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Daybreak Publishing

Must-read chapter

My main difference with Alt Right folks is that most of them cannot see a couple of elephants in their own room. As I say in the Preface to the updated edition The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour:

This collection of essays by twenty authors is the result of ten years of following closely the movement known as ‘white nationalism’ which I discovered while living in Gran Canaria: an island near Africa that belongs to Spain. My diagnosis after a decade of intensive research is that two astronomical lies spawned a narrative that has been fatally demoralising the white peoples: a millennial lie about early Christianity and a more recent lie about the Second World War.

Part I shows how Christianity, originated in Judaism, during an ISIS-like fanatical takeover of the classical world destroyed the temples, most statues and libraries in the 4th and 5th centuries of the Common Era. Through Christianity Judea thus triumphed over Rome after the disastrous Jewish-Roman wars of previous centuries. Another article of this section also mentions a gigantic genocide that the Allies perpetrated in Germany: the first Jew-wise racially awakened Aryan nation in Western history. Inspired in a passage of The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, this section also includes a subject that I consider paramount to spare the fair race from extinction: the development of the inner soul as a lesson in humility to cure the Anglo-Saxons of the false narrative with which their System bombards us over Hitler and the Nazis. Both the Judeo-Christian destruction of the Greco-Roman world, and the Holocaust of Germans in 1944-1947, are the best-kept secrets in Western history. Studying these events suggests that the current anti-white, pro-Jewish narrative is based on a fantastic inversion of two historical calamities: the ultimate cause of the West’s darkest hour.

As long as the First Amendment hangs on a thread, most racially conscious whites won’t take the trouble to download or print long PDFs. They will simply continue reading the alt-right websites. But online books like The Fair Race (PDF: here) will become handy after the System takes our sites down—if they are now properly saved in our hard disks.

The Fair Race consists of 710 pages with many colour illustrations. It is divided in ten parts and a few appendixes. New visitors who want to become regular commenters must read Part I to see the two elephants. If you find it sufficiently intriguing and don’t want to read onscreen the rest of the book, or print it for a ring binder, consider obtaining a hard copy here. One never knows when the System will drop its hammer on the Gutenberg press of the 21st century (last year, this site was taken down for a couple of days; there’s a backup of it here).

6 replies on “Must-read chapter”

Unlike the previous edition, in this ultimate version of The Fair Race I have added a dozen texts authored by me (that appear between the articles of 20 authors in this compilation).

Dear Cesar,

Thanks for the dedicated work you keep doing.

“The development of the inner soul as a lesson in humility…” says it all for me.

You are one of my very few pioneers of the truth.



Your work here is top notch. I live in the midwest US and am raising a large family, at least by today’s standards. All of us are blond/blue eyes, which is becoming more rare even in the northern midwest. The racial decay I have seen here in the last decade is unprecedented. So reading some of your work has been inspiring. I had been involved in WN years ago but abandoned it. The quality of white men today has fallen into the abyss, tragically.

I bought this book last week on Amazon. It is due to arrive today. The transaction seems to have been very smooth.

Thank you for your words.

I didn’t know that the now very obsolete edition was available from Amazon!

And yes: this is the worst generation of whites since prehistory.

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