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Linder on Christianity

Listen to what Alex Linder says about Xtianity: here, here, here, here, here and here.

Or if you want to listen to the whole thing, almost 8 hours of interview, click: here. In one the last minutes Linder said: ‘I really really have thought a lot about Christianity, and studied it a hell of a lot and when I eventually write something it is going to be part about it. Because I think that is the biggest unexplored territory in relation to racialism and the whole movement—the political aspect of it. That part has not been worked out. I honestly believe that even the significant people in racialism underestimated the problems that come from that direction and [are] basically tolerating it openly as some kind of good a neutral thing. But I literally could go on and on for seven more hours, he he! Anyway…’

3 replies on “Linder on Christianity”

The first two videos in the links above
cover the main points about the ridiculousness of christianity and any thought it can actually be a strength for white nations.

The only thing he doesn’t cover in the videos is how christianity spent more time fighting and killing northern european peoples than any effort in repelling islam…………. right up to this day.

In fact, Xtianity spent more time destroying the Greco-Roman world from the fourth to the sixth century, culminating in the Holocaust of the Germans by the bloody Justinian: something that I still have to translate from the book by Deschner.

I am not sure if Linder is familiar with the content of this site. With the exception of commenter Robert Morgan at Unz Review, most anti-Xtian racialists seem to ignore the PDF in the sticky post, e.g., the Christian destruction of the classical world, or the genocide of Saxons by Charlemagne, who was only following Augustine’s The City of God (full title: On the City of God Against the Pagans).

Linder makes a mistake in the first video when he claims [9:13-9:17] that Hitler was elected leader. This is untrue: Hitler lost the election to the aging Hindenburg who, due to poor health and the difficulty of the times, appointed Hitler as Reichskanzler as a way to stabilize the state order. Hitler was subordinate to Hindenburg until he died the next year.

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