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Racial studies Savitri Devi Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 73

(Left, André Brissaud’s Hitler et l’Ordre Noir.) It is probably unnecessary to point out that the ‘transparency’ referred to here is not material, and therefore not visible. It represents a state of being more subtle than the one we know; more open to direct contact with the intangible and even the informal. In other words, the Hyperboreans, holders of the primordial Tradition, would have been capable of intellectual intuition to a degree that we cannot conceive.

Who were they? And, if they really existed, where did their territory extend? The more or less evocative allusions made to them by the ancients—by Seneca in his Medea; by Pliny the Elder, Virgil, Diodorus of Sicily, Herodotus, Homer (in the Odyssey) and the author or authors of Genesis, and especially of the enigmatic Book of Enoch—are rather vague, though all referring to the ‘Great North’.

And the evocation of the extreme ‘whiteness’ of the Hyperboreans, of the unspeakable beauty of their women and the ‘extraordinary gifts of perspicacity’[1] of some of them, would make one think of an Aryan race immensely superior to the average of the present-day Norsemen, which is not surprising since it concerns a past that is lost in the mists of time.

But there is more: the scholar Bal Gangadhar Tilak, better known as Lokomanya Tilak, a Hindu scholar and sage,[2] has, in his book The Arctic Home in the Vedas, very clearly linked the oldest tradition of India to a region located in the high latitudes; a region knowing both the long polar night and the midnight sun, and the aurora borealis: a region where the stars neither rise nor set, but move, or seem to move, circularly along the horizon.

The Rig Veda, which he studied especially, and from which he draws most of the quotations in support of his thesis, is said to have been, as well as the whole of the Vedas—or ‘seen’, i.e. direct, knowledge—revealed to these ‘Aryas’, i.e. ‘Lords’ of the extreme Septentrion, and preciously preserved by them during the migrations which, in the centuries, gradually brought them into India.

Tilak places the abandonment of the Arctic homeland at the moment when it lost its temperate climate and verdant vegetation to become ‘icy’, that is to say, at the moment when the Earth’s axis tilted by more than twenty-three degrees, some eight thousand years ago. He doesn’t specify whether the island or the portion of the continent thus struck by sudden sterility was swallowed up, as the Thule legend has it, or continues to exist somewhere in the vicinity or within the Arctic Circle. Nor does he mention the steps which the repositories of the Eternal Veda—the Wisdom hidden beneath the sacred texts of that name—had to take between their Arctic homeland and the first settlements they founded in north-west India.

And as his work is not addressed to initiates (who wouldn’t need it, but only to bona fide orientalist scholars whom he knows to be insensitive to any argument not supported by evidence) he says nothing about the ‘underground’ initiatory centres, Agartha and Shamballa, which are so often mentioned in the secret teaching of the Thule Society to its members—teaching which Alfred Rosenberg, Rudolf Hess, Dietrich Eckart and, presumably through the latter, Adolf Hitler himself received.

Agartha, or Agarthi, would be the centre placed ‘under the wheel of the Golden Sun’, that is to say, the one to which the contemplatives who refuse in advance to participate in the affairs of this world are attached: that of the sages whom I have called ‘men above Time’. Shamballa, on the other hand, would be the spiritual centre of men ‘against Time’: initiates who, while living in the eternal, accept to act in this world ‘in the interest of the Universe’, according to the unchanging values, or, to use the Führer’s own words, according to the ‘original meaning of things’. It is, of course, to this second centre of the Masters of Action that Adolf Hitler would relate.

Remarkably, the names of Agartha and Shamballa ‘appeared several times on the lips of more than one SS leader during the Nuremberg trials, and more particularly, of the SS leaders of the Ahnenerbe’.[3]

This organisation, among others, sent to Tibet ‘an expedition led by the SS ethnologist Standartenführer Dr Scheffer’.[4] The fragments of his reports, which exist on microfilms in the National Archives in Washington, seemed ‘extraordinary’ to André Brissaud, who read them. Why such an expedition? Certainly not to try to find, in Central Asia, ‘the origins of the Nordic race’, as Brissaud seems to think.

During the Third Reich, even schoolchildren knew from their textbooks—some of which, such as that of Klagges and Blume, So ward das Reich, were remarkable—that this race had spread from north to south and east, and not vice versa.[5] What Dr Scheffer and his collaborators wanted, no doubt, was rather to try to penetrate the mystery of Agartha and Shamballa; perhaps to try, with the help of the heads of a spiritual centre where it manifests itself, to get in touch with the principle (for it is a principle, not a personage) that René Guénon calls the ‘king of the world’.[6]

This seems all the more plausible since, among these sections of the Ahnenerbe whose work was classified as a ‘secret affair of the Reich’ and ‘of which nothing is known’, ‘one section included, in addition to the study of ancient languages, cosmology and archaeology, the study of Yoga and Zen’; and another was focused in ‘esoteric doctrines, and magical influences on human behaviour’.[7]


[1] Brissaud: Hitler et l’Ordre Noir, page 58.
[2] Born 3 July 1856; died 1 August 1920. He was a Brahmin from Maharashtra, of the Chitpavan sub-caste.
[3] Brissaud: Hitler et l’Ordre Noir, page 59-60.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Klagges & Blume, So ward das Reich, page 15.
[6] René Guénon: Le Roi du Monde, page 13.
[7] Brissaud: Hitler et l’Ordre Noir, page 285.

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I would like to thank T.J. and R.B. for their recent contributions to this site. (If in the future I had more sponsors, I could reopen Daybreak Press so that the sidebar books would once again be available in print.)


My stepping stones

in crossing the psychological Rubicon

In my previous post I talked about a couple of steps I crossed when I was a normie, but not about my steps in crossing the psychological Rubicon.


The first step in leaving the lands of Normieland behind me towards National Socialism was my discovery of the Islamisation of Europe, which the media had hidden from me and only in October of 2008 I discovered thanks to the internet.


Living in Spain, I spent several months immersed in sites alerting Westerners to the alarming mass migration of Muslims in Europe, but these people rarely talked about racial issues. Incredibly, I had deleted an article of mine critical of Catholic legends about St Francis in one of my blogs because, at the time, I believed that defending the West meant defending Christianity.

The first big surprise came in July and August of 2009. In one of the Gates of Vienna discussion threads, the comments of a Swede (see pages 25-44 of Daybreak) made me re-evaluate Nietzsche, in the sense of seeing that Christianity represented the inversion of Greco-Roman values, and that Christian ethics was the basic aetiology of Aryan decline.

Not long after that great discovery I first entered a white nationalist site, TOQ Online, then edited by Greg Johnson, and I was most impressed by Michael O’Meara’s essay ‘Toward the White Republic’: the first time I had ever heard an American intellectual proclaim the need for independence from the United States!

When I left Spain, at the airport I began to read several TOQ Online articles I had collected, although I didn’t read them in detail until after crossing the Atlantic.


Given that all the sites that focus on the Islamisation of Europe are conservative Zionist types, I was initially very reluctant to see the Jewish Problem as a genuine problem, as presented in the white nationalist forums. It didn’t take long to disabuse me. By February of 2010 I had a rude awakening to the reality of the JP, as can be seen in the old incarnation of this site (here and here).

On 20 April a colleague of Hunter Wallace’s published an article about Hitler in Occidental Dissent whose comments section became a real treat for those of us so hungry for red pills. It was in that comments section that Greg Johnson published in its entirety an essay by Irmin Vinson (later published in one of Counter-Currents Publishing’s books) that radically changed my view of Hitler. (Wallace would later delete the article, so that thread can no longer be seen.)

I think it was that year that I first heard The Turner Diaries in the voice of William Pierce himself: a tremendous milestone in my spiritual development in that I realised that the ‘Neanderthal extermination’ ideas I had harboured for decades had been spelt out in a highly engrossing novel. It takes some time to download Pierce’s audio but it can be listened here (for a few textual excerpts, click here).

But Pierce had died, and on 21 October I began reading a novel by a still-living author: The Brigade, the best novel by Harold Covington, who was inspired by The Turner Diaries. This same year I devoured Covington’s complete tetralogy about the founding of a white republic in the north-western United States after a war of secession. I must confess that this tetralogy (Covington hadn’t yet written Freedom’s Sons) restored my manhood. Previously I was as demoralised as the average Westerner when it came to revolutionary violence.


On 4 March I began reading The Turner Diaries in a home printout of the text, to better understand the novel I had heard in Pierce’s voice. In June, the webzine Counter-Currents began running a series of articles by Roger Devlin about the weapon of mass destruction that is feminism that made a huge impression on me, and would eventually be published under a single cover.

But the big highlight of 2011 was J.A. Sexton’s review of Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, reproduced on pages 485-494 of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour. I realised that what the Allies did to the Germans was infinitely worse than the crimes the System attributes to the Nazis.


When I asked on a racialist forum whether any histories had been written about the white race, Franklin Ryckaert informed me that Pierce, and Arthur Kemp for that matter, had written a couple of books on the subject. I started my first online reading of Pierce’s Who We Are on 9 July, and signed the copy I received from Ostara Publications of Kemp’s March of the Titans on 30 July.

Thanks to these two books, the tremendous historical gaps with which the System brainwashes us began to be filled with top-notch data, and by 24 August I received my copy of Tom Goodrich’s Hellstorm: the book I recommend most highly of all, definitely #1 on my list.

In November I printed out Who We Are for a paper read. It wasn’t yet published although I would later acquire a properly printed copy in book form. (It seems the National Alliance folk complained and whoever published it had to withdraw it from the market.)


In the last month of 2017, I made a historical discovery that didn’t appear in Pierce and Kemp’s books: the absolutely brutal way in which savage, fanatic Christians destroyed the classical world. I refer to Evropa Soberana’s essay ‘Rome v. Judea; Judea v. Rome’ which, once I finished translating from Spanish into English, I christened as the ‘masthead’ of this site, The West’s Darkest Hour.

Interestingly, the information on these events was already in my library. Since the 1990s I had obtained a couple of books of a German-Spanish translation from Karlheinz Deschner’s ten volumes about Christianity’s criminal history. But Deschner’s work is so overwhelmingly erudite that one gets lost in a jungle of information. I needed a literary artist like Evropa Soberana to summarise this veritable Aryan apocalypse from the 4th to the 6th centuries in a single essay so that I could see, with an eagle eye, the tragedy that befell the culture with which I most identify.


In December of 2018 a commenter pointed out to me, in one of the discussion threads on this site, Richard Carrier’s work on the non-existence of Jesus of Nazareth. It wasn’t until I assimilated Carrier’s exegetical work that I really graduated in my apostasy from Christianity. There is a gulf between believing that Jesus existed, and realising that the Jesus of the gospels was the literary invention of the evangelist Mark, who was furious after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and founded Aelia Capitolina (Paul’s Jesus was too nebulous and distant theological figure to capture the White man’s imagination).


Although I had quoted several passages from Savitri Devi on this site, it was not until last year that, thanks to Savitri’s writing on the Kalki archetype (which portrays my exterminationist spirit to perfection), I realised the greatness of this woman. I hope soon to resume translations of Savitri’s book which best serves as an introduction to her thought.

Mixing metaphors, crossing the psychological Rubicon is the same as climbing Mauricio’s ladder.

Monologe im Führerhauptquartier

Monologe im Führerhauptquartier, 3


11./12. Juli 1941 H/Fu.

Ich glaube, wer mit offenen Augen in die Natur schaut, wird der frömmste Mensch; nicht im Sinne von Kirchenfrömmigkeit, sondern in der Art der inneren Selbstbesinnung.

Am Ende des vorigen Jahrhunderts hat, verleitet durch die Fortschritte von Naturwissenschaft und Technik, der Liberalismus verkündet, der Mensch beherrsche die Natur, bald werde er im Luftraum herrschen usw. Dabei braucht aber nur ein Orkan zu kommen und alles fliegt zusammen wie ein Kartenhaus.

Wir werden allenfalls die Gesetze kennenlernen, nach denen sich das Leben der Naturwesenheiten bestimmt; wenn es hoch kommt, werden wir unserem Dasein das Wissen um das Naturgesetz nutzbar machen können; aber warum das Gesetz waltet, erfahren wir nicht.

Das versteht sich von selbst: Unser Standort erlaubt uns nicht, in andere Ebenen hineinzusehen. Dafür hat der Mensch den wunder-schönen Begriff von der Allmacht gefunden, deren Walten er verehrt. Zum Atheismus wollen wir nicht erziehen.

In jedem Menschen lebt das Ahnungsvermögen, was das Walten dessen angeht, das man Gott nennt, [hs. Zusatz Bormanns: Nämlich das Walten der Naturgesetze im gesamten Universum.] Dieses Ahnungsvermögen hat die Kirche sich dienstbar zu machen verstanden, indem sie den mit Strafe bedroht, der das nicht glauben will, was sie geglaubt wissen möchte.

Wenn man ein Kind die Dunkelheit fürchten macht, werden atavistische Angstgefühle geweckt; so ein Kind wird zeitlebens in der Dunkelheit von Angst befallen, während ein anderes unbefangen hinein- und herausgeht.

Wenn einer sagt: Der Mensch braucht eine Stätte, bei der er Trost und Hilfe sucht in der Not, – ich glaube das nicht! Daß die Menschheit diese Wege geht, ist eine Sache der Tradition und der Gewöhnung.

Das lehrt uns die bolschewistische Front: sie kennen keinen Gott und doch verstehen sie, zu sterben. Wenn der Nationalsozialismus längere Zeit geherrscht hat, wird man sich etwas anderes gar nicht mehr denken können. Auf die Dauer vermögen Nationalsozialismus und Kirche nicht nebeneinander zu bestehen.

Auf Einwurf Chr[ista] Schr[oeders],[1] ob das einen neuen Krieg bedeute: Nein, einen Krieg bedeutet das nicht; die ideale Lösung sei, die Kirchen auf Aussterbe-Etat zu setzen dadurch, daß man sie allmählich und ohne Gewalt an sich selbst verkümmern läßt; in diesem Falle brauche man weiter keinen Ersatz zu schaffen, was schrecklich wäre. Selbstverständlich erfordert das ständig viel Denken. Alles muß zu seiner Zeit geschehen. Aber es ist ein Gebot der Ehrlichkeit des Herzens, eines Tages dahin zu kommen.

In England ist es die Staatsraison, was das Verhältnis des einzelnen zur Kirche bestimmt, in Amerika die Stellung in der Gesellschaft. Die Deutschen sind die Nation, welche sich am längsten Zeit läßt, aber auch die einzige Nation, die überhaupt hier tätig werden kann, weil sie allein das Gewissen kennt als eine das Handeln bestimmende Macht.

Der schwerste Schlag, der die Menschheit getroffen hat, ist das Christentum; der Bolschewismus ist der uneheliche Sohn des Christentums; beide sind eine Ausgeburt des Juden.[2] Durch das Christentum ist in die Welt gekommen die bewußte Lüge in den Fragen der Religion; in gleicher Weise lügt der Bolschewismus, wenn er behauptet, die Freiheit zu bringen, während er nur Sklaven sehen will.

In der antiken Welt lag über dem Verhältnis des Menschen zur Gottheit der Schimmer ahnender Ehrfurcht; sein Kennzeichen war Duldsamkeit. Dem Christentum war es vorbehalten, Ungezählte im Namen der Liebe grausam zu töten; sein Kennzeichen: Unduldsamkeit.

Ohne das Christentum würde es keinen Mohammedanismus gegeben haben; das römische Reich hätte sich unter germanischer Führung zur Weltherrschaft entwickelt und geweitet: Die Menschheit würde nicht um fünfzehnhundert Jahre in der Entwicklung zurückgeworfen worden sein.

Man sage nicht: Das Christentum hat die Verinnerlichung gebracht. Die würde es auch so gegeben haben. Die Folge des Zusammenbruchs des römischen Reiches war das Nichts durch Jahrhunderte.

Die Römer hatten keine Aversion gegen die Germanen, was sich schon daran zeigt, daß blondes Haar Mode geworden war; unter den Goten gab es auch dunkles Haar; die italienische, die spanische, die französische und englische Sprache sind dadurch entstanden, daß sich die Sprachelemente der Völkerwanderung mit den einheimischen Sprachen zu einem Konglomerat verbunden haben, das zunächst ein Kauderwelsch war, bis sich im Laufe der Zeit der Dichter fand, der daraus die Sprache der Nation geprägt hat. In fünf- oder sechshundert Jahren kann eine Sprache entstehen. Wer in ein fremdes Land kommt, muß sich um der Verständigung willen dem dortigen Sprachgut anpassen. Die Sprache ist deshalb auch nicht das unveränderliche Erkennungsmal des Volkstums. Viel stärker haften die Eß- Gewohnheiten den Völkern an, wie ja jedem Menschen die Küche seines Vaterhauses die beste zu sein scheint zeit seines Lebens. Wie ich die Suppe der Schleswig-Holsteiner verkostet habe, wußte ich, daß die der Spartaner nichts anderes war. Die Stämme der Völkerwanderung muß man als Überlagerungen begreifen; was da im Süden ankam, war nicht reinblütig das Volk des Aufbruchsorts; man kann sich denken, zweihundert junge Friesen sind nach dem Süden gestoßen wie ein Panzerwagen durch die Landschaft und haben Männer anderer Stämme mitgerissen. Die Kroaten sind sicher mehr Germanen als Slawen. Auch in den Estländern ist viel germanisches Blut. Die Estländer sind das beste von den baltischen Völkern, dann kommen die Litauer, zuletzt die Letten.

Stalin hat sich zu Exekutionen, zu welchen Russen sich nicht bereitgefunden haben, der Hilfe von Chinesen und von Letten bedient; sie sind auch die Henker des alten Zarenreichs gewesen.

Stalin ist eine der eigenartigsten Gestalten der Weltgeschichte. Er hat angefangen als kleiner Sekretär und hat nie das Büro verlassen, nie eine Rede gehalten. Vom Büro aus regiert er mit einer auf ihn eingestellten Bürokratie.

Es fällt auf, daß sich die russische Propaganda in der Kritik an uns noch immer sehr in Grenzen hält. Dieser schlaue Kaukasier ist bereit, das europäische Rußland dranzugeben, wenn er fürchten muß, sonst das ganze zu verlieren. Man sage nicht, vom Ural aus kann er Europa zurückerobern. Das ist, wie wenn ich in der Slowakei säße und von da aus das Reich sollte erobern wollen.

Es ist das eine Katastrophe, der das Sowjet-Reich zum Opfer fallen wird.


[1] Christa Schroeder, Gerda Daranowski und Johanna Wolf, die Sekretärinnen Hitlers, wurden bevorzugt zum Tee nach den abendlichen Lagebesprechungen gebeten.

[2] Diese Auffassung läßt sich schon frühzeitig im Kreis um Hitler nachweisen. Sie wird erstmalig im Zusammenhang entwickelt in der posthum veröffentlichten Broschüre Dietrich Eckarts: Der Bolschewismus von Moses bis Lenin. Zwiegespräch zwischen Adolf Hitler und mir. München 1924. Eckart wählte für seine Darstellung die Form des Zweitgesprächs, um eine größere propagandistische Wirkung zu erzielen.

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