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Conspiracy theories

Spencer on Las Vegas massacre

In the first section of today’s podcast (here), Richard Spencer and his friends talk about the Las Vegas massacre last Sunday. It’s not a bad segment but I would still like to take issue with some of the things they have said.
When Spencer talks about sterilizing people like Stephen Paddock, claiming that his father was a criminal wanted by the FBI, he falls into the bio-reductionist trap of biological psychiatry. If Paddock was mistreated as a boy the problem lied in the childrearing methods used against him, not in his genes. (I have written a lot about pseudoscientific psychiatry and translated a single essay, which appears in Day of Wrath.)
One of Spencer’s friends began listing conspiracy theories about the massacre and mistakenly said there was an absence of graphic photographs of the bodies in Las Vegas. There is no such absence (see a YouTube clip: here). Note of October 7: YouTube's thoughtpolice has deleted this clip.
Another failure of the podcast was to compare Paddock with Oswald. Oswald had a very definite and fanatical pro-Soviet, pro-Cuban ideology: something Paddock apparently lacked at all. On the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Spencer then commented ‘there is something’ and the others agreed.
I invested some of my time and money in going to Seattle in 1994 to a conference of sceptics who demystified conspiracy theories about the JFK assassination (see the Sunday program of the conference: here). A few years later, in Houston, I even obtained a book that also debunked those theories.
That was in the 1990s but I still remember the moment when, in my elementary school Arnold Gesell, a classmate gave me the news that the president of the United States had just been killed, which made me feel bad even though I was a small child. In the 1960s I listened no crazy theories. What later did the half-Jew Oliver Stone with JFK, and the Jewish publishers of books, was analogous to the recent episode of Charlottesville: blaming the Alt-Right when the real culprit was the Antifa.
The case of the murder of JFK had as an obvious motivation Oswald’s fascination for Castro: something that, had it not been for conspiracy theories, would have meant a very strong blow to the American left. That’s basically what Gregory Hood says in ‘The Kennedy Assassination & the Big Lie’.
(Anyone wishing to inquire why JFK conspiracy theories are retarded may begin with my excerpts of an interview with Vincent Bugliosi: here.)
Is it not a shame for Spencer and company that a non-American as I know more of the real history of their country? In the podcast Spencer insists about the assassination of JFK, ‘It’s a question of cui bono’ without taking into account that the Left would have lost had it not been because the media invented a conspiratorial narrative. Apparently Spencer and company are behaving like the masses regarding JFK, not as truly dissident intellectuals.
After the section on the Las Vegas massacre in today’s podcast, there was an interlude of degenerate music around minute 38. Then Spencer and company changed the subject to Catalonia and North Korea.

4 replies on “Spencer on Las Vegas massacre”

Magical thinking, cult-like behaviour, pseudoscience and pseudohistory are so insanely common, it’s unbelievable.
In the West, it’s JFK, 9/11, anti-vaccination, (partially) anti-masturbation, and the multitude of “false flag” conspiracy theories.
In Russia, it’s Levashov. On the one hand, his ideology is nationalistic and anti-semitic, on the other hand, he proclaims that Russia was the oldest civilization on Earth, “Grand Tartaria”…
Thing is, cults and delusions don’t harm nations that much. Christianity does, and it isn’t really a cult. It’s a millennia-old moral framework, axiology — suicidal, yet not insane.
JFK conspiracy theorists choose not to read any evidence to the contrary. Christians choose not to live. Can you possibly convince them?

A few years ago one of the regulars stopped commenting here when I asked him to read one of the sceptical books on JFK or shut up. These people firmly believe that they only have to listen one side, the conspiracist side, to understand the subject.
Equally infuriating is how they are stuck with 9/11 conspiracies years after they were easily debunked.
These days, at Occidental Dissent, various commenters advanced theories on Las Vegas massacre involving the Joooz, etc.
What I find exasperating is that with the info condensed in Goodrich’s book the whole post-war narrative would easily fall, but nationalists chose assigning false sins to the US instead of real ones.

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