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Evropa Soberana (webzine)

Evropa Soberana, backup 47

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These scenes are from Dhaka, the Bangladeshi capital, but they could very well be from Calcutta or any other overpopulated South Asian city. The human multiplication and insane overcrowding taking place in this region is very representative of a civilisation that can only be artificially sustained by grain, hydrocarbons, indebtedness, consumerism, pollution, miserable living conditions, slavery, racial vulgarisation and other dead ends of human evolution, grouped under the euphemistic label of ‘sustainable development’. This social picture suits high finance: when a majority becomes very poor, inevitably a minority becomes very rich.

2 replies on “Evropa Soberana, backup 47”

It looks like we Europeans may get to experience this type of crowding if the globalists manage to flood our continent with hundreds of millions from the Third World.

Isn’t it the fate of the planet at any rate (sans an irrevocable technological collapse)? The Führer’s victory would have led to the genocide of a billion Asians and Africans in the 1940-50s, thus cutting the 5.8 billion of the current hominids there, but the Germans in the Ukraine would have proliferated prodigiously, in a few centuries reaching the same conclusion. Unless transhumanism, disease, or sterilisation.

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