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Racial right The Brigade (novel)

On Satan buffs

‘America will become so weak’, said Mauricio this morning, ‘that its only card left to play in the Hegemony game will be its nukes. And when the nukes start flying, to paraphrase Vikernes, Life will have a new meaning’.

Those who have read Covington’s futuristic novel will remember that, in the race wars, the US would commit terrible blunders by putting primitive Blacks and wise Latinas in command. A once-powerful but wounded beast can become very dangerous. I have often thought that a bitch like AOC in power wouldn’t hesitate to, say, try to implement a no-fly zone in a war like the one we are witnessing, or even use nukes if the likes of Golden Dawn were to reach power in Europe after the collapse of the dollar. (That might be the scenario we need to wake up the American semi-normies commenting on the racialist forums.)

Changing subjects, yesterday I criticised Anglin for his pious mention of the god of the Judeo-Christians but today I would like to say that, regarding Satanism, I completely agree with him. Anglin wrote today:

Atomwaffen was publicly exposed–mostly by me–as a literal satanic death cult that was killing cats and sacrificing goats, as well as having sex with trannies, in order to get power from demons. This was all confirmed on discord links.

If what Anglin says about animal sacrifice is true, what would Savitri say (cf. my other entry of the day)? For context to the debate between Satanist racists and saner folk see an exchange, on this site, from two years ago as a result of my post ‘On the Atomwaffen Division’.

Civil war Harold Covington The Brigade (novel) The Turner Diaries (novel)

Andy Donner and premature violence

Of his quintet, I fully read Harold Covington’s first four novels at a time when I had some correspondence with him, and I still recommend The Brigade to everyone who visits this site. But I distanced myself from Covington when I learned that he suffered from terrible character flaws, such as the defamation of other white nationalists, as I have explained on this site.

When Covington died in 2018 it bothered me that Andy Donner, who now runs the Northwest Front, alleged in his obituary that Covington had been a man of impeccable character. Obviously, Donner is as dishonest as Covington was, who never regretted his defamations of his colleagues, even decades after having defamed them. (For example, he labelled William Pierce ‘a federal informant’ in one of his novels.)

In the most recent Northwest Front podcast now run by Donner, ‘Andy discusses Party happenings and the arrests of members of the Base and AtomWaffen Division’. I was struck by the brief segment that begins after the fourth minute, as it is the first time Donner has talked about these two revolutionary groups. Also for the first time, he who now directs the Northwest Front was disengaged from the groups that presumably promote accelerationist violence.

In my opinion, nothing better destroys the depression to which the white man has fallen than novels such as Pierce’s The Turner Diaries and The Brigade by Covington. But it is clear that the hour of revolution has not arrived.

We could call failures of the imagination the huge mistake made by those who believe it’s time to fight. Even before the pandemic of the Chinese virus erupted, I knew something was going to happen that would open a window of opportunity for us. Revolutionaries who read Siege completely lack this kind of intuitive imagination. A few years ago, for example, in a forum that mentioned the future fall of the dollar, a commenter speculated that the first piece of the dominoes that could cause it could be… a Chinese virus! I wish I had saved the link, but I seem to remember that a few years ago I read that online, perhaps inspired on the first SARS-CoV epidemic.

The revolutionaries with whom I have dealt with over the forums vehemently reject all speculation of the Austrian school economists that the dollar is going to fall. Their vision is that business as usual will continue unless the revolutionaries step in (‘Screw your optics, I am in!’). The 2020 pandemic, which could potentially be that little piece of a dominoes effect (see the clips of Martenson and Maloney I’ve been linking), is the perfect answer to unimaginative would-be revolutionaries.

It is silly to lash out at the enemy without a lot of soldiers. Let’s be patient. The System is run by such stupid people—I include not only the gentile traitors but Jewry—that it will collapse on its own weight. Few things exasperate me more in white nationalism than the paranoia that Jewry has everything under control, when in reality they are almost as imbeciles as whites.