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Tom Goodrich (1947-2024)

Without having read Hellstorm, the darkest hour for the white race will never be understood (book-review here). If you’ve already read it, check out ‘The Wall’.

Mexico City


exactly Salzburg!

In the presentation of the book that I hold in my hand in my new room (on the wall we see some of Parrish’s paintings), María Teresa Franco, director of INBAL, informs us that since the times when it was an Aztec enclave ‘where the shoemakers, barnyard animal sellers, vegetable, plant and flower traders who came from Xochimilco prevailed’, the current Tepito neighbourhood in Mexico City is emblematic of the country. See some of the photographs that make up the book in this video.

Of course, the neochristian woman who wrote the prologue to the book praises what I consider nefarious. It was precisely the sight of such places in the heart of the capital that motivated me, since I was a child, to develop an exterminationist ideology.

Significantly, St Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of the Tepito neighbourhood: a saint whom, as an adolescent, I wanted to imitate (remember that I was raised in a fierce Catholicism). Who would have thought that, due to the abuse at home, I would transvalue my values from St Francis to Himmler…!

Not all the zones of the Mexican capital look like Tepito, which has such a bad reputation that people of my social class rarely dare to enter there. But I think it is impossible for an American racialist, whether Christian, or neochristian in the secular sense of accepting the Christian ethics of loving every wingless biped regardless of its appearance, to understand my exterminationism because he has not suffered such people over the decades. Asking Americans who advocate racism lite to revalue their values, to the point of loving Himmler and repudiating so-called Christian saints, is asking too much of them.

But the most paradoxical of all is that, as I said in my previous post, it is preferable to live in Mexico, or another third-world country, than in ethno-traitor Europe where the thoughtpolice literally breaks down doors, at night, to jail you if you say anything unkind about migrants. Those who know Spanish can watch, for example, this recent YouTube interview where Spain’s thoughtpolice dragged a blogger, who used to speak in a much softer tone than the hate-filled tone in which I speak, out of his home using SWAT forces.

Christian values ​​reign in the West and are implemented with the ferocity of a religious fanatic like the High Sparrow, and his Faith Militant, in Game of Thrones.



as audiovisual therapy

I am writing this paragraph on Monday, March 17, when I still have no Internet service, although the technician installing an antenna will come this week. On the outskirts of the village where I now live there is still no landline service. Even the window of this studio already has a nice view of the open countryside. What a contrast to the noisy metropolis where, until last week, I lived!

The house I moved into is modest but decent. The bad thing is that there is not a single white man around it. Yesterday, as therapy in the face of that insulting milieu, I watched some scenes from The Sound of Music, although sometimes I turned the volume all the way down on the songs. (I’ve seen the movie many times; its tunes can be sticky, but I will listen to Edelweiss today when I resume the movie after I put it on pause.)

Let’s ignore the anti-Nazi message well into the film. What matters is that all the actors are beautiful Aryans, so much so that they could have been models for Maxfield Parrish’s paintings (ten of framed Parrish paintings will adorn my studio walls now that the handyman comes with his drill and dowels). Yesterday, the pleasant faces of the actors and children, including the captain’s eldest daughter—she had the most beautiful eyes in the world!—worked wonders for me as therapy after seeing so many brown-skinned people. Also, not to feel like I’m in the country where I reside, a great relief was to see in the film so many picturesque shots of Salzburg evoking the time when Hitler was at the height of his power.

Beautiful times! But even if I were rich enough to buy a cosy little house in Salzburg, I couldn’t blog there because of the draconian anti-Nazi laws (recall what happened to David Irving in Austria…).

I still have a lot of unpacking to do but only at the weekend will the handyman come to set up my closet, install the air conditioning (unlike the temperate capital it is hot here), and screw some shelves on the wall for the books that are still in their boxes.

When we are done, I will continue my regular activities for The West’s Darkest Hour…

Racial right


On an American racialist forum, I heard that Keith Woods recently wrote an article attacking National Socialism.

If my psychological profile of Woods is accurate, it’s because he’s a Christian—and National Socialism is incompatible with a religion started by Jews.

I don’t have time to locate Woods’ article. Due to my move, I’ll be canceling my internet service the day after tomorrow. I hope to have another one by next week…



I have to cancel my internet service because I’m leaving the city where I live, so I’ll only be able to edit this site if I take my laptop to a restaurant (I don’t use cell phones). That means that while I’m getting a new service, already established in another town, it won’t be common for me to even approve comments…


Le petit roi

Recall the caricature of the archetypal lunatic in the madhouse with his hand in his waistcoat, believing he is Emperor Napoleon. What Alexander Mercouris says from here—just a couple of minutes—portrays the state of narcissistic psychosis that European elites are suffering from: unable to accept their irrelevance once the new sheriff in town transvalued his values as far as the Ukraine war is concerned.

Let there be no doubt: understanding the psychosis of an acquaintance helps to understand the psychosis of the elites!

Roger Penrose Science


theorem debunks the most important AI myth. AI will not be conscious, says Roger Penrose (YouTube interview).



vs. the insane Europeans

I have a limited amount of time (this week is likely to be my move out of town) but I can say a couple of things, following on from what was recently said in the ‘Arieti’ and ‘Membrane’ posts.

One minute of what Pepe Escobar says in his most recent interview, from here, sums it all up in a nutshell. The Europeans (and the previous American administration) are and have been, in a state of narcissistic psychosis like my old friend Marco.

If we recall my posts from March last year, this poor devil wasn’t even able to make an appointment with me in a mall. I told him I would wait for him inside a restaurant, but because he treated me as an ‘ego-object’ he waited for me outside and we never met. (He had told me on the phone that he would wait for me outside and I corrected him on that phone call: telling him a couple of times that it would be inside.)

Marco’s case may be extreme, but it is identical to the British Prime Minister’s recent televised conference, when Zelensky was chatting with King Charles, about putting ‘boots on the ground’ and ‘planes’ in the Ukrainian skies!

There is no difference between this psychological loss of reality and the most extreme cases of individual psychosis. And the sad fact is that many Europeans think like this crazed Prime Minister.

Kevin MacDonald War!


Power has changed hands and the lackeys haven’t understood that there is now a new sheriff in town, as Alexander Dugin says in an article published in The Occidental Observer.

Kevin MacDonald thus passes the microphone to Dugin on the coming end of the Ukrainian war: something that Greg Johnson, who has sided with Ukraine, I doubt he will do…

New Testament Richard Carrier


Carrier destroys the Resurrection argument

by Derek Lambert

William Lane Craig and Sean McDowell.

In this explosive episode of MythVision, Dr. Richard Carrier systematically dismantles Christian apologetics, exposing the logical flaws and historical distortions in arguments made by William Lane Craig and Sean McDowell.

With razor-sharp precision, Carrier debunks the claim that Jesus ever explicitly declared himself God, showing that only the latest Gospel—John—contains such statements, while Paul, our earliest Christian writer, never speaks of Jesus as divine. He shreds the resurrection argument, revealing how religions like Islam and Mormonism also spread rapidly through visions and reinterpretations of scripture, proving that growth does not equal truth. Carrier exposes the apologists’ double standards, showing how they dismiss Mormonism’s eyewitnesses but cling to Christianity’s unverifiable resurrection accounts. With unparalleled expertise, he reveals how faith-based reasoning distorts historical reality, making this a must-watch for anyone ready to break free from apologetic spin and embrace real historical inquiry.

Check out Dr. Richard Carrier’s website to subscribe to his blog & support him on Patreon.

Grab his books here.



is a trillion-dollar corporation

by Gaedhal

Martin Luther and the Scriptures

I find that oft I must needs remind myself of this: Christianity is a trillion-dollar corporation, or, rather, Christianity is a cluster of corporations whose aggregate sums to about 1 trillion dollars. Some of these component corporations, like the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church are worth billions all by themselves. The Church of England were paid reparations when their slaves were set free. This debt contracted by the UK government to the Church of England was only paid off in the last few decades. It is ironic that slaveholders were paid reparations, but not the slaves themselves.

And so the Churches are vast storehouses of ill-gotten wealth. The Vatican was built on the backs of the purgatory scam. Christopher Hitchens mentions this as a reason why he never finds himself enjoying the splendid art and architecture of the Vatican: it was built on the backs of scamming peasants with Pugatory.

The corporate nature of Christianity must needs be remembered by us. Answers in Genesis, for instance, is not Ken Ham. When Ken Ham goes to be with the ground, AiG will be unaffected… because AiG is a corporation… and it is that corporation that demands that its employees adhere to a ridiculous Statement of Faith that includes inerrancy.

We could deconvert 99% of all Christians, and Christianity, as a corporation would hardly be affected by this at all. This is something that Cardinal Pell discovered. The Church in Australia was all but dead, which is why Pell schmoozed the politicians, and campaigned for the Roman Church to win government contracts. This, incidentally, is also why the Catholic Church is taking over the American Healthcare system. In Ireland, most schools and hospitals are still owned by the Catholic Church… but the government pay the salaries of the Catholic Church’s employees. I am amazed that outrages such as these are suffered to continue. One would think that in a Catholic theocracy like Ireland, that there would be a strong and vibrant secular movement. If there is, I haven’t run into it, yet.

I tell myself that long after I go to be with the ground, there will be psychotic lunatic apologists and clergy lying for Jesus.

We cannot decommission the good ship Christianity in our lifetime. No. The counterapologetic movement is more like a weak acid: like acid rain. Century after century we rain upon and wear away this edifice of fraud and cruelty.

We have achieved a lot, over the centuries. Europe is firmly post-christian. The United States of America will be majority atheist in the next century. However, it will take centuries. And this is where Stoic thinking comes in. I love my fate. I love that I have been fated to fight a battle that is ultimately unwinnable in my lifetime, but will, in about a thousand years, be firmly settled on the side of secularism.

Eventually, when we do get to a 99% deconversion rate, centuries into the future, then Christianity as a corporation would then need to be dealt with. Its ill-gotten assets ought to be seized and distributed amongst the people.

And we must also remember this when battling, in the field of ideas, with apologists such as Michael Jones: they are employees of a corporation. Their salary depends on their never ever ever conceding a single point!

What amazes me about this video is that Dr. Josh Bowen and Derek Lambert seem shocked—yes shocked!—(I’m not that shocked!) that apologists such as Jones and Manning act as they do! It is almost as though Christianity is a nasty totally intellectually bankrupt damnation cult; a nasty planetary-destruction cult; a nasty human-sacrifice cult; a nasty genital-mutilation-and-animal-abuse cult and that its cultists—its clergy and apologists—are, similarly, nasty people.

Now, again, there are plenty of salt-of-the-earth Christians with whom I have no problem. Their Christianity is a personal private thing, and with this, I have no issue.

However, evangelists and apologists are another thing entirely. They promote the lie that Christianity is veridical, and liars don’t tend to be nice people. As I said before: facility in lying is a symptom of sociopathy. This is why Pinecreek Doug is correct that neither money nor vulnerable people should be left alone with clergy or apologists.

This is why, these days, I simply ignore apologists. I have rooted them out of my YouTube algorithm. Go thou and do likewise!