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On Robert S. Hartman

Update of 4 April, 2020: It now looks like
this guy was Jewish on his father’s side!


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I learned the word axiology after I met Dr. Robert Hartman when he got along with my father. I even got to play a game of chess with Hartman at his home in Cuernavaca, a game that ended in a draw by the way. His book El conocimiento del bien, published in Spanish by FCE in 1965 (The Knowledge of Good: Critique of Axiological Reason, 2002 Rodopi Press), is still in the library that my father left.

I recall that when we played in Cuernavaca, Hartman opined that the machine would never beat man in chess, and he argued citing philosophers who said that, as man programmed computers, they could never beat him. Since Hartman died not long after we played that game, he didn’t see Kasparov losing a match with a computer.

There’s no need to read Hartman’s very dense axiological work The Knowledge of Good because the man was a typical neo-Christian idiot, as we can see from his words: ‘I had seen Hitler organize evil, and I had determined to try to organize good…’

I remember Hartman’s gestures. He was a very good-natured German, always smiling, married to a Swedish woman. Hartman liked to take naps after lunch and was wealthy enough to take taxis from Mexico City to Cuernavaca when he visited our home. Using metaphor, on one occasion he told my father that as a young man he had escaped from Nazi Germany, ‘¡Me salí por la ventana!’ (‘I went out the window!’). How was it possible for a well-educated German to be completely blind that the greatest Aryan revival in history happened in his native country (he was born in Berlin)?

White nationalists focus on Jewry ignoring that it is much more serious for Aryan Christians to honour the god of the Jews. See for example this pious stupidity that a well-known American racialist said yesterday about the coronavirus. I can say the same about Hartman.

I have complained that the root cause of the darkest hour in the West has been the reversal of values that has occurred since the time of Constantine. Hartman’s case exemplifies this reversal perfectly, although like the German philosophers Hartman wrote The Knowledge of Good in an altogether secular way. However, in Freedom to Live he openly said:

We can almost see our spiritual history as a struggle between Jesus and Aristotle. It was Aristotle who, 300 years before Christ, channelled human thought into the dangerous current in which Christian love was to drown—the overvaluation of systems or thought patterns and the undervaluation of human life.

So far so good? In that same book Hartman said that it bothered him that church services are more social events than spiritual experiences, and that Jesus was relegated to the role of an almost legendary figure. He also complained that Jesus didn’t live with us; that we forget that we don’t become Christians merely by being members of churches, and that Christianity is not a collective but an individual issue (the opposite of what the subversive tribe believes!).

I remember the times Hartman visited our house on Palenque Street—the same house I refer to in the great Cathedral’s dream with which I open Whispering Leaves. I was fifteen when Hartman died, which makes me think I played that game of chess with him when I was fourteen.

Hartman’s axiological tragedy is the tragedy of whites in general including the nationalists who, like the German philosopher, continue to cling to the ethics bequeathed to us by the Semitic authors who wrote the Gospels.

9 replies on “On Robert S. Hartman”

Christian love is a bastardized, Jewish version of real love. That’s why Christians have no problem killing people.

“Onward Christian Soldiers” – the Jews’ favorite hymn.

Yo, Bro! Yes, he had a goofy Christian side. But here is much more on the efforts of Tennessee Christians to suppress the scientific side of Hartman.Formal Axiology: Another Victim in Religion’s War on Science


Also, u can read abt their Falsified “biography” of him. Book Review of Bio for Formal Axiology Founder, Robert S. Hartman


Bill Kelleher

Scientific side of Hartman’s formal axiology? The only time I took Hartman’s test, the decade after he died, it seemed to me like a stupid psychological test designed to conform to the normie culture.

The HVP is one spin off of Hartman’s Formal Axiology. If used correctly, it shows how a person goes about valuing the world around him, and himself. It doesn’t have to be used to push conformity. It can be used to enhance self-awareness and self-acceptance. But it is widely used to fit an individual into a business organization, which I regard as a profit making abuse of the test. As to the “science” part, check out the first link I gave above.
Also, Hartman’s main book is The Structure of Value. Its a tough read, but that’s where he sets out the basic requirements for beginning a Science of Value — its just the basics, no actual science of value has been actually constructed yet. Odd as it may seem, the best place to start reading the book is by examining his table on page 311.
BTW, I met him a couple of times before he died. I was a 60s radical and he said my politics were “crazy.” (You might agree w/ him on that!) Other than that, I learned a lot from him.I met him through Henry T. Gardner, in San Francisco.

Please explain me something. If you leaf through this site, you’ll see that it’s a neo-Nazi site. Hartman hated Nazism, so he was an evil man according to my POV.

If I took again that test (curiously, a secular Jew tested me with Hartman’s test in the 1980s), I’d chose ‘an uniform’ as something of value for me, having in mind the Nazi uniform (I still remember that the phrase ‘an uniform’ was part of Hartman’s test).

Would the tester consider me mad or evil for liking German militarism?

P.S. Once Hartman invited a Jew at his Cuernavaca home, the same day that he invited my parents.

It doesn’t matter what the tester thinks. Fuck ’em. What matters is a professional reading of the test results. The idea of the HVP is to take an x-ray of your value process. X-rays don’t pass moral judgments. The best use of the test is to enhance self-awareness and self-acceptance – period. Your politics and my politics don’t matter, as far as the test is concerned.
Also, its true that Hartman was pro-Christian. I think that’s goofy. I’m an atheist. But his plan for a Science of Value has absolutely nothing to do w/ his religious beliefs.
Newton’s physics is excellent science, but Newton truly believed in alchemy, and he was also a tax collector for the king. He once hounded a guy for something like 10 years before he got enough evidence to have the guy hanged for tax evasion. Nice guy, eh? But his science is still useful.

There is a huge difference between Newton and Hartman, as Newton’s crank research in alchemy and the Bible has nothing to do with his physics. In the case of Hartman, on the other hand, his neo-Christianity influenced his axiological scale.

You say that what the tester thinks is irrelevant. But what he told me was that I was out of touch with reality: that it was precisely what the Hartman test said about me. It was not a neutral assessment of my standards of values (and this was when I even was a philo-Semite). Rather the Hartman test applied to me was a typical scolding like those psychological tests that want you to be a normie like the other normies.

It turns out that Robert S. Hartmann was not just “Christian”, but also half-Jewish. A quote from the German Wikipedia: “Robert Schirokauer Hartman (* 27. Januar 1910 in Berlin; † 20. September 1973 in Mexiko-Stadt) war ein US-amerikanischer Logiker und Philosoph […] Der Vater von Robert Schirokauer (das S. verblieb deswegen im Mittelnamen) war jüdischer Herkunft, seine leibliche Mutter lutherisch. Durch seine Stiefmutter wurde er katholisch erzogen.”

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