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Antiochus IV Epiphanes Axiology Civil war Jerusalem Old Testament


Greek effigy coin of
Antiochus IV Epiphanes

A couple of days ago I resuscitated the idea of adding here further excerpts from the monumental Criminal History of Christianity. Four years ago I purposely left those excerpts with a short entry because Deschner’s last sentence provided much food for thought: “If the stringent measures against the Jews by Antiochus IV had taken effect, it would not only have meant the end of Judaism, but also ‘would have prevented the rise of Christianity and Islam.’ Our imagination almost fails to conceive a world so different…”

It is a pity that the sources for understanding the revolt of the Maccabees are the Old Testament and Josephus: both Jewish sources. Even so, what happened 2183 years ago can be deduced from those texts.

Early in 167 BC, the Greek Hellenistic king Antiochus sent an army to Jerusalem. He did it on Saturday so the Jews could not carry weapons. Thus, the Hellenistic forces entered the Jewish city without finding opposition. The soldiers of Apollonius, the general of Antiochus, destroyed much of Jerusalem and set up camp on a hill from which the Temple was dominated. That hill would turn into a citadel: the stronghold of the white man in Jerusalem in the next quarter-century.

Antiochus then proceeded to act directly against the Jews. He ordered them to accept the Greek customs; to desecrate the Sabbath and the feasts, to build altars for the white man’s gods, and to immolate therein animals which the Jews considered impure. The decree of Antiochus ended with these words: “Whoever does not obey the orders of the king shall be put to death.”

The very Jewish law became the target of the decrees of Antiochus. “You could not observe the Sabbath, keep the country feasts, or even declare yourself a Jew.” The possession of the Scriptures was a capital offense, and members of a congregation who were caught secretly celebrating the Sabbath were burned alive. “Two women were denounced for having circumcised their children. They tied the children to their breasts, so they walked about the city and threw them down the wall. ”

On the occasion of the festival of Dionysius, orthodox Jews were forced to parade in the procession. In the middle of the drums and voices in honour of the Greek god of wine, they marched with wreaths of ivy, symbol of the foreign god. Later, the whole procession, under pain of death, was exhorted to eat pork.

The way the Jews first reacted was by writing the Book of Daniel. The authors deceived the Jerusalemites into believing it to be a remote text they had just unearthed. As literary criticism has revealed the Book of Daniel was a trick: a vaticinium ex eventu or foretelling after the event written during the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes. It is from that book that the phrase of the abomination of desolation, desolating sacrilege, became famous.

Just compare how pre-Christian Aryans dealt with Jerusalem’s Jews with the standing ovations for Prime Minister Netanyahu in the American Congress last year! It is a pity that memes like “white sharia” are becoming popular among some white nationalists while the purely Aryan meme that should become popular is Nietzsche’s “transvaluation of all values” (see for example my post on Sweden I published today).

If nationalists transvalued Judaic values back to Aryan values, a new constellation of saints of the Ancient World would emerge. Not only the Judeo-Christian names would become gradually repudiated in the generations to come, they would even name their sons after Antiochus, Vercingetorix and Hermann.

Back in 2012 I asked in this blog, Why do we not celebrate the victory of Antiochus IV over the Jews, or Titus’ conquest of Jerusalem? The transvalued individual might well start calling the Hellenistic king as St Antiochus.

11 replies on “Antiochus”

An absolutely sublime read, Cesar! Fascinating as usual when you write about history.

I can’t help mentioning, however, that Alfred Rosenberg considered Dionysius to have been of Pelasgian origins. That is, a half-kike.

By the way, you’ve made a few mistakes. First, it was in 167 BC, not AD (there would be no Hellenistic kings at the time, unless you count Afghanistan). Second, it happened, 2183 years ago, not 2184 (there is no year 0).

I don’t know if Diodorus Siculus covers the Maccabean revolt, but it’s refreshing to read about Antiochus from a non-Jewish/Christian view. Diodorus constantly emphasizes the Jew’s hatred for other nations and describes how Antiochus attempted to negate Judaic laws, which is similar to Caligula’s attempt described by Orosius. Maimonides in his epistle to Yemen points out how “every despot or slave” who gained power made it his first and utmost priority to negate their laws, also identifying the intelligentsia of the nations as attempting to negate their laws. Small wonder why the modern Jew “endeavours to exterminate all those who represent the national intelligentsia”.

At last a commenter who knows history! Surely you are more knowledgeable on philosophy than I. What you say below about “Schopenhauer, Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel” and also “Goethe and Kant” I only knew about Fichte. I had the impression that all those Germans (except Goethe and Schopen’s Essays) wasted their time tangled in their spider webs, as a reader of Francis Bacon would say.

Would that everyone were able to devote time and effort into the study and research of history and the cultivation of philosophy. Sadly, this has never been the case, at least as far back as we can remember. As Hitler once said, the great masses are not composed of philosophers. Origen took this into account when he advocated Christianity’s provisional merits.

Like Hitler, I found myself in a situation where I have excess time to spare, which I have spent mostly on books (but not nearly as much as Hitler did). I am somewhat of an intellectual parasite. Everything I know has come from reading.

In hindsight, I may have actually been off about Schelling making anti-Semitic comments. I respect him for a different reason. But the rest of those philosophers I mentioned have made excellent remarks on Jewry.

Speaking of Nietzsche, it’s interesting how he and other German philosophers such as Schopenhauer, Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel, despite finding themselves in philosophical follies, were unanimous in one thing: they saw through the Jew with such remarkable clarity. Even the more lucid Germans Goethe and Kant saw through the Jew.

G. G. Otto asked “Why do we Germans, and almost we alone, fight Jewry so energetically? Why in the course of German history have there always been times when the German element turns against Jewry?”

It’s obvious that the Germans had been designated as the torch bearers of the cultural mantle which had been passed on from Greece and Rome, a culture not shaped by the majority of those states, but by the few individuals among them. There were once men of renown specifically incarnating into the German nation to fulfill a higher mission.

A reader of this blog who’s too shy to comment has sent me this email:

Antiochus Epiphanes. Epiphanes in Greek means: “[God] enlightening;” “[God] shining out.” A beautiful name for a beautiful man! Compare his euphonic name to the rotten raspy alien names in the Old Testament like “Ezekiel”.

However, Epiphanes was mistaken: He thought that he could Helenise the Jews. Epiphanes had the opportunity, 2 and a half millenia ago, to solve the Jewish Question once and for all, and he failed to take it.

This is why I condemn him. Also, our descendants will condemn us, thousands of years from now, for not solving the Jewish problem in the manner that Jews wish to solve the Aryan problem.

Again, I am primum non nocere. I am not saying that stuff like this should or ought to be done. I am merely observing philosophical phenomena.

Recognizing the – abstract – need for exterminationism so as to secure the peace, and prosperity and flourishing and freedom of the Gaelic ethnicity was probably my first heresy.

I realised that Elias/Elijah would not come back to convert the Jews to the Messiah at the end of the world, because he was prophesied to convert the Jews to the Messiah at Jesus’ first coming and this never happened.

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