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Civil war Currency crash Eschatology Iceland Videos William Pierce

Get ready for Armageddon

Further to what I said a couple of days ago about the documentary End of the Road:

I have decided to promote this entry as a sticky post that will remain for a while at the top of WDH for two fundamental reasons:

(1) The following passage of William Pierce’s “Why the West Will Go Under” made a dent in my mind, and I am truly concerned about the fate of those white nationalists who will still be living in big cities after the dollar crashes.

Pierce wrote:

The problem is not to cull out the mongrels, the Judaized, the degenerates, the moral prostitutes from a healthy mass, so that the cull can be destroyed and the mass saved. The problem is to pick the few who embody the best of what the West once was and to take the necessary measures to see that that which they embody does not perish with the mass.

Saving the few racially conscious from the coming apocalypse ought to be our most obvious goal.

(2) As some of my visitors know, presently I am living in a mostly non-white country that, I believe, will become an anti-white killing zone after the crash insofar as most of the nation’s reserves are backed on American dollars. It is true that I am trying to sell a property to be able to reach escape velocity from a large city’s gravitational field. But I am finding out that it is a hard sell and, as soon as I feel that the crash is around the corner, I’ll get a one-way ticket to any place in Europe—even if I have not sold that immovable piece of real estate.

Ideal would be moving to Iceland: an Aryan country with no colored immigration and with a people of such sound mind that they recently rebelled against the international banking system. But that is only a dream. In the real world I must try to keep myself alive after the crash even if my standard of living plunges from my current comfort zone to elemental survivalism. After all, everything is better than the risk of becoming a street target for a flash-mob or any of the millions of starving people in cities that will fall into total chaos a few months after the dollar collapses.

If any visitor of this blog can think of any overseas working opportunity for me, or any sort of humanitarian shelter or even plans for extreme survivalism such as those we see on television—adventurers in wild, remote and desolate places—, let me know. I am anxious to join a survivalist team of individuals that don’t want to take chances in large cities plagued with non-white swarms. Of course, if pro-white revolutionary activity starts anywhere in the West I’d leave my city shelter, country cave, desert or whatever and join’em! I am not afraid of suffering a violent death during a pro-white revolution. But it would be preposterous to die of starvation if the crash surprises me in a Third World metropolis when my life could be more useful for a higher purpose.

Keep Pierce’s words in mind whenever you think about your own fate: “The problem is to pick the few who embody the best of what the West once was and to take the necessary measures to see that that which they embody does not perish with the mass.” The video embedded above is the bad news for the masses. The good news is that the times to end the long interregnum after the Second Word War are, finally, coming. For those who are still skeptical that the dollar will collapse I suggest watching the full documentary End of the Road as a pay-per-view:



I am sorry that I have sent a couple of interesting comments to the trash can, but this sticky post only makes sense under the assumption that the crash will indeed happen during Obama’s administration. If you want to argue that it won’t happen (or any other related subject, even that it will happen), please do it at the previous thread on the above documentary, here. In this thread I only want to discuss desperate survival strategies with those who, like me, don’t want to take any chances in one of the colored big cities of today’s West.

Eschatology Videos

End of the world as we know it

“One morning we will wake up and find that we are in a very different world.”

So starts this documentary trailer that originally I embedded on January 2, 2012 but got zero comments then:

I am concerned that many white nationalists will be trapped in big cities, some of which will become killing zones, when it hits the fan.

See the must-read article “After the Dollar Crashes.” I wish we all were well prepared…

2nd World War Holocaust Holodomor Videos

“Expecto Patronum!”


The stolen soul back to the Aryan body

The Occidental Observer (TOO) has just closed what seems to be the last thread where people were still commenting after Dr. Kevin MacDonald decided to close comments, presumably because he has no time to monitor all the threads. I could not even reply to a question raised by the article’s author herself (but I would be glad to respond here, in the comments section).

Since my last posts at WDH dealt with German people carrying an enormous weight of guilt—a false sense of guilt insofar as the system hid from them both the First and the Third Acts of WW2 opera, to use the metaphor of one of my recent posts—, it seems pertinent to quote some inspiring words that Heike, a German woman, posted just before the comments were closed:

Du sollst an Deutschlands Zukunft glauben,
An deines Volkes Auferstehen.
Lass diesen Glauben dir nicht rauben,
Trotz allem, allem was geschehen.

English translation:

You must believe in the future of Germany,
In your people’s resurrection.
Let this faith you do not rob,
Despite everything, everything done.

—Albert Matthäi

The following was my last comment at TOO. Addressing Heike I wrote (the italicized paragraph are her words):

Thank you for your kind words.

Those that hate being German and try to destroy everything German are in a coma. You know, people in a coma have a chance of waking up—though uncommon, especially after such a long time of being in one.

Like the Romantics of Woodsworth’s age, I spend lots of time in long walks. One of the things that I have told me over and over during those walks is that the Aryan people are like Sirius Black in the Harry Potter film when Black was unconscious after being attacked by the Dementors. [“Dementors” = the Second Act of the WW2 “opera”—Holocaustianity] Before Harry sees a distant figure cast a powerful Patronus, Black is having his soul sucked out his mouth in the form of a small, glowing, white dot. Following medieval imagery, after the Patronus charm the white dot returns inside Black’s mouth.

[YouTube clip: here]

Harry’s invocation of the Patronus later on the film is the climax of this movie for kids. And it is exactly what the Germanic peoples need: a powerful spell to bring their stolen souls back to their bodies.

I believe this can be done by conveying the Holodomor and Hellstorm message through the spoken word…

Racial studies Richard Wagner Videos Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Two subjects


At last William Pierce’s last book, the very one which could not reach the printers because he died, has been published. It is available from Lulu.

On the Addenda I’ve added images to my abridgement of Who We Are. If you don’t have time to read the printed book, or even my abridgement, skip the first eight prehistoric chapters if you wish—but don’t, don’t miss the history of the white race!

Changing subjects, I have just added a Donate button [Note of April 2013: Presently at the bottom of the page]. Join the Knights of the Grail! Help Parsifal to heal Amfortas (the average German) from his overbearing sense of guilt:

(Note of 2014: The YouTube clip that used to be embedded here has now been deleted)

St Paul Tom Sunic Videos

Tomislav Sunić

“The role that the idea of liberty, equality and fraternity plays in your culture is well known. At depth, they are Christian ideas.”

—John Paul II

After watching the videos embedded below, “The Monotheist Mindset and its Secular Modalities,” with both David Duke and Kevin MacDonald attending the conference, I reached the conclusion that, presently, Tom Sunic (in Croatian, Tomislav Sunić) is our intellectual #1.

At that conference in Denmark celebrated in May 2011, Sunić said:

“Basically, my main thesis is that before we tackle our problems of immigration—in fact before we even tackle the problem of Jews and Judaism—, we have to tackle the major issue, which is egalitarianism.” [emphasis in Sunić’s voice]

It was Western egalitarianism what caused the catastrophic emancipation of Jewry in the first place. Sunić also mentioned St Paul’s epistles and the European revolutions of the modern age that created the Euro-Semitic Zeitgeist that is killing us.

Sunić is saying, basically, that Western egalitarianism is even worse than what we might call “a virus for the white mind.” Worse because, although Sunić doesn’t use my computer analogy, the “Operating System” of whites—which is a more fundamental problem than a mere virus infection—has been the altogether intolerant Judeo-Christian monotheism since the fourth century. And it is precisely this theological / axiological mindset that, in its secular form, is at the very core of the current mess. (This includes the American military interventions defending Jewry and Israel in this and the last centuries.)



Over the boards I have said more than once that the prize for saving the white race from extinction is apostasy. But by “apostasy” I don’t only have in mind the Nicene-Constantinopolitan creed that I used to listen during the Mass every Sunday. I refer especially to the axiological side of Judeo-Christianity (incidentally, the first days of this month my axiological entry on Nietzsche’s quote received most of the hits).

After watching the above videos I realized that I must purchase Sunić’s books as soon as I can afford them. They will surely enrich my view, already stated at WDH, that “the Christian problem encompasses the Jewish problem”: a hypothesis that some American white nationalists are still extremely reluctant to consider.

Canada Free speech / Free press Videos

Orwellian Canada

Ezra Levant on Section 13 (part 1)

Ezra Levant on Section 13 (part 2)

Ezra Levant and guest on Big Sister

Beauty Degeneracy Videos

The Banishment of Beauty

by Kevin Alfred Strom

Here is an amazing four-part video series (43 minutes total and well worth the time) by the painter Scott Burdick. Don’t be put off by the fact that Burdick goes out of his way—way, way out of his way—to show traditional Western art, some of it his own, that depicts non-Whites. It’s as if he’s saying “see how non-racist I am,” to deflect attention from the fact the rising Art Underground he depicts is substantially Whiter than rural New Hampshire. He nevertheless masterfully skewers the modern art establishment and their hatred for beauty—and their literal banishment of it from their galleries, museums, and literature. With calm logic he analyzes the common characteristics of the paintings that are sought out by these culture-distorters, and those that they reject.

It isn’t abstract versus representational art—it isn’t nudity, or the human form or its absence—it isn’t fine-grained versus rough materials; none of these determine what is accepted and what is rejected. In the “intellectual” theories (with Jewish / Frankfurt School roots, though Burdick doesn’t say so) that must be internalized by anyone wishing to rise in the modern art world today, it is beauty itself that must be rejected and ugliness or nothingness which must be praised, especially if the artist pays obeisance to the “intellectuals” and their “theories.”





Currency crash Peter Schiff Videos


Keynesian trap


See conference: here.

Civil war Europe Greece Videos

Greece, the cradle of our civilization!


Currency crash Peter Schiff Videos

“The dollar collapse will unfold very rapidly”