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Once again: during my walks, the only exercise I do, my best thoughts come to me. A few minutes ago I thought that my standard for a possible friendship is precisely the figure of Uncle Adolf. That’s why I will continue to quote Brendan Simms. Although ideologically this biographer is not our friend, his book contains much vital information about Adolf Hitler’s ideals as far as repudiating the golden calf is concerned. And the book by Richard Weikart (abridged here), another ideological enemy of ours, contains vital information about what Hitler thought about Christianity.

The German Chancellor was perfectly aware of what, in the comments section, I said on Wednesday about how harmful Christianity is to the mental health of the Aryan man; and the same can be said of corporate capital. Never mind that, during the Third Reich, New Testament exegesis would not have developed to the level it has in the 21st century (the most recent interpretive findings reveal that Jesus of Nazareth was not even a historical figure, just a character of the rabbis’ literary fiction).

If a contemporary white man is red-pilled on both issues—the toxicity of the religion of our parents and how Big Business is antithetical to Aryan preservation—we can be friends. Otherwise, we cannot and certainly not if, out of pride, one is reluctant to question religion or the economic system we live in.

If someone is already on Hitler’s level, it is much easier to convince him that the Jesus that Uncle Adolf imagined last century as a historical figure didn’t even exist. Likewise, if someone has already realised that corporate capital has no flag, so it is trying to globalise society and even mongrelise it, he has already taken the first step towards repudiating the project of the nation he was born into.

Who is willing to (1) repudiate Christianity and (2) the project of his nation (see this comment that six years ago, on 30 August 2018, to be exact, Edwin posted on this site)?

He who, in pursuit of the 14 words[1] is willing to take both steps, is my friend.

[1] Equivalent to the four words in Latin: Gens alba conservanda est.

2 replies on “Friends”

Breaking out of the system is hard, reactionaries are limited to try keeping capitalism and “christianity” working or “fix” it. Which is why the wests current politicians fail. This is probably the reason why most revolutionaries are young, after say 35 the brain cannot readily accept new ideas, without violent stimulation of events.

I see it as the sin of pride. I was a liberal until I was fifty. The migration of people with skin the color of poop changed my paradigm.

The difference between me and other boomers is that I never suffered from that sin.

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