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This site is about the recognition of the
enemy or Feinderkennung: Christianity.

See ‘The Wall’

Ancient Rome

Imperial Rome

The following is my response to Robert Morgan at The Unz Review:

Ditto your last paragraph.

Since white nationalists are incapable of questioning the foundations of their nation (capitalism, Christian morality and secularised Xian ethics), they are incapable of good historical perspective. For example, in chapter 1, ‘The Romans’ of The Law of Civilization and Decay: An Essay on History, Brooks Adams illustrates how capitalism ruined Rome (Adams was an historian, political scientist and a critic of capitalism):

[Imperial] Rome was never really a people, never a nation. It was merely a system, a machine. From the very beginning, Rome populated itself by opening its gates to refugees from other cities. The Roman machine liquidated this founding stock [the farmers] and replenished itself with foreign blood until it became too weak to assimilate new peoples.

In ancient Rome, as in modern America, the economic system and its imperatives are treated as absolute and fixed, whereas the people are treated as liquid and fungible.

My emphasis! This was the main aetiology of white decline, which was further aggravated by what Constantine did. The Jews simply took advantage of this ethnocidal stain of whites on their own ethnicity.

By the way, Adams was a great-grandson of Founding Father John Adams.

Autobiography Kali Yuga Kalki

A confession

Yesterday, on the day of the attempt on Donald Trump, I went to talk to the woman to whom I referred in my article a week ago about my desire to adopt a child.

I don’t write about news like the attempt because I don’t consider it important. To use my favourite metaphor, the one in the featured post, by looking at human reality from a retrocognitive meta-perspective I only value relevant events.

From this angle, I would like to confess that I have long since been able to fall asleep only by imagining nuclear mushroom clouds over the major capitals of the West due to a strategic war with Russia. Mixing the symbols of Martin’s novels with Tolkien, if Washington is Mordor, the capitals of the major Western countries are like various Isengards. What nobler thing could there be than to wish that these centres of ethnocidal power against the Aryan, along with Mordor, be incinerated?

A skirmish like yesterday’s means nothing from the point of view of the old man holed up in a cave far from the Wall contemplating the historical past. True, in reconciling sleep I am thinking with my emotions. Someone might tell me that in a nuclear conflagration, the Aryan baby could thus be thrown out with the dirty water and that although it is healthy to want eight billion Untermenschen to die in the nuclear winter, perhaps the same number should die better gradually, through energy devolution, so that the surviving Aryan has the chance, through our forums, to realise that only the religion that Uncle Adolf bequeathed us saves.

But that is not what emotions tell me, especially when trying to sleep or waking up in the night. In those moments only wishing that those mushroom clouds were already over the enemy cities calms me down. Following Jung’s vocabulary, what the Self already wants is an immediate cataclysm: an apocalypse that wipes out those billions of Orcs and the traitor kings turned into Sauron’s nine horsemen. In other words, let those on the American and European right discuss events like yesterday’s among themselves. Those of us who have been touched by the Self and have a blue mark on our arm see things differently.

The only thing that calms me, and I speak of that César now fully awake, clear-headed and out of bed, is that thanks to a slow apocalypse (due to peak oil) billions of obsolete versions of humans will be wiped out in the next hundred years. It reminds me of what Eduardo Velasco wrote from page 162 to the end of On Exterminationism when we read about an Aryan couple who, after the end of the world, will thirst to live to repopulate the Earth.

Quotable quotes


‘A wise man once said: “Anyone that teaches you to love your enemy… IS your enemy”.’ —Unz Review commenter


He is back!

by Robert Morgan

Editor’s Note: I am pleased to report that, after a half-year absence, Morgan has returned to discuss with the conservative commenters at The Unz Review. In the comments section, I will quote a couple of more recent comments in other discussion threads by Morgan on that webzine whose commenters—except for Morgan and a few others—exemplify the deficiencies of the racial right, incapable of realising that the root of all evil is what Morgan points out in the article below:


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In his 1927 essay The Future of an Illusion Sigmund Freud took up the question of religion generally, not just Christianity, and put it in a Darwinian context, characterizing man’s religious inclinations as evolutionary adaptations needed to socialize him and make him more amenable to the requirements of civilization. That much seems true, but at the end, he concludes that the advance of science will eventually eliminate the illusion, and indeed, even in his time it looked as if it were already starting to do so. Interestingly enough, Adolf Hitler expressed a very similar opinion in his after-dinner talks with his subordinates. He expected Christianity to wither away under the relentless assault of science, eventually dying out completely. The great Aryan and the great Jew may have been in agreement, but both forecasts were wrong.

The much-exaggerated ‘death’ of Christianity is only appearing to take place because technological civilization is sucking out its essence. Christianity’s obsession with human equality and human rights are the moral codes that are at its core [emphasis by Ed.]. They have now been distilled into law, made into principles upon which that civilization is re-organizing itself, while at the same time the primitive parts, superstitious mumbo-jumbo such as the virgin birth, the immaculate conception, miracles, angels and demons, the belief in the existence of a soul, and the value of faith in a personal God who watches over mankind, etc., are discarded as dregs for which it has no further use. So Christianity isn’t dying at all, and shows no sign of doing so.

Far from having been killed off by the ‘progress’ of science, it has merely changed form. Preferences in law, academia, and finance for the negro and other lowly groups is the legal expression of Jesus’ prophecy that the first shall be last, and the last first. Through taxes and re-distribution of wealth the Christian admonition to give to the poor has become both secularized and compulsory. The system’s intense hostility to white racial survival and patriarchy, already codified into law in a thousand ways, are its embodiment of the notion of human equality as expressed in Galatians 3:28. Consequently, what further need is there of old-time forms of this religion? It may well be that they’re dying out, churches being abandoned and sold off, but this makes no difference when the racially poisonous core of Christianity—its ‘soul’, as it were—is immediately re-incarnated in the form of technological civilization itself.

'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms) George Washington

Hitler, 42

In mid April 1923, a massive joint paramilitary exercise was held at the Fröttmaninger Heide near Freimann, followed by a march to the government quarter in Munich. A fortnight later, on May Day, there was a serious confrontation with organized labour at the Oberwiesenfeld. Hitler encouraged this escalation. He personally ordered the Sturmabteilungen not merely to defend their own assemblies, by beating up hecklers, but also to disrupt those of their enemies. Hitler further instructed them to abuse Jews on the streets and in cafes. Rumours abounded that the NSDAP and the nationalist organizations would ‘march on Berlin’, clean out the stables there and establish a government capable of facing down the Entente.

This paragraph from Simms’ book deserves a comment.

Compare this freedom of the nationalists of Weimar Germany with the cancellation of American white supremacists of the 21st century. Stormtroopers—the Antifa—are used in the US to disrupt their peaceful gatherings. Why?

One of the problems I see with the American racial right is that they don’t seem to realise that Germany, for centuries before the Diktat imposed after WW2, was a nobler society than America, perhaps because Lutheranism in its origins was anti-Semitic.

Fritz Hirschfeld was a Jew executed at Auschwitz on 11 October 1944. He wrote the book George Washington and the Jews, which explores the historical relationship between the first American president and the Jews. Washington was the first head of a modern nation to openly recognise Jews as full citizens of the land in which they had chosen to settle. Hirschfeld writes about Washington’s philosophy, which can be summed up in a 1790 speech to the Hebrew Congregation of Newport, Rhode Island, where he said:

May the Children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants, while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.

As we have said many times on this site, one must study the enablers of Jewry’s power rather than the Jews themselves. The latter is done by white nationalist sites whose spearhead on the JQ is The Occidental Observer, but it seems obvious to me that without the silly enablers there would be no ZOG.

Film Videos Women

Woods girl

I just saw a YouTube review of The Village. I was wrong in my post yesterday when I said that the movie starts by explaining why they created that village. It is explained well into the movie. Since I hadn’t seen the movie in twenty years, this detail was chronologically distorted in my memory.

The clip below shows what the character of our beautiful women in our village would be like even if we don’t have the money to found one!

Autobiography Kali Yuga

Dark Era!

Not long ago I noticed that there are YouTube channels showing videos of criminal investigations into serial killers of children (!) in the United States. Below we see two of the victims of one of these killers, image taken from this video.

Two months ago I posted an entry about a comic book I read as a child, Little Lulu. It was the age of innocence when I imagined that childhood in the neighbouring country to the north was as wholesome as the children in my favourite comic: Lulu, Tubby, Annie, Iggy, Willie, Wilbur and the beautiful little girl Gloria (whom I compared to Lorena: the girl I had a crush on in primary school). We even shot a super-8 film at home about one of these stories—a magazine that I still own after so many decades! My cousin Octavio played the role of Tubby, who sneaked into the house to eat the lunch that Lulu and Annie (played by my sisters) had prepared for them…

It would take time for me to realise the dark side of the society I lived in. But I never imagined the horrendous levels of evil to which not only the US but the entire West has fallen. Cases like the child abductor whose victims are pictured above are legion if those YouTube channels are to be believed. Is it any wonder that in January I fantasised about the movie The Village, filmed in the US by an Indian from India, which opens with a group of Aryans creating a town far from the iniquitous ways of Kali Yuga?

Evropa Soberana (webzine) Philosophy of history

Heartland, 2

by Eduardo Velasco

K A L K I (‘Destroyer of filth’).

If in the West we have inherited legends of Atlantis—a wealthy maritime trading state that, for its sins, was punished by the gods to perish beneath the sea—the East is also rife with mentions of lost lands. In the vast Buddhist regions of Central Asia, there are myths galore of underground cities and hidden valleys, such as Shambhala, where the ancient traditional and spiritual powers of the world would have retreated, waiting to manifest themselves in the final war between the spirits of good and the spirits of evil. The Mongols identify Shambhala with various valleys in southern Siberia, while in Altaic folklore, the gateway to the secret city is hidden in the Altai mountain range’s Mount Beluja, where legend has it that Genghis Khan was buried.

The Kalachakra, a Tibetan Buddhist tantric scripture with strong Hindu influences, states that when the world degenerates into a maelstrom of war and greed, out of Shambhala will emerge Kalki (‘white horse’, or ‘destroyer of filth’), a kind of messiah who will form an army and fight the demonic forces, killing by the millions the ‘barbarians’ and the ‘thieves who have usurped the royal power’. Gathering all the Brahmins of the world, he would find a new race to populate the golden age to come. In their shamanic past, the Turkic-Mongol peoples spoke of Ergekenon, an isolated valley supposedly located in the Altai, where their ancestors were imprisoned for four centuries until a blacksmith succeeded in melting the barrier that enclosed them. The myth of Ergenekon would later be used strategically by Turkish nationalism to promote pan-Turanianism.

From China, tradition had it that Lao Tse (‘wise old man’, the founder of Taoism) rode out of the country on a white buffalo to the West, i.e. to Central Asia, perhaps to the Kunlun Shan Mountains, where the sources of the Yellow River were located, a place considered holy by monks and hermits, where the air was pure and energising, where healing herbs grew and huge glaciers advanced, where schools of martial arts were born and in whose rivers long-lived fish lived. Taoist folklore explained that in this kind of spiritual Eden, in the ‘mountain at the centre of the world’, royal men found the drink of immortality in ancient times, and that King Mu (a millennium b.c.e.) found there the jade palace of the Yellow Emperor, the founder of Chinese civilisation. Mythologically speaking, the mountain range connected Earth with Heaven and somewhere in its bosom stood a jade palace where Xiwangmu, the ‘Queen Mother of the West’, dwelled. Like an Eastern version of the Greek myth of the garden of the Hesperides, a huge tree grew there, bearing peaches of immortality every three thousand years.

The Kunlun Shan mountain range.

In the West, the interior of Eurasia was also viewed through a prism of legend. In Histories, Herodotus speaks of a place ‘to the north-east’, beyond the Sea of Hyrcania (the Caspian) and the Scythians, where there are vast quantities of gold guarded by griffins. Buran (a strong winter wind from the north, equivalent to the Greek Boreas), blew there strongly from a mountainous cavern in the so-called Zungaria Gate, which separates Uiguristan (also called Chinese Turkestan or Xingjiang) from the rest of Central Asia. Beyond this domain was the ‘land of the Hyperboreans’, whose territory reached the sea (probably the Arctic Ocean). In the Byzantine myths, Alexander the Great found no other solution to the hordes of ‘Gog and Magog’ (barbarians from the continental interior, sometimes assimilated to the Scythians and destined to fall upon the rest of the world in the future) than to contain them with a wall of iron or adamantium. This is probably the Caspian Gates in southern Russia, where centuries later an army of Slavs and Vikings would annihilate the Khazar kingdom and found the first Russian state. The metaphorical content of the construction of the Caspian Gates was served—especially since, in Central Asian folklore, an ‘iron gate in a lake’ or a ‘hole in a mountain’ is considered the origin of the winds. After the ill-fated Macedonian campaigns in northern India, a Hellenistic story reached the West and circulated the idea that deep in Central Asia there was a valley carpeted with diamonds and patrolled by birds of prey and ‘deadly looking’ serpents. At the time of the silk trade, Rome knew of the existence of the Beings, a tall, long-lived and healthy people (possibly the Tocari) located in Serica, the ‘land of silk’, which would correspond to Uyghuristan. These myths and rumours somehow embodied Europe’s desire not to lose its connection with the East.

In medieval times, Rome, Byzantium and the Crusader states alike spoke of the kingdom of Prester John, a monarch who maintained order in the lands of Gog and Magog by ruling over a Christian country isolated between Muslim and ‘pagan’ (read Buddhist, Hindu and shamanistic and animistic ancestral religions) domains. Gnostic traditions considered that the Magi came from this country, where the Holy Grail, obtained by Parzival in Monsalvat and carried to the Great East in ships with white sails and red crosses, was to be found along with other holy relics of Christianity… ‘John’ was probably a corruption of ‘jan’ or khan: the title of the Tatar kings. The character in question was probably a Nestorian khan-bishop of Mongol origin eager to forge closer ties with the West, but the situation soon became enveloped in symbols and archetypes in the collective European imagination. Marco Polo, who could not be missing in this writing, would place Gog and Magog north of Cathay (China), i.e. in Mongolia or Siberia. In China itself, the imperial authorities did something similar to Alexander the Great, writing off the Heartland as impossible and settling for erecting the Great Wall to protect the kingdom from barbarian incursions from the North.

Still in the 19th century, Russian settlers in Siberia, men and women of outstanding human qualities in every sense, had the idea of Belovodye, a mythical place of ‘white waters’ in eastern Siberia, which played the role of the Promised Land in their religious imagination and probably had an important influence on the flow of ethnically European populations to the East, establishing colonies ever closer to the Sea of Japan and the borders with China and Mongolia. As Russia conquered Central Asia, Nikolai Fyodorovich Fyodorov, founder of the Russian philosophical trend of cosmism, located Shambhala in the Pamir, present-day Tajikistan. Central Asia would become increasingly popular in the West thanks to Jules Verne’s Michael Strogoff, the incipient geopolitical science, Ferdinand Ossendowsky’s Beasts, Men and Gods and the rise of occult currents that idealised Central Asia as a sanctuary of tradition and wisdom. In the 1920s, the Russian painter, archaeologist and esotericist Nikolai Roerich also did his bit by describing an extraordinary expedition throughout Central Asia, including his visits to more than fifty monasteries and his encounters with Buddhist lamas.


As can be seen, the more recondite areas of Central Asia were seen as a source of mystery, fantasy and uncertainty by the societies that gathered their influence. They were also seen as a hornet’s nest of men and animals, which could be diked but should not be stirred. All the myths we have seen agree in presenting the heart of Eurasia as a place, to say the least, interesting and worth visiting for the brave and the noble. The present article will deal with this vast space inhabited by questions and infinite possibilities yet to be unveiled, a potential new world, a huge, closed, inaccessible, impregnable, jealously traditional fortress, folded in on itself in countless valleys, mountains, plains, forests, steppes and deserts, which could not be conquered by Alexander the Great, nor by Rome, nor by Byzantium, nor by the Chinese emperors, nor by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, nor by the Portuguese Jesuits, nor by Napoleon, nor by the British Empire, nor by Hitler, nor by Japan, nor by the mafia oligarchs of the ex-Soviet space, nor by the multinationals and banks of capitalist-neoliberal globalisation—in the long run not even by the Asian khans or the terrible Soviet Bolshevism—but only by two extraordinary peoples: the Vikings and the Cossacks, who, like Alexander the Great before them, brought Greek culture (Cyrillic characters, Byzantine heritage) to the heart of Asia.

Since the dawn of history, whoever possesses the Heartland moves in it like a fish in water, for it is an ocean of land, but whoever does not possess it will crash against its walls again and again, and can only content himself with besieging it…

Autobiography Pedagogy


I would like to add something to what I said last week about my nephew (see also this thread from earlier this year). In December 2022 I posted an entry containing this paragraph:

I wonder if there is anyone on the planet willing to raise, at least, one Aryan boy and one Aryan girl and educate them strictly in NS, with all that such an education would entail. If there is anyone who harbours this fantasy please contact me.

I received no email response, which can be interpreted in two ways. Either no one who visits this site was interested in raising a child, or some Europeans who visited it were interested but fearing the soft totalitarian state their country suffers from (no First Amendment) didn’t want to contact me. I conjecture it is the former, which brings back that we are in the darkest hour for the white race.

Years ago, in the comments section, I said that a woman proposed to me a quarter of a century ago and I had refused. She is not an Aryan but a mudblood like me, although by Mexican standards she is considered white (like me). Curiously I have continued dealings with her, though only as a friend. I mention her a lot in my trilogy of autobiographical books.

Since I learned a very hard lesson with my nephew, I now feel like proposing marriage to this woman, if only with the idea of adopting an Aryan child to raise him as the Gods command. Likely, she will now be the one to say no, but I have to at least give it a try.

What is not clear to me, even supposing she agrees, is the question of the children this child educated with the true Gods would meet. Preventing this home-schooled boy from watching television; from owning a mobile phone; from listening to degenerate music or going to degenerate parties is one thing. Preventing him from seeing children his age is another.

I am reminded of a curious anecdote from 1988 when children from my parents’ music school went to Cuba to give concerts (Cuban children also showed off). The Cuban authorities didn’t allow, even for a moment, the two groups to mix to avoid any psychological contamination of the little Cubans with rich but decadent bourgeois lifestyles. But of course: the little Cubans played among themselves. Even supposing my dream came true, and I could raise an Aryan child, with whom could he play?

There are pure Aryans in Mexico (left, a Mennonite girl in Chihuahua, Mexico). Will I have to move next door to a Mennonite community for my adopted child to play with uncorrupted Aryans? Buying a large mansion next to them could only be done if I do a business that has to do with the falling dollar (a big ‘if’ that is not certain to happen!). And even then there would be some tension as the Mennonites are like 19th-century Christians, and my female friend goes to mass every day (although she is so understanding that she doesn’t object to my anti-Christianity).

How difficult it is to have a normal life during what the Indo-Aryans called Kali Yuga! Before making a decision, what are the chances for someone who wants to educate his child properly? Is there a place in the entire world where it is even possible for a white child to live among uncontaminated white children?

Evropa Soberana (webzine) Philosophy of history

Heartland, 1

The heart of the mainland

by Eduardo Velasco

The interior spaces of the Russian Empire and Mongolia are so immense, and their potential in population, wheat, cotton, fuel and metals so incalculably great, that it is inevitable that a vast economic world, more or less remote, should develop there, inaccessible to oceanic commerce.

—Halford J. Mackinder


Part One

Endorheic basins and the importance of river systems
What is heartland?
A brief history of the heartland
Prehistoric times
Middle Ages: Pax Mongolica
Ancient Regime: Cossacks and Tsars
Telluric Socialisms
The Cold War

Part Two

The red banana
The heartland theory
The world according to Mackinder
Extension of the Heartland and the importance of Eastern Europe
Germany according to Mackinder—Realpolitik, Kultur, Weltanschauung, the Munich School and Haushofer’s Geopolitik
Is the heartland theory obsolete?
Are there other heartlands?
The Arab heartland Nejd and the Devil’s horn
The African heartland
The Cerrado in Brazil has the heartland of South America
The Great Basin and other North American heartlands
Castilla la Vieja is the heartland of Spain

Part Three

The manpower theory globalisation against the white race
The struggle for the human mind: The human being as a battlefield
The rebellion of the Earth: dismembering the world ocean is widening heartland
Big Time versus Big Space
Potentials for Heartland: A new world, or the empire of closed land
Genesis of Atlanticism
The closed commercial state: Autarchy vs. globalisation
The Cossack example and the geopolitical and social importance of armed forces
New Vikings and Cossacks for Eurasia: the need for a demographic reproductive and ethnic biopolitics for the heartland
Spain in the context of the heartland from Iberia to Siberia