My correspondent Kurt Johmann asked me to say something about ‘A Brief Analysis of Christianity’, a section within his book A Soliton and its owned Bions (Awareness and Mind) which subtitle reads ‘These Intelligent Particles are how we Survive Death’.
As to the origins of Christianity, Johmann relies heavily on Joseph Atwill’s 2006 Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus. I don’t claim to have read Caesar’s Messiah, but the book has become so popular that Wikipedia has an article about it. In the last couple of years I’ve seen mentions to Atwill’s book in white nationalist forums as if it was a great discovery on the origins of Christianity.
As can be gathered from the book reviewers, Atwill tries to persuade the reader that the New Testament was written under the direction of 1st-century Roman whites. Those who know the new masthead of this site, Evropa Soberana’s essay on Rome and Judea, will find it strange that Atwill would not blame the Jews for creating Christianity. He blames an emperor of the Flavian dynasty.
A Roman fraud written by a Jewish traitor in the emperor’s pay? Really? Are we to believe that the Aryan Romans really cared about the primitive literature of distant Semites enough to go through the trouble of using the Septuagint to elaborate the New Testament, with fake Pauline and non-Pauline epistles, numinous gospel narratives and even a book of revelation that craves for a New Jerusalem right after the emperors destroyed Old Jerusalem? Is this credible taking into account that this John of Patmos was so anti-pagan that in the final book of the Bible he introduced the idea of eternal torment for non-Judeo-Christians in a lake of fire?
As can be seen in the recent entries of this site, our working hypothesis is that the authors of the New Testament were either non-Aryan Judaized gentiles or, like this John of Patmos, Hellenised Jews whose hatred for white Rome was infinite.
Also, Atwill’s assertion that Jesus was a totally a fictional character is only a possibility. I am open to such possibility, as can be seen in this article by Joseph Hoffmann. However, another possibility is that a historical Yeshua existed and a lot of literary fiction was later added onto an original, bare, all too human story that is now lost forever (e.g., what Soberana speculates about the historical Jesus in his essay).
Johmann writes: ‘Although Christianity was originally contrived and constructed [by Romans] to domesticate the recently conquered population of Judea…’ According to our recent quotations of Nietzsche in this blog it looks the other way: Christianity was originally contrived and constructed by Jews to domesticate those who recently had conquered their population of Judea.
In his brief analysis of Christianity’ Johmann also wrote:
Instead of having to accept the reality model of Christianity or of any other religion to have a good afterlife, the reality model presented in this book says that what one consciously believes about the afterlife during one’s physically embodied life has no substantial effect on what one’s afterlife experiences will be, during what will be an afterlife measured in years or many years (not Christianity’s eternity) before one reincarnates, most likely reincarnating as a human again.
Regarding Christianity’s position on sexual matters, Christianity has a long history of being hostile to sex for any purpose other than the production of children. Thus, given this emphasis on having children, Christianity, in general, has a history of being against birth control, abortion, infanticide, and homosexuality. The reason Christianity has these attitudes is because Christianity wants its current believers to have many children…
The first paragraph postulates the existence of reincarnation.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s I was heavily involved in the field of parapsychology and even published my stuff in the journal of the Society for Psychical Research. I am pretty familiar with the literature arguing for evidence of reincarnation, for example the work of Ian Stevenson. With time, after meeting in person the main intellectuals of a sceptic organization, subscribing their journal, and purchasing many books published by Prometheus Books, I became sceptical of such claims, including reincarnation.
In a blog post I cannot narrate the spiritual odyssey from my credulity in such phenomena to my apostasy: I would need a whole autobiographical book recounting my inner experiences from December 1978 to May 1995. Suffice it to say that I am familiar with the work of Sue Blackmore. Sue has written a lot about out-of-body experiences, that Johmann mentions elsewhere in his book. She says such experiences may have a more prosaic, parsimonious explanation than the paranormal one (incidentally, in a Seattle café I sat with Sue and other attendees during one of the sceptical conferences that we all attended).
As to the second paragraph by Johmann cited above, not only Christianity has been hostile to sex for any purpose other than the production of children. Other cultures and religions, even the Nazis, had a history against Aryan birth control, abortion, infanticide, and homosexuality.
This said, I basically agree with the last paragraph against Christianity in Johmann’s text: that prayer is silly because, as Johmann put it, ‘is only “heard” by one’s own unconscious’, and that trying to solve our problems with prayer, begging the god of the Jews to help us, only forfeits our duty of hard, Aryan work in the real world.
7 replies on “Johmann’s brief analysis”
Cesar, thanks for the review. Here is the complete text of that paragraph that you partially quoted:
“Regarding Christianity’s position on sexual matters, Christianity has a long history of being hostile to sex for any purpose other than the production of children. Thus, given this emphasis on having children, Christianity, in general, has a history of being against birth control, abortion, infanticide, and homosexuality. The reason Christianity has these attitudes is because Christianity wants its current believers to have many children, because Christian parents are likely to take their young children to a Christian church, with an end result that this early indoctrination of the child into a particular religion, in this case the Christian religion, makes it much more likely–when compared to a child who had no such early indoctrination into that religion–that that child when adult will be a member of that religion and an active supporter of it–putting money in the collection plate, for example. Thus, what has guided Christianity’s position on sexual matters is the self-interest of those who directly live off Christianity, because, in general, more Christians means more material support for those who directly live off Christianity.”
Joe Atwill has great difficulty naming the jew. It’s always the ‘oligarchs’ ‘Deep State’ ‘Elites’ ‘Huxleys’. Plus he tries to explain everything by the Hegelian Dialectic – Oligarchs funded both sides, Hitler a puppet of the Rothschilds. The idea that the Flavians (counselled by the court jew, Josephus) contrived a new jewish sect, Christianity, as a means of controlling rebellious jews in Palestine, has a surface credibility; but with any deeper understanding it falls apart. You only have to read what Cicero, Claudius, Seneca & other Aryan Romans thought of jews and Judaism to know how repelled they were by these alien fanatics. “Caesar’s Messiah” is an hypothesis supported by cherry-picked ‘evidence’, seemingly steering the focus away from jews. Atwill has some interesting insights, ‘Life Time Actors’, to explain key people in the political class. But you have to wonder about him and his moronic anti Hitler canards.
The Nazis were anti birth control and abortion but this was more for the cause of eugenics – high IQ women are more likely to use these practices. I can’t disagree with the Nazis anti homosexuality stance, especially as they knew it was jewish promoted degeneracy?
Owl of Minerva, if Jews created Christianity as you claim, then why do Jews reject it? Also, if Jews created Christianity, then why does the Jesus character say things that directly support Roman imperialism?
Quoting from footnote 119 in my book: “The main reason I believe Joseph Atwill is correct, is because the social teachings that come out of the mouth of the Jesus character support how an empire, which holds captive one or more foreign peoples, would want those captive peoples to behave in that empire. Thus, as a tool of Roman imperialism and imperialism in general, this constructed religion of Christianity teaches thru its main character Jesus and his so-called apostles the following:”
‘Egalitarianism: “For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him.” The implication of this teaching of equality between different peoples is to reject or at least limit any nationalist tendencies one may have.’
‘Pacifism: Various sayings of the Jesus character, including “Resist not evil: but whosoever hits you on your right cheek, turn to him the other cheek also,” and “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.” ‘
‘Submissiveness to the imperial center (in this case Rome): In the Jesus story, in answer to a question about paying Roman taxes, Jesus said “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” ‘
I won’t respond for Owl but may address the question: ‘…if Jews created Christianity as you claim, then why do Jews reject it?’
Maybe I overstated above that Xtianity was created by Jews, as other Semites, gentile mudbloods and sandniggers could also be involved in its creation.
Jews didn’t create Islam but they supported it during the Moors’ occupation of Spain; their beef was against the Aryans. So even if they may reject Islam in some way, would approve its methods if Muslims fight white culture. The same policy toward other non-Jew Semites.
At any event, Mary, Joseph, John the Baptist, Jesus, Peter and the other the Apostles, and Paul were all Jews, as Jewish was John of Patmos and the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews in the New Testament, and perhaps other NT authors. The point is that even if not every single NT author was Jewish, the core of the gospel message for the gentiles of the Roman Empire was obviously Judaic.
@box456, “if Jews created Christianity…..then why do Jews reject it? Also, if Jews created Christianity, then why does the Jesus character say things that directly support Roman imperialism?”
Jews create religions and ideologies as psy-op weapons against the Goyim – Christianity, then Marxism, lately Cultural Marxism. Sure, jews rejected Christianity, as they deep down reject egalitarian Judeo-Marxism. jews are the most intensely racially conscious, supremacist of peoples, with an undying hatred of Aryans. They relentlessly pushed subversive Marxism as a weapon against Europeans. They don’t believe for a second in the equality of all races.
The Romans did not need a unifying world religion. If you read Virgil, Romans saw the Pax Romana, Roman Civilization, Law, Citizenship, and finally their legions as the unifying principles of an empire. Once Caesar had brutally pacified Gaul, and later with Boudica in Britain, they never rebelled. The superiority of Roman civilization was accepted.
The divinity of the Roman emperor was pushed as a unifying principle. How seriously did the emperors themselves take this? Vespasian on his death bed joked that he felt himself turning into a god. When jews and Christians wouldn’t publicly accept the divinity of the emperor this was regarded as subversive. Bit like an ethnic group in a crowd not standing for the national anthem at a football game today.
Control of the masses in Rome & Alexandria was by Panem & Circenses – bread and circuses, elsewhere in the Empire, the legions, not by a new state religion. Christian egalitarianism and pacifism would not have come out of the Roman Aryan mind. Too repellently alien.
Hitler’s mentor Dietrich Eckart hit the target in his book “Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin”. Hitler himself said in TT “Christianity was the Bolshevism of the Ancient world”.
Joe Atwill elsewhere talks about ‘weaponised anthropology’, weaponised ideas which have jewish fingerprints all over them. This is closer to understanding the origins of Christianity. Nietzsche said that the jews had a genius for creating a new mass (slave) morality.
The way I see it; Roman Catholicism is Judaism for Gentiles. The rabbinate and hierarchy of Catholicism mirror each other.
@César Nice to see your stance on prayer! Russians love praying.
“jews are the most intensely racially conscious, supremacist of peoples”
That’s why they imported Ethiopian Negroes to Israel? Jews are far from being racially-conscious. Maybe, they’re simply driven mad by the emanations from serving their dark god of destruction? Like with the mind-altering terrazine in StarCraft.
“Once Caesar had brutally pacified Gaul, and later with Boudica in Britain, they never rebelled. The superiority of Roman civilization was accepted.”
And since then, France has been a racially-confused “Romance” country, a Ring-wraith forever haunting Europe, via the Revolurion transmuted into the Russia of the West.