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Four riders of the Apocalypse

Left, four horsemen of the apocalypse, as depicted in the Apocalypse work by Albrecht Dürer. As I said a couple of days ago, it could be said that I have waited for the trumpet blast since my adolescence, in the sense of settling accounts with humanity.

Not that the coronavirus is the apocalypse, far from it. But the convergence of catastrophes will be—worldwide collapse of fiat currencies as a result of the pandemic this year (or the next one), and later in this century energy devolution together with wars of despair.

I will be using the image of the night king and his minions in every entry that touches on the theme of the 2020 apocalyptic trumpet that heralds the first goblets of wrath poured out on sinful mankind.

Even today I will change the images to my recent entries.

3 replies on “Four riders of the Apocalypse”

The First is Pestilence.
Followed by Famine.
Then comes War.
And finally, Death.

Even if only 70 million people are dead by 2021, (1% of humanity) that’s a considerable relief for mother Nature.

If the Jews don’t start building their third temple before 2060, then, you’re probably right. I’ll only really believe it if I see it happening.

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