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Mauricio (commenter)

On Mauricio’s ladder

‘The most incisive and penetrating comment I’ve seen on this blog for the past year. This deserves as wide a circulation as possible. I was stuck on level 5 for many years, before finally throwing away the Christian baggage. Now I’m at level 9’. —Edwin

3 replies on “On Mauricio’s ladder”

Both Q’s remain unresolved. Until then, the old quote, “dancing around the campfire,” describes the present state-of-the-*****.” Reading Bardamu’s “Why Europeans Must Reject Christianity” opens the floodgates of transferences packed away deeply in the subconcious. His first 6 pages pretty much articulate my first sixty years. (I’ve followed this website since I found it in 2012.) C.T., you’re truly an evangelist.

Yes, I read it again this morning. I agree. However, I remain pessimistic that the world will ever see the aryan group standing on the tenth rung. Until that same aryan group works its way up and into developing and growing the winning bullying response to their adversaries. Very likely a long haul — centuries? — project. (And look at the arab repsonse to Neo-Israel. I recently read a speech given by Benjamin Freedman, given way back in 1951. He was a jew-turned-pro-palestine. He talked in that speech of a soon coming united response by the Arabs to the thieves of Palestine. Was it the failed Six Day War? Anyway, the world still waits. (Remember the ruse of the Kissinger peace talks with Yasser Arafat. Never ending. I knew it was only a ruse at the time. Just like the many other chimera’s that the controlling narrators spin to keep the masses in pyschosis.))

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