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Who We Are (book)

Forgive Game of Thrones

When I left the cinema when I was ten after seeing 2001: A Space Odyssey in the Latino D-150, perhaps the best movie theatre in the town, I told my dad that they spoiled the ending: an ending I did not understand. He immediately corrected me but, over time, upon hearing his talks with the most intelligent of my uncles, I gradually came to understand the profound message.

Exactly the same I can say now, more than half a century after having seen 2001 on the big screen. No one except Yezen, a YouTuber, has understood the message of George R.R. Martin: on whose novels a television series is based that this year disappointed most of the fans, Game of Thrones (GoT).

In several entries on this site I have talked about the message of GoT in the final episode: the power of stories. After all, it is a story that has been exterminating the white race: a story out of the pen of some first-century audacious Semites who dared to write the holy books for the white race! And it is precisely the repudiation of that story and embracing the Aryan one—Leonidas, Hermann, Hitler—what could save the Aryans, as with red letters I explained:

  • Jesus of Nazareth [the story that is killing whites] never existed.
  • Catholicism was imposed on the white race not through the peaceful message of the fictional Jesus, but through anti-Germanics holocausts.
  • Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the inversion of Aryan values into Semitic values for white consumption—Christian ethics—has been the primary cause of the white man’s ethno-suicidal behaviour.

I am not surprised that the most staunch GoT fans still fail to understand the moral of GoT that we saw when Tyrion Lannister proposed Bran Stark to be appointed as king after the apocalypse caused by Daenerys Targaryen’s dragon in King’s Landing. (Social justice warrior Daenerys Targaryen = the Allies. Think of Dresden and other allied bombings in Germany.) In this GoT video, for example, no matter how scholarly were these three staunch fans of Martin’s novels and the HBO series, over four hours they didn’t understand what Yezen wanted to say about the moral (for example, after 3:21). On the contrary: these three fans, despite their erudition, were left with the impression that there was no moral in Martin’s mind but that the end was the purest nihilism.

It didn’t take me long to realise the whys of such un-circumcision of the heart: they are all fans of the American junk culture, not of the history or real culture of the West. And how are they going to know the real history of the West if not even white nationalists know it, at least not as profoundly as Bran?

In yesterday’s article in The Occidental Observer, ‘The ABC’s of the Alt-Right: A Guide for Students’, among other things the author’s bibliography strives to challenge the so-called Holocaust. However, as we know, it is not enough to do so if we lack the framework of the whole history of the white race as Pierce put it in Who We Are. Without the story of Who We Are there is no salvation. It is as if the Night King had killed Bran (which did not happen in GoT, although he was about to do so). Isn’t it incredible that even white nationalists start from a Semitic story that is equivalent, in symbol, as if the Night King had killed Bran? In The Occidental Observer article, for example, a typical ethno-suicidal white, who mistakenly believes he is defending his race, commented:

I agree with being neutral on religion. You don’t need religion in order to defend white nationalism. But steeping yourself in Nietzsche is not “being neutral on religion.” And it is bound to alienate the majority of Americans who still consider themselves Christian. Not all Christians believe that their God is Jewish.

Not Jewish? Really? Following the GoT metaphor, this kind of whites are only possible in a world where Bran was killed and, according to the plot, the Night King achieved his goal: the ‘perpetual night’ in Westeros. These purportedly anti-Semitic commenters are as clueless as millions of GoT fans who didn’t get the moral of the final episode. Although, throughout the TV seasons, on this site I harshly criticised GoT because of its feminism, I now forgive Martin because of the great insight of the final. (The purpose of my compilation in The Fair Race is precisely to replace the Semitic story that’s killing whites for the Aryan story that might save them.)

2 replies on “Forgive Game of Thrones”

Bran is based on Bran the Blessed who is associated with ravens


It may relate to king in the mountain, legends about sleeping kings who return to protect their people when chaos reigns.


I am not sure if the Bran in Welsh mythology has second sight as does the Bran in G.O.T. but second sight in Scottish is Taischitaraugh, that means shadow sight. Website related


Stories involving Bran



The Fisher King is supposed to be based on Bran the Blessed


Welsh Celtic stories and traditions are different than Irish Celtic, we can see tensions between British Welsh and Irish in these stories involving Bran which are basically wars between Ireland and Britain, both of whom were Celtic at the time. Spain would actually be related to these traditions, them being Celtiberians.

Thanks for the links.

In ‘The power of stories’ of Yezen’s YouTube site, he says:

Much like the audience, the seven kingdoms don’t understand what Bran has become, or how he helped save the world. Yet, when Bran returns, the kingdom is broken just like him; and all the things that once made him useless to the militaristic culture of Westeros, now make him the ideal Fisher King: an incorruptible figurehead to help usher the new system. And thus Bran the Broken is immortalized as the story around which the kingdoms of Westeros can unite.

Even years before the finale, another insightful GoT fan said:

GRRM’s [George R.R. Martin] answer to the question “How can mortal men be perfect kings?” is evident in Bran’s narrative: Only by becoming something not completely human at all, to have godly and immortal things, such as the weirwood, fused into your being, and hence to become more or less than completely human, depending on your perspective. This is the only type of monarchy GRRM gives legitimacy, the kind where the king suffers on his journey and is almost dehumanized for the sake of his people.

I use both quotes in my eleventh book.

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