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Moses (fictional Hebrew lawgiver)

Subtitle changed

I just removed the subtitle of this site (‘Christians are the ultimate conclusion of Judaism’) to make room for a new one.
In 2015 I wrote a brief entry about what a ‘priest of the 14 words’ should be, with three guidelines. The previous guideline was left hanging: here and was depured recently by an anonymous priest of the 14 words: here. Today I’d like to modify the 2nd guideline:

§ 2

Unlike Adolf Hitler, who, as a politician, had to deal with Judeo-Christians, the priest of the 14 words not only eludes them: he is a purist regarding every tail that comes from Judeo-Christianity. Example of tails: a failure to see God as an Aryan-eater Spider; to continue believing in the existence of the afterlife, or to ignore the history of the 4th and subsequent centuries in which the Judeo-Christians tried to assassinate every vestige of the Greco-Roman culture.

From this angle, it is obvious that even some commenters who have praised me should be avoided by this priest, as the belief in God or the hereafter (in the sense of the soul as an immortal particle) prevents them from reclaiming the West with the ferocity of the priest.
I would also like to add another guideline:

§ 4

The priest of the 14 words subscribes a Nordicism that was the common sense of eugenicists in North America and in Europe, including the Third Reich, prior to World War 2. What the priest wants is to produce a new Reich whose futuristic Arcadian stage will resemble the paintings of Maxfield Parrish; not the mudbloods of which there are millions on both sides of the Atlantic.

This is just the beginning. I have to produce a New Decalogue that includes the hanging guideline and others.
What stands between Moses’ old Tablets and Zarathustra’s new, half-written Tablets is Christian ethics of course, including the ethics of some regular visitors. But I am curious. Among regular visitors, is there someone prepared to follow the already written guidelines?

5 replies on “Subtitle changed”

I agree with the guidelines except for “He is a purist regarding every tale that comes from Judeo-Christianity”. While a belief in God and the afterlife are a major part of Judeo-Christianity these beliefs pre-date Christianity.
I am agnostic on these subjects. I don’t know if there is a God and I don’t know what will happen to me after death. However I do lean towards doubting that there is a God or afterlife and personally would like there to be non-existence after death as I can’t stand existence as it is.
I do see the use of not believing in God or the afterlife as Nietzsche so excellently demonstrated and as the Jews have proved so well (their God is their race). I do think Aryan Men should behave without fear of ‘God’ and fear of an afterlife as they may not exist and even if they do one should still behave as one pleases.
So I can’t say I would follow the already written guidelines to the letter Cesar.

Maybe I have to redact § 2 because I am referring to Yahweh, not to Zeus, Jupiter, Odin or Wotan. When you talk to a normie or a white nationalist about ‘God’ they have a circuit that immediately directs their thinking to the implanted idea of the Jewish god (not to the idea of any of the pagan gods). So redacted I’m sure you’ll agree with § 2.
The same with the hereafter. Recently Arch Stanton said that Jews also believe in Sheol and I responded that the concept was as nebulous for them as the Aristotelian God of the deists during the Enlightenment.
For both Jews and pre-Christian pagan religionists, the focus was not in the afterlife. Only Buddhist monks and Christians obsess about the afterlife: the former striving to avoid reincarnations and the latter striving to avoid damnation. In Christendom, the idea of the afterlife was very vivid. It was the very antithesis of the nebulous: religious paintings and priestly imaginary depicting the sorrows of the damned. This is a mental disease, a virus for the mind.
So in a future post I’ll redact that passage as well, as I refer to the Xtian views on the afterlife.
In fact, both are two sides of the same coin. Whites fear the Jewish god who threatens them with the hereafter (damnation).
Take note that never in the Old Testament you’ll find a threat to the Jews with eternal torment. Just find me a single Jew who fears Yahweh for the fires of Sheol! This was probably invented as a Semitic psyop for the Goyim.

I agree; of all stated the only thing I disagreed with was the negation of any belief in the hereafter.
After clarification I completely agree.

Cesar, you say: “he is a purist regarding every tail that comes from Judeo-Christianity. Example of tails …”.
“tails” are something cats and dogs have. The word you want is “tale”, not “tail”.

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