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American civil war Blacks

Desperate idiots

J. Hart: Slaves were still held in several Northern states as late as 1865, so your point falls apart.

Robert Morgan: See? These idiots are desperate.

What’s the point of this objection? It’s just a lame attempt to cloud the issue. I think we can assume that the Christian fanatics who instigated and conducted the War to abolish slavery knew that, once won, it would then be abolished throughout the US. That should go without saying.

Kevin Barrett: That some might see the Civil War as primarily about the right of secession rather than slavery…

Robert Morgan: The sociology of the effort that exists to rewrite history and make the Civil War not about slavery, but about tariffs, or the right of succession, or virtually anything else, is very interesting, but the idea itself is ludicrous. If it wasn’t the point of the War, how then to explain the abolition of slavery and the gift of citizenship and the vote to negroes immediately afterward? This is something the nearly 100% white and Christian citizenry of the USA decided at that time to impose upon itself nationwide, not just upon the defeated South. It didn’t require “brainwashing” by radio, television, and film, because none of those things existed at the time. It required no Frankfurt School, no Jewish educational establishment, no AIPAC, no ADL or NAACP. It required no antifa. These white Christians did it all by themselves, to themselves.

Of course, those who want to claim the War wasn’t about slavery will also claim that there were plans to deport the negroes rather than make them citizens. But these “plans” were never more than Christian pipe dreams that depended upon all the negroes volunteering to leave. The bitter truth is that nobody had any plan to round them all up and deport them whether they wanted to go or not. That was considered so far out of the question it wasn’t even a topic of discussion at the time.

It’s only natural that modern-day Christians on the right don’t want their religion to take the blame for this, and don’t want to see their ancestors as fools. So rather than admit the truth, that the War really was driven by Christian fanaticism, expressed as a commitment to abolish slavery and assert “the brotherhood of man” through support of a radical racial egalitarianism, they strain desperately to make it about something else.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of historical illiterates who, with equal desperation, want to believe their excuses.

One reply on “Desperate idiots”

Today Morgan added: ‘If you look closely, the picture that emerges is one of a country moving sporadically, but overall constantly, in the direction of racial equality, from 1776-2020. Today’s BLM and antifa “revolutionaries” are the cultural descendants and equivalents of Civil War era abolitionists’.

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