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Mainstream media Mexico City

Blue pill

What I said in my 17 January post, ‘Relocation’, that I’m so busy vacating my house and finding a new home that I don’t have time to blog, is accurate. But I’m taking advantage of this morning when I woke up shortly after 4:00 a.m. to say something.

The inauguration of Donald Trump’s second term has corroborated what I have been saying about Latin America: it is the subcontinent of the blue pill, in the sense that the thinking classes vehemently reject the red one.

After the inauguration, I took the trouble to canvass the opinions of several Mexican intellectuals in the country’s MSM.

I was surprised that they all agreed on issues related to Trump’s decrees, such as COVID vaccines (i.e., Mexican intellectuals swallow everything the WHO said), being alarmed at the renewed American care of the Rio Grande border, buying into the myth of the ‘violent assault’ on the US Capitol in January 2021, or that it wasn’t a political ploy that Trump was found guilty of the charges he faced in a historic trial in New York. By and large, Mexican intellectuals rebuke the will of the American people to have re-elected Trump because of the latter’s policy on Mexico and far prefer Joe Biden.

The people I saw on those TV programmes after Trump’s inauguration are well educated. Their handling of Spanish is better than mine in the sense of the wealth of common metaphors and idioms in journalism. But all the IQ, erudition, and superb command of the language of Cervantes of about twenty-five intellectuals I saw talking at several round tables go down the drain when trying to understand what is happening in the neighbouring country to the north.

I could have included more pictures of the Mexican intellectuals I saw in these programmes. But I chose only two pictures because it shocked me that, in different TV programmes, Javier Tello (first pic) said nothing to his guest. This Woke woman was extremely dismayed that Trump dared to say that ‘there are only two biological sexes’ (as if everyone knew that sex is not binary but a spectrum!). Federico Reyes Heroles (second pic) went further: he wasn’t only shocked by Trump’s statement that there are only two sexes, but was very concerned about how, after Trump’s reloaded presidency, trans people will feel…

Let there be no doubt: all Mexican intellectuals, including those with white skin, sleep peacefully in the Matrix that controls them.

7:29 a.m. postscript:

These cultured Mexicans are grotesquely dishonest.

Another of the intellectual women invited to the roundtable chaired by Javier Tello, in disapproving of Trump’s decree on the two sexes, spoke of the egalitarian ideals of the founding fathers of the US—omitting that neither those fathers nor anyone else, until recently, believed that sex (‘gender’ in today’s Newspeak) is simply binary!

Postscript of January 31:

All the Mexican intellectuals I see in the MSM regurgitate politically correct orthodoxy. For example, one well-known intellectual expressed concern that Trump wouldn’t help Ukraine if elected (ignoring that Biden brought us to the brink of nuclear confrontation by launching rockets at Russia!).

Other Mexican intellectuals blamed global warming for the fires in Los Angeles, ignoring that the ‘inclusive’ measures of the lesbian fire chief, and the governor of California, were fatal in preventing it!

Postscript of February 1:

A couple of days ago, Mexican journalist Eduardo Ruiz Healy (pic left) said that Trump had a screw loose for having suggested in a press conference that a ‘diverse’ air traffic controller could kill you, referring to the recent crash at Washington’s airport.

In fact he is the crazy one, and the rest of the Mexican ‘intelligentsia’—or rather dumb reporters—, for refusing to see the obvious. See Jared Taylor’s recent video, ‘Think Twice Before You Fly’.

6 replies on “Blue pill”

Looking at these individuals, they seem to have considerably nordic blood in them, so why keep pushing the anti nordic narrative? Why are they so woke? Do they actually know better but are so dishonest and selfish?

How is that Mexico is more progressive than the USA? They even elected the first female president, a jewess, if I am not mistaken.

My guess is that the average white American still has some sense of racial conciousness, and that’s why Donald Trump was barely able to win.

You are exactly right! And yes: the Mexicans recently elected a jewess.

But the pair of white Mexicans pictured above don’t have Jewish blood. They are simply traitors to their ethnic group, who identify with mestizos and Indians rather than those with their blood.

What strikes me most about the Mexican media is that there is nothing similar to, let’s say, Fox News or Tucker Carlson. All of the country’s MSM is monopolised by the far left! You live in an American world that is much saner—or much less crazy I should say—than what we have south of the border!

From your experience is it just the intellectuals/political class and the MSM in Mexico or are the everyday whites (if such exist in great enough numbers) unanimously brainwashed too? I’d hope at least there a couple of Alt-Lites.

I think, in my own country, a good portion of the citizens are just the body-snatched pods you mention, cruel and selfish and the rest, and otherwise devoid of ethics or genuine political/societal interest. However, a good many of them are at least leaning increasing to an unspoken ‘right-wing’ populism, or some type of simmering riotous discontent, unlike the political and journalist class of our country, who are, unanimously, about on par with Mexico’s elite, if not worse. Britain has GB News (or Reform), or the likes of Peter Hitchens or Douglas Murray, but nothing beyond that really, and these groups and individuals have no systemic power, and are maligned very easily by our media. I’d put them on par with Trump or Tucker Carlson red pill-wise. I don’t count Patriotic Alternative and the like, much as they’re about equally ineffective, as they spread a damaging pacifist message.

Do you have any rebels or radical groups, even if underground, even if considerably more milquetoast? Much as I feel like the only overt NS-loyal person in my own country most of the time, it’s disturbing to know you’re the only genuine priest of the 4 words in Mexico. There must be someone else, even if they are, say, a 4 to 5 on your Rubicon-crossing scale, and not a 9 or 10 (by the way, I’ve been comfortable with being a 10 for a while).

Regarding your first question, I know alt-lite whites in Mexico, even kind of racialists, but generally not of the intellectual type.

Regarding your second question, indeed: I know a handful of them, but we couldn’t even say that they could be calibrated with Mauricio’s scale that you allude to. These racialist types in Mexico City are less white than the pair of normies I pictured above, but they are under the mistaken impression that they are full whites!

If I live to translate my third autobiographical book, you will be able to read about my misfortunes with the latter ones…

The fellow with blue eyes is white even by Spanish standards! I have a nephew, who is half Spanish, and half extremely white Irish, who is darker than him! I go to Spain about twice a year, to see family.

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