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Kali Yuga William Pierce

“We’re unique”

These two subjects are not unrelated: (1) As to date I got only one germane response to my Syssitias piece that I posted two weeks ago—Ward Kendall’s. And (2) my yesterday diatribe against white nationalists—“They are behaving like a cuckold watching two niggers, capitalism and Christianity, fucking his wife”.

They are two sides of the same coin. As William Pierce put it in Hunter:

dr_pierceJust because you and I have the balls and the inclination to join such a fight doesn’t mean that anyone else does. We’re unique. There aren’t any others like us left in this degenerate age. You’d end up with a few hundred White volunteers, and you’d find those impossible to discipline. The rest would be sitting at home waiting for their television sets to come back on and tell them what to think, running with the niggers and joining the looting and raping, or praying for Jesus to save them. Understand?

And you keep telling me that it’s all because of the Joooz? Don’t make me laugh!

4 replies on ““We’re unique””

One of the most corrosive effects on the white man in the post-war era has been ‘rock music’ in my opinion. This ‘music’ is derived from negro tribal music, yet it is listened to by quite a few so-called pro-whites despite Hitler speaking about the danger of alien cultures in degrading Aryan culture. The National Socialists would have outlawed this music as degenerate music and indeed their was a group of youth in National Socialist Germany who listened to negro music imported from the United States, the Edelweiss Pirates, who were sent to concentration camps and the heads of the group were even hanged.

The skinhead pictured in the cartoon above is based on the skinhead youth subculture that began in the mid-60’s in England that has NOTHING to do with National Socialism. Skinheads ended up getting involved with John Tyndall’s National Front after a youngster from the NF formed a group for youth that caved in to degenerate music-the Punk Front. From there on skinhead rock music became associated with National Socialism even though Hitler, Himmler etc. would have imprisoned youth in concentration camps for listening to rock music.

Considering many White Nationalists, including those in Golden Dawn, are involved in rock music and these are supposed to represent the best of our race what does that say? It means the White race is in trouble, serious trouble. There are no White men on their way to becoming supermen like the heroic SS, of course there are still racially-conscious pure-blooded White men but their character and thinking is degenerate, unlike the SS. At this rate I wonder how the White race will survive at all. The post-1945 White Nationalist movement resembles a pathetic joke at times, especially when compared to the National Socialism and Fascism of the 1920’s-1940’s.

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