, the gospel preached to the poor and base, the general revolt of all the downtrodden, the wretched, the failures, the less favored, against “race”: the undying chandala hatred is disguised as a religion of love.

I repeat: presently we should see racism as a great virtue, not as a despicable vice.

Umwertung aller Werte!

20 December 126 (Anno Hitleris)
20 December 2015 (Anno Domini)

Christendom Friedrich Nietzsche Jesus St Paul

The type “Jesus”


by Friedrich Nietzsche

Note of the Editor: I reproduce the following explosive fragment (for the 19th century mentality) of the Spring of 1888, that was not published in German until 1970, because of this comment in the previous thread:

Jesus is the counterpart of a genius: he is an idiot. You feel his inability to understand a reality: he moves in circles around five or six terms, which he formerly heard and gradually understood, i.e., has understood them wrongly—he has them in his experience, his world, his truth—the rest is alien to him. He speaks words used by anyone—but he does not understand them like everyone; he only sees his five, six floating concepts. That the real mannish instincts—not just the sex, but also those of struggle, pride, heroism—are never woke up at him; that he remained as backward and childish as the age of puberty, that belongs to a certain type of epileptic neuroses.

Jesus is unheroic in his deepest instincts: he never fights. He who looks something like a hero in him, as Renan, has vulgarized the type into the unrecognizable.

Take heed of his inability to comprehend something spiritual: the word for spirit is in his mouth misunderstanding! Not the faintest whiff of science, taste, mental discipline, logic has fanned this idiotic saint: as little as it has touched his life. —Nature? Laws of Nature?— No one has revealed him that Nature exists. He knows only moral effects: a sign of the lowest and most absurd culture. This must be noted: Jesus is an idiot surrounded by a very clever people—only that his disciples were not that smart. Paul was absolutely not an idiot! From it depends on the history of Christianity.

Christendom Deranged altruism


BeatitudesSo HUMBLE yourselves, drop your hatred of negroes, and get work down at an inner city homeless shelter feeding pregnant black women and wayward crack-heads. Drop your racism! God loves all colors, especially the dark ones. After all, they’re the ones who’ve suffered the most.

That’s Christianity. There’s no way to make it pro-white. Christians must help the poor, stupid and weak. That means muds.

Sam Emerson

Quotable quotes

Death & birth

“It’s a taboo for white nationalists to talk about it, but we don’t stand a chance unless our men become killing machines, and our women birthing machines.”

—Young White

Feminized western males Heinrich Himmler Turner Diaries (novel) Universalism

Herr Himmler’s cucks

Recently Greg Johnson interviewed Vox Day (real name: Theodore Beale) about Beale’s most recent book, Cuckservative, coauthored with J.R. Eagle.

Beale is a Christian and, commenting about the high priests of the mainstream churches, said: “They are not Christian” and added “True Christianity, the Christianity that exploded in the lands that became Christendom, is on your side” (emphasis in Beale’s voice).

By the end of the interview Beale said that he wishes the best luck to the Nigerians in Africa. In spite of the fact that he was speaking of mass, non-white deportation from the West he wants it to be carried away bloodlessly, according to elemental “human decency” and Johnson agreed. Beale also said that he wants “none of the old Nazi rhetoric about fleas” referring to the human parasites that invaded Germany (Jews). He and Johnson want deportation according to a Christian sense of decency: “They are all human; they are all worth of human respect.” Both interviewer and interviewee expressed their concerns to avoid a “horrific Third World War” and that “We can avoid this.”

Johnson and the writer who goes under the penname of Vox Day thus ignore the laws of history. As the pendulum of western axiology has swung to the extreme yin, presently is coming back with extremely Yang vengeance. Compare their pious BS with The Turner Diaries climax or with what I said in the introduction of my most recent book about the need to exterminate the human Neanderthals (English translation of the first draft pages: here). Pay special attention to what I say about exterminable 3rd worlders in order to terminate animal torture (something that can also be said about other “humans,” including quite a few whites).

Beale and Johnson, of course, are a Christian and a neo-Christian respectively—archetypical feminized Western males. I have explained “neochristianity” in The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour and have exposed Johnson’s neochristianity many times in the main site. Here I must take issue with Beale’s statement that “true Christianity, the Christianity that exploded in the lands that became Christendom, is on your side,” referring to white nationalists.

Like every Christian racialist, Beale is altogether ignorant about the history of our parents’ religion. Many times I have said that Christianity made its historical debut by committing “the sin against the holy ghost,” mestization. Universalism was in the DNA of its very foundational city, Constantinople; and since the days of Constantine mainstream Christianity has never been on the side of the Aryan race qua Aryan race. The Old Church started with universalism (“Catholicism” comes from Greek katholikismos, “universal doctrine”) and universalism itself, amalgamated with out-group altruism, is killing the latter-day Aryans in what remains of Christendom.

Over the forums the Christians have replied that miscegenation started in pagan Roman. Very true: but they fail to acknowledge that our parents’ religion made things much worse not only in Constantinople but in Rome itself. As a TOO commenter once said: “Until Whites get rid of universal morality they will be forever lost.”

Johnson and Beale fancy themselves as a race-wise breed morally superior to those Germans when my parents were children. The truth is that American White Nationalism represents a giant step backwards from German National Socialism. If Fox News hosts are the cuckservatives of the white nationalists, “New Right” racialists like Johnson and Beale are the cuckservatives of the national socialists. Let us repeat what we have said before:

Hearken White men!: The Aryan Race needs a religion of hate, not a religion of love!

Himmler himself advised us to get rid of universalist morality and considered the Churches “the enemies of the National Socialist worldview” because of “their doctrine of the equality of humanity” (see Der Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler’s worldview in a single article here).

Conservatism Islamization of Europe Mainstream media Patriarchy Women

Coming with the wind

“Patriarchy is coming back. It’s just a question of whether it will be a White Patriarchy or an Islamic one.”


Watching the hypocritical Fox News these months I’ve seen many times Sean Hannity criticizing what he calls “radical Islam.” He has been saying that the clash of our civilizations consists that Muslims under Sharia don’t allow women to go outside their homes without a male companion. He has also been saying that, unlike us, Sharia Muslims don’t castigate marital rape or the “denigration” of women as second-class citizens; and that in Saudi Arabia women must cover themselves as their husbands want, etcetera.

I am about the age of Hannity and use the word “hypocrite” because the guy is concealing the fact that, in the last decades, sexual mores have shifted almost a hundred and eighty degrees in this continent.

Gone-With-The-Wind-PosterIn a couple of those opera-like theatres, I saw Gone with the Wind as a child and then in my teens. Many scenes of Rhett Butler (Clark Gable) with Scarlett O’Hara (Vivien Leigh) made a deep impression in my juvenile mind:

• Throughout the film, since the opening scenes in Georgia, the costumes of women of society always hid the sexual appeal of their bodies, especially the southern belle dresses; and I am talking not only about Scarlett and the female elements in her family but of Ashley’s fiancée and the other society women (Melanie Hamilton, who eventually married Ashley, is the perfect model of how women should behave in the West)

• At the Twelve Oaks party, before the barbecue is disrupted by the declaration of war all women are taking their mandatory nap (except Scarlett who escapes the upstairs bedroom) while men discuss serious matters. It was unthinkable that a woman had a voice in such matters

• Even after Scarlett is widowed she is called “Mrs. Charles Hamilton” in the sense that her reputation still belonged to the shadow of a man who died in uniform

• Similarly, after the Entr’acte Frank (Scarlett’s second husband), Ashley, Rhett and several other accomplices make a night raid on a shanty town after Scarlett is attacked while driving through it alone, resulting in Frank’s death. It goes without saying that in that night the women of these brave men stayed at home sewing and reading decent literature: what women were expected to do

• Once married with Rhett Butler, “Captain Butler” was always greeted first by street pedestrians while walking with Scarlett. She, faithfully beside her husband in those street walks, was only mentioned after the pedestrians greeted Rhett

• Never forget the marital rape of Scarlett when Rhett carried her up in his arms telling her, “This is one night you’re not turning me out.”

In those fancy theatres of yore when I was young, the film depicted very healthy Occidental mores—before values got corrupted and completely inverted in this darkest hour of ours.

Have Hannity et al lost memory of history by implying that our culture has always subscribed feminism? What is going on in their “conservative” minds? I tell you: they are liberals, phony traditionalists. Racists should treasure Gone with the Wind instead of a thousand movies of this century as every film today, and TV program without exception, contains ethnosuicidal messages. Mention any movie filmed after the 1960s and, if I’ve seen it, in the comments section I’ll tell you the ethnosuicidal message. But of course: this is something that phony traditionalists, like every Fox News host, will never acknowledge.

Pace conservatives and even quite a few white nationalists, patriarchy is coming back throughout the West with or without a great awakening in the white race. Demography is destiny and, with dozens of millions of Muslims in Europe, the wind has already started to change. The only question is if the coming patriarchs will behave like Clark Gable or, more probably, like towelhead decapitators.