I recently said that I don’t talk about news on this site unless we use a news story to discuss metapolitics. From this angle, I can use the recent American election to illustrate one of the ideological pillars of this site.
Everyone knows what Christianity is. But those who have read Tom Holland will understand what we mean by atheistic hyper-Christianity, which we sum up in one word: neochristianity. In short, all Western atheists are neochristians since Christianity has not only the dogmatic side but also an axiological side. To give just one example. In my previous post I mentioned The Turner Diaries: a novel that ends when the Aryans exterminate the non-Aryans on the whole planet. Since that novel is never mentioned on white nationalist sites as the blueprint for what needs to be done, we could label them all as Judeo-Christian or Neo-Judeochristian. Why? Because the proclamation of human rights in the time of the French Jacobins, as Holland saw in his book, is at heart a proclamation of Christian ethics, albeit stripped of its religious trappings.

In his book Dominion, Holland included this image that imitate Moses’ commandments.
So there are no authentic apostates from Christianity in the West, except those who think as the late William Pierce thought in his novel—and in his history of the white race, where he said that all Aryan conquests failed because they failed to exterminate the natives. (This Hitler, Himmler and Heydrich did plan with their Master Plan East because, unlike the American racialists, they did dare to cross the psychological Rubicon: transvalue all Christian values.)
Once the POV of this site is understood, it becomes clear that the recent American election was a contest between the basically Christian values of those who voted for Trump and the neochristian values of those who voted for the mulatta. The problem is that both factions are two sides of the same coin. It was clear from Biden’s inaugural speech, from the Woke vocabulary he used, that whoever wrote it had already left traditional Christianity behind in pursuit of neochristianity: which takes the principle of Christian equity to its ultimate consequence (those who have not yet read Dominion should read it, abridged by me here).
Which faction is worse, the new or the old? It is very common among the American racial right to say that the new one is worse, but an accelerationist who has in mind the metaphor of the frog gradually burning out without noticing it would reply that maybe the old one is worse.
I don’t know which is worse. It is irrelevant. What counts is that the Pauline principle that there will be no more distinction between Greeks—that is, whites—and Jews came, in its secular transmutation in the 1960s, to be metastasised so that we would see blacks as brothers and ‘liberate’ our women. In our century Wokism took that principle to its ultimate consequences with homo ‘marriage’ and transgender empowerment. The latter may seem grotesque but it is grounded in Christian ideals, as I said in my 2019 post ‘On empowering birds feeding on corpses’, where I talk about the Franciscans of the 14th century.
The conservative revolution that is causing so much excitement among those rejoicing at Trump’s victory has to be understood from this meta-political angle. It is not a genuine revolution, as was the German NS. Rather, it is two Christian factions fighting each other: one very liberal and the other conservative. But salvation lies in abandoning Christian ethics altogether: which is why I changed the subtitle of this blog today from ‘Gens alba conservanda est’ to ‘Post-1945 National Socialism’.
Unlike today’s racialists Hitler understood Xtianity.
7 replies on “Two factions”
From what I remember from the Table Talks, I don’t know if Hitler ever planned to kill all of the Russians. Seems to me he said something about selling them trinkets and rotgut spirits.
I didn’t say that Hitler wanted to eliminate the Russians; I was referring to the Gypsies and the usual suspects. In any case, the Slavs who lacked properly Nordic features would have been enslaved.
Enslaving the dark races has always backfired on Nordics. Look at Ancient Greece and Sparta, Ancient Rome, Celts, Southern United States.
The reason for it backfiring has always been that these races will end up taking the concept of equality and humanity, which originally was meant to apply only to the equality and health of all Nordics both in body and character as a whole, and reinterpreted it to mean equality of all people by only focusing on character ignoring and disconnecting the importance of the unity of body with character.
The Jews pulled this same idea when they adopted Hellenic and Roman ideas during late antiquity and they pulled it again during the 19th Century along with Blacks and other Nonwhites. That is how Nordics fells both during antiquity and the modern era. That is also why late Rome and Greece are favored by them as well.
And backfired to Mediterraneans as well. See what happened to Iberian whites in so-called Latin America.
As I pointed out before, there are frescoes in Pompeii of Roman Noblewomen, or in Latin: dominae, having sex with their negro slaves. The enslavement of non-whites is white genocide. A similar thing happened in the American South: Negroes became so diluted as to become almost indistinguishable from whites. No doubt they then formed part of the white bloodline. Aron Ra, an atheist on YouTube, identifies as white, but in one talk he showed his ancestors living in American Indian Teepees. There probably has been a considerable amount of pollution of the white bloodline in America thanks to Black Slavery and the American Indians. I see on YouTube, that very often leftist “whites” are very sallow skinned and have dark brown eyes. I mostly watch Marxist content on YouTube as I think that I have digested everything that the radical racial right has to say.
Off topic, thanks for your recent kind words about me in your mailing list.
Hmm, are you saying that only black people were enslaved by the Romans?