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Ancient Rome Emperor Julian Evropa Soberana (webzine) Judea v. Rome Real men

Apocalypse for whites • XXXII

by Evropa Soberana


“Why were you so ungrateful to our gods as to desert them for the Jews?” —Julian, addressing the Christians

The Emperor Julian as the last flick of the tail of Rome
While Europe is in this lamentable state, and all hope seems lost, there is a last representative figure of the ancestral tradition: the Emperor Flavius Claudius Julianus (331-363), whom Christians will call Julian the Apostate, for having rejected Christianity (in which he was educated) and advocated a return to the past.
Julian restored the old ways in 361, organized religious practices to oppose the Christian Church, and proclaimed benevolence towards the Hellenists. In 362, he ordered to destroy the tomb of Jesus in Samaria.
Julian was a philosopher, ascetic, artist, Neo-Platonist, Stoic, strategist, man of letters, mystic and soldier. In wars, he always accompanied his legions, suffering the same privations and calamities as a foot infantry soldier. It is said that this emperor had a vision in dreams before his death: The imperial eagle of Rome (solar symbol of Jupiter) leaves Rome and flies towards the East, where he takes refuge in the highest mountains in the world. After sleeping for two millennia, he wakes up and returns to the West with a sacred symbol between his legs, and is acclaimed by the people of the empire.
In 363, in full campaign against the empire of the Emperor Shapur II, Julian is killed by a stabbing in the back by a Christian infiltrated in his ranks.
The last emperor who was an adept of classical culture was also the man who, trying to avoid the end, envisioned a new beginning. It belongs to that mysterious list of great men born too late or too soon.
After this last announcement of future resurrection, Rome is already eaten up, rotten, cursed. It has gone from a coarse, forceful, natural and Spartan spirit to a decadent, cosmopolitan, promiscuous, pseudo-sophisticated and complacent world with slaves—and from there to the Christian creed. Now nothing will save Rome from the final, galloping decay.

Emperor Julian (331-363). From now on, we will see how
the statues of the Roman emperors gradually degenerate.

4 replies on “Apocalypse for whites • XXXII”

Julian, a Titan of Aryan history, who struggled to throw off the incubus of Christianity. The key thing was that Julian had been trained in Christianity, knew it from the inside. Julian was a general of the stature approaching Caesar’s. A rare combination of philosophic and military abilities.
The Italian Renaissance in many ways too was an attempt to break free of Christianity, returning to the health of the Greco-Roman spirit.
Then onto Hitler and National Socialism. The last throw of the dice for Aryan Man?

TOO’s SSPX article & comments are revealing. You have mentioned how difficult it is for Xtian’s to break free of their parents’ cult. Ditto with ideologies – Marxism, Liberalism – well, they’re only secular Xtianity. The wreckage of both the latter over the past 100 years is patent, yet universities still indoctrinate future adepts in these death cults. Is it that Greco-Roman ethics, metaphysics are just too aristocratic, too bleak ? The acknowledgement of Fate and Destiny – forces outside even the gods’ control – the eternal struggle of human existence for the Overman to rise ever higher? The jews’ ‘genius’ has been to replace an aristocratic morality with a mass morality even though the resulting decay destroys all. As these important articles elaborate.

Soon I’ll be translating the Hypatia section (that you requested some time ago, albeit on the Deschner series). Even a kike like Carl Sagan mentions this Christian atrocity in Cosmos, yet I needed the whole historical context to understand the tragedy.

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