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Feminism Game of Thrones Miscegenation

Arya sucks

Countless times I have asked myself why I am able to hate and others who claim to defend the West not. The answer lies not only in my past but in how the System feminises men while manning women. That is why the movement needs a critique of the weapon of mass destruction known as gender ideology, which includes feminism. I will explain the manning of the girls, once again, with Game of Thrones.

Much of what appears in this HBO series contains terrible messages, especially feminism: a topic that I have already addressed in several entries about this popular series.

The most grotesque feminist arch is that of Arya Stark, Bran’s sister. I only own Martin’s first book, where Arya is just a girl. I don’t know what Martin has written about her later. But it is known that Martin subscribes at least some form of feminism in his other novels: a feminism that is magnified in the television series that the couple of Jews filmed. For example, unlike crowning Bran Stark, which is planned for Martin’s last novel, as far as Martin is known, he has not planned for Arya to kill the Night King: a character that doesn’t even appear in his novels. This killing was completely an invention of the Jews who directed the series.

Regarding the biographical arc of Arya, I don’t want to review all the visual and auditory offenses that I endured over the years while watching the eight seasons. If I had been the author of the novels, or the director of the series, I would have killed the alienated brat either at Braavos or in the Red Wedding.

The Red Wedding is a massacre at the wedding feast of Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey during the War of the Five Kings. The King in the North, Robb Stark, his mother Catelyn, and most of his three thousand five hundred soldiers are slaughtered. The event is orchestrated by its host, Lord Walder Frey, as revenge for Robb’s breaking of a marriage pact he made with House Frey. In the television series (YouTube clip here) the Red Wedding appeared in the penultimate episode of the third season of Game of Thrones, aired on June 2, 2013.

Although that day of 2013 the public became hysterical (watch some of the female hysterics here), I loved the Red Wedding. While Robb Stark could have married the very beautiful Aryan nymph Roslin Frey, he married a mudblood, breaking the aforementioned pact with Lord Walder Frey (pic). Robb was also stabbed with his mudblood wife during the wedding. The only thing that hurt my feelings was that they killed the caged wolves too.

Arya survived the Red Wedding, in which her mother and brother, the ‘King of the North’, lost their lives. In another season Arya embarked to train with a religious mentor in Braavos, where she studied the art to become an assassin. But the plot armour that the Jewish directors provided Arya in Seasons 5, 6 and 8 goes beyond the grotesque. In the climactic scene at Braavos, Arya survives the stabs in her belly like those received by Robb’s mudblood wife! Even after falling into a sewage river Arya’s open entrails were not fatally infected!

Such imbecile nonsense wasn’t enough. Already graduated as a trained assassin, the now-adolescent Arya, still a slim girl, not only kills Lord Walder Frey but all the male members of the Frey House! This too has the credibility of a Road Runner cartoon.

Of the entire series, these ‘girl power’ scenes are the most irritating and toxic for the fourteen words. But the toxic fandom loved them because they felt vindicated of what ol’ Frey had done at the Red Wedding.

I can see the good and the bad messages of the series. Toxic fans don’t see any of this. They didn’t realise the need to settle accounts with those who have married mudbloods. I believe it’s necessary to approach television hits such as Game of Thrones from the point of view of a priest of the sacred words.

Autobiography Child abuse

Aborted prologue to the English edition *

My books deal with a subject that is the greatest taboo of all. Throughout human history no society has awakened to the fact that, in our species, some parents drive their children mad. Demonstrating this requires not only the creation of a new literary genre, but that dense autobiographies such as this one multiply in posterity.

That said, I must confess that I didn’t fully understand what had happened in my family until, at the end of 2008, I finished Hojas Susurrantes and in my researches I changed the subject radically: from child abuse to mass migration of Muslims into Europe. It was only in the following years when, after discovering racialist intellectuals on the internet, I located the tragedy of my family from a new paradigm. The best way to crack an annoying cipher is to abandon it for a good season and re-approach it from a broader meta-perspective on what is happening in the world.

My fundamental discrepancy with the internet movement known as ‘white nationalism’ is the diagnosis of the darkest hour in the West. White nationalists blame the Jewish quarter of white decline. I blame the Aryans themselves who let Jewry appropriate their media and a good part of the academic and financial sectors of the West, especially in the United States.

The tragedy in my family began when, during my adolescence, my mother went crazy and began to think and say crazy things about me. But that was not what destroyed the teenager I was. What destroyed him was that, over time, my father began to believe those slanders to the point of traumatising me in the most heartbreaking way you can imagine. Over the years, my parents would do the same to my sister, who now rests in peace.

Similarly, white people began to believe the lies of the New Testament two millennia ago, a process that culminated in the destruction of the classical world and, even after the Middle Ages, in an inverse narrative about who were the martyrs and the perpetrators. (See the literature that I mention in the Introduction after this foreword.) What I want to arrive at is a very simple concept. We should not blame St. Paul so much for having burned ‘pagan’ books in Ephesus but the imbecile whites who followed his example to the degree of destroying, from the 4th to the 6th century, the Greco-Roman world. If the traitor is worse than the subversive, in our times the Aryan who subscribes to the axiological system of the Bible—ethnocentrism for me but out-group altruism for thee—is worse than the Jew.

The following is the scheme of how some parents drive their children mad. On the one hand, there is the donor who provides a delusional system (your son is the devil); on the other, the receiver that over time subscribes to such a system. In my family the great crime was committed by my father, for having swallowed a slanderous vision of his eldest son. In this dynamic of folie à deux the role of the receiver is what counts most. Otherwise, the spouse who raves about her child would simply be considered the nutty of the family. Although having such a mother would harm the son’s morale, she wouldn’t destroy it by herself. It is the shared madness between wife and husband that makes the couple soul murderers.

In the same way, Jewry alone would not be able to destroy the West. The Aryans are responsible for believing the lies of the Jews, beginning with the ethics advocated by the New Testament (out-group altruism) and ending in the secular subversion we see in Hollywood and the American media.

Remember that I didn’t fully understand what happened in my family until I abandoned the subject for a few years, to reopen it after I became much more mature. I suggest that the nationalists read my texts to find, in them, a kind of microcosm of what has been happening, on another scale, in the West. Just as I didn’t understand myself until I turned to other interests, the nationalists would understand better if they could take an intellectual vacation. By reading my eleven books, they would learn that what happens in some families is worse than the Holocaust tall stories with which the Jews have demoralised us.


(*) Today I declined to include, in my translation of the first book of Hojas Susurrantes, this text and preferred to put it here.

Degenerate art Who We Are (book) William Pierce

William Pierce’s blunder

Recently Will Williams commented on this site. In 1992 Williams became Membership Coordinator for Pierce’s National Alliance, continuing with the Alliance until Pierce’s death in 2002.

Today I was about to read what Williams linked, ‘Ideology of the National Alliance’ but then I realised that not even they mention Pierce’s only non-fiction book, his story of the white race. This means that the ‘Alliance’ that Pierce left behind makes no hard copies for his book.

Although this vindicates my initiative to have an abridged version of Who We Are within The Fair Race, I cannot put all the blame on the National Alliance. Piece himself committed a great mistake when in the 1990s he used his savings to acquire partial ownership of a records company of degenerate music.

Before Americanizing his movement, Pierce was closer to German National Socialism.

The first issue of National Socialist World appeared in the Spring 1966 and was edited by Pierce. The publication was quarterly and would have a run of only six issues, the last one being in 1968. The publication had an appeal to a well-educated elite, each issue having over a hundred pages. Three thousand copies were initially printed and a promotional mailing was sent to libraries, news agencies, and some prominent right-wing politicians. The mailing generated a hundred and twenty subscriptions.

Had Pierce remained closer to the German movement of the previous decades, he wouldn’t have committed a gross blunder: spending his precious savings in a company of degenerate music. With that money he would have founded, instead, a publishing house. Presently, his legacy would appear backed by a house of more than half a century, and Who We Are wouldn’t be out-of-print.


Beware of vitamin quacks

At the beginning of the month I caught a terrible flu that made me spend most of my meagre savings on conventional doctors, inhalation therapy and alternative therapies. But yesterday and today I saw two videos debunking the latter—dietary supplements—that impressed me. The videos cover the fads like antioxidants in pills, Omega3 and Vitamin D but I’ll only say a few words about Vitamin C.

The recommendation from real science is

Skip it: It probably won’t help you get over your cold, and you can eat citrus fruits instead. The Vitamin C hype, as artificial pills, started with a suggestion that chemist Linus Pauling made in the 1970s and peaked with Airborne and Emergen-C but it’s just a hype. Study after study has shown that pills do little to nothing to prevent the common cold (and megadoses of 2,000 milligrams or more can raise your risk of painful kidney stones).

So get your Vitamin C, and the other nutrients, from natural food instead. Remember: our health models are Sparta, Republican Rome and National Socialist Germany—not the US. Pay special attention to what the videos mentioned above say about how the American FDA lost control of quack medicine (here and more formally here).

PDF backup

WDH – pdf 330

Click: here

The software converter could not add the image of the video within the article ‘The power to see the past’, but I’ve embedded it below:


PDF backup

WDH – pdf 329

Click: here

The software converter could not add the image of the video within the article ‘Britain is gone’, but I’ve embedded it below:


Quotable quotes

Three quotes

There’s something that I forgot to add in my answer to ‘T’ yesterday where I said that whites are exactly like the Eloi.

The financial crash will certainly occur (see my October article after Turner’s painting). Later in this century, peak oil crises are probable but not certain. (Can a concerted effort of western nations invent, in time, nuclear fusion for the energy needs of the third world?) Finally, an international war during the likely but not certain energy devolution is only a possibility.

Also, there is something I forgot to say in my Monday post. The fact is that, unlike Europe, the United States never had a pagan past. Conversely, Europe has lived more millennia with Aryan religions than the 1,700 years of Christendom, if we start to count more or less about the Constantine century.*

But the United States has always been Christian. This moves me to quote three North Americans:

‘The Jewish-American entity is Jewish as respects its head, American as respects its body… [It] will not surrender, since the very existence of Jewry is at stake, and the whole United States and its population is there to secure the existence of Jewry’. —Francis Parker Yockey

‘An awakened, recommencing Europe promises, thus, to repudiate America’s betrayal of herself—America, this foolish European idea steeped in Enlightenment hubris, which is to be forgotten as a family skeleton once Europe reasserts herself’. —Michael O’Meara

‘Amerika is a racial and cultural abortion. The scalpel of pop culture has performed a lobotomy on racial memory, with the full and eager endorsement of the patient’. —Sebastian Ronin


(*) Despite claims to the contrary, Europe is not secular now. They are in the ‘red giant’ phase of Christianity.

Degenerate art Feminized western males Hate Kali Yuga

The Aryan race is sick

Hi Cesar,

This is a piece of writing I thought I’d share with you. You can use it on your website if you’d like or if you don’t wish to do so it can just be for your own viewing pleasure.

The Aryan race is sick. Sick from rejecting the Aryan Saviour Adolf Hitler who tried to save all Aryans (one now wonders why he bothered to save such a thankless people).

Spiritually sick from the spiritual death of 1945, the almost complete triumph of Christianity over the Aryan soul. Morally sick from the Christian ethics which preach tolerance and acceptance of all that is weak and degenerate, a pacifist and submissive cowardice in the face of one’s enemies and hatred of all that is superior and noble. Mentally sick from having been defeated by the Jews psychologically. Aryans have been convinced to destroy themselves and when your enemy is internal i.e. yourself, you are your own worst enemy and can defeat yourself more effectively than any external enemy can. The Aryan race wasn’t defeated militarily. It was defeated in its own mind thus rendering its weapons and militaries useless. Our enemies didn’t need to invade our lands, they were allowed in.

Physically sick, witness the obesity, the tattoos, the drug and pornography addictions, etc.

Culturally sick as evidenced by the degenerate art, architecture and music, etc., products of the influence of alien (Jewish, Negro) culture over the High Culture of the Aryan.

Self-destructing on the collective (racial) level, the familial level and finally the individual level.

Our race’s weaknesses we’ve always had to fight in one way or another and will always have to fight. It is our own weakness and sickness that gave the Jews spiritual, mental, and economic domination over our people in the first place. Jewish power in the West is a symptom of this illness and not the cause, as so many mistakenly believe [emphasis by Ed.]. The Aryan Problem caused the Jewish Problem. It is wise to understand The Final Solution to the Aryan Problem before one can enact The Final Solution to the Jewish Problem.

The Swiss psychologist Carl Jung analyzed National Socialist Germany as the awakening of the Wotan archetype in the Germanic soul. Hitler acted as an Avatar of the Germanic tribal god Wotan and awoke a collective ‘Wotan consciousness’ in the collective unconscious of the Germans that could rival the Yahweh consciousness in the collective unconscious of the Jews, manifesting itself as an ethnocentrism that was capable of matching the intense ethnocentrism of the Jews. When Germany lost WWII Jung went to work for the Allies and wrote about how the collective unconscious of the Germans felt a collective guilt for having expressed their anti-Christian pagan shadow Self, Wotan, and having thrown off the Christian veneer.

The blond beast, the Germanic barbarian had been once again wounded and conquered with guilt like when he was first forced to become a worshiper of the sickly Jesus at the hands of Charlemagne, but this time worse and more fatally than before. This guilt, this apologetic remorse for being ourselves (for nothing is more White than Nazi Germany, because Adolf Hitler, the soul and creator, the artist of National Socialist Germany, was the embodiment of the White Man), the core of the guilt and remorse being in Germany, is manifesting as a psychotic death wish that has devoured the whole collective unconscious of the Aryan race and is making the Aryan sick, indeed terminally ill.

When the majority of the Aryan race murdered their saviour Adolf Hitler on 30/04/1945 (or rather, forced Adolf Hitler to commit suicide) they may as well have murdered their own soul.

Yes, the Aryan race is sick. And sick to the death.

If Aryan males don’t learn to murder the Big Jew Jesus in their own minds and embrace the manly and heroic spirit of Adolf Hitler they should and will die a genocidal death at the hands of their enemies.

The amount of time, energy, money and sacrifice that has been expended by racists since 1945 trying to save a people, the overwhelming majority of which can’t be bothered to save themselves and indeed don’t want to be saved (because they have a collective death wish), is unreal.

The ‘movement’ has more than made its sacrifice on behalf of the Aryan race. No matter the courage of numerous ‘lone wolves’, effective action is only possible via military action. Effective action on the part of the white race is impossible if the vast majority of white males are and remain too cowardly and timid to act. If the threat of imminent extinction doesn’t cause the majority of white males to kill their enemies with weapons in hand then nothing will. Because effective action is impossible at present we are stuck just waiting and waiting… we are stuck with inaction and we wait and wait and wait while we cannot but watch in powerless horror as things continue to get worse and worse.

Despite my disagreements with you and criticisms with you Cesar, I still wish you the best.


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Editor’s reply: Not long ago I asked Jez Turner—you were listening—something like: ‘Why don’t the Brits amalgamate their minds with The Turner Diaries?’ He completely misunderstood my question and replied that it was because the novel was not being sold at the UK’s bookstores.

I should have rephrased the question thus: ‘Why don’t the Brits are already fantasising with the “rivers of blood” scenario predicted by Enoch Powell?’ In other words, ‘Why am I so able to hate and you don’t?’

Problem is, that was ultimately a subjective question (comparing my essentialy normal mind with the mind of deranged ‘normies’). It’s like George Wells asking the Eloi: Why aren’t you capable to hate the Morlocks (you simply behave like lambs at the slaughterhouse when they’re hungry)?

Present-day whites are, literally, the Eloi. They won’t fight or do anything, white nationalists included, until the first of the three catastrophes occurs (currency crash, energy devolution, and finally the use of weapons of mass destruction during the international peak-oil crises: nations desperately trying to obtain the remaining oil through war, etc.).

Game of Thrones

The power to *see* the past

Recently I used the three-eyed raven symbol, a fictional character in A Song of Ice and Fire, to make a point. I would like to continue clarifying it.

Last week I mentioned three American junk culture fans who didn’t understand what Yezen wanted to convey about Game of Thrones. One of the criticisms of these guys refers to the penultimate season of GoT, the seventh, claiming that it was implausible that Sansa and Arya outwitted Littlefinger. The problem is that this season suppressed a crucial scene:

Bran Stark actor Isaac Hempstead Wright revealed in a past interview with Variety that he and his Game of Thrones co-star Sophie Turner, who plays Sansa, shot a sequence in which Sansa consults him ahead of Littlefinger’s trial. You see, Sansa was first convinced that her own sister, Arya, was out to murder her in attempts to become the Lady of Winterfell. Arya felt certain of the same—and it was all thanks to the master manipulator Littlefinger. Viewers were sweating buckets watching the season 7 finale, believing that one of the Stark girls would turn on the other and commit fratricide within the halls of their House’s ancestral seat. Sansa and Arya flipping the script and sentencing Littlefinger to death was a massive twist—and seemed to leave a wide plot hole that went completely unpatched. The deleted scene Hempstead Wright discussed with Variety would have stitched up the gap and detailed exactly how the Stark sisters knew what Littlefinger was up to and how they arrived at their plan to execute the former Master of Coin.

In the scene, Sansa consults Bran about what to do regarding the whole “I think our sister is going to kill me” dilemma. Using his newfound abilities as the Three-Eyed Raven, Bran peers into Littlefinger’s past and unearths every underhanded thing he’s done to secure power.

As Hempstead Wright describes it, “We actually did a scene that clearly got cut, a short scene with Sansa where she knocks on Bran’s door and says, ‘I need your help,’ or something along those lines. So basically, as far as I know, the story was that it suddenly occurred to Sansa that she had a huge CCTV department at her discretion and it might be a good idea to check with him first before she guts her own sister. So she goes to Bran, and Bran tells her everything she needs to know, and she’s like, ‘Oh, s***.’”

Though audiences can fill in the blanks without this scene, it makes Bran’s powers all the more real, and, frankly, terrifying. Nothing can be kept from him, and as a result, nothing can be kept from his family. There is no secret Bran cannot uncover—and the biggest skeleton he drew out of the proverbial closet was the truth behind Jon Snow’s birth. Bran knew of his brother-cousin Jon’s true parentage and real identity as Aegon Targaryen, the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, and his rightful claim to the Iron Throne over the wannabe queen Daenerys Targaryen before others did. His knowledge spread to Samwell Tarly, then to Jon himself, and (spoiler alert) quickly made its way to Sansa and Arya themselves.

When I saw the scene of Season 7 when Littlefinger was executed after a summary trial, I filled the blank assuming they had consulted Bran. But apparently others did not fill it with their imagination, such as the aforementioned fans arguing with Yezen. But the point is that this fantastic story serves to explain the power of ‘seeing’ the past, the power of The West’s Darkest Hour (WDH).

The history of the West, as I have been saying, is as if the Night King had killed the three-eyed crows. (This is a title rather than a special person. Originally, the one who held the title was the old mummified guy among a tree’s roots. When he died his young pupil, Bran, inherited the title of the three-eyed raven—or ‘crow’ in George R.R. Martin’s novels.)

Unlike GoT, the real history of the West is tragic. It is as if Sansa, without consulting her brother Bran, would have gutted Arya by believing the apocryphal story of Littlefinger. This is so as, for more than a millennium, all westerners have believed the stories of martyrs, and that the Christianisation of southern Europe was peaceful. As we have seen on this site, it was actually a story as violent as the bloodthirsty conquest of India by Islam. Conversely, the Christian martyr stories are largely fictional. (In addition to Evropa Soberana’s essay of Judea against Rome in The Fair Race, see what Deschner says about the stories of martyrs in this book.) In other words, what the Aryans have believed about Christian history is an exact inversion of the facts, and the objective of inverting history in this way is for the Aryans to invert their values from these lies, as it tragically happened.

The metaphor makes sense. In this parallel GoT story, Arya (the Aryans) was killed by Sansa (her white sister) for believing the apocryphal story of Littlefinger (curiously, Littlefinger seemed like a Jew for a commenter on this site). The business of WDH is to set the record straight with respect to what happened in the 1st to 6th centuries of our era, when Christianity was imposed in southern Europe not through Jesus-like methods but through extremely violent and even genocidal methods. (Since I also mention the 1st century, I not only refer to the texts of Evropa Soberana or Deschner but also to what Richard Carrier wrote about the inexistence of Jesus.)

The problem is that not even the so-called anti-Semites of white nationalism believe Bran. They still believe Littlefinger so to speak. Who among them is interested in knowing what happened in the 1st to 6th centuries (this is one of the reasons I call them ‘Jew obeyers’)?

By the way, although on one occasion I identified myself with the three-eyed raven, since it is only a title, the identification is not absolute. On this continent, before me the crow was William Pierce, who died at 68, for having seen the past in Who We Are. And after I die the ‘title’ must pass to a younger pupil, a Bran so to speak.

I wouldn’t like to finish this symbolic post without the scene in which, thanks to Bran’s retrocognitive vision, his Stark House executes Littlefinger, the master of palatial intrigues and lies. In the real world, the equivalent would be for Westerners to take very seriously what Evropa Soberana (the ‘crow’ on the other side of the Atlantic) has written. The power to see the past as it happened has the potential to change the ethno-suicidal paradigm, and the first thing to do is to ‘execute’ the false story about early Christianity:


Racial right

An entire continent worships the enemy god


The secrets of evolution are death and time

White nationalists hold a very poor diagnosis of Aryan decline. They are able to analyse the Jewish problem at incredible levels and, at the same time, be completely incapable of the most elemental insight, of the most elemental seeing themselves in the mirror: as it was whites themselves who have empowered them.

As we know, the tragedy began when a Roman emperor decreed that it was only legal to worship the god of the Jews, either in the churches or in the synagogues. The cult of the Aryan gods was declared illegal. Thus began the Dark Ages from which we have not yet left.

So badly done is the diagnosis of the whys of white decline—and this includes the supposedly secular webzines of Kevin MacDonald and Greg Johnson—, that these guys seem to see nothing wrong with the fact that an entire continent has been conquered for the god of the Jews!

Not seeing this means stubborn blindness at such level that I would dare to say, without fear of exaggeration, that the movement of white nationalism is quackery.

Here down the south of the Río Grande, where I live, this extension of the West was not founded from the Reformation, but from the Counter-Reformation. Miscegenation began even before the Conquest, as I accuse in one of my books that I hope to translate into English. For the fourteen words, the Christian version of the Counter-Reformation was even more catastrophic than that of the northern neighbours, as the pollution of the Iberian white gene began since the 16th century.

But the northern neighbours, with their stubborn and continuous worship of the god of our enemies, were destined to become New Zion.

My prediction is that white Americans won’t make a good diagnosis of their decline until several years, if not decades, after the forthcoming collapse of the dollar. It is impossible for them to dare to see the truth of their nation unless they cross the long process of historical suffering that atones for sins.

But that does not mean that those who today publish articles on the webzines of MacDonald, Johnson or Jared Taylor will see the light. Paraphrasing Thomas Kuhn, this generation of sinners is required to die —time + death = evolution!— so that new generations of American whites are brave enough to see that their nation started badly from its very origins. Or was it not George Washington himself who, having the Jews in mind, said that the United States ‘gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance’?