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Still busy

The programmed WordPress software closes comments of a post after a week. This means that my post of last Monday, ‘Busy for proof reading’, will be closed today after 2:00 P.M.

I am still busy reviewing the book, especially the Spanish-English translated essays of Evropa Soberana.

Once the PDF of the whole book is ready, I will replace the sticky post for another one. I will also delete the current edition of the ‘Rome vs. Judea’ essay because, after my revision, it has become obsolete.

4 replies on “Still busy”

Thanks so much for your work Mr. Tort. This blog has become a sort of spiritual hub for many of us, and lots of people don’t comment yet they feel spiritually nourished and solaced by the words and observations shared on this blog.

A newspaper or blog publication, media, often functions as being the central hub of a community of people.

While Mr. Tort is working on finishing his project people may want to listen to some of these books which Mr. Linder has prepared for us.

It is camp of saints read by Alex Linder, it can be found here:


Another book read by Linder:
Ordeal Of Civility by Cuddihy (a study of the jewish mind):


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