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Exterminationism Film

On Barton Fink fans

There is something I want to say about the recent discussion thread of Savitri Devi’s article.

Some things can be told rhetorically on a blog and other things cannot be said rhetorically. Exterminationism, ‘the religion of the 4 words’, is one of the things that cannot be said rhetorically. It is a subject that requires a new Bible, the Bible of the exterminating angel.

A thick novel cannot be read online either, and I dare say that even classics in the pro-white movement, such as the MacDonald trilogy, must be bought and read on paper to make footnotes with our pencils.

I’m going to be honest with my post from yesterday. There are literary styles that I tolerate and styles that I don’t tolerate. Years ago I said that there are books that I throw away if they are written in opaque prose. I also don’t like esoteric literature. When Jez Turner asked me in London if I had read Miguel Serrano, along with Devi the most famous Hitler esoterist, he was surprised when I answered no, although Serrano (1917-2009) wrote in my native language.

Sometimes I make exceptions, as I did with a book by Michel Foucault critical of psychiatry, written in opaque prose. I also made an exception with Devi’s book on animal welfare, written in esoteric prose.

But I am rambling. The reason that exterminationism cannot be blogged rhetorically is that there is no way to create a bridge of empathy in which the normie reader can sympathise with such an apparently extreme stance. (Apparent, I say, because from the POV of the Star Child what is extreme is that there are so many Neanderthals who are causing countless unnecessary suffering.)

I recently made a list of 50 movies that can be viewed in covid-19 quarantine. In two films on my list, 2001: A Space Odyssey and A.I., in one humanity is about to be metamorphosed when the Star Child returns on the clouds with great power and glory, and in the other no human is left over the planet. That is the limit that a normie can access when talking about exterminationism: movies, fiction. But inviting a normie to reason like the Star Child will only result in something that happened here.

Franklin Ryckaert used to comment here. He stopped doing it when I talked about exterminationism. In many ways Ryckaert, a white nationalist, subscribes, like the vast majority of white nationalists, to Christian standards of morality even though he is a secular man.

Well, it is virtually impossible to convey post-Christian ethics to neo-Christians like Ryckaert and most white nationalists. Regarding exterminationism the limit of their Overton Window, or window of discourse, would be precisely the two films cited. Nothing else. Only if someone like Ryckaert read my From Jesus to Hitler would he realise the spiritual odyssey that led me to exterminationism.

I insist: some things can be said in blogs and others can’t. A series of thick books like George R.R. Martin’s saga would not be able to transmit on a blog either. You have to buy at least the first of his books to enter his universe.

It is so difficult to think in exterminationist terms that even people like Andrew Hamilton, and Alex Linder himself, felt some reservations the first time they read The Turner Diaries. On the other hand, when I listened to the novel for the first time (as I listened to the audiobook with Pierce’s own voice) it seemed to me that the author was developing ideas that I had harboured for decades! I was already prepared for such a novel. Axiologically speaking, a normie like Greg Johnson even felt tremendous rejection when he read the Diaries. And a lot of white nationalists, actually neochristians, feel the same revulsion that Johnson felt.

Exterminationism is for very mature men, aged old men in the tree of the human past so to speak, especially those who have suffered the unspeakable and have assimilated that mountain of pain in a long process. Pain is something that cannot be transmitted in blogs, only in long texts. Most white nationalists cannot even face a book whose author suffered horrors in writing, Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany. We can already imagine the resistance they would place in order not to face the odyssey of a single individual.

They remind me of the movie Barton Fink, in which a fat Aryan wrestler told a slim kike writer in Hollywood that nobody is interested in hearing about a tortured soul; what the public wants to see is freestyle wrestling.

Barton Fink is for the Judaised white trash of today. A.I. is a stepping-stone for those who were abandoned in the woods as children and now need to heal. Remember: only revenge heals the wounded soul. And the ultimate revenge is extermination.

I would like to finish this post with some words from another of the 50 films I recommend. I refer to Mitchell Garabedian in Spotlight: ‘This city, these people [Bostonians who didn’t give a damn about the priests who molested kids] making the rest of us feel like we don’t belong. But they’re no better than us. Look at how they treat their children. Mark my words, Mr. Rezendes: If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to abuse one’ .

4 replies on “On Barton Fink fans”

Have you seen or read the new books by Ash Donaldson? His novel ‘From Her Eyes a Doctrine’ is remarkable. It offers a positive vision of an Aryan future in the midst of decay and chaos. Donaldson’s books are beautiful, too, with color art reproductions. I cannot recommend them highly enough.

Having read “Hunter” first (and cheering along with the protagonist) and at a young age, the Turner Diaries never repulsed me. Its prose was awkward and its characters flat. But morally repulsive? Not in the slightest. The squeamishness regarding extermination comes with age. An old man’s developed consciousness is less inured to bloodshed than a young man’s.

Exterminationism remains difficult in practice even if it is perfectly logical. Himmler grappled with the Ostfront pit shootings. In historical accounts, younger SS men often complained of being assigned “anti-partisan” duty instead of manly combat. It’s hard work. But ultimately, it is a manly task to be done with detachment. What coward would leave such a burden for his children, when he could do it then and there?

Savitri Devi wrote often of the holy mindset behind detached violence. Dharmic duty is sublime when carried out in a passionless matter. I’ve found her prose exoteric and beautiful. Serrano is another matter. You are right to dismiss him. As a gnostic his metaphysics are poisonous and closer to Christianity than he would admit.

Just a remark – if you refer to her by one name, you should use “Savitri” as Devi is not a surname, it is what Indian women add past their name.

I wonder what exactly is repulsive to these neo-Christians. Maybe, they cannot internalize the Negro citizens as foreigners? Because pretty much the whole world has no problem hating foreigners.

In Islam, they say their god enacts his punishment with the hands of the believers. Quite a contrast to Christianity.

There is a channel on YouTube called “Dovahatty”, he retells the history of Rome in a joking memetic manner. His latest video on Diocletian has garnered 115k views, and he calls Christianity Christcuckery! And people in the comments are quite receptive.

About extermination – I wonder how you would go annihilating the nuclear powers of the non-White world.

I actually read Serrano’s book and I can say it did not affect me in the slightest, compare that to Savitri’s books which I found much more fulfilling, also her letters to other people she had come in contact with and their texts.
Especially his theory in the end where he says that Hitler didn’t die and went to Antarctica… I closed the book.

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