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Internet hoaxer

Update of December 13: I just changed the title of this post from ‘João Almeriz de Lima (1978-2019)’ to ‘Internet hoaxer’. It has been confirmed that John Martínez (the name ‘João’ is the invention of a hoaxer) is alive. It means that a week ago I wrote the following post under the illusion that Martínez was dead; which is why I din’t intend to dox him (dead persons cannot be ‘doxxed’):

______ 卐 ______


A Brazilian who sinned against the holy ghost?

This article is a postscript to ‘Extermination I’: a piece from 17 September 2014 that received 76 comments (incidentally, I have since renamed my book from Exterminio to ¿Me Ayudarás?). This postscript will only be understandable to those who have read that long 2014 post or are familiar with the intense debate it ensued. I write the present postscript for those who are interested in an update on that surreal anecdote.

* * *

On the London bus, those red double-deckers, very crowded and full of non-whites I remarked to the Brazilian that I had seen several bi-racial couples in the great British city that day of my arrival: something that shocked me. Smiling, he told me that it was punishment for what the British had done to the Germans in the Second World War. More than once, and on one occasion rather vehemently, the Brazilian who claimed to fight for the fourteen words told me that he was the last in his biological line; that he would never, ever father a child.

But oh surprise: the recent German translation in the German section of this site, of an old article by the Brazilian, prompted another Brazilian to comment on this site (see the discussion threads here and here). Originally, the first Brazilian introduced himself as ‘John Martinez’, the name used in the recent German translation. But according to the second Brazilian, his real name was João Augusto Almeriz de Lima, who was born on April 24, 1978 in the city of Niterói (near Rio de Janeiro) and died in the same city on November 22, 2019. He only discovered his real name after João passed away two years ago due to pancreatic cancer.

I have no way of corroborating the story of this second Brazilian, who says he met João at least eight times in Brazil, which is why I put a question mark in the subtitle of this post. If true, João (I’ll call him that from now on) was a liar.

As we saw in my 2014 post ‘Extermination I’, what annoyed me the most about João was that for more than half an hour he left me on a subway station without any warning whatsoever, even though I hadn’t slept on the plane. The bastard went to buy beers and even drank them while I was obfuscated, confused and sleepless in a hostile environment. No Aryan would have treated a comrade like that but João was a pardo (product of the three Brazilian races), phenotypically almost a mulatto I’d say. As I confessed in the comments section seven years ago (syntax revised):

The fatal mistake I made before the trip, and this is a lesson for everyone who meets people online, is that I completely ignored that he belonged to another social class. A mistake, of course: because I had to meet him personally to disabuse myself of this idealised vision. Later in my trip I met real gentlemen at the BNP and the London Forum, real old-fashioned gentlemen, as well as Arthur Kemp, the young commenter Joseph Walsh and Jez Turner. My mistake was precisely confusing the Brazilian with someone like any of them. It’s not about money. My family can live comfortably but since I rebelled decades ago I was left penniless. It’s about kindness, courtesy, chivalry—virtues that genocidal Nazis had towards other Germans even in the grimmest jobs. In other words, as I’m perfectly aware of the type of lumpen to which the Brazilian belongs, if I had known him before I’d have treated him quite differently.

Incredibly, writing under the pen name John Martínez, João himself was perfectly aware of it!:

But the thing is: as an over 80% White guy who knows both the White and the non-White psyches, I can assure you that I for one have many inherited personality traits which are clearly non-White and which demand constant surveillance on my part to keep them under control… My point is: do you guys really want to run the risk of injecting some Black and other non-White genomes into the White gene pool of a future White Homeland without knowing exactly how it will play out in the long run in terms of behaviour, intelligence, etc., from those affected by it? As I said before, I don’ have a dog in this fight for the reasons I mentioned above. But looking at this question from a purely objective and cold perspective, I don’t think it’s a good idea having in mind what is at stake. Remember, once you miscegenate your blood, there’s no turning away from what you did.

So true. And later in that very thread João added:

I’m an honest believer in the one-drop rule, albeit to my own personal detriment. The fact is that I’m too racially aware not to notice, much to my chagrin, disturbing Black / Indian / Mestizo personality traits in myself: traits that demand, from my part, eternal surveillance in order to be properly suppressed or controlled. Believe me, guys, a partially non-White person will always and inevitably have some (literally) dark corners in his soul. For this reason, I think it would be desirable for a future White Homeland to make it mandatory that would-be citizens are required to produce a DNA test attesting his / her 100% purely White genome. A verifiable White DNA must be the only acceptable passport for such a nation. And in the case of any possible non-White pioneers like me being admitted into its borders, they should have a different, non-citizen legal status and, above all, sterilization should be made absolutely mandatory.

Indeed. But according to what his compatriot said recently in the comments section of this site, João impregnated a white woman and now his mongrel kid lives in London. João wasn’t sterilized in Cuckold Island precisely because of the British sins during and after WW2!

Just for visitors to see the dark corner (*) of the mongrel soul, take a look at a brilliant post on Portuguese miscegenation with blacks about which João commented on in 2013 that I included in the 1st edition of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour.


(*) ‘Dark corner’ not in the sense of what he wrote in that year, which is incredibly insightful, but what he did next: father a son.

6 replies on “Internet hoaxer”

Cesar, I believe you were right linking the commenter “Indian American” with the deranged Tartar troll Adunai, you’re good in recognizing patterns, but there’s something much more interesting.

Adunai reproduced in his site the article “Philosophical quackery” where you wrote about this guy “John Martinez.”
Then in December, 3, a commenter named “Dear Leader Adolf Hitler” posted the following “Hi, I’m a friend of John Martinez, Chechar and Dr. Morales.”
The commenter who wrote that is most certainly the vile troll Dr. Morales (only Dr. Morales and Commandor post on that nasty Mongolian site).
So maybe there’s a considerable probability that the commenter “Dear Leader Adolf Hitler” in your site is Dr. Morales himself.
That he concocted a series of lies about “John Martinez,” including a supposed death just because he’s a troll.
You have put him in a corner asking him pics of John Martinez or the polish woman allegedly Martinez had a son with.

Let’s see what “Dear Leader Adolf Hitler” (which I believe is Dr. Morales) next move will be. No pics, no links, nothing, I predict.

Cesar, I’ve lost my previous E-mail so I’ll try a new one.

I believe you were right linking the commenter “Indian American” with the Tartar troll Adunai, you’re good in recognizing patterns, but there’s something much more interesting.

Adunai reproduced in his site the article “Philosophical quackery” where you wrote about this guy “John Martinez.”
Then in December, 3, a commenter named “Dear Leader Adolf Hitler” posted the following “Hi, I’m a friend of John Martinez, Chechar and Dr. Morales.”
The commenter who wrote that is most certainly the vile troll Dr. Morales (only Dr. Morales and Commandor post on that nasty Mongolian site).
So maybe there’s a considerable probability that the commenter “Dear Leader Adolf Hitler” in your site is Dr. Morales himself.
That he concocted a series of lies about “John Martinez,” including a supposed death just because he’s a troll.
You have put him in a corner asking him pics of John Martinez or the polish woman allegedly Martinez had a son with and he stopped posting.

Let’s see what “Dear Leader Adolf Hitler” (which I believe is Dr. Morales) next move will be. No pics, no links, nothing, I predict.

It is innate for the Iberian populations to live in a constant state of surrealism. For example, to preach for the equality of darker races, yet also desire for fairer complexion while mixing with them.

Saying one thing while doing the opposite is never proper of a healthy individual.

Joao is one of those specimens that Madison Grant spoke about in his book “The passing of the great race”: those which are in perpetual psychological instability due to the mixing of races.

The concept of Brazil and its state is probably the greatest abomination for the 14 priest and warrior.

If you are John Martínez, the commenter under the pen name “Dear Leader Adolf Hitler” is an internet hoaxer.

To check and see if you’re him, Which dialogue between us do you remember during the day we met—anything that I haven’t mentioned in this blog, of course. Or even easier: send me an email from the address of the screenshot above, within the article. (Also, you could send my a recent selfie pic, if you wish.)

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