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Julian (novel)

JVLIAN excerpts – XIV

“Why were you so ungrateful to our gods
as to desert them for the Jews?”

—Julian, addressing the Christians


“Then the temple of Eleusis will be destroyed—all the temples in all of Greece will be destroyed. The barbarians will come. The Christians will prevail. Darkness will fall.”


This quote from page 146 of Vidal’s novel is rather epigrammatic because with all probability this will be my last quote of Julian unless I find myself safe in another country and can afford to bring my whole library, that presently is with me in Mexico City, to my new home overseas…

2 replies on “JVLIAN excerpts – XIV”

I notice the, “Open Hand”, as opposed to the, “Hidden Hand” of the Masons, in this bust of Julian. There must be a meaning here, possibly a truth?

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This is repulsive: link, link

These articles refer to the past but I wonder if dont hint to the future as well.

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